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Marty Jannetty

Can we please stop asking who will be the Marty Jannetty of a given team/faction?

Marty was a guy given significant opportunities who continually fucked things up for himself. Neidhart is a better example. 

Also, not every team only has one guy who does well. Orton and Batista both did well. Edge and Christian both had successful runs. Matt Hardy is no doubt a fuck up but had plenty of screen time. 

Given that it's been 22 years now, I'm thinking it's probably too late for this crusade.  It's like the Marty Jannetty of pet peeves!   


  1. Shoemaker had an excellent column about Marty Jannetty and The Shield.

  2. AMEN to the emailer. I've always hated that comparison. Even with his multiple screwups Jannetty had a decent singles career.

  3. Oh Christian and Matt Hardy were DEFINITELY the Jannettys of their teams... (And while Orton and Batista were part of a faction, they were never really an official tag team, so that comparison doesn't work)

  4. Only time Jannetty was decent as a singles was for like a month in 93.

  5. I remember when Matt Hardy was considered the dependable but less talented Hardy Boy. Now he's just the less talented Hardy Boy.

  6. I think it's mostly a case of when WWE sticks a tea together in the first place, it's always with the intention to make one of the guys look good so when they break up that's the guy they push.

    Like with Orton/Batista, I don't think WWE ever imagined Batista being the big star he became as they originally wanted to push Orton to that top spot before Batista started getting over.

    And Edge was the guy they wanted to push out of Christian and Christian only started to get a decent run when he got himself over with the whole Captain Charisma thing.

    With the Hardys, Jeff has been the guy they always wanted to push, but by the time they broke up in 2002, Jeff had become a fuckup and Matt was getting himself over with the whole v1 thing and it seemed like Jeff was going to be the Jannetty, but then he came back and for the most part he cleaned up his act and got the big push WWE always wanted.

    So yeah, guess my point is that WWE always has the plan on who to push, but the other team member might end up getting pushed too due to unforeseen circumstances, like them getting over.

  7. Man, how much do you have to fuck up to make Jeff Hardy look like the dependable one?

  8. Jannetty couldn't keep it together for more than a few months at a time. Taking all that into consideration, his only memorable feud was HBK. Once that passed he had nothing.

  9. Jannetty's continued employment didn't mean he was given top of the card pushes. Outside of his feud with Shawn over the IC Title, he was almost always at the level of enhancement talent who was able to have competitive matches with everyone.

  10. Shawn throwing him threw that glass never gets old. And why didn't anyone call out Beefcake for just fucking standing there?

  11. Beefcake left the set because they made up, then Shawn threw him through the glass.

  12. Really. It's been awhile, I swear he just stood there.

  13. Nope. was probably already on his 2nd line of coke by the time the superkick happened.

  14. He still had good matches and while Jannetty was essentially a JTTS guy, he was a top tier JTTS guy as he beat other JTTS guys. In some ways WWE always protected him as a lowmidcarder because they knew Marty could make guys look good.

  15. Just because Jannetty was continually brought back doesn't mean that he was anything.

  16. This I'll buy

  17. That girl on your profile pic is so seexyy!! I am a 42 year old man and love cute little girls like her, will you let her come over my house I am a toy maker and will fill her with toys and love an cuumm!!

  18. Jannetty is definitely one of the best of his era at making people look good. Kind of like the Mid 90's version of Tito Santana.

  19. Just watched it. Beefcake left immediately after they shook hands so that makes him the worst talk show host ever.

    Jannetty either bled hardway or did the most serious blade job ever on wwe tv. Can't believe Vince let it go either way.

  20. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 7, 2014 at 9:19 AM

    This guy sounds decent /\

  21. He bladed. Don't know if it was given an OK, but he remained employed and ready to continue the angle until he roughed up a cop in January '92 and was sentenced to house arrest.

  22. They were going face each other at Mania, right?

  23. It's a shame too because him and Shawn would have killed it at 8.

  24. Beefcake probably had to rush back because he was afraid of Hulk stealing all his coke.

  25. Yep, even "resident troll" vince jordan thinks that's way over the line... (and not really funny either on top of that)

  26. 8 and then 9. Jannetty fucked up both times. Son of a bitch.

  27. So he could only work House Shows then. *rimshot*

  28. Man he just took off like, damn let me get to the back before Perfect shits in my gym bag.

  29. The fuck is your problem, you sick fuck?!

  30. Hopefully Da' Mountie wasn't waiting in the gorilla position with a roll of quarters.

  31. I'm waiting for someone to upvote it.

  32. Jim Neidhart was also someone who was "given significant opportunities who continually fucked things up for himself."

  33. Looking at that pic Akon's song ''sexxy bi@tch'' rings in my ear...

  34. Really? After Hart Foundation broke up, they wanted to turn Anvil into a commentator, though it did seem Neidhart was in line for a push in 1994 when Bret was champion.

  35. Eh. The only push he got was that brief run in the Summer of '94. Other than that, dude's career was over after the Hart Foundation.

  36. Exactly, and he fucked that opportunity up. I'm not saying Neidhart would have reached to level of Bret but he probably would have had a solid career as a commentator/occasional competitor if he did not fuck it up. Certainly his career would have lasted significantly longer after the Hart Foundation.

  37. Brother Bruti also came back to check on Marty afterward.

  38. Jannetty would have been a solid tag team guy had he stayed clean, at the very least. The run he had with the 1-2-3 Kid was tremendous fun.

  39. Well, he wasn't even a good commentator so even if he was the company's model employee, they would have gotten rid of him from the announcer's desk. And I doubt the New Foundation would've gotten over in '92, mainly to do with the tights they wore so WWF would've broke that team soon enough anyway. The only thing Neidhart had potential in reaching was doing a Bret v Neidhart main event on Raw for the title to try and pop a rating.

  40. Its little details like that missing today. Producers told beefcake beforehand to leave immediately so the focus is on the split. Beefcake returns after to help out so Michaels keeps the heat

  41. I believe this took place during the period when Beefcake couldn't get physical because of the para-sailing accident that rearranged his face.

  42. Due to Jannetty's size, the tag team division was the thing he had most credibility in, but I think if Jannetty had kept his nose clean, WWF would've protected him more and we would have gotten a Jannetty/Shawn title match at one of the IYH's in '96.

  43. I didn't even notice it the first time I saw it, but now it's obvious something was up. Doesn't take anything away from it but it's just strange for a guy to just run off of his own show.

  44. Flagged as inappropriate.

  45. It was always to signal "end of segment" and commercial break, leaving the person being interviewed the lasting image as we fade to black.

  46. I never noticed that. Just cause I'm anal, I'm now forced to find other barbershop segments. Thanks guys, just how I wanted to spend my Saturday morning.

  47. Jannetty ruined plans for 2 consecutive Mania's. I don't think Jannetty vs. Michaels was ever on the books again for a PPV, except for the obligatory Rumble face-offs they had in 94 and 96.

  48. Well like I said, IF Jannetty kept his nose clean, I'm sure WWF would have done more with the guy instead of just making him into a JTTS guy.

  49. WWE will now release a "Best of the Barber Shop" set. It'll run about 8 minutes long. The Rockers split and Sid destroying the set being the only segments worth a crap.

  50. That's a big if. Jannetty is the Jannetty of not being able to stay clean.

  51. I'm watching the one with Sid now. Man I wish he wasn't so bad in the ring. Sid was the shit. He gets the powder in his face and he just keeps going.

  52. I will upvote it if Guest will post his name, address, phone number, etc. Its real easy to post pedophile threats behind anonymity. What a fucking pathetic coward this guy is. I know this guy would never do this stuff in real life, because if he did it to the wrong guy, he'd end up in a puddle of his blood.

  53. Yep, they had an incredible 25 minute match on Raw on July 1 1996.

  54. He also scared Earthquake with a rubber snake.

  55. I'd like to add the other guy from Wham to the list of "Marty Jannetty"'s. Or the guy who wasn't Tom Hanks from Bosom Buddies, who went on to star in Honey I shrunk the Kids, The TV show.

    That show was produced and run and written by former Attitude Era Scribe Ed Fererra, for what it's worth, too.

  56. Peter Scolari? He carried Newhart for years and he's great on Girls! He's nowhere near Marty Jannetty level.

  57. Shawn defended the title against Marty on Raw once.

  58. He's the same troll who has been annoying people for the past few weeks with the "You look you've seen better days" shit.

  59. Yeah I know, but what I'm trying to say is that Marty could have at least gotten a PPV main event pay deal out of the deal if he was sober. Plus I'm sure Marty/Shawn could have done decent business on top.

  60. He was previously user "Wrestling008" and used the email "" before switching to anonymous posting all the time.

  61. His IP address,, resolves to Bangladesh, in case anyone is in the area.

  62. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    the other kid from weird science

  63. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    what did he say?

  64. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 7, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    What about Larry's brother Darryl? No, not that one, his other brother Darryl.

  65. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    all 3 of them are jannetty's

    what i listed actually has someone who could be considered a shawn and someone who could be considered a marty

  66. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 10:46 AM

    scott keith and sean shannon

  67. Vince paid his legal fees when he filed a lawsuit against, I think, American Airlines. Then Anvil got his settlement and wasn't paying Vince back. It actually saved his job for a while, Vince couldn't fire him because he needed to get his money back.

    I don't think he was ever going to get another serious push but he cost himself a job a couple of times.

  68. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 10:50 AM

    wiki says says he voiced billy the lonely boy in the polar express

  69. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 7, 2014 at 10:50 AM

    Calling Paul Reiser a Shawn Michaels seems like a bit of a stretch, but I guess it sorta works.

    I was just being silly.

  70. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 7, 2014 at 10:52 AM

    True, but picking on Sean is just mean. She's got issues.

  71. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 7, 2014 at 10:53 AM

    Neidhart didn`t really have the talent to be much more than he was. And he was also quite adept at blowing chances through fuckupery.

  72. Yeah I'm shocked that Vince even signed Neidhart in '94 after the way Neidhart snubbed him.

  73. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 10:56 AM

    well, scott went on to establish himself in his field, so to speak, while sean is remember more in infamy, which is really more a statement of fact *shrug*

  74. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    you so silly

  75. He should have become Martin Jannety, the corporate stooge. Nothing draws more heat and rejuvenates a guy's career more than switching to his full name.

  76. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    and kept his babyface ring gear to really insult the fans, by remind them what he used to be

    it did wonders for richard morton, and the parallels are obvious

  77. Maybe the R&R explosion would have made more of an impact if Robert Gibson had accentuated his babyfaceness by switching to Rob Gibson?

  78. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:08 AM

    ...why do i have an aflac ad in spanish?

  79. Garfunkel, Messina, Oates, Lisa & Jannetty

  80. When he came back in 1995 he got a pretty good push at first. He was feuding with Dibiase's guys, teaming with Razor Ramon on pay per view.

    Of course it wasn't long before he was a New Rocker, so I'm guessing he did something to fuck it up on himself.

  81. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:11 AM

  82. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:12 AM

    does corey haim count?

  83. Turn him Jewish - Morty Jannetty.

  84. Kinda fucked up bringing up the My Sister Sam chick. She was killed by a stalker, so never had a chance...

  85. The other Dad was on BJ and The Bear so he is no Jannety...

  86. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 7, 2014 at 11:18 AM

    I mostly remember Sean for his unpublished novel about prostitution in an unassuming small town which I have not read.

  87. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:18 AM

    that was my point...

    how would she have turned out? pam dawber was already established via mork and mindy

    pre-emptive apology accepted

  88. His real name is Frederick.

  89. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 7, 2014 at 11:18 AM

    Yeah, TekWar too I think. Wife watched that.

  90. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:19 AM

    didnt know that

  91. That doesn't fit into what you are saying, those other people weren't killed by stalkers, they just faded away...

  92. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    the sister was an up and coming actress, and her life was cut short. i wonder if she would have continued on or would have faded away, that's my point

  93. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:22 AM

    time for my brahs to upvote me in a show of solidarity against the phantom downvoter

  94. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:23 AM

    morty jannettyburgstein

  95. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:23 AM

    quit downvoting me, paul reiser, trying minimize what the other dad did

  96. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    quit downvoting me, ghost of corey haim

  97. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    quit downvoting me, animated oates

  98. From Tag Team Specialist to Manischewitz in Motion!

  99. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:25 AM

    i remember him when he took over one of the old sites and redirected it to a treatise on rape that came from out of nowhere

  100. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 7, 2014 at 11:26 AM

    I remember that too.

    I was being silly again.

  101. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    st. chayim's fire!

  102. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    well arent you a silly sally

  103. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 7, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    My Wife met him once. Pre-death.

  104. Understandable but doesnt fit with the others at all. Different circumstances all together...

  105. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    growing up in the 80's, the power of the corey's truly was a sight to behold

  106. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 7, 2014 at 11:30 AM


  107. Then pair him with Barry Horowitz. He could be the Marty Jannety of that team too!

  108. Interestingly enough, Dynamite Kid kind of Jannetty'd himself with the injuries; he definitely would've been the star of the Bulldogs had he stayed healthy.

  109. How did he not go by Freddie Jannety?!

  110. I thought I would hate Ed but he's actually pretty decent when he does spots on MLW radio.

  111. He was allowed to look good, but almost always jobbed. Don't forget he was fed to Goldust in Goldie's in-ring debut, and wow were they completely off the mark with that match. They weren't even in the same book.

  112. It's also weird because he was a lifelong face and all of a sudden when he formed the New Rockers, he was suddenly a heel without any buildup and an actual turn happening. Feels like a wasted opportunity on WWF's part.

  113. He (and Al Snow) were told to act like total geeks. There was zero intention of getting them over as more than comedy fodder. The Godwinns, meanwhile, act like dumb hillbillies and get pushed into the top of the division. Jannetty and Snow (I refuse to call him that doofy name) could've been great as a babyface team. Nope, dorky out of touch heels.

  114. Yup, I agree. The 1996 tag division didn't need to be as bad as it was if they just pushed Rockers as the top team of the division because I'm sure they could have carried any team to a good match.

  115. No, seriously, I wanna know, too!

  116. He made paedo remarks to Scott's daughter.

  117. "interesting unknown: pam dawber's sister sam from "my sister sam""

    The one who was murdered?

  118. Never mind, I probably didn't need to know. Fuck that guy and don't come back.

  119. Christian won a few world titles and was a headliner in TNA(waits for laughter) for awhile, Id say he was not a Jannetty at all...

  120. I like how you specifically pointed out it was before he died. lol

  121. The other members of Destiny's Child.

  122. Lost Boys, easily.

  123. Might one say that Al Snow also got more success than Marty Jannetty? Obviously it's closer than with Shawn Michaels, but he had some singles and tag titles, a gimmick that was really over. Was Marty Jannetty the "Marty Jannetty" of two different versions of the Rockers?

  124. Well he only won those 2 world titles by default, specifically because his "HBK" had to suddenly retire, so he got the leftovers of the feud.

  125. TJ, because I didn't get to contribute to the King of the Ring 93 discussion.

    "Back in the dressing room, Razor was singing my praises and thanking me for carrying him to the best match of his career in front of the boys, while I was thinking up spots for my next match with Curt. Just then, Hulk walked in, with his 4-year-old son Nick and Brutus Beefcake in tow. Hogan made small talk and shook some hands, pretending to be one of the boys, before asking where Vince was. On the way out of the locker-room Hogan and Beefcake caught a glimpse of the chalkboard where earlier in the day I'd drawn one of my all-time classic cartoons, this one depicting Hogan fucking Beefcake in the ass until his surgically repaired face fell off. Beefcake hung his head in shame as he walked away, while Hogan shot me a look of defiance before telling Nick to hang out in the dressing room while he talked to Vince.

    It was then that I noticed Nick was carrying the WWF Championship belt. 'Who does this little bastard think he is?', I thought to myself. 'That's my belt!'. I sat, quietly, watching Nick running around the dressing room, calling himself the champion, rubbing it in my face. One by one he'd walk up to wrestlers and say 'I'm the best!', before giggling and running away. 'He better not pull that shit with me', I quietly whispered to Crush, who was sitting next to me preparing for his match with Shawn.

    Finally Nick came bouncing past me. I grabbed him by the shoulder and asked him, sternly, why he had that belt. 'Because I'm the Champion!', he said. 'That's bullshit!', I yelled, while standing up and backing him into a corner. 'Everyone in this god-damn dressing room knows that I'm the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be!. You know it, I know it, your father knows it, every one of those fans out there know it, and don't you forget it!'. It felt good to finally stand up for myself. Nick, with tears welling up in his eyes, couldn't even look me in the face before breaking out into full blown tears and running out of the dressing room, screaming for Hogan.

    As I walked back to my seat I looked around the dressing room and saw nothing but stunned faces. The boys couldn't believe I'd finally stood up for myself, putting Hogan in his place as I'm sure they all wished they could do themselves. Shawn, for his part, couldn't look me in the face before excusing himself to go to catering where, I was later disappointed to learn, he drank half a can of Diet Coke before throwing out the rest. 'That's bullshit', I thought. 'If you're not going to drink the whole thing don't waste it.' It was things like this that made me wonder about Shawn's character."

  126. The other members got fucked over.

    When the manager of your group is the father of one of the members, who do you think is going to get pushed?

  127. He was a professor at the school I went to for college and I'd occasionally bug him about wrestling stuff but I figured he got that all the time, so I'm hoping to use my one 'hey can I ask you about....' card for something good.

  128. funny stuff. Dude just ask Scott if you can post a column.


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