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Ebook Plug 2: Running Back the Revenge of the Sequel's Return: The Re-Reckoning

Hey Scott, Talbot from the blog here. Dunno if you remember, but you gave me a plug with my debut E-Book back in April, and it helped it reach all the way to #3 in its category on Amazon. So, you know, thanks for that. 

Anyways, I've got a new one out, and would be super grateful if you felt like giving it a plug. It's called Hungover & Handcuffed, and aspires to hardboiled, pulpy detective action in the tradition of Raymond Chandler and Black Mask Magazine. It has fuck-all to do with wrestling, but, uh... there's a serial killer who tortures people with a cheesegrater? There's a metaphor involving the phrase "deep throated a muppet?" There's.. violence, sarcasm, and explosions, mostly. At any rate, it's only 99 cents and has already reached #12 on the "Crime Fiction: Noir" charts, so people seem to like it.

Anyways, here's the link:

And the cover: 

Thanks in advance! 

PS: As a promotional tactic, there's also a free story about the main character available on my blog at

Double thanks! 


  1. Emma having her name included in all of her moves is pretty awful.

  2. I have to disagree on the Bo-dog hate. I love that, the "9-and-Bo" stuff, and pretty much everything about the gimmick right now. "Silly me, Mr. Butterfingers" cracked me up for whatever reason.

  3. does anyone else get annoyed that Cole refuses to use the word "the" in front of names of moves? "Wade Barett hits Wasteland!" Shouldn't it be, "Wade Barrett hits Ziggler "THE" Wasteland"? I don't know, its little things like that that drives me nuts with Cole.

  4. As much as nostalgia pardons him, Joey Styles' habit of renaming moves by inserting the person's name in it somewhere has to be up/down there too. And how about Jeff Hardy's poetic names for all his moves?

  5. I think Foley mentioned something like this in his last bio?

  6. There was something about Cole's commentary Monday when he was talking about how "OMG, Ziggler's hit the Fameasser and Zigzag, Barrett's hit Wasteland and Winds of Change, what on Earth will it take" or whatever it was, that make me nauseous when hearing it. Just sounded so pre-programmed.

  7. For Taz he did...who else? I'm drawing blanks.

  8. Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but on the Network they've even muted the "FU" and "STFU" mentions in Cena's matches shown on Wrestlemania Rewind. Not the PPVs themselves, but the newer shows they produce. Really silly.

  9. NO Cornette or Grand Wizard?!

    This is why I dont fuck with this Countdown show

    And Stranger, shame on you for not even acknowledging how awful this shit is

  10. The only one that's offensively dumb is White Noise. Centuries of history of a nation that has seen countless wars and battles fought and you couldn't find anything to use?

  11. Bo is totally working for me too. Everything he does is so perfectly ridiculous.

  12. They should call it The Great Potato Famine!

  13. Ambrose. If they give it to Rollins, Ambrose is dead in the water. Rollins has had the upper hand this whole time. He's HHH's new boy; he'll be fine. Ambrose winning the case gives the Ambrose/Rollins feud a reason to continue with some new fuel and it opens the door to a showdown between then where they MAKE each other's careers in a classic match like the HHH/Rock ladder match from Summerslam 1999.

    And Rollins/Ambrose could BE a ladder match AT Summerslam.

    If Barrett's out and can't be the dark horse candidate, bet the house on Ambrose.

  14. Also, Razors Edge might be the best move name ever.

  15. Man, Swagger's fate is sealed, which is a shame, given that the injuries he's "caused" have all been accidents and he's doing some of the best in-ring work of his career.

  16. No, the dumbest name is that Beast of when he's just forearming the shit out of a guy against the ropes.

  17. Emma's got my vote for dumbest move set names, although I guess that's kind of fitting.

  18. Steviekick

  19. Right on. The man has like 4 legitimate finishing moves, and only that damn kick actually ends the match. The Celtic Cross and White Noise should be given to someone else if he's just going to use them as secondary moves. They're too painful looking to be wasted like that.

  20. Do they still call Sheamus The Great White? That was terrible. Can you imagine them calling Xavier Woods/R-Truth/Kofi The Great Black? That name was asking for trouble.

    Whatever Sheamus is doing, his nicknames, moves names, interviews all I can think to myself is: Ok, I get it your an IRISH guy from IRELAND. Enough.

  21. The Spicolli driver comes toimd. Though I believe it was the Dreamer Driver first.

  22. ah yes, forgot about that one.

  23. I know it was started to be called Spicolli driver after Louie died and it was named as such as a tribute.

  24. afaik he credited with being the one introducing that move into US wrestling, so it's well deserved.

  25. I don't think one was ever announced, just assumed by everyone.

  26. Is it me or does anyone else think Jericho will be entrant #30 in the Rumble and that the last two guys before him will eliminate each other and he'll win automatically?

  27. Rollins, Ambrose, and Cesaro seriously had better be careful, because I'm going to Raw on Monday and pretty much every single person I wanted to see except those three have been injured or fired in the last month or two.

  28. You figure there were only three realistic choices, and Barrett was one of them. I could see either Ambrose or Rollins winning it, and maybe feuding with each other over it.

  29. Oh yeah good point

  30. Yeah, they could have him take a minor bump and lay around for a while, then at the end he sneaks in, Bull Hammer, grabs briefcase.

  31. Still better content than Abeyance

  32. I almost want to see tons of wrestlers injured just to see what WWE would do. Like Raw's main event would actually be Alicia Fox vs. Paige or something insane like that.

    I'm sure what we would get is the major event promo for 20 minutes instead.

  33. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    the lift actually was future endeavored

  34. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    injured him?

    mofo also injured ziggler

    dude is useless

  35. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:04 AM

    so much this

    swagger single handedly destroyed any momentum ziggler had

    and let's not kid ourselves, ziggler was head for big things after that mitb cash-in

  36. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    if this was wcw, the podium would get stuck and they'd have to call an audible that no one wins

  37. So does he count as injury prone?

    Also wasn't he on the shortlist to win the MitB match when he got that nasty dislocated elbow injury?

  38. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:06 AM


    and moreso, fucking jack swagger needs to be counted as dangerous in the ring

    1st ziggler, now barrett

  39. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:07 AM

    we sort of had that in '06 when all those wrestlers had elevated enzymes

  40. CruelConnectionNumber2June 25, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    Rollins is winning MITB and cashing in DURING the World Title Ladder Match.

  41. The best things about Jack Swagger is his name (which would have been perfect for a British wrestler) and his theme music.

  42. Yep, but he has shown that he can go before, against guys like Kofi and Dolph.

  43. 1 worded post can only get you so far.

  44. Yep, I kind of want him to replace Barrett now.

  45. Summerslam '98, but you make a good point.

  46. Titus slapping the mic away and Bo apologizing for his butterfingers was hilarious.

  47. That was a dislocated shoulder, not a separated one. Big difference.

  48. shit. I like Barrett, hope this doesn't end his push or worse. (like Bryan, or with the story we got about Ziggler's lack of a push being because he's injury prone)

  49. A separated shoulder cannot be "popped" back in. It's not like the humerus pops out of the scapula (dislocation), it's the clavicle separating from the scapula, leaving damage to the ligaments separating them. It requires rehab and/or surgery to repair.

    I have one that I never got fixed or repaired and it sucks. I function fine, but I'll never be able to throw a baseball with as much vigor as I used to, for instance. That overhand motion is a bitch.

  50. Man. I'm so sick of these midgets controlling the titles. Where are the larger than life characters of my youth?


    (All that lift needed was a push!)


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