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PG Era Rant: Raw is Guerra, 5.5.14

When last we left our heroes, they went further than we thought possible. A monster was sent back through the fires of Hell, but came up ready to continue. Another found himself surrounded by steel, opposition, and the sight of a messenger he can't afford to see. But there was some Bad News mixed in, as we have a new champion. Now, it's time to see who's on their way to getting Payback.

The PG Era Rant or Raw, 5-5-14.

En Vivo from Albany, Nuevo York. Episode #1093.

Your hosts are Miguel Cole, Juan Bradshaw Layfield, and El Rey Lawler. Cinco de Maio, folks.

Your nuggets of wisdom from the Pre-Show...

SUPERSTARS MATCHES: The Usos vs. 3MB; Paige in action.
RAW EVENTS: 20 Man Battle Royal for the United States Championship; Barrett/Langston mandated rematch; Bray Wyatt's crusade continues; Rob Van Dam faces Antonio Cesaro; Adam Rose debuts.

Opening match: 20 man Battle Royal for the United States Championship. Your participants are champion Dean Ambrose, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Mark Henry, Titus O'Neil, R-Truth, Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Ryback, Curtis Axel, Sheamus, Big Show, Zack Ryder, Fandango, Santino Marella, Sin Cara, and Damien Sandow. Battle Royal start. I'll try to keep up. Big Show slaps around Xavier Woods. Woods out at 1:08. The Rhodeses are teaming up. Santino and Fandango keep up their thing. Ryder's out at 1:27. Cody and Sandow renew pleasantries. Truth out at 1:55. Sheamus has Goldust, O'Neil has Santino. Ziggler goes over and back a few times. Ziggler jumps on Big Show's back like an idiot. Ziggler's shirt is off. Kofi blocks a Swagger elimination attempt. Santino crawls on the apron and stays in. Slater and Fandango try to knock each other off. O'Neil is tossed at 3:32 as Ziggler and Slater are stuck going over but get back in. Ziggler wobbles on the apron. Sin Cara tossed onto everyone at 4:02 and he's out via Big Show, who's eliminated just about everyone so far. Show steps on Slater as Ziggler escapes back in. Sheamus has Swagger in trouble. Santino hangs on. Ziggler takes the Slaughter Bump to the apron, and Fandango tries to finish it. Ambrose and Goldust works on Axel, but no dice. Show spanks Slater. Yes, really. (JBL: “Good game, kid.”) Sandow charges Sheamus and runs into the Ten of Clubs on his way out at 5:49 (with Slater's help). Ambrose clips Sheamus as we go to commercial with 14 remaining.

US Championship Battle Royal, continued. We're back with the crowd cheering Ziggler as Big Show and Mark Henry get multiple-teamed. Heath Slater was tossed during the break. Show and Henry throw everyone aside and slug it out. Spot never fails to excite the crowd. Show chokeslams Henry (!!) before a Brogue Kick from Sheamus, and the whole world takes Show out at 10:15. Then it's Henry, and he's out at 10:28. We're down to 11 as Kofi teases going out but lands on the apron. Fandango tries to kick him off, but Ambrose takes both men out at 11:03 and 11:06. Goldust works on Axel win the ten punch countalong, but he's taken out at 11:32, with Cody following at 11:38, both by Rybaxel. Santino with the Cobra on Dolph and he's gone at 11:59 as the crowd is not happy. Everyone turns to Santino as Rybaxel work him over. Santino on the apron, and he Cobras Ryback, but Axel knocks him down at 12:28. Down to five. Both men agree: Rybaxel should work together until they stab each other in the back. Finlay Roll to Ryback as he takes both tag partners out at once. Ryback catches Sheamus' Brogue Kick and powerbombs him in a great spot. Ambrose attacks Ryback in the corner as Axel kicks Sheamus and Goldberg chants start. Ambrose goes to Axel now, but Ryback breaks it up. Rybaxel are dominant, hitting shots on the other three (Sheamus, Ambrose, and Swagger). Ambrose blocks an elimination attempt as CM Punk chants begin. He lands on the apron, tossing Axel at 14:32. Ambrose v Ryback on the apron slug it out, but Ryback has one “Stupid” too many and he's gone at 14:55. It's Ambrose, Swagger, and Sheamus left. Swagger looks to toss Ambrose, but Ambrose reverses and he's out at 15:14. It's Sheamus v Ambrose for the title now. Brogue Kick by Sheamus as the Shield is nervous. And that's that, as Ambrose is out at 15:41 and Sheamus wins the gold. Swagger should've won, but whatever. *3/4 It's Sheamus's second title reign. Commentary puts over Ambrose's performance. Ambrose is furious as Rollins tries to cheer him up...

...and here comes HHH. He says that last night, there was an unforgettable war that the Shield were lucky to win. Since Ambrose has lost the US Title, though, the luck is changing. Considering the fact that there's a six-man tag tonight (Shield/Wyatts IV!), HHH says, “Your luck has run out.” It'll be a great match, says JBL. Cole agrees, but it doesn't change (in his mind) the vendetta HHH has for the Shield.

Later tonight, Wyatt's crusade continues! Langston cashes in his rematch clause!

Looks like this is how they begin the Sheamus heel turn that's been rumored. If he becomes part of Evolution to replace Batista, it's the best idea they have. They have a Past in HHH and a Present in Orton... they need a Future, even though Sheamus is more Present than Future. That said, if they keep being meta about this, putting “Hunter's workout buddy” in the spot couldn't hurt.

Adam Rose is on the Exotic Express. It's Party Time! ALL THE TIME! Don't be a lemon! BE A ROSEBUD! They'll be here tonight.

One more look at the title change.

Renee Young is backstage to interview Sheamus to a mixed reaction. He talks about how he's been spinning his wheels since January. But every stopped clock is right twice a day, and it's all about watching and waiting. Tonight, the time was right for him to get gold. Renee asks for a comment towards Dean Ambrose, and Sheamus says no hard feelings. Crowd doesn't universally buy it.

Daniel Bryan and Kane fought all over the arena last night. Forklifts were involved. Daniel Bryan had a Ram Jam off a fully extended forklift. Tables were on fire. And the Explosive Knee ended it... but Kane got up. THIS IS NOT OVER.

Backstage, Daniel Bryan is with Brie. Stephanie enters the dressing room after knocking (too heavily) to offer congratulations. But she warns that Kane is angry, and when he's angry, he gets way too violent. So Stephanie suggests they not leave the locker room until their match. Daniel thanks her for the advice... and as Brie notices, Kane's mask is in their locker room. Hmmm.

Rob Van Dam is out for his match. I hope you're not doing a Cinco de Maio drinking game, because you'd be on 2 and counting and it's only 8:30. That will be after the break. The match, I mean.

Hey, what do you know? The WWE App won a Webby!

Paul Heyman is going to talk. Breaking News: Brock conquered the Streak. “I don't like your attitude, and you're not gonna like mine!” Here we go.

Rob Van Dam v. Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro's now the King of Extreme. RVD has a black eye. Ah, that's why Cesaro's music starts with storm sirens: the giant swing is a tornado. Waistlocks to start back and forth, with RVD winning with an armdrag into a stalemate. Cesaro with a headlock now, and a tackle for one. He goes back to the headlock. Criss-cross leads to a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Cesaro for two. RVD blocks a turnbuckle shot and gets one of his own, followed by a top rope kick and Rolling Thunder. Cesaro bails and gets some coaching from Heyman. He catches RVD coming in with a Hotshot and punches away on the bad eye. Neck crank by Cesaro in the ropes. RVD stops a roundhouse and dumps Cesaro off a charge, following with a somersault senton. He plays to the crowd before landing an apron quebrada. Heyman is upset. Back in, RVD with a slingshot legdrop for two. Cesaro sends RVD into the buckle to buy time. He hangs RVD over the apron and uppercuts him as a Paul-Rus chant starts. Cesaro gets two. Heyman: “Stay on him. If he can't breathe, he can't fight.” Cesaro with an uppercut as more CM Punk chants come out. RVD flips over a backdrop, but Cesaro stops the stepover enzuigiri and sends RVD over the top with a clothesline as we go to break.

RVD/Cesaro, part two. We return with the traditional commercial chinlock as an RVD chant breaks out. RVD elbows out repeatedly, and after some reversals, RVD gets a sunset flip for two. Cesaro gets a Mushroom Stomp for two. JBL wishes Chad Patton (the ref) a happy birthday as RVD gets a small package for two. RVD with a leg cradle for two. Big kick by Cesaro, but a blind charge eats boot only for RVD to leap into an uppercut for two. And two. RVD chants break out again as Cesaro stalks RVD despite Heyman's advice. Running uppercut in the corner gets two. Triplicate Karelin Suplexes by Cesaro gets two. Cesaro with a chinlock to pull RVD up, then he slugs away. RVD leaps over a charging Cesaro, but Cesaro blocks the monkey flip only to run into an elbow. He goes up top, but Cesaro drops RVD into the Tree of Woe and attacks. The ref separates them, which gives RVD the werewithal to land a kick. But he can't get undone, and Cesaro pounds the hell out of RVD until he's DQ'd for ignoring a five-count at 11:42. Cesaro won't stop and kicks RVD's head, then punches away on RVD before Heyman stops him from getting suspended. Match was better than their tournament match before the weird ending. ***1/4 RVD is dazed and confused, trying to avoid help but needing medical attention as Cesaro leaves to a chorus of boos.

Hey, if you refer a friend to the Network, there's $25 worth of WWE merch in it for you! Cole: “If I can get 5 of my friends to sign up...” JBL: “You don't have 5 friends!” Maximum of 10, by the way.

Wyatt cut means he's here. After the break.

I'm guessing it's time for RVD to take more time off, even though it seems rather soon. Either that, or RVD/Cesaro is not over. Not sure I like either one. Meanwhile, was this a sneaky good first hour or what?

Tonight's Main Event is Shield vs....

...wait, here's Bray Wyatt in his chair in the ring. He says that Abigail told him he was born to lead. “One day, Bray, you will change the world.” He believed Sister Abigail, as always. But the world has wicked ways about it. They would always turn Their nose up at him. He was called a piece of trash and a nobody. Those People made today so sweet for Bray, and it is glorious because he became Somebody. Because last night, he personified John Cena's biggest fear in a singing child. He finds this hilarious as we look at just what the heck Bray's talking about. Back to live, as Bray gets applauded and laughs at Cena being afraid of a child. “You can't fool the children, John, for they are the foundation of what tomorrow shall bring.” Children want to hear and to learn. Their innocent eyes see through Cena. Cena tells everyone that Bray is a monster... and that Bray is. But how cruel Bray can be! Cena, though, would have you believe that Bray's message is a lie and that Bray wants to burn down the world. He's right, though; “I do wish to watch this world burn.” Bray wants to watch the world burn much as a farmer burns spoiled crops. It needs burning down to be reborn. And Bray will have it reborn in his image. John Cena thinks that Bray is selfish and does everything for himself, but that's where Cena is wrong. He does it for the kids. He does it for the poor, homeless, starving man who They think can't live in this world; for the teenage girl who wakes up crying because They don't think she's beautiful enough. He does it for all of the fans. (Bray gets applause and boos.) And from now on, John Cena stands alone. “And alone he shall fall.” But the children will stand with Bray and never be alone again. They won't remember him as a monster, but for what he is: a god. Bray starts singing, and a good chunk of the crowd sings along as the camera focuses on Harper's eyes. Bray laughs and hits the Raven pose as we go out.

Later tonight: Langston cashes in his rematch clause! Plus, Shield/Wyatts IV!

I'm reminded of a joke. The punchline is “God doesn't think he's Bray Wyatt.”

Extreme Rules was the top show of the week on WWE Network. Somehow, Legends' House is still popular.

Ryback v. Cody Rhodes. You know, they have a big enough roster that they don't have to double people up, right? It's been noted that Cody actually was the one to take Goldust out during his altercation with Ryback. Ryback shoves Cody into the corner, but Cody reverses only to get knocked aside. Cody with a sliding uppercut and he low-bridges Ryback out. Back in, Ryback tries to corner Cody, but Cody fires off. Leap in the corner is caught into a Hotshot, and Ryback chokes Cody away. Ryback clubs away on Cody and gets a running back elbow for two. Cody gets knocked to the apron, but he leaps over with a sunset flip. Ryback slams Cody down and chokes him with his boot. He gets a suplex – actually, three in a row, but no rolling – for barely two. Ryback headbutts Cody a bunch and chops away in the corner, but Cody fights out only to be Hammer Thrown. Ryback drops elbows on Cody and chokes him on the bottom rope. A slam (“Stupid!”) and splash gets two. To the chinlock, with a fishhook thrown in, and when Cody's up Ryback gives him a hairpull slam. More chinlockery. Cody fights out, but Ryback with a Ron Simmons spinebuster. Second-rope splash airballs, and Cody uses a back elbow to get control. He steals Ted Jr.'s following lariat, then escapes a press slam and clips Ryback. A seated something gets two. Cody gets the Disaster Kick (on the second try; the first one was caught) and a springboard dropkick. Crowd wakes up as he goes to the apron, shooing Axel away. Goldust cuts Axel off only to get thrown into the post by Axel, which upsets Cody's balance a little. Cody's caught by Ryback, though, and Ryback gets Shell Shock for the pin at 6:00. 3/4*

Back in the locker room, Brie hates the feeling of being trapped. Daniel Bryan tells her to stay with him. The lights go out, and the mask is on a lantern – the only source of light. They leave the dressing room and run into Stephanie. Stephanie's confused (not that Bryan believes her), and she offers to allow Brie to go home early. She'll even pull the car up for them.

And now we'll see if Daniel Bryan can change a tire. In all seriousness, WWE was never good at corny, but Kane has survived worse and kept his heat intact, so whatever.

REWIND: Last night, there was a minis match on the Extreme Rules kickoff.

Los Matadores and El Torito are in the ring with pinatas and candy. It's time to celebrate the victory with a Cinco de Maio celebration with the WWE “Juniverse”. Torito tosses some candy out to the crowd for a couple passes, and here comes 3MB. Heath Slater tells them the party's over because you can't have a party without “Tres M B”. So now that they're here, so is the party. Heath then drops the act and asks for a truce. Jinder: “This is America, speak English!” Crowd starts a USA chant for Mahal (from India), McIntyre (from Scotland), and Slater (from West Virginia, which might as well be a foreign country). McIntyre demands they accept the truce or they'll spoil the party. The Matadores call a huddle, and Torito offers candy to Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle takes one... and slaps the rest away. He lands a shot on Torito and the minis keep fighting. Mahal and McIntyre are dropkicked out, leaving Slater 1 on 2. He's not happy. He tries some Ole action, but he gets tossed anyway. And now Hornswoggle's alone. Torito throws a sombrero on him and gets an airplane spin. He then gores Hornswoggle from behind to send him out. The Matadores gets their face heat back by tossing more candy out.

Tonight, the I-C title rematch! Plus, the Wyatts and Shield are coming back against each other!

Well, this show's momentum from the first hour came screeching to a halt.

Images of soldiers coming home tell us to Bo-Lieve.

Kofi Kingston v. Alexander Rusev. For those who missed the show last night, Rusev moved to Russia. They repeat the Putin headshot from last night, which is a nice touch, although he gets more of a reaction than Rusev and Lana combined. Also, they've dropped “Alexander” from his name apparently. At least on his video. Kofi tries to kick Rusev, but after one roundhouse he gets smashed into the ropes. Rusev kicks away on Kofi and traps him with headbutts in the corner. He no-sells a shot and goes to an overhead suplex. He's annoyed he got hit with a shot, then lands a series of elbows to Kofi's traps. Avalanche eats boots, thogh, and Kofi with kicks to the sides. One is caught, but Kofi rebounds with a dropkick. Kofi tries a Stinger Splash but is caught only to get a rebound crossbody for two and a soccer kick. A second one misses, and Kofi runs into a fallaway slam... but Kofi lands on his feet and gets a pendulum kick. Frog crossbody is caught, though, and NOW the fallaway slam connects. It's time to Crush, and the Sambo Slam (which should be his finisher) leads to the Camel Clutch for the tapout at 2:56. Just feed him to Cena and get it overwith. 1/2* He's not bad or anything, but Lana is a bad manager and Rusev has zero charisma on his own.

THIS JUST IN: The WWE Network is available on Xbox One.

Brie and Bryan make their way to the car, and Brie's pt inside it. Brya is distracted by something as he walks around the car, keeping an eye out for Kane. He gets in the front seat to drive off... and Stephanie knocks on the window. Unfortunately, Daniel can't leave because he has a match, and he must wrestle it or lose the title. The two leave the car and head back.

Oh, man, Stephanie's false sincerity is awesome. Back to Rusev for a second: Oleg Prudius is from Ukraine. Bring him in for a one-off if you want to make a big deal out of the new Russian.

Non-title: Alberto Del Rio v. Daniel Bryan. Wisely, Bryan has Brie with him. Del Rio with a headlock to start, and a tackle, but Bryan with a dropkick as Brie looks around nervously. Bryan with uppercuts and kicks in the corner. He puts his head down, and Del Rio with a low superkick for two. Del Rio with punches and a chinlock. Bryan punches out, but runs into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two. Crowd is 100% behind Daniel Bryan as Del Rio chokes away on the ropes. Del Rio with kicks in the corner, but Bryan punches out and corner Del Rio with more kicks. Bryan begins the comeback (though he stumbles on the backflip) for a double KO. YES Kicks to Del Rio, but the roundhouse misses and Del Rio gets the Backstabber for two. He kicks Bryan out of the ring and follows, taunting Brie before throwing Bryan into the barricade. He mocks the YES chants as we go to break.

Del Rio/Bryan, part two. Back in the chinlock as always as Brie is looking around in concern. Bryan fights out and gets a waistlock, but Del Rio reverses to a German Suplex for two. Running enzuigiri in the corner by Del Rio and he chokes away. Armbar in the ropes as Del Rio uses all four counts to bring out pain. He's got til five, ref! Del Rio up top with mock YESing, but he's caught with a chop for two. Bryan twists the knee of Del Rio and wraps it in the ropes. Running baseball slide sends Del Rio to the outside, and Bryan follows. Shinbreaker by Bryan, but Del Rio blocks it. Del Rio with a fireman's carry drop onto the barricade. Bryan takes the full nine before returning. Del Rio with a DDT and he lowers the shinpad. Low superkick misses, and Bryan hits his own. Both men are down as they're just teasing the hell out of Kane. No pun intended. Crowd rallies Bryan up, and it's a strikefest, which Bryan wins. Bryan with a drop toehold into the middle buckle, and he kicks Del Rio's face. Del Rio stops kicks with kicks and works the gut with shoulder shots in the corner. Corner clothesline connects. Del Rio puts Bryan up top, and it's a superplex try, but Bryan blocks. He punches out, headbutting down Del Rio and following with the Ram Jam for two. Bryan warms up in the corner with locomotion coast to coast dropkicks, but Del Rio bails after two. Bryan with the tope suicida that sends Del Rio halfway into the crowd. Back in, Bryan up top but the step-up enzuigiri connects for two. Del Rio figures it's time for the armbar, but Bryan does La Mistica into the Yes Lock. It gets the tapout at 15:29 as Kane was nowhere to be found. So far. ***3/4 Finish gets an extra half star.

And NOW the fire burns and Kane's music plays. Bryan and Brie head to the back in a hurry, figuring it's the safest way out. No sign of Kane yet. They race to their car and quickly get in. And OF COURSE the car doesn't start. Bryan checks the car as Brie encourages him to hurry... and Kane's in the back seat. Bryan hops in, but Kane kicks him out and we have a brawl. Kane throws Bryan onto the roof, but Bryan kicks him and gets in the driver's seat. Kane tries to choke Bryan, so they take off and dump Kane off the car. And stop, because Kane is flat out. Brie encourages Bryan just to run, but Bryan turns into every horror character ever and waits for Kane to sit up before peeling out of the parking lot. Kane still knows what they did last summer as we go to commercial.

It's corny, but it's kiddie-corny, so I'll let it slide. With no Batista around, they need to build to a return match, so why not?

Meanwhile, on the Exotic Express, it's party time all the time. He's fashionably late, I'm sure, but he'll be here tonight.

Intercontinental Title: Big E Langston (challenger) v. Wade Barrett (champion). No intros. Wade's BAD NEWS: you deformed slobs might have been worthy of Langston, but you're too ugly to be worthy of Barrett. Langston with a waistlock takedown and ride, adding a German pinning predicament. He transitions to a series of rib breakers, getting two. They go outside, as Langston smacks Barrett around and sends him into the STEEL steps. Langston spears Barrett into the steps. Back in after a tease, and Barrett rolls back out. Langston sends Barrett into the apron, and the two fight on the apron with Langston running into the post. Barrett clotheslines Langston on the outside, adding a Cactus Elbow (complete with Bang Bang). Barrett plays to the crowd as they tease a countout. He's back in at eight and Barrett stomps away as we go to break.

I-C Title match, part two. Back with Langston elbowing out but getting a kneelift. Barrett big boot misses in the corner. Langston with the comeback on Barrett, including a Greco-Roman suplex and Ultimate Splash... that hits the knees. Barrett gets two. Barrett stomps on the hands, but runs into a Big Ending try only to get out and land a Bossman Slam for two. Barrett goes ground and pound as the crowd chants for CM Punk again. Wasteland is blocked and Barrett is dumped, with Langston trying a spear only to eat knee. Pad is pulled down, but the Bullhammer misses and Langston gets a Vader attack. Now the spear from apron to floor hits. Back in, it gets two. Barrett begs off, then gets a low kick before running into an overhead suplex. A second one by Langston and the straps are down. Big Ending is loaded, but Barrett rakes the eyes and gets the Bullhammer to retain at 10:43. Kinda disjointed compared to last night, but good enough for government work. **1/4

BREAKING NEWS: John Cena to appear on Main Event to address Bray Wyatt.

Another look at the US Title Battle Royal.

Later tonight, Shield/Wyatts IV!

Enough with the CM Punk chants already! It's been a good show!

In honor of Mother's Day, Mr. T's Hall of Fame Speech Remix. Funnier than it had any right to be. Fool.

Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger are here. WE THE PEOPLE. Colter says if you're a Real American it's not Cinco de Maio, it's May 5th. And anyone who celebrates Cinco de Maio, it's to get drunk. (Crowd cheers.) And speaking of sick, he doesn't like illegal immigrants in the WWE. So tonight, he's got a Deportation List. Emma, Santino, Cesaro, Heyman, Paige, Sheamus. (“If we can find a country that wold take [Heyman].”) He tells Emma to hop a kangaroo and go back Down Under. Sheamus and Paige need to be deported because they're very pale.

Enough of that – the party boys are here! And out comes Adam Rose through the party crowd to the ring! Colter's face is priceless. Rose crowdsurfs his party crew around the ring. Okay, I can see why people loved his entrance. The crowd is singing along with the theme music long after it stops. Rose sucks his lollipop as he and Colter exchange weird glances. Colter wants nothing to do with Rose, so Rose grabs his mustache and tells him to be a Rosebud. Swagger is ordered to do something about it, but Rose dumps him out and the party train does a conga line around Colter. Colter crawls away as the party continues. Even Cole is partying along. JBL: “You're as stupid as they are!”

Cole (barely able to contain himself) segues to NXT on the WWE Network as Lawler and Cole tell JBL to get over it. The Exotic Express dances their way out. JBL is a wet blanket.

Your main event is next!

Good news: Adam Rose is very over from his first appearance, and he's basically only been seen on the WWE Network and in debut vignettes before this. I think Creative has hit a home run. I mean, I thought the segment was great. And what matters to me is if I was entertained. Your mileage may vary.

On SmackDown, Sheamus will have his first US Title defense.

Main Event: The Shield v. The Wyatt Family (round four, Wyatt Family leads 2-1). Big big brawl to start before the bell rings that spills to the outside. Rowan and Ambrose start in the ring, and Ambrose does the ten punch on Rowan (the crowd doesn't count along). Rowan tries a slam, but Ambrose clips Rowan and Rollins is in. Crowd is too busy saying this is awesome. Rowan with a kneelift to Rollins. Harper in, and he slugs Rollins and hooks a suplex. Rollins gets out of it, and Ambrose is in with a double suplex. Ambrose with the power drive elbow for one. Harper holds Ambrose in the corner, but Reigns tags himself in and headbutts Harper. A lot of smacking around in the corner follows. Rollins in to double-team, but Harper cuts Rollins' momentum off and throws him into the corner. Uppercut by Harper, then a suplex for two. Bray in, and he smacks Rollins around in the gut. Big kick to Rollins, who rolls out of the ring. Bray follows and throws Rollins in, but the cover is faulty. Rowan in with a stomp and right hand. Forearm club to Rollins, but a blind charge eats boot. Rollins dives off, but into Rowan's arms. He escapes and gets a spinkick, bringing Ambrose in. Crossbody on Rowan and he punches away, adding a kneelift and dropkick. He then knocks Harper off the apron and dives onto him before returning and getting a rebound lariat. Figure four time, but everyone enters and the ref forces a break – as does the TV guy.

Main event, part two. Harper has Ambrose in a chinlock, but Ambrose gets the jawbreaker to break and punches away (while cradling his skull). Harper catches a kick and throws Ambrose flat for two. Bray in, and he gets a drive-by kick. It gets one. Bray throws crossface blows on Ambrose, and Harper gets a double-team. Rowan in now, and he gets an elbow to the forehead. Hammer Throw to the opposite side on Ambrose, and he gets another, but a charge eats boot and Ambrose creates a clear path to tag in. Harper tags in, but both he and Rowan fall over the top and Rollins is in to dive onto both men and land on his feet. Bray is knocked down too, and back in, Rollins with a spinning sleeper slam. Running forearm to Harper, and an STO to the buckles. Rollins with a standing shooting star press for two. He avoids a Bray charge, then kicks him, but when he tries a springboard, Harper shoves him to the outside. Then Harper dives into Rollins, sending him into the table, which gets prepped. Harper throws a chair into ringside for no reason, then sends Rollins back in. It gets two. Uppercut by Harper, and Bray tags in to stomp away. He mockingly starts a “Let's Go Shield” cry, then gets an avalanche in the corner for two as the crowd starts singing. Harper with a shot to the gut, and he sends Reigns off the apron for good measure. He tries an alley-oop bomb, but Rollins lands on his feet only to get sent right back off them for two, Ambrose saves. Ambrose takes everyone on and gets sent to the table, where Bray pounds on him. In the ring, Harper puts Rollins up top as the crowd wants a table broken. Harper hooks the nose while up top, but Rollins pulls the beard and headbutts to take over. Harper's down, Rollins is up, and the knee grazes Harper. Hot tag Reigns, and everyone goes flying. Leaping clothesline to Bray, then Rowan. Reigns Kos Bray with a right hand and does a Cactus Clothesline to Rowan into a Drive-By Dropkick to Bray. He stops a charging Harper and does a leaping clothesline to him, too. Superpunch time, but Rowan stops it and everyone's in. Shield clear out the flunkies, and Ambrose and Rollins dive onto them as the table is loaded. Bray looks to charge Reigns and gets Superpunched. Shield wants the Triplebomb on Bray, and that's Evolution's cue. They head to the ring slowly, but the Shield dropkick the Wyatt flunkies into Evolution and dive to wipe out all five men. Another Superpunch, this one to HHH, but Bray with his running forearm and Sister Abigail to win at 18:00. What a finish. ***3/4

HHH is up first, and Evolution beats the Shield down. HHH sends Rollins into the turnbuckle as Orton takes Reigns and Batista takes Ambrose into the steps. Orton with the Super Draping DDT to Rollins. Batista (allegedly) spinebusts Ambrose on the steps. Reigns eats Pedigree... almost. Reigns backdrops out... into an RKO. And now HHH gets his Pedigree. And then, just for good measure, Evolution gives Reigns a Triplebomb. Reigns's mouth is a mess. Evolution mocks the Shield's pose as we see replays. Evolution stands tall as the Shield is all out and we end the show.


Well, the next big show is called Payback, so I guess rematches are thematic.

In all seriousness, I liked this show a lot. Yes, there was a small amount of corniness, and the 9-9:45 block was not very good. But you had a bunch of good, long matches, a title change, and massive beating, stories moving on, a good debut, and I leave very entertained.

Bray Wyatt looked stronger tonight than he has against Cena (whose presence wasn't missed). Adam Rose got his character over very nicely in his segment (even if Twitter seemed to like Zeb more). Wade Barrett looked like a strong champion. And we were reminded why you shouldn't give up on Alberto Del Rio – he put on a great match with Daniel Bryan. I'm a wrestling fan, and this had good wrestling.


MATCH TIME: 80:31 over just seven matches
BEST MATCH: Shield/Wyatts IV
NIGHT MVP: Sheamus (2nd place to Bray Wyatt)

FINAL SCORE: 8. I liked it a lot. Three ***+ matches, two title matches with a switch, and a debut. Not much more you can ask for IMO.

We'll be in Greenville next week, and I'll be there to call it. Matt Perri will be around with Main Event; Scott Keith has NXT; Tommy Hall will get you SmackDown. The WWE rolls on like the Exotic Express! Let's discuss the show here – and be Rosebuds, not Lemons.


  1. I'll give Renee an exclusive look inside the Exotic Express, which only looks like my car with a sheet of paper taped to it. No it doesn't say "Erotic"

  2. CrisisinthewoodsMay 5, 2014 at 9:28 PM

    Question: Has the Shield ever beat the Wyatts?

    I can't remember them doing so. And I hope it stays that way for awhile. I mean, don't make it a big deal or anything, as The Shield are obviously busy with Evolution, the Wyatts are still busy with Cena. Just, there's a good chance they're going to face each other a few more times over the course of the next several months on TV, and I want the Wyatts to keep getting the better of that matchup.

    The Shield clearly have a rocket strapped to their ass, and with good-reason. But give 'Superman' his 'Doomsday'. They can dominate anybody in their path, but let that one thorn in their side remain, until it's ready to culminate in an epic showdown with the grandest stakes, with a history of credibility on Wyatt's side.

    WWE had the chance to pull off something like that with Orton/Bryan during Orton's title reign, as Orton basically dominated everybody except Bryan, who always got the better of him. If WWE actually pushed that fact, they would have made BOTH guys look great when the ultimate payoff came. Probably foolish to hope they pull it off this time, but I can't help looking ahead.

    As for Bryan/Kane.... meh. Don't really care about it. Bryan needs an opponent, everybody else is busy with more interesting feuds.

    Honestly, I had a hunch that once Bryan's chase ended, I would lose a lot of interest in him outside his ringwork, simply because his character is such one-note, patronizing bullshit. There's nothing interesting about him beyond the universal appeal of the underdog, and now that underdog achieved his goal.... I'm waiting for a reason to care about anything he does.

  3. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 5, 2014 at 9:32 PM

    I totally stood by the Kane/Bryan stuff through last night. If last night had been the blow off, it's a perfectly fine feud.

    Tonight was a total disgrace. If they don't just blow this off next week, Bryan's run is in serious trouble. Why wasn't last night the blow off???

  4. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 5, 2014 at 9:33 PM

    Really, an 8? Like out of ten?

  5. Batista's a cock?

  6. Honest question, if you were 9 years old, would you find that Kane/DB segment entertaining or funny? I honestly don't think I would, and that's the problem, in my opinion, it wasn't kid corny, it was just stupid. There were parts of the show that were fun and interesting, but that Kane/DB segment left a bad taste in my mouth.

  7. You were a lot easier on this than most would have been.

  8. It was pretty typical "Attitude Era" stuff, just with less salty language.

  9. The last match was good but not ***3/4 but then again this show was an 8/10 so obviously standards have changed around here. I guess this Kane feud is the angle of the year too.

  10. Laugh all you want, but we got three good to great matches for free. That's a thumbs up for me.

  11. You guys all loved the shitty horror movie stuff so much they decided to run it for another month?

  12. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 5, 2014 at 9:38 PM

    I'd think that Bryan was a coward and I'd like him a little less.

  13. Not to my taste. But the match before it made up for it.

  14. Some fans these days have ridiculously and unreasonably high standards. Every single Raw has to be WM 17 or GAB 89 level, or else it sucks.

  15. Face it, your attempt at a Caliber-level implosion has FAILED

  16. No this is exactly what a expected from this review.

  17. And yet you still read it.

  18. CrisisinthewoodsMay 5, 2014 at 9:41 PM

    Meh, no win for WWE.

    The only credible/established challengers to Bryan's title are Cena, Orton, Batista and HHH. Either one of those gets the title shot next PPV, people whine and complain that it's the same old shit.

    They put somebody who's not established yet like Caesaro or whoever, the WWE is basically putting two guys the smark crowd wants to see elevated on a collision course, so either one guy loses heat, or it's a non-finish to save one from having to take the fall. Not to mention the whole thing would feel even more like a mid-card feud than the Kane feud, cause the fans would be even less willing to believe Bryan loses the belt.

    But I might be biased, cause I think that while Bryan is amazing in the ring, his face character is one of the dry, boring, one-note, pandering, patronizing characters since... well, Super Cena.

  19. You must be that some fan.

  20. If only Brie just shut up.

  21. This was a perfectly serviceable RAW.


  22. Well it's more politically correct than saying "You people". :)

  23. CrisisinthewoodsMay 5, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    Andy is rarely as desperate to find things to hate and obsess over them as most internet wrestling fans.

    Which is what makes his reviews stand out and offer something different than the rest of the content around here.

  24. Wow, so not the assessment of the show I would have gone with. But hey, I got a month of 94 RAW to catch up with anyway.

  25. Skimmed it anyways.

  26. Good stuff as always Andy man. Whenever I find myself with 15 minutes left of work on a monday I pop over here and am like OH YEAH! I can see what happened on Raw! Huzzah!

    So thanks again for good stuff!

  27. I think that's part of the optimism. With all the old wrestling available, someone like me (who's been watching since like 1986 and World Class) can go back and say, yeah, we've come a long way in quality for free TV since then. So it's hard to call a show bad. Maybe it's just me.

  28. Exactly. those 1993-1994 Raws basically had 1 "feature" match, which was sometimes good, sometimes not... And the rest were jobber matches. Now it's a good 3-4 matches over the 3 star range, and it's apparently horrible. Sure there's more filler, but you gotta take the good with the bad.

  29. He's good at getting all of the details.

  30. 8/10? This was clearly a B+ RAW, at best.

  31. I also really love that the Shield runs through everyone except the Wyatt Family. It gives the Shield another mountain to climb later and makes the Wyatt's seem like a big deal.

  32. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 5, 2014 at 9:53 PM

    So tonight was my fault?? Noooooo

  33. I like how you work clean here but are so vulgar at npp. Its a good gimmick!

  34. But this Bryan angle is more like a D+

  35. There can only be one Caliber.

  36. One hour vs. Three.

    Simple as that.

  37. Maybe I'm in a bad mood today, but while there was some good stuff on the show for sure, the bad was REALLY bad, and in my opinion it really killed the show for me. And I tend to be on the optimistic side because Raw is one of the few shows on tv that I watch regularly so I want it to be good. Tonight just didn't get the job done for me because of the horrible segments.

  38. NPP must be the indies while this is mainstream.

  39. Exactly. Savin' the C+-level stuff for Summerslam!

  40. Ah yes, we hug it out again.

  41. No, like I said in the raw thread most true smarks/original iwc guys stopped watching the product years ago, so you just get a different breed of fan on here now a days. In the old days this guys reviews would have been run off months ago and people would be disgusted about the horror movie breaks on raw but now a days I guess doing the fandango and calling some basic mid card match 4 stars counts as being a smart fan? Hey it is what it is. I still like watching the old shit and probably will seek out the bryan vs Del Rio match because its two of my fave guys (although I have no clue how good the match was yet) so yeah, I'm just surprised so many people lap up this Kane shit and all the other garbage. Oh well...

  42. There is no doubt that the Attitude Era (mostly the addition of Smackdown to the proceedings) did over-expose wrestling. 5 hours a week + PPVs is definitely too much. The only reason why I'm not burned out on it is because I watch maybe 20% of all the content. I just can't watch that much wrestling every week.

  43. *** at minimum, he wasn't too far off. And if Evolution could have waited until AFTER the match to jump the Shield, I wouldn't argue too hard with ****.

  44. So you mean people aren't bitching as much or as angrily as they used to, and are *trying* to enjoy the product more and finding positives? Huh, that's a wild idea.

  45. He watches wrestling wrong, then?

  46. Very true, Raw is the only wrestling I watch, I stopped watching Smackdown a long time ago, and I don't watch any of the other shows. To me, that says something when you can burn out someone who doesn't watch a lot to begin with and is a long time fan.

  47. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 5, 2014 at 10:00 PM

    The Bryan stuff is pretty rough, he gets to play both the Cena and Ryder archtypes from "Embrace the Hate" at the same time. I don't think it does him alot of favors. The rest of it is what it is.

  48. Well it certainly wasn't Snitsky's.... Just saying...

  49. Assuming WWE even realizes it, or plans on using it in a meaningful way.

    Remember during the Orton/Bryan feud, how Orton could basically take out anybody, including Cena, but could never beat Bryan? That storyline was right there to capitalize on, and WWE never mentioned it, even though it would have a) reinforced that Orton was strong and b) made Bryan look like a badass for being the one guy that Orton couldn't beat. It was win-win, and they just ignored it.

    Honestly, sometimes I think the elements of storylines and characters that I find the most interesting, are stuff that WWE creative doesn't even realize are there to be capitalized on. Easier to stick with the simple 50/50 booking and white-hat/black-hat heel/face dichotemy I guess.

  50. I saw you write something like that earlier too. Just what is my alleged NPP username exactly? I'm curious.

  51. The Kane shit was horrible. Anyone disagreeing with that, I'll be right next to you calling them an idiot. Rose's debut was a dud, that crowd wanted NOTHING to do with him it seemed.

    While I do disagree with the overall rating, it was NOT a "worst ever" Raw. It just suffered, like pretty much any Raw lately, with being three damn hours long.

  52. I can't believe they booked their world champion the SAME way they booked Zach Ryder two years ago. Wow. Will cena make out with brie next week to finish the job?

  53. Not a worst raw ever. Probably a 4 or 5 out of 10. The Bryan thing is so bad though

  54. And I know every show can't be a 75 yard TD pass, some shows are solid 6 yard runs up the middle....this show felt like I was stuffed in the backfield by Vince Wilkford.

  55. The series is 3-1 Wyatts.

  56. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 5, 2014 at 10:04 PM

    Well, he gets over on Kane so it's not the same. Like I said it's a combination of the two characters at the same time

  57. Hey man, I'm one of those true smarks/original IWC guys you talk about. I've been reading Scott's rants for 17 years now. And while I'd admit, the Bryan-Kane angle is the drizzling shits, I don't see how it's that much worse than what we got back in the late 90's, only with less swearing. That's just me though.

  58. For those who care, the BoD Extreme Rules will not be up until the early morning. I apologize. Lets blame creative reasons for why this happened.

  59. I don't think it was the Attitude Era. I mean, through to WM17, WWE did a pretty fine job filling those hours with content and characters that people wanted to see.

    I think the increase to 3 hours is a bigger deal. 2 hours on two different nights isn't too hard to take. 3 hours in one sitting is harder to sit through, you need to be really good at interweaving storylines to keep things interesting for that long.

    Of course, the biggest problem was taking the company public, which severely hampered their ability to take a short-term loss financially for long-term gain creatively (and by extension, financially), not to mention they had to basically lose their edge to ensure they didn't offend any shareholders.

  60. *parallax has a panic attack*

  61. I hear ya. Such an awful show Scott.. I don't get this review but oh well. World champ bryan is booked like Ryder circa 2012. Brilliant!

  62. He no-showed the title match and has joined the WWE to appear as a Rose Bud at a house show in Idaho

  63. I'd call it a fight back to the line for no gain.

    Unless you only watch for Bryan, then it was definitely a short loss. Hopefully the Del Rio match has more "impact" than the Kane crap.

  64. Thing is, they were indeed awesome with both Raw & Smackdown for a few years... But after a while, it just over-saturated, and it became too much. Like they did literally everything they possibly could, and after a while, it just didn't feel special anymore.

    Like when you move out of your parents' place for the 1st time, the first year of eating nothing but ice cream and chips is awesome, best thing ever... But after a while... it kind of stops being awesome, ya know?

  65. "Good news: Adam Rose is very over from his first appearance, and he's basically only been seen on the WWE Network and in debut vignettes before this. I think Creative has hit a home run. I mean, I thought the segment was great. And what matters to me is if I was entertained. Your mileage may vary."


  66. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 5, 2014 at 10:07 PM

    On the plus side, I think JTG got on TV. Although I haven't seen him in so long, I could just be assuming the black party guy was him

  67. What is it about Kane that makes WWE book/write some of the most horrible angles and creative for him and his feuds?

  68. Ugh...I mean people with good taste in wrestling aren't following the product or reviewing the current shows. If someone wants to walk around thinking that Kane/Bryan stuff was good and not damaging to the product and Bryan's reign good for them. I'm sure life in 2014 is much easier being really dumb. But yes I'd expect more reviewers of a show on the BoD and the posters. Like I said though, oh well, it is what it is.

  69. Damn. I was hoping you'd deliver some bad news.

  70. Ryder never beat Kane clean in the main event of a PPV actually. And I'm fully confident that Daniel could indeed change a tire.

  71. He might Mick, I really don't know either way. I'm sure you've trashed him at npp though.


  73. Ah, so I'm Mick then. Gotcha.

  74. Attitude era was either produced better or acted better because this incarnation was embarrassing.

  75. This Bryan-Kane stuff is one of the worst "first feuds after winning the title" programs I can remember. I actively dread seeing Bryan on my screen now. That's how I feel. As many others do.

    But I find it refreshing that people aren't just globbing onto the huge piece-of-shit title program and are finding positives elsewhere.

  76. Sucks only The Shield and Evolution get to exist in this alternate universe where wrestling is awesome.

  77. Here's the thing though, I"m one of those "original" IWC guys too (except I was a lurker more than a poster), the difference is, if some dumbass shit was going on WWF, I could change the channel to WCW...and if I was frustrated with that, I could wait until ECW came, there's no choice, so like Batista says, we have to DEAL WITH IT.

  78. Lol that's not a good thing for your world champion and draw.

  79. Well... would it really be wrestling if you weren't embarassed by watching it, from time to time?

  80. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 5, 2014 at 10:12 PM

    So, who wouldn't do the job, causing 18 last minute re-writes? Me, on the other hand, I just did a show in a Taco Bell parking lot against Balls' illegitimate brother, Nutz Mahoney. Doctor said I didn't need staples because he kinda closed up the gash with a staple gun.... that and I didn't have any insurance.

  81. Did you hear the crowd singing along to his song? Or was I hallucinating that?

  82. And that's where Jobber's semi-"off the rails"... I'm not seeing anyone calling the Bryan-Kane program good right now, the good was in other parts of the show.

  83. I'll admit that I missed most of the segments, but is Daniel really running away from Kane? Or is he simply trying to get Brie out of danger, and if it were just him, he'd happily stand up to Kane and fight him?

  84. Oooooof...I didn't even catch that skimming through. That thing bombed hard. They didn't even try to make it work. They needed at least 3 times as many people and the announcers to act like they didn't like it to get that over. As it went, it bombed.

    But hey at least this reviewer knows what he's talking about and really has his finger on the pluse of the product!

  85. He couldn't start a car though lol. Or save that segment.

  86. Superficially speaking, he's a B-movie villain.

    I don't think they realize the fact that the elements of the character that people actually latched onto were the more grounded/human elements of his fictional history - the betrayal, the sibling relationship (and the respect/hate/rivalry that comes with), being ostracized as a freak, being used to other people's ends, etc.

    The fact that he looks like Jason and has aesthetics from a heavy metal album cover help him stand out and grab attention, but they aren't really the meat of what gave his character impact or legs. They just go for the easy shock/schlock value because they assume that's what people like about him.

    Ironically, it was Russo that understood the character best. You can track the fall-off in Kane's character and the quality of his feuds to the day Russo left the company.

    I'll give Kane credit though. He'll do anything the company asks of him, he'll put anybody over, and he can be transformed from monster heel to sympathetic face pretty much on a dime. His days of being a credible title threat or a legitimate draw are long-over, but I'll be happy for him when he performs his HOF acceptance speech.

  87. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 5, 2014 at 10:13 PM

    He wasn't as unover as some people made it out to be, but I don't think he was as over as you think he was

  88. Can we just have a thread with a link to a good review of raw somewhere?

  89. It was one of the most dead on arrival debuts of all time.

  90. Don't mind him Andy. He's in super-troll mode tonight. Nothing you can say will make him stop. Just play along. :)

  91. See, I'm Canadian, so I had to wait for Nitro on Tuesday anyway. There was never anything to switch *to*. So perhaps, my perspective is a tad different.

  92. Yeah, it seems like you were. That crowd was dead for his intro. D-E-D.

    The sweetening must have confused you.

  93. You could hear a pin drop.


  95. I don't hate the Wyatts/Cena feud anywhere near as some other people seem too. I actually think they're trying some unique ideas, Cena is showing more vulnerability than he has... possibly ever, and the fans are just continuing to get more behind the Wyatts.

    So basically, I think it's been a success. It deviates from the accepted script of how to build a wrestling feud, but maybe it's time somebody tried something a little different to get a character that's a little different over.

  96. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 5, 2014 at 10:14 PM

    The crowd was kind of into the song. It's just when it ended, there was a problem. That character kind of has a limited lifespan anyway. It's like a q-team Thuganomics Cena

  97. No, we will call out the absolutely wrong shit.

    "Bryan/Kane is fine" and "Rose is over" are absolutely wrong.

  98. Oh right, and he also married his girl. No Friend Zone for him! In yo face, Zach!

  99. I was watching the crowd... there was NO "singing along" or movement.

  100. The review is fine.

    His ratings of things are usually exceptionally out of whack. But the review, itself, is fine.

  101. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 5, 2014 at 10:16 PM

    Definitely, I don't think it's smart, but I'm pretty sure they don't care. Having his wife around is dumb enough.

  102. There needs to be a tweener trio of Sheamus, Cesaro, and Barrett to round off Wyatts, Shield, and Evolution.

  103. What frustrates me about the Cena/Wyatt feud is that they have had glimmers of greatness in there. They have some really fantastic ideas(playing up the Cena having a darker edge, the fans voting him into a terrible situation, Bray talking about the fans siding with him and the fans actually siding with him) but for all these great ideas, the execution has brought them down and they haven't paid them off in a satisfying way.

    So much wasted potential, and you don't even have to turn Cena heel to execute them.

  104. European World Order?

  105. So... to review: we got three good long matches in RVD/Cesaro, Bryan/Del Rio, and Shield/Wyatts. We got a title change on free TV and another title match. There was no John Cena at all. Bray Wyatt brought the good on the mic.

    Man, what a hideous show!

  106. Well I'm just saying why I can't get a caliber level thing going here. I actually preferred calibers reviews but this guy is a million times less of an ass and that might be being too harsh to this dude.

  107. Having trouble with your uppity vanilla midgets getting too over? Call on Kane to put them in their place!

  108. I KNOW, EH?? oh wait, you were being sarcastic.

  109. Your tears keeps me going.

  110. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 5, 2014 at 10:18 PM

    I swore I heard them singing along after it cut out, but I don't think the character is worth arguing about.

  111. That's what YOU get for having your own opinions!

    You bastard!

  112. Wish I could give this a million upvotes. When Kane looks back at himself with ironic detachment at some of the ridiculous stuff he's done in his career, he's awesome. Putting his character in more "normal" situations/storylines, but throwing the "Kane" twist in them is much more entertaining than whatever he's doing now.

  113. It's the way it happened. Kane's music hits, instant exit stage left. I was half hoping Kane would be right behind the curtain, and try to grab Brie when Brie/Bryan looked back to the ring for those few moments.

    ANYTHING other than the Ryder Redux with the car not working... now if Bryan had tried to back over lying Kane, I'd have forgiven the crap.

  114. What, you think you could review RAW better?

  115. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 5, 2014 at 10:19 PM

    The best Kane segment of all time is Kane explaining Kane to the anger management class

  116. I honestly blame whatever movie turned a profit for wwe films. It made Vince think he finally figured it out!

  117. Frankly, the better option is to not do this skit/segment at all because there's just about no way that segment will look good at all.

  118. "and i've buried my half brother alive... TWICE."

  119. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 5, 2014 at 10:20 PM

    The Shaemus thing was fine, especially if it does set him up to join Evo, but dunno why it had to be a battle royale

    All I remember about Rusev is Lana's dress.

    The whole Bryan thing throughout the show was not good. At all.

    Wyatt interview was good.

    Barrett/Big E was fine. I like both guys. Nothing special.

    I thought the party guy flopped, but I'll give him another shot if they tweak it.

    I missed the main.

    Everything else I can't remember well enough to say anything.

    Fair to middlin show. I'd say a 5.

  120. There was plenty to enjoy here as long as your enjoyment isn't solely determined by what Daniel Bryan is doing.

  121. Cody Rhodes would be a fine fit in Evolution.

  122. "Thank you sir, may I have another?"

  123. We will get to a BoD Developmental Deal

    Your new name.


  124. My guess the battle royale was just to maximize Dean's chances of losing the title. HHH didn't care who won it, as long as Dean lost it.

  125. My favorite Kane moment is either when he already married Lita or prior to that, when he was calling Lita "my favorite piece of property" and being over the top male chauvinistic. Kane can be pretty damn entertaining, but not at the moment.

  126. LANA IS NOT A BAD MANAGER! She's the only thing getting this gimmick any reaction.

  127. Oh, I was talking about Jobber. My bad.

  128. if the crowd were any deader, WWE would produce a ham-handed tribute show for it next week

  129. It's funny how the vanilla midgets that got over and stayed over - Jericho, Eddie, CM Punk - all had something in common: Legitimately interesting and entertaining characters.

    The rest get over on underdog appeal and smark support, but ultimately go flat once they reach that brass ring, because without the chase and 'us vs them' mentality behind them, people tend to realize that they're pretty boring when they're not putting on clinics in the ring.

  130. I was trying my best to ignore the crowd. I can see how it would take the show down several notches.

  131. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 5, 2014 at 10:25 PM

    That was hilarious.

  132. Crowds always have an effect on how good or bad a show is. I dunno why you would ignore it.

  133. yeah. The heat machine wills Smackdown into a well-energized C show

  134. Well, around the time they chanted for CM Punk during an RVD/Cesaro good match, I decided to tune them out.

  135. And the crowd was doing its best to ignore the show. *ZING!!*

  136. Man, I've been watching RAW muted 3/4 of the time since the 90s.

  137. Her twirling around and posing is easily the best thing about the act

  138. "Lana is a bad manager"

    Out of curiosity, how many great female managers have there been?

    Usually they fall into three categories:

    1) Attractive women that get over on their looks, but generally distract from the worker they're supposed to be getting over, syphon his heat, and ultimately leave the guy for dead in the lower-card while they ascend (Sable, Sunny, Debra, Stacey, etc, etc)

    2) Physical women that actually engage in the matches and generate hate from the crowd (arguably in large part because of basic misogyny of the general wrestling audience), which gets both them and the worker over (Chyna, Lita, Trish to an extent, AJ at times, etc).

    3) Unattractive women that the audience wants off their TVs. Xpac heat, essentially.

  139. We also got: Bryan/Brie/Steph/Kane in "SHITTY HORROR MOVIE" for MULTIPLE segments, a badly timed debut in Rose (do that off a HOT segment, when the crowd's still buzzing.), As The Rhodes Turn (with Rybaxel "going over" them TWICE?),

    Oh, and Rusev The (Buglarian?) Russian Racist (I'm reaching there, I know. ;) )

    Just enough bad to drop the show decently below an 8. 6.5, but I wouldn't argue a 7 at all.

    As a two hour show, with Bryan only popping in to meet his next opponent (same as the last one?), the Rose debut held off one more week, and no Ryback/Cody... yeah, it'd have probably been a classic.

  140. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 5, 2014 at 10:30 PM

    Who is Daniel Bryan's favorite Smash Bros. character?


  141. Sure the matches you mentioned were good but the direction of the product is pretty terrible. Way too many shitty feuds at the top of the card

  142. Ok, that was clever

  143. People who are great managers and just happen to be female. Chyna and Lita were more or less equals instead of managers. Missy Hyatt was great in the territory days. Sherri Martel was a fantastic manager.

  144. Trick question. Nobody plays Smash Bros. anymore.

  145. She does what she is supposed to do well enough and appeals to my bdsm sensibilities. I approve!

  146. Took me 8 years to unlock all of the characters in Melee.

  147. Not to fantasy book, but think about how much more interesting the angle would be instead of this shitty Scary Movie parody, they had Kane try to play off their history, be conflicted about trying to take out "his friend", or putting on his mask to save his job, or even him realizing he's soft, he's freakin Kane, and I'm going to destroy shit because that's what I do...I get they're trying to do that last option, but they're not doing it well.

  148. I heard them hum it, but I also heard an annoying guy yell BOO at him as well.

  149. The WWE has a terrible movie to promote and this feud is the result of that.

  150. I heard them too.

  151. -Bryan/Kane: Who cares at this point? Bryan's gonna win again, moving on...
    -Cena/Wyatt: Wyatt "won" last night, but this is looking like an eventual LOL CENA WINS, and if he loses at Payback, I'd be stunned. Honestly, jaw-dropping stunned. Moving on...
    -Shield-Evolution: Running along fine, although I do wish the Wyatts could have won "cleanly" tonight... THEN Evolution comes out for the beating.

    Anyone else?

  152. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 5, 2014 at 10:35 PM

    What is Llama?

  153. Alexander Rusev's pet.


  154. Thanks for the heads up Bayless, take your time.

  155. So how long before Rusev is wearing the bunny suit to the ring, forming a comedy team with Rose?

  156. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 5, 2014 at 10:37 PM

    Six months, they have to get to the Cena program, even though no one cares about the Ukraine.

  157. I'd say by the Fall.

  158. And that might be part of the disconnect... some here (Including me) prefer longer, well-booked shows/programs that progress "logically", and do not like hotshots done for the sake of one show. Some are willing to "disconnect" a show from the long term, and treat it as the end-all be-all, even if it does damage a key angle badly.

  159. The Cena/Wyatt is the worst WWE feud this year. It deserves a WrestleCrap induction and I will submit it myself to RD Reynolds.

  160. I'd take a string of 5s to 7s, if they kept the top two/three storylines nicely intact and interesting, over the rollercoaster that Raw can be when it's not being bad consistently.

  161. Bingo. For me, every time I try to think about the stories, everyone tells me I'm doing it wrong. In fact, I have done it wrong so often I just judge how much fun a show was. The only time I've trashed a show over a bad booking decision was when Bryan joined the Family. And since Bayless won't let me live that down, I'm not going that route again.

  162. There's really only one: Bryan/Kane.

    Evolution/Shield has been great (even if the wrong team went over last night), and Cena/Wyatt has been pretty good (even if the wrong guy went over at WM).

    Everything could be executed better, true. I wish WWE still had the magic they did in 1997/1998 when it seemed like they could seamlessly weave and segue between feuds and give every character on the roster a unique personality and purpose.

    I hope we get back there again.

    For now, we have younger talent ascending, we have new talent debuting, and smarks have the champion they've literally been pissing and whining for since SummerSlam. There are worse positions for the product to be in.

  163. I feel like I'm reliving the New Generation right now. There's plenty of talent to go around, but the booking has either been lazy, crappy, or lazy and crappy. There are no words for this Kane-Bryan mess, though.

  164. They book RAW as stand alone shows but then try to pretend that everything they do somehow is part of a convoluted storyline that only makes sense to the people involved with the creative process. It is mind-boggling.

  165. Cena/Wyatt is not bad? No good matches (average seems to be their level), sure Wyatt's done some good promo stuff, but there's so much crap (Extreme Rules was very little good, and a LOT of bad).

  166. Longer storylines are a thing of the past. Going public changed everything, they can't risk short-term drops for long-term gain when they have shareholders breathing down their neck. They have to pounce on every perceived opportunity to pop a rating or buy-rate.

  167. Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I present Bryan/Kane. Easily worse than Wyatt/Cena, just for Bries screams alone.

  168. You know what bothers me the most? That the shit from last week made Vince go "Oh this is good, let's run this for another month."

    Daniel Bryan has to learn to tell wwe to fuck off when they come to him with ideas this bad.

  169. UKRAINE'T SEE ME!!!!

    I'll... I'll show myself out...

  170. Yeah, that one took the lead tonight, but it's still neck and neck.

  171. Just a thought: do they still have Vladimir Kozlov's phone number? He's from Ukraine. As a one-off match with Rusev throwing a 300-pounder around for five minutes, wouldn't that work?

  172. If anyone thinks that Wyatt is in the head of Cena and is watching how Cena reacts, you would never think that was the case unless the announcers told you that constantly because of how this has all played out.

  173. Cena vs Wyatt has been good? Is there a third wwe show I don't know about? That match last night was awful

  174. Meh...this comment is an 8/10

  175. ... when the crash comes this time, it'll be very ugly then. Because hot-shotting ALWAYS leads to a crash, sooner or later.

  176. Did you hear Brie scream tonight? Hearing her impotent screaming easily counters any argument you can make about Wyatt/Cena being worse.

  177. Fair, though I honestly don't need great matches to get invested in a feud. They certainly help a ton, don't get me wrong, but I'm more interested in the progression of the characters.

    Cena has been more interesting in this feud than he has been in years, Wyatt continues to work the mic amazingly well and build himself up as a legitimate player in the eyes of fans.

    The feud was designed to get Wyatt over. IWC people can complain why one guy should go over here or there, but the fact is, the reactions for Wyatt continue to get stronger. So the feud is succeeding, despite the fact that it doesn't align with how we think/expect feuds should play out.

  178. Their stock price has nothing to do with the booking of show

  179. Leading to the first 3 vs 3 vs 3 vs 3 elimination chamber!

  180. At least New Generation resembled a wrestling show and not a shitty DTV horror movie.

  181. One scream doesnt automatically make that feud worse than the past five weeks of Wyatt/Cena

  182. Except for Undertaker's 1994...

  183. It actually does.

  184. I said the feud as a whole. I'm not going to say 'welp, the matches haven't been amazing, therefore the feud is a failure'.

    Great matches make the payoff to a feud that much sweeter, but they aren't a requirement to making a feud entertaining to me.

    Taking months of storytelling and judging it based on 20 minutes of ring-work is absurd to me.

  185. This is like hogan vs warrior of really bad wrestling booking

  186. Bray Wyatt is inside of Cena's head you know.

  187. Even that was played more for comedy. And at least DiBiase had "wrestling" motivations for it. Kane/Bryan is supposed to be taken seriously.

  188. You really think the Wyatt/Cena feud has been good?

  189. I'd you're gonna tape a average to mediocre wrestling show you might as well sweeten the audio.

  190. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 5, 2014 at 10:48 PM

    Nothing will work with Rusev, he may be the most negative charisma character of all time. His charisma is up there with "random Nitro jobber you may have seen on ESPN in 1987"

  191. If there's anyone here whose intelligence hasn't been insulted by the Kane-Bryan storyline, then I fear where their intelligence level is.

  192. Well... you're wrong.

  193. Its because the WWF wasnt taking themselves as seriously as they do now, which is due to the fact that they are a corporation.


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