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TNA and Spike

We've heard nothing yet about Spike renewing TNA's TV deal. 

If Spike drops TNA (since really, Cops gets the same or better ratings), is that the end of the promotion right there? They can't survive on just house shows given the low attendance, right? 

Yup, TNA exists on the whims of Spike TV and nothing more.  Most people think that Spike is just waiting to see how the WWE deal shakes down, and then if they don't get WWE they'll offer TNA whatever they offer and TNA will happily accept and continue surviving.  If WWE goes to Spike, TNA is done.  


  1. Let's be honest here. The best case scenario for TNA is eventually they catch Vince on a good day, and he agrees to overpay for the video library.

  2. And then hopefully they'll ease on showing over and over again embarrassing WCW moments and just switch it up with TNA.

  3. I just can't imagine a world where reruns of Cops get better ratings than any other show.

  4. As a kid, this and the 1987 Slammy Awards was THE greatest thing ever to me. Kids are stupid.

  5. it is a cost issue. If you can't get a .6 for something that costs almost nothing to air vs. a 1.0 for something that costs a bunch then you run the cheaper program. Remember ad rates for wrestling have always struggled to reflect their true ratings due to stigma, so a rerun of Bar Rescue or Cops or whatnot probably pulls in close to the ad rates that Impact gets.

  6. Just like ECW

    TNN: We've got POP!

  7. He had some Raw matches in November 93. I was at a taping right after Survivor Series (the one where Bret was awarded Superstar of the Year by Vince).

  8. TNA would be lucky to get a million for that library. Remember the entire WCW library plus certain other assets (like about 20 mid to low card guys) all were bought for 15 million or so. TNA's video library isn't worth 1/15th of what WCW's was worth.

  9. According to Wikipedia, 10. Only 2 shows are syndicated, 8 are "original", and it appears that CSI is in the former programming section.

  10. You can also tell they are desperate for add money when every single commercial break runs for "quite literally" 6 minutes.

  11. He addressed it on Twitter. The host site keeps fucking up whenever there is an update, so i think he's going to look for a new host.

  12. Need to add one more o.

  13. Andrew BarbarashMay 1, 2014 at 7:41 AM

    I'd dig Vince buying the TNA library. Despite their reputation and horrid booking at times, they have produced many many high quality matches over the years, especially in those early years. I think that is their best option long term as it feels like the company is on life support right now.

  14. But, that was only because WWE had outstanding lawsuits against WCW, and WWE agreed to drop them for the reduced price of the company.

  15. it's a viacom owned company. All Viacom stations like MTV, Nickelodeon (only Nick at Nite though), TVland, Comedy Central, etc. run extended commercials by shoehorning 30 minutes shows into 35 and even 40 minute time slots. At times on TVland or Nick at Nite a 21 minute 40 second episode of Friends or King of Queens will have 18 minutes of commercials in it. And they wonder why their ratings have tanked. I rarely watch their stations anymore due to that. Then again Animal Plantet, which I don't believe is Viacom runs a 33 minute My Cat from Hell (my 8 year old daughter loves that show) in a one hour time slot. Then cable and networks wonder why we all are DVRing and watching Netflix and Hulu.

  16. Stranger in the AlpsMay 1, 2014 at 7:44 AM


  17. that was a small part of it. Let's be honest those lawsuits were nothing but nuisance lawsuits, as were the ones WWF had against WWF. Does anyone really think either side was ever going to see a judgment against the other and make a dime? TNA would be lucky to get a milliion for the video library because most of it is worthless. Some Kurt Angle stuff, a tiny bit of Sting, maybe a best of the X division, that's about it. Most of the footage is worthless because there is no market for best of TNA stuff, unlike WCW. Also most of the TNA wrestlers never worked for WWE or were past their prime (Raven, Scott steiner, Foley, Nash, etc.) so very little of what they did in TNA has any value in a DVD set or even posted on the Network.

  18. speaking of crap cable channels run now, what kind of shit ratings does the Sundance network get with movies that they have switched over to running Law and Order reruns in primetime? Good god those law and order reruns have all been shown thousands of times on a variety of stations yet Sundance makes more running those than a movie? Might be time to sell the station or close up shop.

  19. Truth. If you watch Chappelle's show on dvd or Prime, the episodes are about 17 minutes long.

  20. From what I've read, L&O, CSI, and NCIS, all get really good ratings in syndication. I don't know what the rights fees are to those programs, but I guess if you've already paid the money, you might as well milk it.

  21. good god those shows have been run into the ground though. I mean I like Friends and King of Queens and the like but I've seen them for so many years that now I no longer watch them. Big Bang Theory has become like that too. But maybe I'm in the minority. I mean I know it's always a cost vs. revenue issue and not strictly ratings, but it's not like the movies Sundance was running were costing them a ton to show either.

  22. He'd probably want it just to fill in the archives for guys like Sting, Hardy, and Angle who have spent significant amounts of time there.

  23. You're probably right. If/when Spike cancels TNA, Vince could probably name his price, because who the hell else is going to buy it? I do think, though, that there is something to be said for the fact that Vince wants to own everything, no matter how unimportant it may be, historically. I could see Vince buying just for the sake of owning it.

  24. I'm trying to imagine if WWE would even want any of the TNA talent roster. Maybe Bobby Roooooooooo? Abyss' gimmick seems a little too close to Kane's. Too many guys that WWE would think of as 'indie geeks.'

    Although, I will say that if WWE insists on continuing to do authority angles, there would be worse decisions than putting a non-wrestling Kurt Angle in that role. Commissioner Kurt could be great as the glad-handing, ass-kissing corporate stooge.

  25. This was one of the few times as a young mark where I somehow convinced myself Savage would win and switch up the entire card. That's two Mania's in a row where we could've gotten Hart vs. Savage in an epic battle of past vs. "new" generation, ignoring the fact Bret was around since '84, and wasn't much younger (hey, don't look at me, WWE's marketing department kept pushing that in 94-95!)

  26. You know what I find strange? Why isn't the Simpsons on in syndication more? Maybe it's on in some areas, but I rarely see it, here. I thought I heard a few months ago that a cable network bought the rights to the show in syndication, but I must have been mistaken. Perhaps the fees are too high?

  27. WWE actually pushed alot of former indie geeks like CM Punk, Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan or Cesaro. Compared to the own breed from development, they have the big advantage of experience.

    If I would be Vince, I would buy TNA and use them as development like OVW. Nobody needs to know it and they can run as independent as they do, but from time to time TNA and WWE can exchange stars.

    For example WWE can use Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and on the other side Ziggler or Miz or Kingston can go to TNA.

    Win Win for everyone.

  28. it is coming to FXX. And hopefully they run the whole run (they ar doing a marathon of every episode from 1-500ish to kick it off). too many stations are cheap and buy just the last 4-5 years for their syndication packages. That said I worry a Fox owned station will concentrate on newer episodes because they don't make the current Sunday night episodes look as bad.

  29. AverageJoeEverymanMay 1, 2014 at 8:04 AM

    Well Steve Smith recently signed a free agent deal with the Baltimore Ravens and Mike Khoury is really not a popular enough name to make a similar joke about.

  30. as a publicly owned company, everyone will know it though. I assume you mean on screen they don't have to talk about it, but fans will hear about it online and in the news.

  31. Spike is the only one that run long commercials on a regular basis. All of the others only do this periodically.

  32. Sika eating the envelope was my favorite memory of the Slammy's

  33. I'm referring to a report from a while back where they turned down a couple indie guys because they already had enough guys that looked like indie guys.

  34. not true. TVland does it all day long, Nick at nite does it all night, MTV does it at night and sometimes during the day.

  35. Okay, FXX, that does sound familiar. Yeah, they used to be on a local affiliate here (WInston-Salem), and they showed like seasons 8 or 9 through 13 or 14. Pissed me off greatly.

  36. I'd kill for that run compared to what we get here. They only show the ones from 2010 to current. Then again this same station is the cheapest, most low class station ever. They show nothing in HD except the network feed. Even shows that were in HD like Big Bang Theory are shown as SD. There sound goes up and down all the time. It's like a ghetto TV station.


    Required follow-up viewing. Savage cuts one of the promos of his life in response to the title match--maybe not on the level of his best stuff in the Jake feud, but not far behind.

  38. Ok, yes. Damn wallstreet. ;-) But why not? If WWE has too much talent, just put them in TNA. If they need fresh faces, get someone from TNA.

  39. Well, in my defense I rarely watch those channels now so, you have a point.

  40. I would rather them shoehorn the shoes into extended time slots than cut out parts of shows. Sometimes, you get the stuff before or after the main story takes place getting cut, and sometimes, those are some really good jokes. But, yeah, I get your point.

  41. No prob. I just see them in the guide on Dish Network every night or in some cases tried to watch the reruns on Nick at Nite and TvLand but gave up. On MTV you will see "Shameless" 9:00 to 9:35 and then the next show at 9:35.

  42. You guys whining about tough times as if you were 28 seconds away from a fifth championship then a remarkable series of dominoes had to fall the other team's way for them to win the game and rob you of that glory.

  43. Your heel turn would be complete if you did.

  44. We...already had that. It was Ok, I guess.

  45. but they aren't showing the extended versions. They show the already edited syndicated versions that have been shortened in 35 to 40 minute slots. There are literally 14 to 18 minutes of commercials compared to 21-22 minutes of show. And they even shave a few seconds more by double running the ending credits or opening credits with the tail end of the last show (TBS does that too but thank god they haven't gone to 35 minute time slots yet)

  46. Does Cesaro looks like an indie guy? He is bigger, than many other Mizzes or Zigglers... Samoa Joe is a big guy... on the other side Jeff Hardy looks more like an indie guy than others.

  47. Commissioner Kurt getting "tossed off a ledge" by Big Show, while Torrie Wilson shrieked like a horrible C-movie actress and the camera panned to a crumpled up Kurt with a small pool of blood under his head wasn't impressive?

    Luther Reigns: Unconvincing Bodyguard wasn't the greatest thing ever?

    ... yeah, Commissioner Kurt was hit or miss, with enough misses to make one long for Teddy or Steph. (In different ways, of course. ;) )

  48. Stranger is history's greatest monster.

  49. Okay, yeah, I totally understand what you're saying. And the ending credits of one show running, with the beginning credits of the next has been a pet peeve of mine for years.

  50. Mini Goldust

  51. Man I give you the respect handshake after our match and try to give you the rub and your face turn doesn't even last a month... you clearly weren't ready for the big time... hel I bet no one would even recognize you walking through the BoD Airport

  52. Funny, that was my first live exposure to Foley, too, and the Cornette commentary put it over the top. I couldn't believe he got up after that.

    Foley shitting all over Mascaras' performance is his first book was hilarious, too. Foley does his "Nestea Plunge" for this asshole and the guy can't even be bothered to sell a back-breaker properly.

  53. Mil Mascaras is Mexican for "Fuck You, Gringo. I sell for NOTHING."

  54. I loved them playing in Newark. You could sit anywhere you want for nothing. I paid $10 to sit 15 rows behind the bench. I paid $1 once to see Charlotte.

    It took me two hours to get there and two hours to get back but I had fun doing it.

    For me, Barclays is much easier to get to and it's cool that they have a fanbase that cares about the games. If only they weren't one big joke of a franchise.

  55. Cesaro has a really great look. He looks strong and is and has probably the best gear of ananybody.

  56. This is the first event I saw as it actually aired. Reading this is like stepping into a re-markening machine. I really wanted Armstrong to win, so I hated Benoit, and I thought Scorpio was the messiah.

  57. He just bumped Jimmy Carter down the card.

  58. you don't know how happy it makes me when I get to make one of the like 3 Simpsons references I actually know.

  59. Was that when Reigns and Jindrak were dressed as mall security cops complete with nuthugger/highwater pants/?

  60. Scorpio's debut at Clash 21 POPPED the place, and really should have seen him get a better push than he did.

    Hell, I'd argue he was much more over than his partner... who just happened to be the WORLD CHAMP at the time.

  61. Why wouldn't USA take TNA as a (much) lower cost replacement to WWE? I imagine it could do better than TNA's ratings with reruns of NCIS or movies but doubt TNA would do much worse than some of USA's original content that are advertised on Raw, like Chrisley or Sirens.

  62. No, Reigns was usually in a suit, standing next to Angle, trying to look intimidating. Sometimes he succeeded.

  63. If TNA ever went under I wonder if Elvy would have a nervous breakdown or something.

  64. I gotta say, that Erik Watts/Arn Anderson segment at the gas station was pretty damn good, and about the ONLY good thing Watts was a part of in WCW

  65. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 1, 2014 at 8:42 AM

    Aside from mayyyyyybe taking another flier on Jeff hardy, I don't think there's even a single person on the current TNA roster that WWE would consider.
    - Kurt Angle: No way he'd pass their physical, and he's basically a drug overdose waiting to happen. WWE wants distance between them and him, not to bring him back and have him die under their employ.
    - Bully Ray, Mr. Anderson, Lashley: Washed up ex-WWE midcarders. Bully's doing good work, but apparently he had bad blood with the company and isn't worth it since in WWE he'd basically be at Sandow or Del Rio level at best. The other two absolutely no way.
    - Magnus/Storm/Gunner/Roode: These guys have absolutely ZERO name value, and from WWE's point of view why bring in regular-sized no-name guys in their mid 30s when their development system is stocked with younger guys? Yeah Magnus is younger, but WWE could just re-hire a Chris Masters and have someone who at least knows their system.
    - Samoa Joe: Maybe if Punk was around and had sway he'd be able to convince them to take a flyer on Joe. But let's face it: Joe's older, has lots of miles on him, has zero mainstream recognition, and has 10 years of TNA stink on him. PASS.
    - Abyss: Fat shitty Kane.
    - Austin Aries: Short indieriffic guy who's also a giant pain in the ass with a huge ego? Yeah, think WWE might pass.
    - Who teh fuck else is in this stupid company? The Bro-Mans? The Wolves who they already passed on?

    Yeah it's sad for the guys, but the day TNA closes up shop their entire roster is probably banished to working undercards on Hony Tonk vs Greg Valentine indie shows.

  66. I think Storm and Roode could have a good run if they weren't forced to go through NXT.

  67. USA was without wrestling for the 5 years that Raw was on TNN/Spike, mainly because there was no one around to step up and replace WWe. It's the same situation now. They keep Raw because of the name recognition, which brings in ratings.

    TNA would be a STEEP drop.

  68. Stranger in the AlpsMay 1, 2014 at 8:45 AM

    You got me all wrong. I've been set up! I report what I see and pass it on all in the name of goodwill. Which is where I'll be shopping when the BoD check stops coming.

  69. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 1, 2014 at 8:45 AM

    No way. USA is a super legit cable channel. Monk, Psych, White Collar, Royal Pains— all those dramedies they air (or have aired) are legit TV shows.
    They wouldn't even consider taking ECW when WWE left ten years ago, and that was with 1) ECW being a much more successful company than TNA, and B) USA being less of a big deal then than it is now.

    TNA would be an embarrassment for them to air.

  70. Stranger in the AlpsMay 1, 2014 at 8:47 AM

    Ich bin ein Berliner, douchebags!

  71. Yep, pretty cool that a horsemen style parking lot beatdown actually backfired on Arn.

  72. You're right, but Kane didn't get pinned and they've kind of established a second character for Kane via the mask. Hopefully this match is at least half as good as the HBK-Diesel one.

  73. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 1, 2014 at 8:48 AM

    Would they? Listen, Roode and Storm are fine. We like them well enough. But why would WWE even bother?
    The two of them have zero name recognition. Like, more wrestling fans probably know who Zami Zayn is, because he's on NXT and John Cena mentioned him on Raw, than know who Bobby Roode is.

    So if they have zero name value, and they're older than everyone in developmental, and they're rigid in a style that doesn't fit what WWE wants--- why bother?

  74. Yes! I used to joke around and call Cro Cop's head kicks "head leg kicks" in honor of Easy E.

  75. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 1, 2014 at 8:59 AM

    I think the more pertinent question is: when TNA finally gets canned, will any other promotion be able to take it's place and get a national TV deal or is that the end of having even a #2 pro wrestling company on television?

    Does Jarrett's hillbilly wrestling get a deal? Can ROH get on cable TV?
    Or has TNA salted the Earth so bad that no decent cable channel will ever want to get in business with non-WWE wrestling ever again?

    And for those TNA diehards who get upset when posters here shit on TNA so bad and throw salt in their wounds, this is a reason why: TNA has not only delvered an unwatchable wrestling product for ten years, they've also been so bad and inept that they're basically killing off cable TV for any other wrestling besides WWE.

  76. Yeah, I guess I'm still a bit of a mark for him because it still boggles my mind that he didn't get a proper singles run in wcw or wwf. hell, not even ecw, which made him tv champ 4 times, had the confidence to make him world champ. was there heat on him or something?

  77. Kurt actually served as Commissioner while he sat out an injury way back when. As I recall after he left WWE he was REAL vocal about letting the world know he hated that role. Probably still some heat for that. Sadly I think the next time we'll see Kurt on WWE TV is for his HOF induction.

  78. I suppose we shouldn't say that it will never happen, but I don't see it in the foreseeable future. Maybe Jerry Jarrett is good at making deals, and finds a way onto USA, if WWE leaves for Spike (or anywhere else)? Na, I doubt it. I don't see ROH being anything more than they are now, a B+ promotion (and there's nothing wrong with that).

  79. I believe Heyman said on the Austin podcast that USA turned down ECW, which drew more than TNA, because USA decided if it couldn't have the top wrestling group it didn't want the number two group. I can't imagine the years changing their stance.

  80. Nice summary of WWE's likely viewpoint of TNA's roster. The one TNA name WWE wanted was Sting...and he's off TV so far aside from his interviews for the Warrior docs. I guess Angle and Hardy could be used as talking heads during Countdown and other docs, but yeah.

  81. No, Steve Smith is a commentator on NBA TV. har har har! I made a funny!

  82. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 1, 2014 at 9:13 AM

    When a team is winning people will show up. Maybe if he made the moves he mad a year or so prior the fans would come out.

  83. What would be the difference between TNA and NXT to the average fan? Would it really be worth the cost?

  84. We've got popo?

  85. Yeah, probably even a bigger drop than going from WWF to ECW.

  86. I honestly think the WWE would take a flyer on Roode. I remember Billy Gunn saying something interesting (STOP LAUGHING) about Roode. He thought Roode would be a big star in wrestling, but not in TNA because they didn't know how to push him.

    If I'm Vince, and TNA goes belly up, I pick up Roode, Storm and Joe. And MAYBE Lashley and Aries, but I tell them both they're starting with two strikes.

    And I tell Eddie Edwards the door is open, but only if he tells Davey Richards to go fuck himself.

  87. This is incredible incorrect writing by Scott. TNA could easily go to another network. One million viewers guaranteed a week is a great number. Dixie met with FOX a week ago as well.

  88. No one was showing up in New Jersey. That was the problem.

  89. NXT is just a WWE C show and no competition but TNA is an more or less equal company and I think a new wrestler looks better from the beginning if he comes from an equal company instead of your own development show.

    On the other side, if you send someone from WWE to TNA it doesn't look like an demotion compared to going from RAW to NXT.

  90. Boy, Spike/TNN is really Vince's weapon of choice when it comes to killing other promotions, isn't it? Either that, or death by talent raid (the AWA, among others).

  91. Back to FX, or FXX even?

  92. Maybe from his alleged anaconda?


  93. Nah, apparently you are a far more avid follower of the guy than I am. ;)

  94. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 1, 2014 at 9:54 AM

    FS1 would be the most likely bet. They need all the help they can get.

  95. FS1 isn't a common channel yet, IIRC... that would be a painful drop.

  96. Yeah I played that damn album over and over again... I was JUST thinking about Eat Your Heart Out Rick Springfield a couple of days ago.. sheehs..

  97. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 1, 2014 at 10:01 AM

    Or go to bed late (I wrote that at 2am apparently; I've been tripping off Nyquil because of this stupid cold).

  98. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 1, 2014 at 10:02 AM

    If WWE wanted Samoa Joe, they'd already have him. As for Ziggler, Miz or Kofi, you might as well send them to Siberia for all the exposure they'd have in TNA. Just ask Hogan, Booker, Foley, etc.

    They have their own in-house developmental system, and there's a reason for that.

  99. That was great too

  100. I don't think anyone really considers TNA on WWE's level. So many people that have gone to TNA say that fans ask them why they stopped wrestling. This isn't a one time thing -- there's a percentage of fans that have no idea TNA exists or don't care. There is just no recognition of TNA by the average fan. At least with NXT fans hear it mentioned on RAW and Smackdown and see HHH tweet about it.

    Sure if Vince bought TNA he could do the same thing with TNA -- they could mention it on Raw and Triple H could tweet them up, but where is there a cost benefit of buying a separate group just to get them to the same level as NXT or even Smackdown? The Shield and Wyatt Family came from NXT and haven't had a problem getting over.

    There has yet to be actual proof that it is possible to keep two brands/shows/rosters/faux-companies equal. They tried with Raw & Smackdown and it was clear Raw was the A show, Smackdown was the B show. They tried with WWF and WCW and it was clear, even with Austin, that WCW/the Alliance was the B squad aside from Austin. Ditto ECW.

    Even if they wanted to have a separate "company" with real history they could relaunch WCW or ECW tomorrow rather than spend more money buying TNA. WCW was far more successful than TNA could ever dream of being so if Vince suddenly got the hankering that he needs another brand he could relaunch WCW tomorrow with guys like Sting & Flair as firgureheads, bring in Schiavone as an announcer with Jim Ross and send over guys like Kingston, Miz, Del Rio, Christian and some guys from NXT and even get guys from TNA. It accomplishes the exact same thing. Sure WCW has been long dead, but then TNA hasn't been alive to most fans to begin with.

  101. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 1, 2014 at 10:15 AM

    But it gives TNA a chance to finally be a big fish in a very small pond.

  102. It takes balls to make Eric Young the focal point of a show that hasn't been renewed yet.

  103. Is their video library really of that much value? I mean, I know from a workrate standpoint, there are tons of excellent matches, particularly from the mid-2000s, but has anything super-historic in the overall history of THIS BUSINESS ever really happened in TNA? I think the only value to WWE would be for "completists" when it comes to retrospectives on Angle, Sting, and Christian, but that's about it...

  104. I'd say FS1 is the best bet and their new talent agency they signed with will most likely be handling negotiations for the TV contract.

  105. A lot more common than Spike TV lol

  106. or his memorial video tribute.

  107. Steve Smith is currently a character in a successful animated television program.

  108. You're probably right. As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, the main reason Vince would probably want to buy it is so he can continue his quest to own everything wrestling related out there.

  109. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 1, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    They weren't winning.

  110. He started his big push at the Rumble. Just weird that he's done nothing since then

  111. That was pretty awesome. Never seen that before

  112. TNA is by far the most watched show on Spike.

    Cops does not get 1 million viewers.

    TNA can live as a TV show forever if it delivers 1 millon viewers every week.

  113. We get a video for 2 Cold Scorpio, who dances for some kids in a basketball court.

    It just never ends does it.

  114. I suppose it could pad out an Angle or Sting DVD set, I suppose. I doubt they'd ever do a 'Best of TNA' set.

  115. From 01-07 they were pretty good. No one cared. I understand why they moved, I just hate that they acted like there was this new cultural change. Nope, we're still a joke

    Same old shit. Last night was so heartbreaking. It was like Game 4 from last year. Only the Bulls actually came back. We just suck

  116. Magnus could do well if he jumped, I mean, this run as champion has left him dead in the water in TNA, he's not got much to lose.

  117. Too bad it was wasted on Eric Fucking Watts, of all people.

  118. Pecking order!

  119. Only two problems: with the WWE being a public company I don't think they could get away with buying another promotion and having news not leak out. Also, USA Network would probably have fit with the WWE running a television program on another network. This is what caused there to be no separate WCW promotion IIRC.

  120. USA to Spike to USA again to Spike again...I CAN'T KEEP TRACK OF IT ALL!!!

  121. I see your point but this is not a guarantee, Wrestling has a will always have a stink so there is no promise that another network will jump at picking it up. I mean yes they were a disaster by the end but Monday Nitro had a lot more prestige and name value than impact and it couldn't find a home.

  122. I think Kurt will be back, He is going to have to jump through hoops but I think he will do at least a rumble-mania run with them to retire.

  123. The man is being held together with duct tape and prayer. Vince is gonna get blamed when he dies, but the heat will be somewhat less if Angle dies on someone else's payroll.

  124. It's totally all Kurt not being a disaster but if he is and stays cleaned up I could see it....he might need to spend a period staying at DDP's place doing yoga...but I could see it.

  125. Considering the miracles he's worked with Hall and Jake, it's not a bad idea. Still a little wary about putting him in the ring, no matter how clean he gets.

  126. Sadly, I thought that video was the coolest thing ever as a kid.

  127. Bob Eucre picked Lord Littlebrook

  128. Scott: was the version you watched clipped or did you just leave out the part where Orndorff piledrives Barbarian on the floor?

  129. What does an "S*" rating mean?

  130. How dare you. Have you not seen the man in action?

    Puts Randy Orton to shame

  131. I didn't get it until 1991, but our problem was having an old TV set, and not being able to go high enough to get the channel TBS was on.


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