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The Clash Plan

OK, everyone's losing their shit over the Clashes being added to the Network, so after I catch up with a couple of RAWs this morning, we'll declare May as OFFICIAL Clash of the Champions month on the blog.  I'll do Scott Sez reposts of the ones I've already done and can finally fill in the gaps with the other ones.  It will be glorious.  



  2. So you've never reviewed the fourth Clash Scott?

  3. THAT'S...HIS MOVE!!

  4. Review ones with the Dungeon of Doom first.

  5. Reviving elbow!

  6. I never wanna live in a world in which this network doesn't exist.

  7. Same here. Glad it is finally a reality.

  8. On the 5th day, the blog rejoiced!

  9. Scott, if you watched 12 a day, you could be done in less than three days.

  10. I'm sure Mrs. Scooter and mini-Scooter would have a problem with this.

  11. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 10:07 AM

    You need to do the Clash from November of 91. That show was epic...I know you thought it was stupid but when I was 12 Sting hijacking the ambulance and trying to get back into the area was spellbinding. I'm still pissed at Paul E Dangerously for his cheating.....the return of Ricky Steamboat was sort of cool too.

  12. Man, Scott gave in to that request pretty fucking quick.

    He's obviously in a good mood. Quick, someone tell Caliber to ask for posting duties back! Wait, don't. That's a bad idea.

    Quick, someone pitch parallax and extant's dating column!

  13. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 10:07 AM

    Was that a Chris Hyatte reference? I'm not sure.

  14. My "The Clash Plan" is to continue not listening to The Clash.

  15. And while people are losing their shit and demanding you do things, I demand a Rant on Extreme Rules. I need my opinion confirmed that Shield/Evolution was 5 stars, and if I should rewatch the Bryan/Kane main event that I think was good, but I half-slept through (tired from a long weekend, not bored by the show).

    Not really though, this is great news!

  17. I didn't see anything wrong with the Six man. It was awesome. Rollins is insane.

  18. I think it was Shield's 2nd best match ever with the 1st being their debut against Bryan/Kane/Ryback at TLC 2012.

  19. You want to date Parallax and write a column about it?

  20. No mention of future WWF Light heavyweight champion Gillberg?!?

  21. They're neck and neck for me. I loved their debut but I haven't watched it in a while.
    Crazy you can have a near ***** match with Kane and Ryback in there.

  22. So the question should you stay or should you go is an easy one for ya?

  23. You have a problem with that?

  24. What will your husband think?

  25. It's just....I know what happens if I stay, but who knows, it could be twice as bad if I go.

  26. That is the show I want to watch the most

  27. We have an understanding.

  28. The debut is number one for me just because it was their debut match and it was TLC. So much could go wrong there. A blown spot or two would have made them look weak to the crowd and amateur in the company's eyes. Instead, they came out and stole the show.

  29. I am reminded of the Clash every time I use my work PC, it doesn't retain certain preferences of mine. Such as the font and my icons.

    Serif? I dont like it.
    Lock the taskbar.

  30. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 10:29 AM

    If we can make demands, I demand Scott Sez for all the PPVs in the Worst of Wrestling Kindle book.

  31. I didn't realize Thrasher was a job guy on these early RAWs.

  32. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 10:30 AM

    I hate that fucking song with a passion.

  33. Always love fresh reviews, but this one has actually been done before.

  34. Yeah anywhere in the northeast TV tapings, he was there.

  35. Not at all. I look forward to you regaling us with tales of being fucked like a married woman

  36. How about just doing a completely new rant on all of them?

  37. It didn’t really work because it ran too long, but it certainly made people want to see Bret kick Lawler’s ass.

    Kind of figured this was the whole point. Lawler schtick only seemed to work against certain guys. Jake and Bret for example and would fall apart against other guys.

  38. Yeah, given the stakes of their debut it's hard to argue. I didn't see the TLC match live like I did this one, so it's hard for me to compare. I saw the TLC match having already read about how awesome it was, which isn't the same visceral feeling of watching a match as it happens. I was watching by myself last night and still jumping off my couch marking the fuck out.
    So even though it isn't a fair comparison I think I have to give the edge to last night; Shield's performance may not have been quick as good but HHH/Orton/Batista > Ryback/Kane/Bryan. Plus, I think I dig the Shield even more as faces than I did as heels.

  39. "Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast."

  40. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 10:36 AM

    Justin Credible was too, and Jeff Hardy comes in a year or so later.

  41. Wash the Vaseline off your hand. It will help your grip problem

  42. If I pick the boat it's a boat, but if I pick the mystery box it could be anything, it could be a boat!

  43. I'll keep that in mind. You never know when that kind of advice will come in handy.

  44. I honestly find the Scott Sez posts funnier than complete rerants.

  45. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 5, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    well i think...

    hold, phone is ringing. gotta take this; it's london calling

  46. Didn't Phil Apollo play Doink at one point?

  47. That's really weird, because it's not in my archives.

  48. What's wrong? Captain of the football team didn't ask you to prom and you are still mad about it?

  49. So was Rhino, as Terry Richards

  50. Nope, an unrelated guy named Ray Apollo played Doink later on. He was literally some guy they found in the indies who pretty much disappeared from the business after Doink ran its course.

  51. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    No...wait, HUH?

  52. I just watched it and I'd give it a solid ****1/2. I didn't like it quite as much as the Wyatts match at the Chamber, but the crowd really elevated it. Watching Dean Ambrose play face-in-peril is an amazingly different experience as a fan, and the match just kept getting crazier and crazier as it went on. That being said, I agree with the others who felt like the first half was tacked on and didn't add much to it. Still fantastic, though.

    Also, I love that I can just call up the Network, FF through the PPV, and find the match I want to watch THE DAY AFTER. Good god this is the best $10 a month I've ever spent.

  53. Eh, happens. You've done so many over the years, it's easy to lose track.

  54. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:14 AM

    ugh. That moment gets thrown in my face by my brother (who hates wrestling with a passion.)

  55. I actually just checked over Clash #1 before repost and it's kind of shitty, so I'm gonna redo that one tonight if it's OK with you.

  56. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:16 AM

    Question: Do you think Rollins insane bumping ability has pretty much put Ziggler out of any chance of being in the upper mid-card again?

  57. Ironmike96 would

  58. I suppose that's ok. You are the boss, after all.

  59. Mr. Apollo's only other notable contribution to the national scene was his cameo role as either Sgt. Krueger or Col. Deklerk (whichever one wasn't Ted Petty), the South African winners of the "African finals" of the Pat O'Connor Memorial.

  60. Well, it's a good thing you banned him, then. Although his responses here probably would have gotten him another one.

  61. Oh no, here come the awful jokes.

  62. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:21 AM

    Ironmike96? The Bible thumping gay basher?

  63. At least the rating is consistent.

  64. I do. I think they see guys that do shit like that as midcarders for life... there may even be some logic to it if that is all they bring to the table (not saying that is the case for those 2) since they are smart enough to know that when you build your matches that way fans keep expecting more and more extremity in your bumps and either you tone it down and lose your appeal... or you end up like Dynamite.

  65. So it's Ray Apollo in the shitty striped tights? I hated the outfit.

  66. Like Warrior. Terrible feud choice.

  67. Justine Credible too.

  68. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 5, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    No, it's not OK to just redo Clash 1, you must redo Clash 1-35 as well as every PPV, classic TV, Countdown and Legends House. Dance for us wrestling ranger man! Dance!

  69. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    Over the Edge 99 or GTFO.

  70. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    HBK said that in his book. If you confine yourself to bumping and making others look good you will be stuck there. Eventually you have to make the next step and do things to get yourself over.

  71. And I'm the one who gets the snarky reply...

  72. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    Yes. Fuck it, I have the day off.

  73. Its because you are an intimidating presence

  74. HOORAY!
    And don't forget the list of UK PPVs I sent that you missed *thumbs up, cheap pop*. Seriously though, I watched Capital Carnage UK '98 and it was...interesting. One of the cameras kept bouncing up and down the whole time while filming, it was bizarre.

  75. Clash IV will be new? Yikes sorry you have to watch 90 minutes of shit to get to the Midnights-Horsemen match. 25 minutes of Fantastics vs. Simmons/Gilbert had me waving the white flag.

  76. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 5, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    Didn't you hear from Farva, Scott likes me!

  77. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 5, 2014 at 11:42 AM

    Scott likes me as much as Abeyance hates Asians!

  78. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:42 AM

    Just for that, the next Impact thread will be full of Gail Kim gifs.

  79. Maybe you and Scott should do the dating recap...

  80. I'm sorry, but nobody likes you THAT much. I talked to your mom the other day, and I asked "How much do you like your son?" And she said "A lot, of course". Then I asked "As much as Abeyance hates Asians?" She's still thinking about it. ;-)


  82. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:45 AM

    Good LAWD that was done with surgical precision.

  83. Yeah that was a really well thought out 'dis. He must have went to Grad school and majored in 'dissing.

  84. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 5, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    I thought this was going somewhere else at first and was loading up a response about your dad being a homosexual as well as yourself and engaging in carnal acts of the flash together. Good thing we dodged that bullet.

  85. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:47 AM

    It was to die for.

  86. On second though I think it kinda fell flat

  87. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 11:47 AM

    Yeah, that was a good one. Not as good as me telling someone that I'd knock up his mom and make his dad pay for the abortion, but it's good.

  88. Did they get advice from Barry Allen on the best Flash carnal acts? I'm guessing they don't last that long.

    OK, that sucked. I may be off my game today.

  89. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    You guys are dicks.

  90. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    I dunno. I thought Owen made his mark.

  91. Man this makes me ashamed to have you as a protege STEP IT UP

  92. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    Thanks for noticing. That's what I was going for.

  93. Owen did stick around the show long... he bounced before his match.

  94. Seriously, I'm expecting ol' Hoss to come by and shake me down for another sandwich.

  95. He already took that. I haven't been able to afford a new one yet.

  96. Probably because you have nowhere to store your cash thanks to him

  97. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:51 AM

    It's too bad. I was looking forward to his match. It was one fall to a finish.

  98. Interesting, I heard he was going to get squashed

  99. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 5, 2014 at 11:52 AM

    Ok that's good, I may steal this. Whenever I get hit with "I had sex with your mom ha ha ha" I usually hit back with an "oh, is she as good as your dad" That skeeves most people out.

  100. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:53 AM

    Yeah. Too bad he got dropped from that match.

  101. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 11:53 AM

    "Is she as good as your little brother?" would work even better.

  102. just watched Clash 2. So disapponted they cut out Lyle Alzado's interview pimping his "learning the ropes" sitcom on TBS and the clips from it. And for those who think Tony Schiavone only learned over the top hyperbole for NItro, Tony is quoted here (and actually Jim Crockett echoes it during the contract signing) as saying that Flair/Luger at GAB 88 is th biggest contract signing in the HISTORY of the NWA.

  103. AverageJoeEverymanMay 5, 2014 at 11:53 AM

    Rocco Rock was Deklerk so if you are right he was Krueger. Actually just watched the beginning of that show the other day. They could not have chosen a worse Canadian team.

  104. Meh his character wasn't going anywhere anyway, it was time to cut the cord.

  105. I actually just re-watched the Wyatts match yesterday so I can compare more directly (and I did watch that one live, too). I dunno. You can really take your pick between Shield/Wyatts, Shield/Evolution and Shield/Ryback-Hell No.

    That match last night was only the third time in recent years that my immediate reaction was "Yup, 5 stars no doubt." (Brock/Punk and Cena/Punk at MITB being the other two.) So we're just splitting hairs on degrees of greatness.

  106. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:55 AM

    The correct response to this is, "man get of my mother...I JUST GOT OFF OF YOURS!"

  107. Yes but only because its cinco de mayo and I'm not working. I'll be drunk and full of tacos by 2pm

  108. Did that Kane match "easily hit three snowflakes" for you?

  109. I don't think those two guys are mutually exclusive to reaching a certain level. I think with Dolph it's the been-there-tried-it thing with him: he's had the world title and some main event-ish programs and it didn't really take off, through arguably not much fault of his own.

    What'll hurt Dolph more if those two are competing for a spot is that Rollins is just, y'know, a lot better.

  110. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    Unless he plans on getting a sex change he's got no shot with my mom.

  111. I think Rollins already does a better job of getting his offense in compared to Dolph.

  112. Hey that mayweather fight was fucking nuts. Didn't see it until Sunday but I didn't know who won until I saw it. Best fight of his I've seen since the cotto one, and I think the person who called it a draw should be tossed in jail.

  113. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    Well he wasn't too enthusiastic about it. Normally when he gets a gimmick he hits the ground running.

  114. I gave it 8 or 9 stars. It would have been higher, but they needed to hit each other with a giant bag of popcorn.

  115. King of the Ring 99 especially needs the treatment.

  116. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    Most people involved in the world of boxing should probably be in jail for one reason or another.

  117. I thought they should have done a little more overbooking to try and get the match over. Maybe Kane could have found his own forklift?

  118. At least he didn't blame your mom for giving him AIDS,

  119. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:02 PM

    Dueling forklifts? Hmmm...

  120. Nah, what they needed was a callback to the hardcore title triple threat at WM18, driving a golf cart around in the back while fighting each other off.

    Although maybe they didn't want to take away the appeal of that Legends House segment with the polo match...

  121. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:03 PM

    I had it 7 rounds to 5. What is funny is that I live around a lot of Hispanics and they went nuts with the decision.

  122. Sounds like they could build a whole ppv around that gimmick! Heavy Machinery 2015!

  123. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:04 PM

    It would be better than the dueling monster trucks in WCW.

  124. Lawler spending 6-7 minutes insulting as many fans as possible at KOTR '96 made up for it. Might be the PPV highlight... oh wait, there's that solid Austin promo, I guess.

  125. WTF is this "chosen" crap? They won the Canadian finals in a MAJOR UPSET.

  126. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:09 PM

    There were riots IN the arena. Lil' Wayne got into a fight with Maidana's camp.

  127. That was a rawkus crowd for sure. Great atmosphere for a fight. Do you think they should run a rematch or is there a better/bigger fight out there for Floyd?

  128. No worries on that front darling. I was well acquainted with the football team

  129. D'Lo Brown dumped Jerry Lawler on his ass during a King's Court segment.

  130. That match is incredible. Clash 4 is a two-match show but the main event delivers and the opener is the sleeper match of the decade.

  131. I agree 100%....Scott Sez rants are awesome

  132. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:16 PM

    Rematch. It actually helps all parties involved.
    Floyd had 3 fights left and he's running out of opponents. A rematch is BIG money and burns up one of those fights. I figure
    1.) Rematch with Chino in September
    2.) Amir Khan in May of '15.
    3.) Cotto or Sergio Martinez in September '15.
    I don't see a Pacquiao fight happening and forget about any up and coming young fighters.

  133. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:18 PM

    Any good "Penthouse Letters" type of stories you want to share?

  134. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 12:18 PM

    Random TJ: anyone else having problems with YouTube? A lot of videos won't load for me.

  135. As much as I defend Dusty Rhodes, even I have to admit he should have been fired for giving a Steve Williams/Italian Stallion squash match nearly 20 minutes.
    Was their roster really so thin they couldn't have just filled that time with 4 or 5 faster paced squash matches instead?

  136. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 12:19 PM

    Did Lil Wayne get the shit kicked out of him? If not, he should have.

  137. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:20 PM

    They threw a water bottle at him:

  138. I never got the football players as studs thing. What about us basketball players? We can run and dribble a ball so you know we've got that coordination for dancing. Plus we're tall so you know we can reach shit/hang stuff up. And no helmets so you can already tell who the good looking ones are. And we have to run more so we're usually thinner. I'd like to see America embrace the highschool basketball player over the highschool football player as the go to example for a good prom date!

  139. Its all about the muscles. Chicks dig muscles.

  140. Don't feel left out. I embraced my fair share of basketballers too.

  141. Spoken like someone who never got to sleep with the prom queen.

  142. Of course not always, but I think that is where the football player appeal comes from.

  143. Nope. Just demonstrating how much Abeyance hates Asians

  144. TJ:

    This is why he will end up like Dynamite

  145. Going through Clash XIX now....Typical WCW stupidity, they got rid of Tom Zenk's awesome 1991 music and replaced it with some generic commercial break music.
    That had to be an intentional attempt to bury him because God forbid anybody would ever get over in WCW.

  146. I'd be really interested in seeing him fight amir Khan but I do agree that fight was worthy of a rematch.

    You should pitch Scott a monthly boxing column. I think it would be a interesting read.

  147. Clearly, Caliber has been an influence in your life.

  148. I ditched Planet Fitness for a REAL gym just now and am eating chicken breasts like candy for the protein BRAH

  149. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:30 PM

    I thought the spot where HHH side-stepped him and he crashed and burned into the barricade was worse.

  150. I think both PacMan and Mayweather disqualify themselves from "the greatest" conversation if they never sign that fight. Not only would they be dodging each other (and let's face it--even the backers of both fighters admit they're both to blame), which is something great fight from no other era have been tagged with... but for the harm they've done to the sport by depriving us of it all.

    Khan and Cotto would be vanity fights at this point. They've both smashed their heads on their potential ceiling and are nowhere near Floyd's league.

  151. "That's bullshit!, I sad. "Everyone in that dressing room knows I was the cutest goddamn baby in the business. Reg Park confided in my dad that I could do commercials. Do you think Shawn Michaels was a cuter baby than me? Is that what your saying?" It was right then and there I realized that Lawler to, was out to screw me.

  152. This show also seems to have way too much time left after the final match they send it back and front from ring side to Tony Schiavone a few times before going off the air

  153. One nitpick about the balcony dive is that Orton and HHH telegraphed it a lot by looking up to see if the spot was coming long before it did... but I guess I'd rather they did that then fuck it up and have Rollins break his spine

  154. Not even the prom handmaidens. But that was more because my parents had the poor judgment to not be richer when I was born so no matter how great of an athlete I was (6/10) fine ass Becky Rogers wasn't about to ride to the prom in my 1994 q45.

  155. Also because you snapped people with towels... everything else you have done in life was invalidated by that.

  156. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 12:33 PM

    All his wack-ass albums, Lil Wayne sucks balls and most of his lyrics make no sense.

    I hit Prince Iukea (sp? fuck it, I don't care) with a water bottle at Mayhem 99 and got just about the biggest pop of the night. I also NAILED the singer from Blink 182 at Warped Tour when I was like 17. Straight up knocked him on his ass.

  157. Why would you do that to a member of the most revolutionary band in history?

  158. I thought it did. It was overbooked and Russoesque in the best possible way.

  159. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:34 PM

    Take any Bob Arum fight out of the equation. (Bradley, Pacquiao, Cotto although Cotto said he'd get out of his deal to fight him again.)
    Despite what people think Maidana was a safe fight because he was slow. If Floyd fought him like Guerrero or Canelo it would have been a shut out. Khan has no chin and is not strong enough to keep Floyd off him.
    Pacquiao fucked himself by resigning with Arum. He should have had at least one fight with another promoter. That is how Marquez and Cotto got the Mayweather fights.

  160. Khan-Broner would be a lot more intriguing. Both are brash, arrogant assholes who have had a couple of hiccups on their way to success. A fight against each other might signify one of them as the real deal. At this point, Khan would hardly touch Floyd.

    While they might deserve a rematch, I think we saw the best of Maidana and the worst of Floyd last Saturday. Yet, Floyd still eeked it out. I believe a rematch would be a waste of our time.

  161. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:36 PM

    That is why the good camera angle helped. Dunn did something right.

  162. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 12:37 PM

    If they would have called that one song "Chris' song" or something I'd let it slide. Keep my fucking name out of your mouth, assholes.

    And yes, I know this is a Caliber joke. Something something scomething something...

  163. Most of his lyrics make no sense? You're giving him way too much credit, please correct it to "all of his lyrics make no sense".

  164. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:38 PM

    It would be, but Broner is a straight asshole who has learned nothing since Chino kicked his ass. He was still flat-footed with NO head movement.

  165. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    Done, fixed it.

  166. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 12:41 PM

    I have a Pacman Jones jersey, just because we have the same first name. Figured I'd add that to your general fund of knowledge.

  167. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:41 PM

    He copied Dipsets style and Jay-Z' (and lately Joell Ortiz) rhyme schemes.

  168. They're both earning tens of millions for each fight, so "fucking themselves" is relative. But we saw people move mountains to make Tyson and Lewis happen. Two sets of promoters (the actual promoters and the networks) had to be satisfied. They did it and shitloads of money was made.

    They could charge $80-$100 for Pac-May and still probably reach two million buys. They are both losing out on money and removing the asterisk from their legacy. Mayweather's skills are beyond reproach, but his racist comments over the years and his hypocritical stances on what it would take to make the fight happen put him just as, if not more, guilty than Pacman on making this fight.

  169. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:43 PM

    I have OJ and Rae Carruth Jerseys that I wear on Thanksgiving (and to the occasion women's rights meetings.)

  170. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 12:43 PM

    And he's seen New Jack City too many times. I didn't know that was possible, but here we are.

  171. Clash XIX was a little too boring so I'm checking out Clash 34. Love Dusty's commentary so far but I hate WCW incorrectly calling Ultimo Dragon "Ultimate Dragon".
    And they go to a commercial break literally one minute into the opening match, so now we know where TNA got that idea from because God forbid a company whose name stands for "Total Nonstop Action" that has a show with the word "Wrestling" in its title actually show any freaking wrestling.

  172. I think he's gone Jeff Lacy or Jermaine Taylor on us... where we had no idea how fast he'd plateau.

  173. You know who bullying actually hurts the most IMO? Popular/cool kids. Its one thing to slap some tub with a towel to make a few of my buddies laugh but its another thing to be like kind of cool but not get invited to the super elite kids parties or know I have no chance with some babe because there's a kid who somehow is driving a lotus to school and wears Gucci sneakers that wants her too.

    Like that loser that got picked on was already and shit and could sort of play that "one day I'll move on" card, but I had to sit there amongst it. True story, one day in 10th grade I'm sitting at a lunch table with some seniors on the ball team. This hot hot hot girl dating one of them asked me if I got my shirt at a thrift shop! It was a game day so I had to wear a shirt and tie and at 15 that wasn't exactly my thing so I'm sure it was just some shitty shirt my dad hadn't worn in years and some god awful tie I didn't even leave tied so I probably did look like shit but still... I played it off by saying something like "no did you find your bf there" type of joke ans everyone laughed but fuck that was rude. I'd say to shough10 if he's reading this, that type of bullying was much worse than a little good natured ribbing/locker room horseplay.

    Tl;dr I'm a victim of bullying, then and now!

  174. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:45 PM

    I agree, but Arum is full of shit too. This is when I saw how big of a puppet Manny is and it's a shame because dude is going to be broke in a few years. If Manny said, "Fuck it. I'll promote myself." He would have more options. But I'd expect Arum to turn on him too.

  175. The guy who sang that terrible theme song must charge a lot for royalties.

  176. Yeah. The balcony dive he was well protected, the barricade Rollins just crashed back first into.

  177. I was thinking they were looking for Rollins to come out of the curtain from the back. Not expecting the dive from the top.

  178. Well that does make me feel better. I just wish society was as open to us as you are.

    Who was the better date? Football player or basketball player?

  179. Good ol Bribin' Bob Arum. You're right on all counts there.

  180. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 5, 2014 at 12:47 PM

    Seriously? I mean, I collect jerseys of guys that are fuckups (I have a Spreewell and Odell Thurman jersey, among others), but I draw the line at murder. Titty bar shootouts is as far as I go.

    Though I would rock an Aaron Hernandez jersey if someone gave me one, just to be an asshole.

  181. If not Kahn (who I agree isn't beating Floyd either) then who do you think he should fight next?

  182. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:48 PM

    His training camps suck. He's going just based off athletic ability and that's not good enough for the upper echelon fighters. 140 has been cleaned out except for Devon Alexander. He'll be safe there.

  183. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:52 PM

    Yeah. The Carruth one was hard and I almost got sent home from an office party when I wore it.

  184. Typical WCW stupidity: They had a segment called the "Pep Boys Power Pin Of The Week" and the clip they show is a submission hold instead of you know, a pinfall.

  185. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:53 PM

    Winner of Martinez/Cotto if they can meet at 154.

  186. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:54 PM

    It would depend on how many boxing fans we have here to make it worthwhile.

  187. They have to suck it up, make concessions, and realize a Pacquiao-Mayweather fight (and potential rematch for it) would make box office records.

    They've both lost a step or half a step in terms of footwork, but not hand speed. Yet, they can both dominate the rest of the opposition (save Marquez for Pacquiao, because those two styles were just made for each other). So, they still have their potential earning power there. It's still the best vs the best. They're just not at their personal best. Not one other fighter brings the fans support and the potential threat status like PacMan.

    Pacquaio's recent PPV numbers underperformed and Floyd had to stack his undercard to get some extra buys for a fight the national media wasn't buying into (wrong as they were). In 12 months, the window is closed. If they don't get it done, the sport falls deeper. The one thing boxing has that the UFC doesn't is transcendent star power. The one thing that the UFC has that boxing doesn't is that the best fight each other.

  188. The time wasn't. Was it 24 minutes or 16?

  189. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 12:55 PM

    Floyd's head wasn't in the game and he did his best Bernard Hopkins impersonation that night.

  190. Five stars for that? I don't think so dude, the first have was terribly slow and plodding.


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