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Clash Countdown: #32

The SmarK Rant for Clash of the Champions XXXII (January 1996)

So big news for me on the professional front, as I will shortly begin writing for The Sporting News’s website, basically about whatever I want. Thankfully there’s an entire network dedicated to showing wrestling stuff 24 hours a day so I’ll always have lots of stuff to talk about. Thanks to Seth Mates for hooking me up and being awesome in general.

So into the Nitro era now, leading into Superbrawl VI, which is one of my favorite shows of the 90s and one that doesn’t get enough love, actually. Go watch it on the Network! The night before on Nitro, Randy Savage won the World title and Luger & Sting won the tag titles, setting up some cool stuff. This another Clash where I’ve never seen it, as I was living on my own for the first time in my shitty one-bedroom apartment in Edmonton in 1996 and couldn’t afford to subscribe to TBS. Those were the hot dog and ramen noodle days. Of course, they still are, but now I get the really GOOD hot dogs! OK, that’s a lie, I’m cheap, I just buy the same ones I did then. But I could buy the good ones. Honest.

Live from Las Vegas, NV

Your hosts are Tony Schiavone & Bobby Heenan.

The Nasty Boys v. The Public Enemy

As usual, a big brawl between them right away and Sags goes to grab a table as Tony gets a “Oh man, here we go again” tone to his voice. Sags is unable to run Rocco into the table, and Rock goes up with a moonsault for two before getting dumped by Knobbs again. He takes a really scary bump off the apron and hits the back of his neck somehow. They’re so shitty that they can’t even obey the laws of physics properly. Sags gives Grunge an ugly piledriver and the ref finally calls for the bell at 4:00 for no reason in particular. To say these matches didn’t age well is being generous. DUD

Meanwhile, Ric Flair and The Giant have words for the Megapowers, although to be accurate it’s Flair with the words and Giant with the ridiculous facials in the background. Note to Giant: You have Ric Flair with you, don’t talk.

Dean Malenko v. Alex Wright

Interesting that Wright got severely demoted following Dusty’s firing as booker in 95, but he’s still hanging around in a feature position. I guess people still saw something in him. Malenko takes him down to control him, but Wright evades him with flips and Dean bails. Back in, Malenko goes to work on the leg as we learn that Compuserve “e-chatting” is live RIGHT NOW. It’s like the WWE’s second screen app done by the stone-chipping pterodactyls in the Flintstones. Malenko pounds the knee in the corner, but Wright gets a flying bodypress for two. They fight over a backslide and Wright gets a dropkick, but Malenko gets a backdrop suplex and goes up. Wright dropkicks him down and follows with a superplex, and the german suplex gets two. Malenko puts him down with a forearm, dropkicks the knee again, and pins him at 5:31. Even in victory Dean looks pissed off all the time. A little short, but Wright was hanging in there OK. **1/2

Kevin Sullivan v. Disco Inferno

So we get a singing telegram from an Elvis impersonator for some reason, who I’m guessing was some job guy, and Sullivan doesn’t take it very well and beats him up. Apparently Disco is at the wedding and unable to attend his match. WTF?

Meanwhile, at the chapel, Buck and Slater arrive dressed about as nicely as they ever dress. They’re unsure about Parker’s chances of actually showing up for his own wedding.

Meanwhile, Lex Luger and Sting give their victory interview after winning the tag titles. This was actually a fascinating dynamic, with Luger clearly a heel and Sting clearly a babyface, but since they were longtime friends Sting was willing to team with him and overlook his issues. That’s pretty cool and never got explored to the logical finish because of the nWo changing all the plans. The Road Warriors interrupt, looking for a title shot, and Sting is all for it, but Luger feels like the American Males and State Patrol might be more worthy first.

Meanwhile, Paul Orndorff talks about his career-ending neck surgery, right when motivational speaker Gary Spivey was going to turn things around for him. Paul claims that he was offered a spot in the Four Horsemen and turned them down, which is why they attacked him and broke his neck. This was obviously supposed to lead to him making a big comeback against them later, but it never happened. Too bad, he would have been a natural for the nWo as an ex-WWF guy.

Meanwhile, as I start to wonder if we’re ever going to get another match, Robert Parker shows up at the wedding chapel, trying to borrow $50 from Mean Gene for cab fare. Yeah, like that’ll work. Sherri is still running late, but apparently calls Robert on his cell phone to smooth things over.

Brian Pillman v. Eddie Guerrero

So this is the true start of the Loose Cannon character and a pretty famous match to boot. Bobby relates how everyone in the airports is talking to him about Eddie Guerrero. Somehow I doubt that. Pillman, convincingly playing batshit crazy at this point, runs away from Eddie’s lockup attempt and wanders at ringside until Eddie hauls him in for a headlock. Dropkick puts Pillman on the floor again an Eddie tries a dive, but Pillman hides behind Heenan (“What the fuck are you doing?!”, uncensored on the Network!) and Bobby is REALLY pissed and actually walks away from ringside for a bit to cool down. So as noted before, Heenan is very protective of his neck and didn’t know Pillman was going to touch him, and that was the result. It’s a shoot, brutha. Back in, they trade chops and Eddie is just UNLOADING on him, but Pillman chokes him down and goes to a chinlock as even Eddie seems unsure of what to do here. He fights back with a dropkick and Pillman runs away again, but Eddie gets a tornado DDT for two. Blind charge misses and Pillman gets two in the corner, but Eddie rolls him up for two. They collide on a crossbody and Pillman grabs the tights for the pin at 5:55, then makes sure to get in Bobby’s space again before leaving. This was one of the more bizarre matches you’ll see, only topped by the Pillman-Sullivan match at Superbrawl. Match was no good, but that’s not what Pillman was about at this point. *1/2

Meanwhile, the Megapowers and Kevin Greene are ready for that NASTY, STINKY, WART-INFESTED GIANT tonight. Obviously Greene was having a ball doing this.

Sting & Lex Luger v. The Blue Bloods

Regal exchanges formal bows with Sting, and Regal’s expression of disgust is tremendous. I’m wondering if Sting made some non-PC gesture there, though, because the camera zoomed in tight on Regal’s face. Sting traps Regal in their corner and dishes out some abuse. Over to Earl Robert Eaton (who, rather than sounding regal, now sounds like a serial killer or presidential assassin) and he also gets beat on. Lex flexes his pecs at Regal and this is literally the worst thing to happen to Regal all day, which he expresses merely by the look of abject horror on his face. Regal fires back with some forearms in the corner, and Eaton gets a neckbreaker to take over. Regal drops an elbow for two, and anytime Regal has something he can sink his teeth into it’s automatically 100% more fun. Eaton with the flying kneedrop to set up the Regal Stretch, but Sting breaks it up. Luger and Eaton bump heads, and it’s hot tag Sting. It’s BREAKING LOOSE IN TULSA, but Eaton collides with Regal and Sting finishes the Earl with the Scorpion at 7:48. Fun Nitro match. **1/2

Meanwhile, Robert Parker tries to make sure Harlem Heat doesn’t eat too much at the catering table, as Sherri finally arrives. Unfortunately, Parker neglected to mention his crippling gambling habit, which has left him flat broke. Kind of makes the Vegas wedding seem like a particularly bad decision on his part. So they’re going to have to do a drive-through wedding instead.

Meanwhile, Brian F’n Pillman might just say all 7 of the forbidden words on live TV, and there’s NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT. Also, he might hack someone’s thumb off. So...OK then.

Mexican Heavyweight title: Konnan v. Psychosis

The graphics note that this is “Konan” v. “Psichosis”, in case you’re striving for accuracy. They trade armdrags to start and Konnan rolls him up into a submission hold, but gets nothing from it. More dull holds on the mat and Konnan gets a DDT, but Psy dumps him and follows with a dive. Back in, Konnan suddenly hits a superplex, and he finishes with a figure-four at 5:26. Apparently they were running long and got cut short on the fly. **

Meanwhile, Mean Gene finally talks Sherri into going through with the wedding, but then accidentally reveals that Parker was getting a phone call from another woman earlier. So they go through with the vows, but when it’s time for the objections, Madusa charges in and breaks it up because she’s actually been banging the Colonel on the sly. CATFIGHT! Disco steals all the champagne in the chaos. Meltzer HATED this whole thing in the WON at the time, but years of Vince Russo goofiness and wrestling weddings as a TV trope leave this one looking pretty good in retrospect, actually. It’s not like they were selling this as a main event angle or anything, it was just something for the midcarders to do that was very aware of its own stupidity.

Ric Flair & The Giant v. Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage

Speaking of ridiculous, Michael Buffer’s introduction of the Giant ranks up there. He puts the FEAR OF DEATH into his opponents! Elizabeth makes her return to the sport here, looking like someone’s mom at this point. Thankfully she would get much hotter as her relationship with Savage deteriorated again. Savage starts with Flair and quickly gets caught in the heel corner, but backslides Flair for two. Over to Hogan and the Giant, as the NASTY, STINKY, WART-INFESTED Giant pounds on Hogan and for whatever reason Hulk decides he’s finally going to start selling for someone in the promotion and it’s THIS guy. Giant with a backbreaker, but he misses an elbow and Hogan slams him. Flair comes in with a suplex, but of course Hogan no-sells that and makes the comeback. Big rookie stiff, sell your ass off. Greatest wrestler in history, fuck that, brother. Hogan brawls to the floor with Giant, and heads back in to continue not selling for Flair, like AT ALL. He slams Flair off the top and makes the hot tag to Savage, who quickly hits the double axehandle and drops the big elbow on Flair, but Jimmy Hart distracts him and Flair finishes with an international object at 9:50. The awesome tandem of Zodiac and Brian Pillman try to storm the ring, but Kevin Greene cleans house, grinning like a total mark the whole time. Giant was way out of his depth here, and Hogan was pretty infuriating. As usual. *1/2

The Pulse

This was basically an episode of Nitro from the time. Viewed as such, it was a pretty good episode of Nitro. But the difference between what this was (short, decent matches padded out with bad comedy and endless talking) and what the shows were even the year before is kind of jarring. It also shows how redundant and needless that the Clash had become as a concept, much like what RAW is doing to PPV now, and thankfully there was only 3 of them left. Recommendation to do whatever you want with this one, because I can go either way with it.


  1. Superbrawl VI is fucking awesome and now I want to watch it.

  2. The best part was even though Heenan was obviously FURIOUS at Pillman, when he got back on commentary he kept cheering for Pillman the heel.

  3. Scott reviewing bad WCW is always great, especially the shots at Hogan.

  4. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 11:04 PM

    C'mon, I'm bordering on homeless here, and even *I* spring for the better hot dogs!

  5. I feel like this show has to be seen, just for the Pillman bit.

  6. I get my hot dogs at the grocery store where they sell all the nearly expired stuff.

  7. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 11:05 PM

    I miss Scott referring to them as "The Public Enema".

    I know they're dead and all, but I still miss it.

  8. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 11:06 PM

    "The dumpster behind the grocery store" doesn't count as *another* grocery store, guy.

  9. All my money is left on a table somewhere, you know.

  10. There's a certain charm to a really crappy store brand hot dog that just can't be replaced by minor considerations like "parts of the cow you've heard of" and tasting like real meat and stuff. Unless you're getting shit like veggie dogs or high-protein turkey dogs (which I actually don't mind, either) you're basically eating ground up pig leftovers anyway, so why not embrace it?

    Plus, as mentioned, I'm cheap. So there's that.

  11. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 11:16 PM

    But the good ones get *plumpier*.


  12. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 11:18 PM


  13. Funny, Pillman, Heenan, and Guerrero have all said 'fuck' famously: Pillman in ECW, Heenan here, and Eddie at SummerSlam 2005. Schiavone even went as far as saying 'shit' and 'tits' in his infamous lone TNA appearance.

    I feel like these are things we should all know.

  14. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 11:20 PM

    Hey, I haven't been drunk on the Blog since my little Sami freakout.

  15. Congrats on the Sporting News gig

  16. I found the table

  17. Tony was something else in his TNA appearance as part of SEX

  18. "MY GOODNESS, THE TASKMASTER IS BEATING UP ELVIS PRESLEY!" One my favorite Schiavone calls of all-time. Apparently that thing was thrown together at the relative last minute when some Oppenheimer realized that Disco was in the wedding (presumably pre-taped) segments and couldn't logically be wrestling, too.

    Count me as one who thought the wedding stuff was hilarious. The last shot of Disco Inferno cluelessly looking around with his arms loaded with champagne bottles absolutely slays me.

  19. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 11:33 PM

    That's right up there with him saying that hay is very abrasive.

  20. While I'm rattling off quotes, the Sting/Luger dynamic led to this priceless exchange, when Luger informs Sting that he signed them to face the Roadies in a Chicago Street Fight. Sting is understandably upset with this--that's their specialty match!

    "But I'm from Chicago, too!"

  21. Which has worse luck at weddings, pro wrestling or Game of Thrones?

  22. Whoever is marrying Larry King?

  23. Heenan's relationship with WCW is fantastic to look back at as he came in with high hopes but soon realized this company had no clue what the hell they were doing but just hung on as long as he could, trying to make it as entertaining as possible. That he managed to last until '99 before finally giving up is a far stronger man than I.

  24. For some reason I thought only one of them was dead, but yeah, it seems they both are. Wrestling is so friggin' depressing.

  25. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 11:55 PM

    Meh, they still have better life expectancies than NFL lineman.

  26. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:02 AM

    So I'm guessing the Mexican Heavyweight Title was something WCW made up the night of the show?

  27. I'm a huge Bobby Heenan fan, but I only really found him any good through about 1996.

    He seemed to try pretty hard up till about the time the NWO came around and then he was pretty hit or miss from then on out, although he'd have the occasional classic moment. I don't think it helped that he was basically forced to play a sort of babyface as a WCW announcer during that period, it just never really worked. Just as the company seemed to be taking off, he seemed to lose all interest.

  28. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:03 AM

    No, I think it was actually the AAA title.

  29. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:03 AM

    The drinking didn't help, either.

  30. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:04 AM

    Weren't all the WCW guys from CMLL?

  31. Hopefully the WWE airs the PPV version of Superbrawl VI and not the home video version of it, which edits the crap out of the Savage/Flair match or more specifically -- crops off their heads and uses far more wide angles to avoid showing any of the blood.

    There is a pretty big gaffe on the PPV version too IIRC, where Savage is trying to get Elizabeth to throw the powder at him and the camera catches him trying to work out the timing with her and Woman.

  32. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:05 AM

    Maybe. I sometimes mix the two up.

  33. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:06 AM

    No, Konnan was AAA, and that *was* the AAA title he had, at least according to Wiki.

  34. Yeah I never really noticed him obviously blitzed until 1999 -- check out Mayhem 1999 for sure. He claims to have developed problems with his speech as a precursor to his cancer though, I suppose there is that.

    Has he ever actually admitted to or been asked if he was drinking on the job?

  35. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:08 AM

    I know when the WWF tried half-assing lucha wrestling those were AAA guys, Vince said so right on camera.

  36. Stranger in the AlpsJune 12, 2014 at 12:08 AM

    Good luck at The Sporting News, Mr. Keith, sir.

    Here's hoping you put Saskatchewan on the map. Now you can afford the denim jacket with the leather arms

  37. I prefer to think that the Heaven Wrestling Federation has a pretty deep roster now and everyone's putting on a great show to make me feel less depressed.

  38. That's awesome, I hadn't remembered that, I'll need to check that out haha.

  39. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:10 AM

    Should have just called it as such then. "Mexican Heavyweight Title" just sounds kind of racist.

    (fun fact, while Konnan is not, as Scott claimed for years, a white guy from Jersey, he's also not Mexican. He's Cuban-American.)

  40. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:11 AM

    I'm not sure if he has, but he was definitely a little slurry at times during his WCW run, and he almost died from alcoholism-related throat cancer, so it's not exactly a big leap.

    Not that I hold that against him in any way, fuck, if I had colour commentate that company, I'd be hammering some drinks beforehand too probably.

  41. I use to buy really cheap food too. Then it affected my health so now I have to spend a little more on healthy foods.

  42. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:12 AM

    Hasn't stopped Rick Generet...

  43. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:12 AM

    Macho Man up there, playin' shuffleboard with Jimi Hendrix... it's beautiful

  44. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 12, 2014 at 12:13 AM

    the thv version also removed "bookerman" when pillman throws the match

  45. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:13 AM

    Yeah the "white guy from Jersey" was one of the non-true things from the Sleaze List that a lot of people picked up on.

  46. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:13 AM

    Jimi always seemed like he had some skeletons back there that might keep him out of heaven. Don't ask my why...

  47. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:14 AM

    I thought it was a Scott joke that people started taking as fact.

  48. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:14 AM

    No, it's definitely on the Sleaze List.

  49. So long as he accepted Jesus Christ into his heart right before he died, he should be okay. Unless the Jews have it right then he's screwed.

  50. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:17 AM

    Yeah, I'm sure Jesus is what Hendrix was thinking about the night he ODed.

  51. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:17 AM

    I didn't know The Sporting News was still around. Now that I know it is I'll pop on over to the website, I always liked the magazine outside of the lack of NHL coverage (understandable in this case, they had a whole separate publication devoted to nothing but hockey). Good for you, Scott.

  52. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:18 AM

    It's already on the map! It's one of those huge fucking rectangles in the western half of Canada!

  53. Maybe God really wanted him up in Heaven so gave him a lifeline.

  54. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:18 AM

    But did Scott get it from there, or the other way around?

  55. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:21 AM

    I seem to remember him making that and other sly references to shit from The List (Cornette and his bananas et al), but I dunno. Sometimes it's hard to figure out exactly how some of this shit got started 15+ years later.

  56. "Saskatchewan, whoever heard of Saskatchewan?!"
    "Saskatchewan! Saskatchewan! Couldn't be New York, no! Chicago, no! But Saskatchewan!"

  57. It was such a hilarious dynamic. I feel like they could recycle it today because it hasn't been done in forever, but I'm not sure who could pull it off. You have lifetime babyface John Cena, but he really doesn't have any "friends" in storyline, and certainly none that could play a sleazeball heel like Luger was. I'm almost thinking the closest equivalent would be him and Randy Orton as a team like they seemed to be building towards years ago.

  58. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:26 AM

    I picture Saskatoon as like the most polite place on Earth. Even if you got arrested up there, the cop would say something like "You're going to have to come with us, if it's not too much trouble for you" and buy me a doughnut from Tim Hortons on the way to jail, because it would be rude not to offer when he's stopping there anyway.

    (See, I worked in three (at least) stereotypes into one paragraph. Multitasking. The opposite of padding, this is posting with maximum efficiency.)

  59. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:26 AM

    Dude, Saskatoon is actually one of the most violent, fucked up places in Canada.

  60. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:28 AM

    Is it? If that's true it doesn't surprise me, what else is there to do but get all fucked up and stupid? Hell, that's a serious problem here.


  62. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:30 AM

    Not as giant as Mongolia. I mean, Canada is obviously bigger, but Mongolia has less population density.

  63. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:31 AM

    Mongolia has better BBQ, too.

  64. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:31 AM

    I want to say he's taken credit for a couple things on that list. I don't think the K-Dogg thing was one of them though.

  65. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:33 AM

    I always wondered, is Outer Mongolia the part that borders China or Russia? Russia, I would think, right?

  66. Awesome idea, but if you're going to redo it, the wrestlers need to have the acting chops to pull it off. I think Cena and Bryan could also work. They could do a storyline where Bryan goes back to being a heel and you have the Bella Twins forcing their husbands to play nice.

  67. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:34 AM

    Outer Mongolia is the country we call Mongolia. Inner Mongolia is a province of China. The small part of historical Mongolia that belongs to Russia is called Tannu Tuva.

  68. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:37 AM

    Well, really, pretty much 3/4s of Asia was "historical Mongolia" at one point, or another.

  69. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:38 AM

    No shit. It was just a joke, like "Where's Farva?" "Fucking Outer Mongolia or some shit, who knows...".

    Another thing I learned today: The Sultan of Brunei has one car for every 200 citizens of his country. And most of them are just sitting and rotting. Jay Leno cries a little bit every time he thinks of this.

  70. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:39 AM

    I hope so. I hope Leno cries a lot.

  71. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:43 AM

    He SUCKS as a talk show host, but he knows his shit when it comes to cars. Him and Adam Corrola should be doing the U.S. Top Gear, not the vinegar and water twins hosting it now.

    Still, could you imagine having 2,000 cars? Guy has so many cars that they're literally sitting around rotting because he has so many he forgot about them. It's a fucking travesty.

  72. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 12:44 AM

    That's fucking ridiculous. Even if I were a billionaire, I think my limit would be 365 cars. One for each day of the year!

  73. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:45 AM

    I don't believe in the concept of heaven or hell, but Jimi looked like he was up to some shady shit.

  74. I'd argue that 90% of the people in the entertainment industry have been up to shady shit so it's unfair to to single Jimi out.

  75. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:51 AM

    You don't even know. Jay Leno has something like 400 cars, but they're all unique and collectible and shit. This dickhead from Brunei has a garage with a dozen Range Rovers that have never been touched. Like, ever, they got shipped there, put in a garage, and left to rot in the humidity for 10 years. Guy bought a fucking Pagani Zonda Cinqe and has not only never driven it, but supposedly has never even seen in it person. They only made 5 of them, you prick!

  76. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 12:53 AM

    I'm not singling him out at all. And it's probably closer to 98%.

  77. It may be on the List but it WAY pre-dates it. Scott was using that line in the actual RSPW FAQ (as opposed to where we are now).

  78. It's not like the List was entirely made up out of whole cloth. Some of that stuff had been circulating for a long while.

  79. "I put down SACRAMENTO. But Tunney's Canadian, YOU'RE Canadian-- this guy wanted to fight in front of 15 Eskimos with snow shoes and fishing nets on their back..."

  80. I guess the main problem is: Sting and Lugers friendship has been established for years at this point. to recreate an angle like this the WWE would have to pair up two guys without "breaking them up" just a few months later. somehow I doubt todays WWE would have the patience for this.

  81. Ric Flair never really lost the WWF Championship, because no real place would call itself Saskatoon.

  82. If the Jews have it right, we're all screwed.

  83. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 1:45 AM

    Oh yeah, most of that shit is 80s industry gossip that bounced around BBSes and Usenet long before being compiled into an exhaustive list.

  84. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 1:46 AM

    I see. Well, it's not like it was that hard to believe... especially considering Johnny B. Badd actually did turn out to be white... so Konnan wouldn't have been much of a stretch, imo.

  85. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 1:49 AM

    Fuckin' pro.

  86. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 12, 2014 at 2:43 AM

    Please use "ordered extra biscuits" in your first column, somewhere.

  87. Pillman's been dead for 14 years.

    The two guys who could run with the Loose Cannon thing are CM Punk (who wouldn't need it) and Ambrose.

    If anything could separate Ambrose from being thought of as 'The Shield dude' to being unique, it would be him running around and threatening to bring down the company.

    And then Reigns could be the "grr I'm big and strong, me spear you" guy that he's prepped to be.

  88. Wasn't there some shoot where Nash got corrected on his accuracy about that story? I heard another fan talk about it, and I so DESPERATELY want it to be true that he was called out on his lie. Well, he COULD just be mis-remembering it, I suppose...

  89. haha, God- that stretch where they were trying to counter WCW's huge Cruiserweight division and buttload of superstars by adding Heavy Metal, Pierroth, Cibernetico & fucking Latin Lover. It was almost like they were trying to discredit lucha by throwing a bunch of rookies and washed-up veterans instead of making a real effort. I guess WCW just gobbled up all the good talent from Mexico at this point in time.

  90. They could still do it with the Shield so long as Ambrose and Reigns don't turn on each other and it could work as both guys are pegged for big things in the future.

  91. I actually like the chaotic nature of the show here. Giant should have been nowhere near a wrestling ring but you can't win them all

  92. If you're talking about The Hockey News, that's a Canadian-owned publication separate from the US-owned Sporting News, which is now just a website.

  93. Ambrose and Reigns could pull it off. They come off as good friends and have natural chemistry and Ambrose is already naturally a sort of slimy heelish guy (ala Luger) and Reigns is the cool face (ala Sting). Plus their friendship has already been established over a couple of years.

  94. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 12, 2014 at 5:42 AM

    It's skewed a lot by Native issues both on and off the reservation, I believe, but yeah. It's statistically a pretty violent place.

  95. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 12, 2014 at 5:51 AM

    The cheap hot dogs make baby Jesus cry.

  96. The closest equivalent we've had was Kane-Bryan, but that far surpassed the Sting-Luger relationship (and I was a huge fan of that dynamic).

  97. *Saskatchatoon.

  98. I love his story about going backstage, apologizing to Bischoff, and Bischoff asking him "Why? What did you do?"

  99. I feel like putting orndorff in the nwo is a really bad idea. I'm not sure he was ever cool and certainly not in the late 90s. I don't see how he adds anything to them or they add anything to him.

  100. "That's game, Hendrix!"

  101. Pillman will have actually been dead for 17 years which is freaking crazy. It'll also be 17 years since Bret Hart meant anything to wrestling.

  102. Scott, congrats on the Sporting News gig. Just don't leave the Blog behind!

  103. He'd be better than Scott Norton and VK Wallstreet.

  104. I just checked it out:

    I didn't see the original PPV so I have nothing to compare this to: There are some wide angle shots but you can also see some closeups with Flair bleeding. If I had to guess, the wide angle shots were what they used during the actual PPV itself. This doesn't seem like an edited version as you can also see Flair's ass as bright as day. I didn't watch the whole match but it doesn't seem as though there's any head cropping.

    They also kept the "I respect you bookerman" in for the Pillman/Sullivan match.

    The entire event is 2 hrs and 45 minutes, so I'm gonna guess that this is the actual PPV and not the THV version.

    The Network has been good about putting up the actual PPV's of stuff and not the edited down home releases. There are a couple of exceptions (either SummerSlam 93 or 95, one of the early Halloween Havocs and One Night Only comes to mind), but it seems that almost on every occasion, it's the regular PPV.

  105. But without the fat all I can taste is the hog anus!

  106. i.e. The are no plans for Seth period, it was just a hotshot breakup because Vince was upset over ratings, he'll have a couple matches against Ambrose, eventually get squashed by Reigns, and one of the greatest teams ever will be forever ruined.
    OK maybe I'm overdoing it a little, but c'mon...I'm at least 3/4 right here.

  107. So, Orton and HHH's friendship and Rollins and HHH Alliance are going to exist in separate universes a la Heyman with Punk and Brock?

  108. I really wish Greene had become the full time wrestler instead of Mongo.

  109. The generic new music, the vague explanation for his heel turn on Smackdown, the fact that Rollins was still wrestling in his Shield gear on Main Event ... the signs are definitely there that this heel turn was slapped together and hadn't been planned for long. That said, it does make sense that he wouldn't just jump from one group to another (Evolution) if the whole point is that he turned on The Shield to become a star on his own.

  110. I think the Sting/Luger story happened earlier, but ECW did this around the same time with Cactus and Mikey (with Mikey winning both the TV and tag titles from 2 Cold Scorpio and Cactus being the first one out to congratulate him and thus become a tag champion again), but with the added bonus of some awesome Cactus promos where he alternately tried to recruit Mikey for Raven's and Vince McMahon.

  111. I was bummed that they did not showcase him at all on the NXT Special

  112. Rollins is too talented to become canon fodder for Superstars tapings. I think his work will keep him over.

  113. Wall Street was in for like a month. And Norton served his purpose perfectly. Squash matches and muscle. Orndorff is better served in a Piper type role.

  114. They can always turn him back and say he was a secret agent the whole time, demonstrating that they outwitted Evolution once and for all. Rollins is the Architect, after all.

  115. Rollins: Strangely, it's the story I have the least opinion on.
    Rose: Hey VJ, maybe our first impressions were the CORRECT ones? Not every kneejerk negative impression is without merit.
    HoF: Strange that Vince wouldn't want something more permanent, something else he can hang his hat on. On the other hand, maybe he doesn't want to spend the money at present.
    Kalisto: Rey might as well be retired, Cara never got any real traction (the first one being even more injury prone than modern Rey + Mark Henry didn't help), and Del Rio as a face? You jest, good sir.

  116. I liked his interview on Raw, but I think that last little bit at the end there, about turning on them to make a statement about being on his own from now on, would have been a nice touch to things and make everything feel less generic, since he's not joining Evolution in any respect.

  117. I thought he had a tag match on there.

  118. When HHH finally takes over, I don't think I'm looking forward to anything more than when he shitcans Dunn.

  119. Think Steph would let him do that? I can't agree.

  120. He did but was only used to put over the Ascension and did not get to do any of his cool moves.

  121. I thought they both disliked him

  122. Wrath in 98 is basically Roman Reigns in 2013 but nobody knows how to use him.

  123. I think it's a little early to call it on Rose. Dude has been on the main roster for like three weeks.

  124. I don't think I've ever heard ANYTHING about Steph's opinion of Dunn. Vince likes him, HHH doesn't, but I'd think Steph would lean toward daddy's opinion there, with her preferences.

  125. It kind of makes sense though as there's not much left for The Ascension to do so they're probably getting called up soon. The specials are going to be watched more by WWE fans checking out the NXT product so it's logical to familiarize people with the stars getting called up. I'm sure he'll bounce back when he gets some spotlight. I am a little concerned at how much they job Sami Zayn on those things, though.

  126. richard householderJune 12, 2014 at 7:34 AM

    what the hell is wrong with you guys?!

  127. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 12, 2014 at 7:35 AM

    Since dude likes to shoot his mouth off on dah Twittah machine, Ziggler could do the "Loose Cannon" gimmick as well.

  128. I dont see the Ascension getting over at all in the WWE, quite frankly.

  129. I disagree.

    He is a guy who is not good in the ring, had been in developmental for four years, and the one thing that could have gotten him over, his gimmick, has bombed.

  130. Congrats on the gig.

  131. So they scaled back the Adam Rose entrance (which, let's face it, is 95% of the character) in order to let it slowly build, then they are surprised that it doesn't get over instantly?


  132. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 12, 2014 at 7:39 AM

    Congrats and good luck on the new job.

  133. Get rid of him!

  134. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 12, 2014 at 7:41 AM

    Saskatoon is San Angeles?

  135. The nWo really fucked up their announce team because they were all pro-WCW and since they spent most of Nitro talking about the nWo, Bobby wasn't really a heel anymore.

  136. If Vince and Dunn are burying a "sports entertainer" (because his character is WAY closer to that than "wrestler"), that guy's in trouble. No ifs, ands, or buts.

    Honestly, it's not Rose's fault the character has been flat. It's Creative:

    1: Debuting him at the worst possible time, on that particular show. They needed to send him out with an already hot crowd, one that would play along and make him seem like a bigger deal, not one that would no-sell the fuck out of him.

    2: Not "upscaling" his entrance properly. What looks great on NXT in that small crowd will look... amateurish... in a much bigger RAW venue.

    3: Putting him against Swagger. Well, not Swagger as much as the remnants of the Real Americans/WE THE PEOPLE. I bet it'd be easier to swap the face/heel alignments at present, where Zeb and Swagger are involved. (And I mean EVERYONE Zeb and Swagger are targeting, even turning Santino/Emma heel.)

    Is the character salvageable? Maybe? But unless Steph LOVES him, I don't see much of a future outside "tag partner for Santino at random."

  137. He can be a lower midcard guy, which he what he is now.

  138. He is too annoying to stick around in the lower card.

  139. He is a house show opening act

  140. And I also remember Cactus being the first person to come out and celebrate with Mike when he won the ECW World Heavyweight Title. He was knee-deep in the anti-Hardcore storyline at that point and the rest of the ECW roster forced him out of the ring.

  141. He will be trading wins at house show opening matches with Bo Dallas by August

  142. "We wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner!"
    "But we WOULD eat Kraft Dinner!"
    "Of course we would. We'd just eat more!"

  143. Talk about an act that is only about the entrance and they don't even have that anymore.

  144. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 12, 2014 at 7:49 AM


  145. You what the sad part is? He won't be able to use it to make a living off it for the indys. Kinda fucked up.

  146. Hey, a two star match on Southern States Wrestling this week!

  147. Yeah, if you bomb in your first WWE run, you are fucked

  148. Rose should definitely join forces with the 3mb! have the m turn on Drew so they can try to repush him would be very logical imo.

  149. Clearly long enough to make a definite opinion on someone.

  150. Say what you will about this rinkydink promotion, but Joe Wheeler is a better announcer than Michael Cole.

  151. That can actually be a pretty good role, get the crowd going. Actually better than being a 3rd or 4th match jobber for example.

  152. Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn are lemons.

  153. Konnor sucks, IMO

  154. Write a few paragraphs defending Adam Rose.

  155. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 12, 2014 at 8:01 AM

    But they've worked with him longer than that.

  156. I think judging by the airtime, attention etc. he gets (from the company as well as the fans) it's very, very likely Zayn will be just fine.

  157. Re: Rollins - This company seems to have no long term direction whatsoever.
    Re: Adam Rose - Then why the fuck did you call him up to the main roster? Jesus H. Christ.

  158. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 12, 2014 at 8:09 AM

    They were my favourite WCW team of the era.

  159. He's gonna give a new definition to the phrase "smelling like a rose"

  160. Loved Sting in this time period, once Hogan came in, Sting's workrate had sunk to a pretty shoddy level for a good year plus but once Nitro debuted/Lex returned he started to really step it up a couple notches. He looked good without it being too 90's while his matches and angles leading up to the infamous Fall Brawl '96 angle were all top rate.

  161. Thank god for #2. Send his ass back to nxt on the spirit squad box.

  162. His first name is Dean; they should remake him into a teacher ala Dean Douglas

  163. Octagon 2 is pretty good, he is probably ready to come up. I wouldn't think he would need more than a few months in nxt. I really hope they won't continue to keep these guys like zayn in nxt for years and years anymore when the main roster is so thread bare.

  164. AverageJoeEverymanJune 12, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    I used to love the Sporting News, not so much in the last couple years.


    Just picture that in grainy black and white.

  166. I can't believe they made Flair main event and get the fall over Savage. Poor Ric.


    I really want to see Kalisto do this sequence in WWE.

  168. He's been gone for a while I think

  169. AverageJoeEverymanJune 12, 2014 at 8:28 AM

    The Turner Home VIdeo version has the bookerman part edited so if thats in there its the ppv version. I rerecorded that last year and noticed the Pillman match had been edited.

  170. 1. I just....what? This is what happens when you turn someone without thinking it through. Rollins is getting heel heat and I hope WWE keeps it up. Maybe not join Evolution, but pal around with HHH/Orton or something.

    2. Ultimately its your idea Vince. Adam Rose can't turn shit into a....rose.

  171. AverageJoeEverymanJune 12, 2014 at 8:29 AM

    I really loved their mag in the early 2000's when they would throw in at least a little snippet of info about every team in the NFL, NBA, and MLB. Then it went to more of an ESPN type magazine and I lost interest.

  172. He's buried as much as Daniel Bryan has been the past 2 years!

  173. The few youtube clips I've seen of him (mostly his promo with Vicki), I found him entertaining. No need to go on a rambling 4 page long tirade about it.

  174. You are in a minority. A very small one.

  175. For the Hall of Fame location they should have just bought the Silverdome and put it there. It would have cost them about $400 and a box of donuts.

  176. As small as his entourage during his "utterly failed" debut? *rimshot*

  177. No one would visit it at that shithole

  178. Just for the record, I don't see a non-main event role as a "Failure". So as Bayless said, he might very well be on opening matches of house show loops, but that can still be a very important and comfortable role for someone. I would not consider that a failure, not everyone is meant to be a main eventer.

  179. AverageJoeEverymanJune 12, 2014 at 8:34 AM

    surprised he never came back after his NFL retirement. Hes now a coach on the 49ers, he always seemed to me more pro wrestler than coach.

  180. AverageJoeEverymanJune 12, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    only if you had $1,000,000

  181. Congrats on the new gig! You clearly didn't leave money on the table.

  182. What, you don't do requests? DANCE FOR ME MONKEY!

  183. Good lord that was long.

  184. Actually, Orndorff and Piper teaming up to take down nWo Hogan would've been an awesome dynamic. Bring in Cowboy Bob Orton too while they're at it.

  185. Do I look like a black WWE wrestler? (did I do that right? Oh wait, SPORTZ ENTERTAINER!)

  186. People who can get the crowd fired up and reacting are the ones that get that spot. Adam Rose is the opposite of that.

  187. You would have totally fired Rocky Maivia and the Ringmaster because they didn't get deafening pops during their first month of action, eh?

  188. So Rollins isn't in Evolution? The fuck is he doing then?

  189. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 12, 2014 at 8:41 AM

    If they were still hopeless after years of grooming and training? Probably.

  190. The Rock was 24 years old and Steve Austin had proven to be a solid upper midcard guy at the very least in WCW.
    Your analogy is fucking terrible.


  192. To all of those saying the turn was well planned, defend this please

  193. We're not saying that the guy is hopelessly unsalvageable... just that he's struggling at best, on a direct path to failure. Maybe not Wrestlecrap, although the promo time he had pre-debut might push him over the induction line.

  194. To be fair, were people saying it was a well planned turn? I think more so its the definition of "Lets see where it goes."
    (and now I hate myself for using that phrase)


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