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Rollins turns heel after we just talked about how awesome the babyface version of the Shield was doing.  I really hope they're going somewhere with this one.  

More importantly, the Dolph Ziggler job was one of the bigger "fuck yous" from the office to the fanbase I've seen in quite a while.  

How anyone sits through three hours of this show, I'll never figure out.  


  1. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 11:02 PM

    I really think Rollins benefits more from this spot than anyone else. He hasn't been neutered yet, it gives him some match ups against babyfaces that can match him in skill level, and starts the ball rolling on Reigns being able to step out of the three man Shield and begin the rise to the top it's obvious he's getting.

  2. I stopped watching Raw and went all NJPW & US indies and couldn't be happier.

  3. It's pretty obvious they're going somewhere with it. Question is will it work. Gotta say full blown heel Tyler Black is something I missed from ROH.

    As for Ziggler he's not sticking around after his contract is up so why push him? They obviously don't want him anymore and he doesn't want to stay.

  4. Booker T's assessment from Backstage Pass that no one from a faction or no one who has hangers-on can win world titles is asinine. Has he never heard or Ric Flair? I'd argue that Flair was more solidified as a top-tier performer *after* he co-founded the Horsemen with the Andersons & Tully.

  5. There was pretty much nothing left for them to do as a group. At least this keeps them all involved in a story that was the only good thing on Raw while changing it up at the same time. I approve.

  6. We drink a lot. A lot.

  7. congratulations.

  8. Rollins was the wrong guy to turn. It should have been Dean Ambrose. Rollins is a natural high-flying babyface. Meanwhile, Ambrose has cut some amazing crazed heel promos in the past and works a more heelish style.

  9. "Who could possibly watch this show for three hours?" "Alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners..."

  10. Dean Ambrose in Evolution makes no sense.

  11. I just think it was too early. There was still SOOOOOOO much money to be made off babyface Shield on top. HHH bent over backwards to make them huge in the past two PPVs and then they go and break them up the night after! As someone else noted, we still needed Ambrose building a time machine so they could travel back to Dallas and face the Von Erichs and Freebirds for six-man supremacy!

  12. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 2, 2014 at 11:04 PM

    Let it play out and see where it goes, Scott. After all...

    *munchmunch* WE MAKE MOVIES *munchmunch*

    /hasn't watched a RAW in full since the day after Mania

  13. Didn't you SEE Ambrose in a suit on the Slammys? He would rock that shit in Evolution.

  14. Rollins can pull of a heel character. And he went to WWE so he didn't have to kill himself every indy show doing those high flying moves.

  15. But do you approve of The Rebirth of Caliber? I just saw some of the exchanges a few minutes ago. Wow. My vote's leaning towards "batshit crazy" right now.

  16. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 2, 2014 at 11:06 PM

    Booker T must have blocked out that whole WM19 thing, almost every heel champion ever has had stooges.

  17. And go the the 2014 King of Trios.

  18. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 2, 2014 at 11:06 PM

    And really? They're gonna stick with Evolution beyond the novelty point and with new members? What, was Mark Jindrak too busy?

  19. Yeah but why would he join them? His whole character is giving zero fucks. His crazy babyface character is a thing of beauty right now.

  20. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:07 PM

    They had to do something post the Batista sucking and I get that. Rollins was great for shock factor this week, but long term planning wise - what the hell? They spent two months making them the best team in WWE history to have a guy switch teams without revealing a motive.

  21. Lest we forget the days where JBL and his Cabinet dominated Smackdown!

  22. I already ran him off again a few hours ago.

  23. Was that really him?

  24. NEXT WEEK: "I don't owe you a people an explanation!"

  25. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 2, 2014 at 11:07 PM

    Felt like a swerve for the sake of a swerve. "Hey, Ambrose didn't go with him!" Then afterwards, it's kinda like "now what?". I guess DB is ready to go or else I have no clue what they're doing on the babyface side.

  26. It was the end of the show, do you really 4 hours?

  27. And just imagine the amazing promos we'll get from Ambrose now.

  28. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:08 PM

    Of course not - but over the course of 3 hours or the last 2 months they could have shown us a reason he would break the team up.

  29. They way he got pissed about me quote bombing him, my guess is yeah.

  30. Sadly, we've lost Batista. And just as Woot made a shirt in his honor.

  31. was Bryan's neck Kurt Angle'd by Dr. Jho? How can he possibly be anywhere near ready to go by Money in the Bank or even SummerSlam? He needs to surrender the title and keep his ass out the house. Let Brie Bella be the Helen Hunt to his Eric Stoltz.

  32. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 2, 2014 at 11:09 PM

    Evolution in 2014 doesn't make much sense. I'm waiting for Orton to have his epiphany and wonder why he never got a return match, I mean, he didn't even lose.

  33. Why would you ruin the surprise?

  34. His neck issues aren't nearly as bad thankfully.

  35. There was a Caliber run-in? WHERE?

  36. At least the group now has proper symmetry.

  37. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:11 PM

    Why would you fling yourself off of something 20 feet high that could injure you for life 24 hours ago and win and THEN change your mind? There is no logic to this decision.

  38. That was the point, they were outmatched because they didn't realize they weren't the evolution of the business anymore. But HHH finally wised up, he even said it in the promo, and Evolution finally evolved.

  39. Raw live thread.

  40. Because who wants to fling yourself off 20 feet high structures all the time? Rollins got sick of it.

  41. It was. He has commented in a couple other threads also

  42. Please tell me you're not comparing Mark Jindrak with Seth Rollins.

  43. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 2, 2014 at 11:13 PM

    Except the guy in the Flair role is the boss of the group and the "present" is a goober who doesn't even ask about his return match. They have time to round it out a bit, though.

  44. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 2, 2014 at 11:14 PM

    He pretty much HAS to be working the PPV, since Reigns is tied up with this. Unless they're going all in on Cena facing Kane, Rusev and Bray Wyatt at the same time

  45. Where in the thread? That thing can get cluttered.

  46. Well, HHH could point out all those times Bryan beat him clean in 2013 only to have the Authority save his title. But he is due a rematch I guess.

  47. Sometime after the 10 oclock hour?

  48. That's gonna be fun to track down. I asked to debate him on the soldiers thing. Fingers crossed!

  49. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:16 PM

    Fair enough. If he comes out on Raw next week and says he switched teams so that he doesn't have to jump off anymore structures I'll buy it. He's on HHH's team so he doesn't bump. Give me a break.

  50. Not really? They'll just do the MitB match for the title instead.

  51. Don't take everything so fucking literally.

  52. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 2, 2014 at 11:18 PM

    With Cena as the only babyface worth a damn? I dunno. I'm guessing some horrible disaster will befall Kane during the stretcher match to drag it out more.

  53. I don't get why they don't drop RAW to 2 hours, and use the third hour (that USA wants them to keep, I assume) for NXT

  54. Because USA wants Raw and not NXT.

  55. I almost hope that Bryan doesn't come back in time. I hate the cliche that Money In The Bank has become.

  56. Yeah I don't think he'd look good in a flack jacket.


  58. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 2, 2014 at 11:22 PM

    To me, this a rare instance where doing it now is justifiable in storyline terms. The Shield are super hot right now, so all the guys have the spotlight from the fans squarely on them, they've beaten Evolution convincingly, and it caused Evolution to fall apart. So, naturally Hunter figured out beating them as a unit was impossible, so he did the next best thing and broke a hole in their solid wall. Now, as it's revealed when HHH made the offer to Rollins, that's where it can fall apart...but if it's explained that at some point that day he reached out and promised Rollins the world, I'm all for it.

  59. How do you know? It screams gimmick, but Caliber is that sad.

  60. Adrian Neville might work.

  61. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:22 PM

    Fine. So, how does he change his style now that he's in Evolution? Does he adopt a power style? High flying is his game and he just joined a power group. You say he's sick of flying so he joined he going to cower behind Randy and HHH while they beat them up?

  62. You need to stop smoking crazy pills!

    I do like Neville, however.

  63. Although the jacket would cover up his amazingly chiseled body.

  64. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 2, 2014 at 11:23 PM

    Leo Kruger has the look. Oh yeah, nevermind

  65. I'm being completely serious when I say this, but if ever there was a time to give Justin Gabriel a new lease on life, it's now. Get that man a flak jacket!

  66. Leo Kruger was immensely boring.

  67. It certainly wouldn't cover up Sami's amazingly chiseled WORKRATE~1!

  68. "Don't take everything so fucking literally."

    "You say he's sick of flying"


  69. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 2, 2014 at 11:25 PM

    By not taking bumps that will kill him? Eh, who am I kidding, Roman Reigns will probably throw him off the upper deck by the end of this. Kinda funny that Rollins has the gimmick that made Ambrose's original gimmick sick.

  70. I say this as someone who likes Gabriel but I cringe every time he opens his mouth.

  71. Sad. I missed making fun of him for trying to sell a PDF that tells you how to pirate movies again.

    I feel like I really missed out.

  72. He doesn't need to talk so much, he needs to be a spot monkey.

  73. No new members.

  74. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 2, 2014 at 11:27 PM

    That's like letting Paul Roma into the Horsemen.

  75. He's not, when Batista was injured in 2003, there was talks of replacing him with Jindrak in Evolution. There's even photos of him with them.

  76. I'm still not sure about there even being new members of the Shield let alone jobbers who've floundered in the lower card for over 3 years.

  77. Jindrak was pre Batsita.

  78. Oh I know, but still, it sounded like he was somehow equating the two.

  79. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:28 PM

    You brought up a story line issue in that he was sick of jumping off of things. I brought up a shoot thing and you told me not to take it literally. Then, I asked, based on your story line suggestion is he going to change his style?

  80. It's Sami or I might have a nervous breakdown.

    OK, let's face it, I will have a nervous breakdown IF it's Sami.

  81. Dude, Sami is too nice.

  82. Yup,right at the beginning, there's probably footage of him stepping out of that Evolution chopper somewhere in the bowels of Titan Towers.

  83. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:29 PM

    I'm not pushing for anything risky. I don't want anyone hurt. I'm just asking a question. From a storyline perspective, why does he line up with these two?

  84. Will be interesting to see if it becomes Reigns/Ambrose vs. Rollins/Orton, or if there are further shakeups on either team (can Ambrose and Reigns work on their own?). I hope the end game isn't a face turn for Orton.

  85. Makes his life easier.

  86. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:30 PM

    You used not jumping off of things as a reason for a turn, if he's not going to stop doing that - then why turn?

  87. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 2, 2014 at 11:31 PM

    Wouldn't be that surprised if the end of this is that Trips and Reign's "lackeys" change sides. You know Batista is fucking Trips over at Summerslam

  88. Pfffttt we haven't even gotten to see him try to be mean yet.

  89. I came here to post almost the exact same thing before I saw your post. They just kicked the everloving shit out of HHH, Randy Orton, and Batista for two months (and I loved it). Where else could they have gone as a baby face group? This will keep them fresh.

  90. It's an euphemism.

  91. Plus, even if he's bad at being mean, we can see The Shield *teach* him how to be mean. INSTANT ANGLE

  92. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:34 PM

    His life was so hard that he was beating his boss monthly beside the same two guys. I know the story they sold last night that the baby faces got beat to hell for 20 minutes, I get the corporate sell out angle. But when Rocky did it, he had a hell of a lot of momentum going for him. Seems early.

  93. Rocky was pretty much in the same position as Seth is in. Rock was battling the authority and winning, but who wants to do that shit every day?

  94. And then argue up and down that it's not a guide for stealing stuff, it's a guide for learning WHERE to steal stuff.

    I have that. It's called google.

  95. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:41 PM

    Rock had gone from a joke to a legitimate member of the Nation to challenging Farooq to overtaking him to being on his own to etc etc etc... Rollins has been Rollins - no development other then Cole and JBL calling him the architect over and over. I'm open for new stories - it just doesn't logically make any damn sense. He was on the winning team, why switch sides? It's like AA siding with Sting. It makes no sense.

  96. If you don't consider heel/face turns development, then Rock didn't develop either. He was the exact same dude. And if you paid attention, so was Rollins.

  97. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:49 PM

    You can't even say that until the first promo. The Rock was very clear before he turned he was about The Rock - the story was there, the opportunity was there and he took it. What is Rollins character? What about him says that he would abandon his brothers?

  98. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:50 PM

    The Rock had a character. Rollins is a guy with weird hair coloring that the POS announcers have called "the Architect" - past that, who the hell is he?

  99. I'll agree with that but Rollins has always had an ego and heel bent to his promos. It isn't far fetched that he would take the shortcut.

  100. Old School WCW MichaelJune 2, 2014 at 11:55 PM

    Why would a guy that's already winning take a short cut? I just don't get your logic.

  101. Winning what? He could beat HHH 300 straight times and it would get him nowhere.

  102. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 11:58 PM

    i actually thought much of the 1st part of the show was pretty good, with a decent crowd. it did start to taper off, though

    and i totally agree on the ziggler job. so transparent it was coming yet still so frustrating.

  103. Old School WCW MichaelJune 3, 2014 at 12:00 AM

    Daniel Bryan beat HHH one time and won the title. From a storyline point only - that proves that an outsider that wins can improve their lot in life in the WWE.

  104. Old School WCW MichaelJune 3, 2014 at 12:00 AM

    Also - let's take a moment and pay attention to the last match the Shield lost. It was against CM Punk when they were storyline lackeys.

  105. Old School WCW MichaelJune 3, 2014 at 12:01 AM

    When has the Authority won a match?

  106. He didn't give a title shot because "hey! good job dude!", he gave it to him because Bryan forced him to.

  107. HHH offers him a proposal that's hard to refuse. He tells him that he can be handed whatever he wants in WWE if he joins the Authority. He also tells them that nothing will come out of the Shield, because no matter how many battles they win over Evolution, they will never win the war against the Authority.

    They could do this story with Rollins too. I just think Ambrose is a better fitting heel. Personally, I would have picked Reigns. He's the load carrier behind the Shield, and without him, it would indicate that Evolution got the upper hand and that Shield are in deep peril. Later on, they could have Reigns turn on HHH because HHH doesn't fulfill his promises and set up their rumored match at Summerslam or WM, whichever.

  108. Old School WCW MichaelJune 3, 2014 at 12:03 AM

    Daniel Bryan got a shot by filling the ring with fans and you don't think there's a logical conclusion to be had that kicking HHH's ass over and over again someone would get a title match becase he's a sore sport?

  109. Shield has lost way more recently than that.

  110. it sucks their huge face momentum has come to a halt but realistically, where were they to go next? the 6-man tag combinations were starting to get old until they turned face, then they squashed frickin Orton, Batista and TRIPLE H. TWICE. they already played the collective title game and there aren't any more trios to go after, and if there was it would be a step down from evolution anyway.

  111. HHH would never have given Bryan a title match if he doesn't hijack the show.

  112. Would just like to say thank you to the crowd at the end of the show. Instead of trying to be cute or creative or just make up so "hilarious" chant, they played along and booed Rollins for turning on his friends.

  113. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 3, 2014 at 12:07 AM

    Oh def. not, because Rollins can fucking go and Jindrak can...uh, look in a mirror?

    It's more of that it's 2014 and Evolution is back in full force and FUCK THAT NOISE.

  114. Just a warning. You seem to be convinced that it's Sami. While that'd be AWESOME, you seem convinced it will happen and I wouldn't pin all my hopes on that.

  115. Old School WCW MichaelJune 3, 2014 at 12:08 AM

    He got mad - his rage got the best of him and he made a mistake. That being said - I ask you again - if that can get underneath his skin, imagine what getting beat up over and over again by the same group of dudes could do.

  116. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 3, 2014 at 12:09 AM


  117. Old School WCW MichaelJune 3, 2014 at 12:10 AM

    Why then leads to the next question - why the hell would one of them join ranks? He was winning and has seen that rage can lead to gold.

  118. The Usos vs Rowan and Harper was a hell of a match, I thought. I also loved seeing the heels pick up the clean victory.

    Seeing Seth Rollins being the one to turn on The Shield instead of Dean Ambrose as expected was also a pleasant surprise. Eager to see where all three guys go from here.

    Pretty average show otherwise, per usual.

  119. We want the explanation, feud, and blowoff all in the same damn night dammit.

  120. HHH specifically said that he wouldn't give in.

  121. HHH knows he can't beat the Shield. HHH thought he could beat Bryan. That is the difference.

  122. I expected to be angrier but after calming down and thinking about it, there's really nowhere else to go as a trio. It was either have one guy sell out or have them "build tension" during MITB.

    It's probably better this way.

    Still Rollins in a suit next week is going to look weird. Also who keeps the cool music and the vests? Always important considerations when a faction splits up. If Reigns gets crappy new music like Cesaro got it could hurt him going forward.

  123. Ambrose as a heel would be doomed due to how watered down he would have to be. We have to face fact that the WWE will NEVER let Ambrose be Ambrose as far as unleashing the heel awesomeness he showed in the indies due to Johnny Moxley being too R-Rated for the risk afraid WWE.

  124. Orton is probably too pissed off that The Shield turned on him and are no longer his boot boys to care about his rematch. That and he probably knows that with HHH uber pissed off, he himself has to assume the bitch boy position and go with the flow and his master's newest vendetta before he gets chokeslammed to hell by Kane, given that Kane has taken over Steph's eye as her new hatchetman......

  125. The 4 horseman didn't always have to wrestle 4 on 4 matches

  126. Watched it in about 25 minutes. Thanks dvr.

  127. 3 hour raws suck. Two was plenty.

    In three short months they've managed to do two of the dumbest things in the history of their company.

    They blow Taker's streak without ever even having done Cena vs Taker which would draw HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGEE as a mania main event and blow it on a part timer who didn't need the rub. Now they break up one of their hottest acts not when they've fizzled but when they are really hot. Just downright pathetic.

    Just once I'd like to see a baby face faction stay together and be happy for one another regardless of who's having more success.

    At least I still have NXT.

  128. Yeah...well.....fuck that crowd. Bunch of puppets.

  129. 1) Brock breaking the streak was awesome.
    2) Sami is coming.


    3) Sami is coming.

  130. Too soon bro. Too soon.

  131. 4) Sami, who is awesome, is coming.

  132. Too bad. Because if they tried NXT they might find they like it.

  133. Just can't picture Val in that vest.

  134. I know, right? Should've chanted for CM Punk again. Because what's a good angle without a bunch of idiots chanting for some guy who doesn't want to be there.


  136. Where would Ziggler go?

    He's not a good enough wrestler for Japan, TNA has wasted better talent, he's not a good enough wrestler for ROH and there's no money in ROH. I mean... you'd think he'd be smart enough to go 'huh... well at least I get six figures in WWE.'

  137. If it's not Sami, I'm probably gonna just have to go and stop watching WWE for another decade.


  138. Not what I was going for lint triscuit.

  139. Old School WCW MichaelJune 3, 2014 at 12:58 AM

    Just like he would NEVER give Daniel Bryan a title match.

  140. Old School WCW MichaelJune 3, 2014 at 12:59 AM

    Bryan didn't have to lay a hand on him to get a shot at a title and these guys have owned him since Wrestlemania.

  141. Old School WCW MichaelJune 3, 2014 at 1:00 AM

    All Bryan had to do was beat him one on one once. These guys have been running his ass ragged since Wrestlemania.

  142. If you can't grasp the difference between HHH's feud with Bryan and his feud with Shield, this is your problem, not the writer's.

  143. The highlights on the official WWE YouTube channel always suffice as well. They're up immediately.

  144. Thanks, SAMI

  145. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 3, 2014 at 1:08 AM

    I'm both an alcoholic and an angry loner, and I can't sit through this shit.

  146. Old School WCW MichaelJune 3, 2014 at 1:12 AM

    Trust me my friend -it's the same fight- and the writer's have bigger problems then trying to plug the holes in what they did tonight. The product is awful and taking the hottest thing they had and flushing it down the toilet is definitely one of them. And if you don't grasp that - it's you and the writer's issue.

  147. They still haven't beaten the Wyatts yet.

  148. I'm all three! And, something something.... Sami!

  149. Pfffttt.

    Also, something about Sami.

  150. It took them forever to boo, for a big swerve that crowd was almost completely dead.

  151. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 3, 2014 at 1:32 AM

    Good job spamming ...

  152. They launched into a "You Sold Out" Chant almost right away and then started booing loudly.

  153. Sami spamming is not the same thing as... spam... spammnig.

  154. Feel the heat of that Ambrose/Rollins singles fued when Reigns is fighting for a title... Wooooo... hoooo? Was pretty shocked to see Dolph lose to the heatless wonder himself too. But it's about par for the course these days. Call me when Punk comes back.

  155. Russo's back...??????
    Also so help me for saying this, but Dolph would be better off going to TNA.

  156. Maleficent invented Sami (she is responsible for everything good, you know...)

  157. I kind of knew this was coming, well at least we don't have to wait forever through Shield breakup rumors. Now will Evan Bourne finally return? Will Sting finally sign a contract? Will Yokozuna join the Hart...oh, too late for that one.
    Maybe Ambrose jumps too to make Evolution a foursome again? Leaving Reigns with his singles push (another longtime rumor answered)?

  158. They did their job, I guess. I'm legit disappointed that the Shield broke up.

  159. I bet his wallet says otherwise.

  160. No they won't, since it would get lower ratings. And let's not kid ourselves that it would magically start doing better than an hour of RAW. The mainstream crowd wants to see people they know.

  161. "Where else could they have gone as a baby face group?"

    it's no law of nature that every programm of The Shield has to be a 3 vs. 3 feud. as mentioned before, they could have tried the Horsemen route - keep them together as a group, but give them individual things to do.

  162. "Evolution in 2014 doesn't make much sense."

    that's why the theme song says it's a mystery.

  163. You called the crowd puppets for, shock, reacting to what was going on rather than trying to get themselves over.

  164. No, they did. Twice.

  165. Huh?

    It's in continuity that Rollins was sick of The Shield in March. Not that difficult to twist it that he feels he was one carrying the team but getting minimal credit.

  166. They wanted to split The Shield in March. Rollins was set up as the heel. They did an about turn, giving them a few months more credibility in main event angles. The Shield beat up Evolution. HHH probably pulled a 'Rollins, you're carrying these guys' power play. Rollins, who was sick of The Shield in March, took the bait because he can either be fighting The Authority or he can be part of them and running the show.

  167. He would be perfect for a WCW... I miss the days when wrestlers hat other alternatives if they didn't make it in the WWF (or WCW).

  168. He is like Christian was right before he jumped and had 2 years of TNA success there before he got lost in the shuffle.

  169. I loved Face Shield, but not sure where else they were going to go as a group. They beat the Wyatt's and destroyed Evolution. Do they move on to beating up 3MB?

  170. Not sure what it means, but Seth Rollins is still trending on twitter this AM. That has to be a good sign.

  171. Will watching both shows in 30 minutes. Thanks This Week In WWE.

  172. Yep, people forget that there's also money involved. And losing to Del Rio in WWE is better than beating Gunner (whoever that is) in front of 300 fans in a high school gym.

  173. Still waiting for HHH's avatar vs Vince's avatar.

  174. What's the deeaall with airline food???

  175. Glad to see they're letting Usos vs. Harper/Rowan have some life beyond the Cena-Bray feud. Their match at MITB could be a show-stealer. The Usos have been bringing it lately, in the ring and with some good, old-school, just-a-little-too-hyper promos.
    Del Rio's win was a highlight of the night for me, but I'm biased. He looked motivated and sharp and should add something solid to the MITB ladder match.

  176. not a fan of champs losing non title matches.

  177. I wouldn't mind if the Shield destroyed 3MB to the point of never seeing them on TV ever again.

  178. the heatless wonder is one hell of a hand though. If only they can find a way to do what they did to barrett, no heat until the perfect character came along. I would love for del rio to succeed and have heat.

  179. Feel the heat? They Ambrose and Rollins will more than likely steal the show.

  180. Well, if Rollins is in the suit as the newest member of Evolution, sounds like Reigns and Ambrose will keep the Shield music ... for now.

  181. its gonna be weird when we see any/all of the 3 of them don tights.

  182. Or he could just NOT OWE ANYONE AN EXPLANATION!

  183. I agree, but they are hiding Reigns Flaws by having him do soo many 3 on 3 matches. I really dont think he's ready for a singles run yet as i was underwhelmed in any of his singles matches ive seen so far.

  184. I will say this: if you're going to turn one member of the Shield, Rollins makes the most sense to put with Evolution, since he would probably have the hardest time getting over on his own. Just a thought.

  185. Sami makes no sense to be part of the Shield. He seemed all happy-go-lucky on the Takeover show. How does that translate to a Hound of Justice?

    I think you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

  186. He needs to change the hair up and die it full black. Amirite?

  187. If Ziggler wants to try his hand in Japan, he'd probably be able to make more money working Japan and spot shows than he currently is at WWE.

    It's sorta like how Bryan said that after he got fired by WWE in 2010, he wound up making more money in Japan and on the indies than he would in WWE (until he made it big) because being an ex-WWE guy would give him a nice bump in pay.


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