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Clash Countdown: Now On Kindle!

As requested by a few people during the course of the Clash of the Champions countdown in May, I have collected all the Clash rants from 1-35 into a Kindle book, complete with 2014 Scott Sez versions!  

Also, tomorrow I'll start doing a "random thoughts" column weekly on, giving my thoughts on the week that was and anything else that comes to mind, so keep an eye out for that.  I probably won't be moving any reviews over there because I want to retain the publishing rights to them, but I can always do some exclusive stuff like reviewing the Countdown shows or whatever else pops up.  It's a pretty cool opportunity.  


  1. "You know what really grinds my gears..."

  2. Only $3.99? That's legitimately a steal.

  3. Does Caliber get a royalty for introducing you to the Kindle publishing game?

  4. I bought it, good read to always have with me

  5. He does, but Scott just keeps leave the money sitting on a table. No idea why Caliber keeps leaving it there though.

  6. And Wednesday night, Scott joins the show for another mailbag edition too!

  7. Baaaaw, BoD crony dweebs sticking together. So adorable.

  8. If they kept Cesare face then I would say that it would work. I hate to say it putting him with Heyman killed his momentum.

  9. I'd swap Ocarnia, FF X and Impact out of the top 10 for FF 7, the first Tomb Raider and that frustratingly hard SMB 2 from Japan.

  10. SMB 3 is still the greatest game ever.

  11. Earthbound is one of my favorite games of all time.

  12. 1. Agreed
    2. Agreed - Very generic and bland sci-fi.
    3. Nope - They are practically a monopoly in the MMORPG and they pretty much defined the genre.
    4. It is what it is. A simple but addicting game.
    5. No way. Great game. And something that stands out in a sea of FPS.
    6. Agreed. Not even my favorite Zelda game or even the runner up.
    7. The entire series sucks.
    8. Never liked GTA. A dumbed down version of a far superior game called Driver on the PS1.
    9. Another series I F'n hate. A bunch of Japanese tropes and bullshit.
    10. This was trashed at the time. How the hell can it be overrated?

  13. I liked it, but have no desire to revisit it. A lot of time spent running through fields. And Navi.

  14. All it is is Multiplayer. And that is something I could care less about in a game. But even if it was, there are more interesting MP's out there.

  15. It's no doubt the best Mario game ever

  16. Here you go, Paul:
    Batista breaking Undertaker's eardrum at Wrestlemania: botch.
    Bruiser Brody saying "fuck this" and beating the shit out of Lex Luger in a cage: shoot.

  17. After reading this thread I decided I have to try and play this Zelda game. Never heard of it before. Lots of high praise.

  18. Can we get this via torrent sites?

  19. Caliber jokes will never get old.....

  20. It's pretty reasonable considering that all the material is available for free on the internet. Money on the table, and all that..

  21. I hope you don't underestimate what kind of "game changer" Zelda was.

  22. If only there was a Kindle book available that explained how to use torrent sites...

  23. Rosebud was his sled.

    Or is 73 years still too recent?

  24. I've actually never played the game. It was something I was meaning to get to forever, but still haven't.

  25. Anyone who says Mario 3 and Mario World are overrated is probably just a horrible human being, anyway. Mario 64 is my favorite Mario game, but those two are both awesome, as well.

  26. Yeah, I don't get people who are so stuck up about video games, of all things. I mean, art or music, yeah I guess I could see it, annoying as it may be. But to get all uppity over fucking video games? Wow.

  27. I played it a long time ago. That was some insane crap, there.

  28. they are in the top 200, though (SMB3 on position #127). this list is a joke.

  29. pretty much, yes: Zelda, Super Mario, Tetris, GTA, Halo, God of War, Tomb Raider, Modern Warfare, Pong, Street Fighter 2, Resident Evil, Pac-Man, Devil May Cry, Ico, Mortal Kombat....

    this list is ridiculous and more of a "some of the greatest games ever".

  30. no offense (and maybe I am remember it the wrong way) but are you are guy that calls himself a "movie buff" ... despite only referencing the "mainstreamiest" of mainstream movies?

  31. if you think GTA is a dumbed down version of Driver you seriously don't understand the appeal of the GTA series at all.

  32. GTA IV was so much fun...but GTA V and Saints Row III were better. I think GTA San Andreas is amazingly overrated, though. That game is the pretzels.

  33. I dunno I had a QOTD today that featured Jackie Brown and encourage people to talk about unexpected things in movies and I just got made fun of a bunch, and I've reviewed stuff like Walter Mitty and other not big blockbuster movies and people...again make fun of me, so the moral of the story is why try.

  34. I didn't mean to denigrate Pokemon or it's players. I'm not denying I did; I'm just sayin it was an accident. I apologize to anyone who was offended. What I MEANT was it became a different experience, and not one you were necessarily looking for in a MMO.

  35. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" had a budget of 90 million dollars. hardly not a "blockbuster movie".

    (I didn't even meant that as an "insult". to me it's just kind of weird: just because I have seen all the Halloween and Scream movies doesn't mean I am a "slasher movie expert". I am just someone who occasionally watches some. I would be the very definition of a "casual slasher movie watcher")

  36. Yeah I mean, my whole thing is 1) I went to school for TV writing and production - so I know how various shots and scenes and lighting rigs and all of that are created 2) I've written scripts and actually put words in the mouth of Roger Ebert before, and 3) I've been writing reviews of movies and such for years.

    I'm a buff in the same way a chef doesn't need to eat all the foods to know a good one when he tastes it.

    In terms of taste I've seen tons of indie flicks ranging from Super to Young Adult to Cool It to all sorts of just really strange stuff when I lived in Chicago.

    I'm not a buff in that I can say I've seen every fucking movie ever, but more I'm a buff that I know what made a particular scene or moment or sequence wildly difficult to achieve from a technical and creative standpoint.

    It's sort like how something small a wrestler does in a match may not pop the crowd, but may make the boys in the back cheer because of how awesome / hard / silly / great it was.

  37. None of the Zelda games deserve to be on this list. Also I understand not liking Call of Duty, I'm not a fan myself. But it's not the most overrated. In a way it did kind of change the FPS genre.


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