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Free LeBron James!

Look, granted I know nothing about basketball, but imprisoning the top star for blowing the final series is just crazy.  He should at least get probation first.  Maybe, MAYBE, a few days in jail if we must.  

Surprised that more news outlets aren't picking up this growing movement.  


  1. The hell did I just read?

  2. I don't really see the point about clickhole with the Onion still going strong.

  3. If you can't love "10 adorable chairs that think they're people" then I don't even know what to tell you.

  4. Seriously this is the first I've ever heard of them. Are they an offshoot of the Onion or something?

  5. I've seen some funny headlines from them but I have yet to click on an article from them.

  6. Look no further than the name of the site if you're unsure about reading this article.

  7. So might as well ask this here, is LeBron going back to Cleveland?

  8. They are the Onion's version of Buzzfeed.

  9. Sad thing is, it's a bit hard to tell the difference between ClickHole and WhatCulture

  10. It's my first exposure to them, too. No clue they existed.

  11. Cleveland thinks they have a legit shot, I know that much.

  12. That was fucking hilarious. Was that you who put that on FB recently?

  13. In all seriousness, I argued today that Bron should have been named the MVP of the series. My reasoning is fairly simple:

    1. He was by far the best player in the series.
    2. The difference between "best" and "most valuable" is an imaginary construct made up by dumb sportswriters to fuel inane arguments.

  14. Free LeBron James? I'll take him!
    Hello, Miami? I have something you may want, but it's gonna cost you.
    That's right, all the cocaine, hookers, porn skanks, white jeans, illegally smuggled automatic weapons, ill-fitting silk shirts, Cuban double-agents...

  15. Normally I would say that you are correct in that MVP should go to the best. However, in this case I would have to disagree. Lebron may have been the best member of his team, which he was, but in the end they still lost. Taking him out of the equation would not have changed the outcome. To me this fact alone DQ's him.

  16. He's taking his talents to Leavenworth, Kansas.

  17. It's Gloria Vanderbilt out for revenge!

  18. If the series went 7, you'd have a better argument. As it stands, LeBron "gave up" during large stretches of Games 4 & 5 (along with the rest of his team). He'd only have one monstrous quarter per game during the losses, which you could argue against him in two ways: 1. He took his teammates out of the flow of the game. 2. Why didn't he try to do it in subsequent quarters and aim for 40 or 50 when the rest of his teammates didn't have "it"?

    Next, the MVP of the opposing team played the same position as James (which indicates plenty of things considering Leonard stuck to James for most of the series). Now, James seemed to guard Parker more than anyone else, but James' defense was nowhere near up to par.

    Lastly, they got their asses handed to them. If LeBron wants to enter the conversation as one of the best ever, he has to withstand criticism. I just gave you about four worthwhile points on how he failed this series. I don't blame him for the loss, but to posit this series as some personal success for a player of his stature is absurd.

  19. Right, that's the argument I don't agree with. That a team outcome is the main determinant of player value. We have much better measuring sticks of value these days, and Bron was far and away the best player in the series. I don't think his teammates being awful should mean he doesn't win an individual award he clearly deserved. Team success is it's own reward; individual awards should go to the best individual on his own merit. Obviously in basketball team success is part of the equation because of how much a great individual player can usually affect it. But just part. The Spurs were a much better team even if Miami was at full strength. Since they weren't even close to full strength, there's not a Finals series any individual has ever played that would have changed the outcome.

  20. Lebron could totally kick MJ's ass. Remember that time Jordan would play lackadaisical defense, willfully submit on pick and roles, and get out-hustled? Remember when Jordan faced elimination and would talk about how it was all just a game with no added importance? Remember when Clyde Drexler outplayed him at his own position in the Finals?

    Wait, those things never happened? Nevermind. Just remember that Jordan won the MVP and the championship in a year (1998) when he was: 1. 35 years old. 2. Having to carry a team with an ailing Scottie Pippen. 3. Had a bench with Bill Wennington, Jud Buechler, Randy Brown, Joe Kleine, and Dickie Simpkins. 4. Played all 82 games (on the backend of two previous championships) while averaging 38.8 minutes per game in the regular season and 41.7 in the Finals, a number that is still highly skewed by the fact that the Bulls trounced the Jazz by 42 points in Game 3, leaving MJ on the bench for most of the second half.

    Jordan did it longer. Jordan did it better.

  21. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 16, 2014 at 5:38 PM


  22. If LeBron thinks he can win a championship in Cleveland, he'll go to Cleveland.

  23. I'm still not ready to put LeBron head of Kobe, much less Jordan. I wouldn't even call him the best player at his "position" (extra big and unbelievably talented 3) in a world with Larry Bird walking around.

  24. Not if you lose 4 out 5 games.

  25. It would HAVE to be a 7 game series and the guy would have to play heroically. The only guy to pull that off was the logo of the NBA and an all time tragic postseason figure. I'd need a perfect storm to sign off on this.

  26. I didn't even know what click hole was until right now. Well sorry job, I've found a new way to fritter away more time.

  27. I used to always put Bill Wennington on my team in NBA Live 96. So, don't you dare lump him in with likes of Simpkins and Brown.

  28. To be fair to the guy, he DID score 31 points in the last game.

  29. Now at least the comparisons to Jordan can stop.

    Also Tim Duncan beating father time.

  30. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 16, 2014 at 8:15 PM

    Evening all.

  31. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 16, 2014 at 8:18 PM

    Didn't Wycleff want to free Hati?

  32. No huge Lebron fan but that series loss wasn't even his fault. I mean really why does it have to be about Lebron and not the great things Dunc, pop, and the rest of the crew have done?

  33. I don't think it's as far outside the realm of possibility as many may think. Lebron does love Ohio and has said that the whole decision thing was a huge mistake.

    Frankly I'd go to San Antonio and have the one guy coach me that always seems to have my number. Yeah he beat them last year, but game six was surely a choke.

  34. Exactly. He over-performed in just about every facet of the game, his team is who dropped the ball.

    While everyone is fixated on the superstars like Jordan,Kobe and Lebron, its still a team sport and nonw of those guys could have gotten it done alone either


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