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QOTD 170: "And then I pinned him with a Forklift!"

Through a startling show of confidence in my writing ability, I was recently given an article about the inventive wrestling finishes.

I complied the top half of my list here, and you kind folks are totally welcome to poop all over it in the comments, or even better, when it comes out sometime this week, but now, lets rap about creative match endings!

What are your personal picks for the most creative match endings in pro wrestling History?

Cool sequences, inventive use of foreign objects, surprise interference, or that time Mick Foley used a Fork Lift with a magical POV camera on it to pin The Rock during The Superbowl - anything and everything is game! These don't even have to be ideas you like, but respect the creativity surrounding them.

For example: Pinning The Rock with a Forklift? Good. Pinning The Rock and changing to a stupid camera angle? Bad. Still a creative idea, just a poor execution.

Below are 5/10 entries I could come up with between yesterday and today. I'm going to be watching and catching up on a lot of, so please don't consider this list definitive or arranged in any order from 'worst to best'. Just 5 worth highlighting.

5) Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels - "I'm Sorry, I love You," BLAMMO

Talk about a heart breaker. While Flair has gone on to wrestle other matches and make more appearances, the ending of this match was painstakingly brutal, to the point where the story they told was better than the match itself, and seeing it again only diminishes the magic of seeing it the first time.

While dialog in pro-wrestling matches is often times..uh..awful (looking at you Triple H vs. Taker HIAC), here that phrase followed by the proverbial kill shot that put Old Yeller out to pasture was the perfect combination of drama, pro wrestling, and reverence for the past that makes hardcore fans well up with allergies.

Yes. Allergies.

4) Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle - Shooting Star Prleaseeee God don't let him be dead!

Once word got out that Brock Lesnar could do the Shooting Star Press, internet smarks were clamoring to see it in action (while Billy Kidman was pissed about gimmick infringement). Come Wrestlemania 19, it seemed that moment was about to happen as Brock asceded the top rope and....

Well to say the idea ultimately ended flat on its face would be a far to appropriate metaphor, so lets just say it ended poorly. And yes, I know this isn't from the match, but I figured we didn't want to see a guy land on his head and almost kill himself on repeat.

3) Mankind vs. The Rock - Mankind gets NSAed. 

The I Quit Match has the benefit of being the first PPV I every paid for as a kid, and boy-oh-boy did I pick a bad day to stop sniffing glue. A brutal match that left everyone feeling woefully uncomfortable, the ending featured a pretty creative ending that was essentially a cop-out, but a cool cop-out none-the-less.

Since Mick Foley would never quit, and they didn't want The Rock to lose, the Corporation used some prior interview footage, doctored it, and played while Mankind was out cold in a creative twist that left many viewers thinking something wasn't quite right with the way Mankind gave up.

Their next PPV match featured one of the few double count-outs in a Last Man Standing Match, and is a nice little companion piece to this brutal endeavor.

2) Shane Vs. Vince - "ShaneTerminator!"

Of all the matches on the Wrestlemania 17 card, this one seemed to pay off the Attitude era most. Vince is bested not only by his own son, but the wife he's tortured and the company man (Foley) he never respected. Then Linda shows up and wills herself out of her coma to whallop the man in the balls. So good.

The way the vents begin to unfold, and how Shane lands the Van Terminator in an insane OH MY GOD moment, make this one of the best finishing sequences in WWE history.

1) Rock Vs. Austin  - "Deal With The Devil Himself" Wrestlemania 17

Obviously this didn't end as planned, but it was a great idea at the time - Stone Cold ultimately turning on his fans, and the attitude era in a attempt to get the gold from The Rock. Stone Cold said if he could do it differently he would have stunned Vince after, and I agree it would have added layers to the story.

Creative and one of my favorites because you never saw it coming, and didn't want too. Left you confused and irked and desperate to see Stone Cold explain himself the next night.

PS - I do not intentionally 'Top Post' folks. I start a draft, work on the draft while working on other stuff, then post it when its done. Apologies to Bayless if it seems like I'm constantly stealing his BOD Update Thunder.

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  1. The Daniel Bryan injury really derailed any of the grandiose plans WWE could have had in place (far stretch though)...

  2. The Ramon/Michaels ladder match at WrestleMania X, Shawn takes the fall off the ladder, lands with the ropes between his legs, tied up in them as he falls and allows Ramon to climb the ladder to win. Remember, first time a ladder match was given such a huge showcase in the U.S., this was really new to so many so great capper to a classic match.

  3. I don't care what anyone says, the duct tape finish was creative and awesome, and the perfect way to lead to one final rematch.

  4. Cena/Kanye Batista

  5. Great little detail too where he finally unhooked his leg, but got his arm tied in the process. OOPS!

  6. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 2, 2014 at 12:37 PM

    I agree with Scott's sentiments. I wasn't as miffed about the Bryan-Kane thing as some were (as a one-off challenger), but I agree that it was time for Bryan to take on everyone, be the "fighting champion", and steal the show every night. Opening the door to NXT challengers makes sense too,because it could be Bryan's way of giving back or breaking the glass ceiling that held him down previously. The injury ruined whatever plans were there anyway, but more Bryan-Kane was surely not what anyone was looking for.

  7. I can't agree more, since Wrestlemania I've been slacking in my WWE Network watching, but then again people go in cycles, what's nice is I can catch up on my schedule and such and get re-invested pretty easily - for example during Raw I'll be watching Payback.


    This is Bruce Prichard describing an AWESOME Bockwinkle/JYD finish. (skip to :55 for the description)

  9. The Bret vs. Owen Summer Slam cage match where Owen gets his leg hooked on the cage hanging upside down as they were both exiting.

    If I remember correctly, though, there's a Coliseum Bret Hart tape in which he has a cage match vs. Shawn Michaels (which took place before this one) and HBK did the exact same finish.

    Wasn't there also a cage match between Money Inc and the Steiners in which Scott was holding IRS on his shoulders so he couldn't touch the ground with Ted punching him trying to get him to drop him while Rick made his escape?

    Both creative finishes to matches in the old blue steel structure.

  10. The twin Hebner referees screwing the Hulkster out of his title. Creative and controversial. ( Hogan: "How much did you pay for the plastic surgery, brother?" )

  11. Man, that's one ugly Cena-carana.

  12. I agree 100% with the DB/Bret Hart thing. Have DB take on everyone, have them promote him as a fighting champion, have the string of tough title defenses take a toll...and then the worn-out Daniel runs into Brock.

    Hey, it's kind of like the Knightfall storyline. Arkham's inmates freed, Batman works himself into the point of exhaustion re-capturing them all and then he meets his match against the prepared and well-rested Bane.

  13. Yeah he shooted that move.

  14. "He tried to kill me with a foooooorklift..."

  15. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 2, 2014 at 1:11 PM

    Was Kidman actually pissed about Brock using the Shooting Star? Because I think Jushin Liger and Marc Mero would like a word.

  16. That's similar to a finish I saw Eddie Gilbert use a few times, the difference being the ref would be KOed and Eddie would pound the mat himself to trick the face and winning with his finisher, the cheap roll-up.

  17. It's funny because Kidman's Shooting Star was far from the best.

  18. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 2, 2014 at 1:16 PM

    - I will always be a fan of the "pass out from the pain" finish, ala Bret vs. Austin. When done sparingly, it makes both guys look great.
    - I also enjoy the "finish me" sort of finish from HBK-Taker II. Shawn's last act of defiance, basically demanding that Taker end his career.
    - Love the concept of guys sacrificing a DQ fall in an IronMan match in the name of getting a couple falls or doing max damage. Made perfect sense in the HHH-Rock one.
    - One of my favorite finisher ideas was HHH's sledgehammer shot during the Last Ride (vs. Taker at WM17), even though that didn't actually finish the match.

  19. Scotty Too Hotty and Brian Christopher pinning a bottle of head and shoulders at KOTR 98'. One of the creative classic finishes of all time...

  20. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 2, 2014 at 1:18 PM

    I'm all-in on Austin's idea of stunning Vince after the Rock murder. It still fits: Austin is more paranoid than ever about being able to get the job done; all the finisher-trading gets him nervous; he resorts to a million chairshots to kill Rock dead. Emphasizes the "paranoid Austin", DTA tweener element without forcing the Vince/HHH stuff that no one wanted to see.

  21. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 2, 2014 at 1:19 PM

    Right. I recall being really impressed with Marc Mero's version several times. That dude was a hell of an athlete

  22. He was. Before his big knee injury, I'd say he was one of the best athletes in wrestling.

    He could never get together character-wise, though. Johnny B. Badd was annoying, Wild Man Marc Mero was lame and Marvelous Marc Mero wasn't very good in the ring. Although the latter was pretty funny. I remember him making the low-blow his signature move and coming down to the ring for a match against Sable where he's gesturing to the crowd like a smarmy jerk that he's going to give her a low-blow.

  23. I thought Wildman Marc Mero was gayer than Johnny B Badd. I did like Marvelous Marc when he fired returned with the shaved head and was a serious bad-ass. Once he became the goof I was done with him.

  24. That finish NEEDS to come back. Somehow.

  25. I think a Sheamus vs. Bryan "I've beaten you in 18 seconds for the World title and I'll do it again for the WWE title" feud would've been the best bet, even if Sheamus was simply acting as agent for The Authority because of his past success against Bryan.

    Sheamus has done nothing noteworthy but tread water since the never-ending Del Rio feud cemented him as Irish Goofy Cena. It's been even worse since he's returned from injury at the Royal Rumble. A feud with Bryan would've brought Sheamus back up from the midcard hell he's been occupying.

  26. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 2, 2014 at 1:32 PM

    Yeah, as an arrogant tough guy and jealous jock boyfriend, he was hitting his stride. Too bad the injuries put him out for good.

  27. I think it would rely on a talent like Bobby to really get it over, but yeah, I'd like to see this one pulled out of the mothballs.

  28. Was gonna add that... :) Kudos, fellow MSTie. :)

  29. I came up with a neat wrestling finish tying into a story in TEW2013 the other week. Basically, my big-time rocket push guy was a pretty boy high flyer named KC Gleen, who tagged with a guy called Jamie Hernandez that was slightly less talented than him all-around. I brought in Glenn's actual trainer for a tournament, called Joey Minnesota, and had them form a semi-alliance. Minnesota faced Hernandez and basically went way too far in beating the crap out of him. Glenn comes out and is all what the hell man, Minnesota apologizes, him and Glenn go up to celebrate for the crowd, Minnesota cheapshots him, they brawl, Glenn tries his Superkick finisher, Minnesota grabs the foot and punches him in the balls. Minnesota then explains Glenn can't possibly beat him with the Superkick cause Minnesota taught him that move and knows every counter. Not only that, he taught Glenn EVERYTHING he knows, so Glenn can't beat him cause Minnesota will be 3 moves ahead at all times.

    Glenn and Minnesota meet in the tournament finals 4 days later on PPV. No DQ, and its a war. Minnesota knows Glenn too well and seals his entire offense, and almost beats Glenn with a Superkick himself. Glenn then uses moves from people hes faced in the past to throw Minnesota off, then sets up for the Superkick. Minnesota blocks high, but Glenn Superkicks him in the knee instead, then hits a Shiruani (Hernandez's finisher), then a Shooting Star Press (Another Hernandez finisher), to get the W.

    Pretty dese, no?

  30. It's the simplest wrestling booking imaginable. Considering how WWE is always pushing Sheamus (the guy rarely loses matches) I was really surprised it didn't happen. As you pointed out, he didn't even need to go full heel. It's a heck of a lot fresher than Bryan vs. Kane and would've saved us from the bad horror movie reenactments featuring Bryan as Zack Ryder.

  31. I tapped out because jobbing or not I'm just over hhh, and like Scott said I'm over the authority vs Daniel Bryan angle. Still I'll probably go see summerslam as long as Brock is working it.

  32. Was this startling show of confidence your my writing ability another whatculture article that begs for content from ANYONE about ANYTHING as long as it's in a numbered list so that people can click through their ads every paragraph? Because if so, that's a lot like bragging that a crack whore asked you if you wanted a date.

  33. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 2:07 PM

    KC Glenn just died in my game by being runover by a steamroller.....

  34. Your my writing ability sucks.

  35. One of my favorite tag matches ever.

  36. CruelConnectionNumber2June 2, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    "Bret taking on everyone as a fighting champion" led to the WWF running in high school gymnasiums for TV tapings and the company in the toilet, FYI. Not all his fault, certainly, Bret ruled, but "babyface with great technical title defenses!" only works every so often.

  37. Whatculture is just awful.

  38. CruelConnectionNumber2June 2, 2014 at 2:15 PM

    That would be interesting. WWE is not interesting.

  39. CruelConnectionNumber2June 2, 2014 at 2:16 PM

    Clearly he's keeping the title, though. So he should be back soon. "AND YOU'RE GONNA FACE... KANE!"

  40. I still think Zayn needs to debut when Cesaro is getting destroyed by Lesnar after he decides he's had enough of being a Paul Heyman guy. Full face turn for Cesaro, face debut for Sami, new tag team created, and they take on the Wyatts who will have the belts by then.

  41. A site about writing is only as good as the writers. Whatculture can't help but suck if all they get is a cacophony of bullshit.

  42. Caliber is writing for them too

  43. nothing get refused. I expect "top ten numbers between one and 10" any day now

  44. You post today right after the Daily Update...yesterday right after the Live Thread and bookending a Scott Keith post. You're a sneaky little attention hound who is blatantly shameless in your self whoring. Go watch "Frozen" and write a blowjob article about all the incredible subtext about weather and feelings. My advice, go to Whatculture and stay there. And thats a "shoot", sister!

  45. I wonder if you and I have ever commented on the same Caliber Facebook post

  46. Dont give him any more wacky dating story ideas for him to spout off in his daily BOTD diary entry.

  47. I'm not friends with him. I should add him but then I know I couldn't help myself when he posts something inane.

    The one about soldiers dying was really bad, but I think a lot of the times he just trolls.

  48. The soldier one was awful. I got into it with him on the one where he was going to purposely troll sXe people.

  49. What? Cw posted something about dead soldiers?

  50. I carried WWF1987 to a 5-Star classic.

  51. Shame, HHH has been putting in great work for months now.

  52. I agree the product has lost momentum, but the Shield-Evolution feud has been awesome. From beginning to end.

  53. Im sure the NBA playoffs have been better than whatever hhh has been doing on raw. I saw the ppvs matches. They were fine but I dont care about it.

  54. OK, I just saw a commercial for a foundation that helps out families who have lost a father/husband while in the service.

    What the fuck? What makes their death any better than say a firefighter? Or a police officer? Or a guy working at McDonalds?

    Why are business owners being told to hire former soldiers? Why do they deserve a job more than someone else?

    I hate this type of bullshit. No one was drafted. No one is fighting a good cause as if it were WW2. They aren't doing it for free, or the "good" of the nation. They're doing it for money. They walked into that recruitment office and signed up on their own free will.

  55. They were running shitty gyms well before Bret got the title. B

  56. solider worship is the only way to guarantee we have more soldiers to sacrifice later

  57. Stranger in the AlpsJune 2, 2014 at 2:41 PM

    Vince McMahon screaming "RING THE FUCKING BELL".
    THAT is a shoot...and a CREATIVE one. So i just tied together TWO posts, Paul!

  58. Raven vs Goldberg. Raven throws everyone in the flock at Goldberg and it doesn't work. So he leaves, but the fans throw him back. Since he had no where else to go, he just took it like a man.

  59. Actually you reminded me I forgot to put in all my shill links at the bottom of this post. Thanks for the heads up.

  60. A botch and a shoot are two different things

  61. Bret didn't have a Cena to keep some pressure off of him, though. Bryan would be a fine main event, but unlike Bret he wouldn't be the only one up "top".

  62. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 2, 2014 at 2:50 PM

    Doesn't it pretty much have to be over at this point? The Shield destroyed the Authority back to back ppvs and Bryan has already beaten Kane, HHH, Orton, and Batista. Time to move on

  63. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 2, 2014 at 2:51 PM

    Yeah. I didn't even have a huge problem with Bryan vs. Kane as a one-off title defense. If they hadn't already done it with Bryan going over in the WM30 run-up

  64. Dude Love vs Steve Austin at Over the Edge 98

  65. AverageJoeEverymanJune 2, 2014 at 2:54 PM

    So this thread is about Batista's outfit last night right? #bluetista

  66. I didn't mind Bryan/Kane at first, but that bad skit killed it for me. However, last night's Brie slapfest got me back on. And that was a great PPV. Cena beating Wyatt's fine; the Shield is the new Midnight Express; they can keep Bryan near the top until/if his neck heals; and they have enough new characters around to keep me interested. I do want to see some progression with Sheamus and Cesaro's characters, though, and I'm worried that they're going to get stuck with Barrett again.

  67. so, are you folks proud of your career as an internet spam provider?

  68. AverageJoeEverymanJune 2, 2014 at 2:58 PM

    Have a mysterious present pop up on stage during Bryans match each show and a new badguy wrestler (but sometimes a pretty lady) will come out of the present. Until BAM Brock comes out of one and beats the hell out of him. It worked for Lex.

  69. Owen Hart's match at Over the Edge 1999

  70. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 3:00 PM

    "try to make a name for themselves. Or a ZAYN for themselves, knowwhatimean?"

    swing and a miss

  71. AverageJoeEverymanJune 2, 2014 at 3:01 PM

    that HBK guy. He could do some things.

  72. I'd probably go with the Bret v Owen SS '94 cage match where Owen's let gets caught in the cage on his way down. I love that match start-to-finish--great wrestling, some nice bumps, and repeated mad dashes to escape the cage. The family involvement was on-point, aw well.

  73. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:03 PM

    Technically that match never started.

  74. Would that idea work? I don't know, but you touch on a larger point - there are SO many angles in wrestling history that could be refreshed and used again. But when you hire a bunch of cats that don't know shit about wrestling, they spend their time trying to reinvent the wheel.

  75. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 3:05 PM

    big show choking slamming jbl through the ring at razor wire steel cage match at no way out '05. my seats were directly opposite the tron, so we couldn't see jbl crawling out from under the ring, but that was a really clever finish that had jbl win the match since technically his feet did touch the floor before big show stepped out of the cage

  76. AverageJoeEverymanJune 2, 2014 at 3:06 PM

    To be fair he did giver her a lot of low blows. Or I would assume he did.

  77. It always bothered me how Kidman's would come off at an angle. He never truly went at a pure 180° angle. Nitpicky, I know, but it always caught my eye.

  78. AverageJoeEverymanJune 2, 2014 at 3:07 PM

    Also created the Outlaw Rule.

  79. Always loved the Shelton/HBK RAW match from 2005 where Shelton flies across the ring from the top rope and Michaels nearly takes his damn head off with Sweet Chin Music, whole arena was going "WHOA" at the nasty shot.

  80. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:08 PM

    As far as one guy injuring the most people with the same move, I would have to think Kidman's SSP holds the record.

  81. Mike botching on Meekin.

  82. Owen took it far too seriously when they told him the match was one fall to a finish.

  83. One that hit me, the Ultimate X match from "Final Resolution" 2005, Sabin and Williams are hanging at the X, each holding one half of the X division title in a tug of war only for AJ Styles to leap off the top, fly across the ring and snatch it out of their hands.

  84. What's the date on that? I've never seen it and may pull it up right meow!

  85. Stranger in the AlpsJune 2, 2014 at 3:09 PM

    Very creative. To protect the kayfabe-ness of it, I believe Owen, to this very day, is still selling that finish.

  86. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:09 PM

    And was copied by the Outsiders so there's that.

  87. Stranger in the AlpsJune 2, 2014 at 3:10 PM

    I'm going for the original here.

  88. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:11 PM

    Sometime in 1993 I think, maybe 94. It is a really good match all around.

  89. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 3:11 PM

    not necessarily clever, but from an aesthetics standpoint, wm xx triple thread. hbk goes for the superkick and benoit ducks underneath and tosses him over the ropes, then turns around and gets kicked by hhh. as hhh goes for the pedigree, benoit reverses to the crossface, and then holds on as hhh tries to roll through before ultimately tapping

    also liked wm xiv, a series of superkick/stunner reversals before austin hits the stunner

    and then anything eddie did once "lie, cheat, steal" took off

  90. AverageJoeEverymanJune 2, 2014 at 3:11 PM

    just watched that last night actually.

  91. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 3:12 PM

    or that time when the x fell the mat and someone just picked it up for the win

  92. It was on the SummerSlam Spectacular in 1993. It may not be counted as an official Raw.

  93. I've never heard a crowd get as angry when they saw HHH standing behind Benoit, realizing how the match might end

  94. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    at summerslam 04, taker chokeslammed jbl through the limo roof. apparently someone jumped on the limo during the match and danced around before security got them. imagine how f'd everything would have been had that choad fallen through the gimmicked roof

  95. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 3:14 PM

    once hbk went over the top rope, my thought was actually "holy shit, benoit *is* gonna win this"

    it seemed like forever till hhh tapped out, but for whatever reason, benoit tossing hbk sealed the deal for me

  96. The best booking since Austin?? Wtf??

    High praise for a show that cost the WWE like a billion dollars.

  97. CruelConnectionNumber2June 2, 2014 at 3:15 PM

    Who are you to doubt Made In America Lex Luger The All American Rebel Born in America

  98. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:15 PM

    Between 1 and 10? Does 2.5 and 4.8 count as the other two?

  99. CruelConnectionNumber2June 2, 2014 at 3:15 PM

    Looked a lot better than the MMA shorts he had in January.

  100. In all honesty, I'd write for them except I don't really have a bevy of Top 10 lists to do, also, I'm suspicious of the view thing, and I don't have a wide enough circle of internet friends to viewspam for me.

  101. Favorite was the shooting star RKO on Bourne.

  102. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:30 PM

    Then my apologies to you and I'm saddened to hear that as Caliber never wrote anything I didn't care to hear from him until now I guess.

  103. Dean Malenko vs. Scotty 2 Hotty at Backlash 2000. Still not sure how that wasn't a homicide.

  104. Shooting Star countered by a super kick from a Johnny Gargano vs Matt Cross match.

  105. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:32 PM

    There's a good reason people protest these wars (though protesting a funeral is just being a fucking scumbag), it's because they shouldn't be fucking happening in the first place.

  106. you'll have to click through their ads to find out

  107. And it played in intros for the next year. That's how good it was.

  108. Well the ones who protest the funerals are doing it because they hate gays

  109. No worries. I agree with everything you said

  110. He brought the Spambots in!

  111. That was fucking awesome. I'm shocked by it when still watching. That was a great match.

  112. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:36 PM

    Yeah, I've never understood what that is all about. Like, if you die in combat than you're a homo?

    I do find it funny that someone bought the house across the street from that bigot church and gave it a rainbow paintjob.

  113. It's still one of my favorite PPVs of all time, probably in the top 3 or 5.

  114. Even at his most popular (discounting when he'd wrestle in Canada during the Austin feud), was Bret ever getting the consistant huge reactions like Bryan gets these days?

  115. No, it's more that God is punishing America's acceptance of homosexuals by killing soldiers in Iraq.

    (I'm not saying I agree with them obviously).

    The documentaries this British guy did on the Phelps family are fascinating

  116. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:38 PM

    Pass. I'm not really in their "spyware friendly" demographic.

  117. Harlan Leverage IIIJune 2, 2014 at 3:38 PM

    Man, I hated the "Shawn gets his arm caught in the ropes" bit. I thought getting his leg caught was creative, but by the time Razor got to the top of the ladder, Shawn was flopping on the mat like a hooked trout; it came off as more "Hey everyone, look at how I can tangle myself up in the ropes!" than "Crap, if I don't get out, I'm going to lose the match!"

  118. With a little bit of DDP Yoga.

  119. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    I agree that war is open to protest because it's a pointless exercise when there are no true threats against our freedom. My point was against those whose protest funerals when the dead no longer can be bothered, but the families are affected.

  120. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    Good lucking lord, people are stupid...

  121. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:41 PM

    Oh, and like I said, those people are scumbags.

  122. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:42 PM

    And living smack dab in the bible belt state of Louisiana means it's a constant debate here.

  123. Wow Caliber is still kicking

  124. You don't have any of those Westbero people do you?

  125. To much clicking.

  126. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:45 PM

    I'm a chef and so I hear alot of the banter between the regulars we have, and even though I've never heard them declare themselves active members, it's kind of sickening to hear how many agree with them.

  127. Harlan Leverage IIIJune 2, 2014 at 3:45 PM

    There was a Rock/HHH "I quit" match on Raw where the Nation threatened to beat the crap out of Chyna unless HHH quit. Sure, Chyna turned on him, like, twenty minutes later, but I liked the idea of "do whatever you have to do, but make the other guy quit".
    Also, the Varsity Club vs. Rick Steiner ending with two referees counting the pinfall.

  128. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:45 PM

    Yeah, that's not really an issue here in Upstate NY. My mom is legally married to another woman and the gay pride parade yesterday in Buffalo had a gigantic crowd. Gay, straight, bi... no one really gives a fuck.

  129. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:46 PM

    Oh, another guy that practices the culinary arts. About time.

  130. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:47 PM

    Yeah, every state has seemingly had a gay marriage debate or vote, yet in Louisiana, it hasn't really even been brought up with our state leaders. I used to hate how people riffed on us being backwards and behind the times, but the older I get, the more I see even they don't have a clue how right they are.

  131. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:48 PM

    I won't even read Scott's stuff over there, any website that uses that slideshow format ain't getting no clicks from me.

  132. I disagree. I know I love Zayn as much as the next guy but if Cesero is facing Brock and is getting beat down I'm not sure I'd have a guy that people may or may not know run in for the save. You don't put a NXT call up with a guy thats in a program with your biggest baddest heel. The guy is talented but I thought this was the place always wanting people to be built up. I'm not sure throwing Zayn in the middle of a main event feud is building him up and then even worse if they are a tag team that drops Cesero from the main event to feud with Wyatt's lackeys. I don't know how to debut Zayn but thats not something I'd like to see.

  133. Harlan Leverage IIIJune 2, 2014 at 3:49 PM

    And the related St. Valentines Day Massacre '99 Austin/McMahon ending with Big Show throwing Austin into the cage and breaking it.

  134. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:49 PM

    Yep, the last 18 years from kitchen bitch to Chef d' Cuisine.....fancy way of saying head kitchen bitch

  135. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:50 PM

    It passed by a pretty overwhelming margin here, IIRC. We're getting close to legalizing weed too.

  136. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 2, 2014 at 3:51 PM

    That Lesnar SSP was such a killer shoot.

  137. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:51 PM

    So far we've gotten almost close to not giving people twenty years for possession........

  138. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:51 PM

    I'm not quite a chef, but i'm way above a line cook. Don't really have a title.

  139. We didn't get to vote on gays. It was passed by the state and signed into law.

    Whether you're pro gay marriage or not, seemed stupid to leave all that money on the table for people to do weddings in Connecticut, Massachusetts or other neighboring states. Keep the money in New York.

  140. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:53 PM

    More like a sous chef I take it?

  141. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:54 PM

    It's decriminalized here, simple possession gets you the equivalent of a traffic ticket, not even a misdemeanor. I know TX, MI, and NV are very weed-unfriendly.

  142. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:56 PM

    Pretty sure it was voted in by about a 3-1 vote though. It helped that the Governor was kind of strong-arming people that didn't want to get with the program.

  143. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    Yeah, sort of.

  144. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    Here we have this wonderful legal rule called the multi-bill. If your caught more than once with a gram or more then you can be considered a habitual offender and given a minimum of twenty years. There was a guy a few weeks ago who got his third conviction, all totaled he had been busted three times with the added up equivalent of less than three grams, and he was given the multi-bill and sentenced to 25 years. No other charges and no other convictions.

  145. Big Show/Brock on SD. Ring collapse.

  146. you don't need them to have a (lenghty) program just because he makes the save. didn't we discuss Jericho's debut just a few days ago? he wasn't feuding with The Rock right from the start.

  147. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 3:59 PM

    Well, NY is a huge culinary world. What you do there as a sous chef could probably land youan executive chef position here. My biggest saving grace is being a classically trained chef, so having a fancy degree keeps me from Chili's and Applebees being good career choices.

  148. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 4:00 PM

    That's horseshit, though it seems like he needed to get better at hiding it. I've been smoking for nearly 15 years and only got pinced once, and the case was immediately tossed by the judge for an illegal search. I didn't even have to get a lawyer.

  149. The Assembly overwhelmingly voted for it, but it was tough to get through in the Republican controlled senate.

    In typical New York fashion, they did a lot of shady backroom shit to get it passed in the middle of the night, but the important thing is gays can marry, which is good.

    I almost wish they had put it up to a vote. I saw a doc on Prop 8 in California and that looked like a fun campaign with both sides bringing the crazy

  150. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 4:02 PM

    Here it's considered the norm for long sentences for simple possession in other states.

  151. he's offering personal training via the web, Perfect if you wanna get that pudgy uncooked cookie dough look all the kids are after these days

  152. You need to see House I Live In. It's fucked up

  153. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 4:04 PM

    See, I never went to school or anything, I started from basically nowhere when I was 14 (I'm 32 now, though my mom is a great cook and taught me quite a bit, so I wasn't going in totally blind), and everything I've learned I've learned on the job.

  154. I love anytime the ring collapses.

  155. Yeah, that was a good one as well.

  156. Always fun to see the shock on peoples faces.

  157. With those Freddy claws, I wouldn't trust him around kids.

  158. He should keep on wearing them to piss fans off.

  159. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    You didn't miss much not going to a school. I would say 80% of what I learned there I've never used, and the rest just gave me a head start with creating recipes using different ingredients than commonly used.

  160. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    The Senate is what's been holding up the weed thing too, the medical bill finally got through committee, whereas the assembly has already voted on and passed it. And Cuomo said he'll sign it if it passes.

  161. well. there are plenty of other reasons to not trust him around kids, But, in all fairness, there is reason to believe that some of those little boys were lying

  162. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    It helps to put it on an application though.

  163. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 4:11 PM

    Cops don't really care here, unless you're diving and smoking. In that case you can expect a DUI.

  164. Funny, the title mentions forklifts, and one of the adds that pop up is for a used forklift.

  165. Ratings are better now.

  166. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 4:14 PM

    Back when I was about your age I worked in a warehouse for a while and we used to race the forklifts. Good times.

  167. No. The reasons the matches are good are because HHH is a great heel that can make any face like a million bucks AND the greatness of Shield and Bryan. Let's not discredit Paul when he doesn't deserve it.

  168. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 4:15 PM

    Depends on the chef.....some of the younger "food network starf**ckers" care about that above all else, but their are many of the grizzled kitchen chefs who want experience in the heat of a rush over being able to name all the varieties of cous-cous. I only went because my grandparents saved for our college tuition and I figured it was an easy way to collect it and blow the rest.

  169. One of my favorite matches ever. I always love great matches with no long-lasting consequences.

  170. Because, HHH....

  171. I disagree. Nothing really compelling happened. One week The Shield attacked, the next week Evolution attacked. Then Ric Flair happened. Then they brawled. That was the extent of their feud.

  172. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 4:17 PM

    Never heard of it, but I will add to my list of recommended watches.

  173. But it's also classic booking.

  174. It's also what happens in every feud ever.

    No thanks.

  175. It's a doc about our drug laws

  176. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 4:18 PM

    I know a guy that has a trust fund that pays him 4 g's a month, plus his school expenses. He's been a sophomore for 11 years.

  177. That whole match was such a mess. Between the crowd not giving a shit to the point that they were doing the wave, to wonderful Kevin Dunn direction that manages to catch JBL selling a punch from the Undertaker that was no where near his face like he was hit with a hammer.

  178. Now NXT's telling some stories.

  179. My advice to Vince on how to book Brock Lesnar when he returns. "Talk to George Martin about the Mountain."

  180. Crash into anything?

  181. Same. It was 10x better than Wrestlemania 2000

  182. To this day, I will forever love the ending to Eddie/Brock. From the Goldberg spear on, it's perfect. From Cole's excitement when Eddie is climbing the turnbuckle and Tazz trying to heel it up for Lesnar before finally just saying "fuck it, I'm enjoying this moment" to Eddie trying to cheat, but then actually cheating when he manages to reverse the F5 to a DDT on the belt... just a great ending all around.

  183. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 4:25 PM

    Not racing them, but we got a new one and no one told me that the boom was about 18 inches higher than the old one (though I should have noticed it myself), so I tore a ceiling fan right out of it's mount.

  184. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 4:29 PM

    they've edited out "die eddie" from the footage, i think

  185. That happens earlier in the match

  186. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 4:31 PM

    much better than when they tried to recreate it with mark henry.

  187. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 4:32 PM

    speaking of homicide, how about when he couldn't escape the dome cage thing on the 1st live impact (when jeff hardy returned to tna)?

  188. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    as long as there are no floppy wieners!


  189. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 2, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    That match was a total clusterfuck. What a joke...

  190. ASS. CRAP. POOP!

    I just tried installing Journey for PS3 and got the YELLOW LIGHT OF DEATH! My PS3 is done. What the hell! I e-mailed the company that made the game thanking them for breaking my console. Might have to jump to Nintendo because their consoles/games are the cheapest. Sucks.

  191. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 4:35 PM

    i will never not love your avatar of theo and his messed up knock-off shirt that denise made for him

  192. Michaels vs. McMahon stands out to me, with Shawn upping the ante three times before finally coming off the fifteen foot ladder to put McMahon's garbage can clad body through the table definitely felt like a conclusion.

  193. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 4:37 PM

    i believe it took longer for him to climb the cage than it did for hhh to eventually pin booker t at wm xix


    I need another coffee.


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