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Smackdown - June 13, 2014

Date: June 13, 2014
Location: Resch Center Arena, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield

Reviewed by Tommy Hall

It's the day of bad luck but things haven't been that bad in WWE as of late. The big story coming out of Monday is Daniel Bryan being stripped of the WWE Title due to his neck injury, meaning the ladder match at Money in the Bank is now for the title. Allegedly there's going to be a second ladder match announced for the traditional briefcase, but if they don't announce something by Monday I can't picture it happening. Let's get to it.

Before we get started, I'm sorry to hear about Officer Farva.  I don't spend a lot of time in the comments section but I chatted with him a few times and he seemed like a nice guy.  His family will be in my prayers.

We open with a recap of HHH and Stephanie stripping Bryan of the title before announcing the ladder match for the title.

Opening sequence.

Here's Shield to open things up. Ambrose says it's clear that the Authority is trying to stack the deck against them. Well listen up kiddo: they're flipping the table over and coming for HHH's throat. As for his former business partner Seth Rollins, his business will be shut down for good. Reigns says Orton better enjoy his vacation because after Roman gets his hands on him, Orton will be on a permanent vacation. Maybe one of them will be the next WWE Champion.

HHH pops up on screen and says there are only a handful of spots in the ladder match and he's only got one slot available. Therefore, he flips a coin and it's Ambrose getting a qualifying match later tonight. His opponent: Bray Wyatt. Also, the Wyatts and Reigns will be banned from ringside, and Ambrose is banned from ringside for the next match.

Roman Reigns vs. Bad News Barrett

Non-title. Roman takes him into the corner to start and gets two off a floatover suplex. Barrett fights back with some forearms but gets sent to the floor with a big clothesline as we take a break. Back with Reigns fighting out of a chinlock but missing a charge into the corner, allowing Barrett to hammer away even more. Reigns fights out of another chinlock and hits a Samoan drop to get a breather. Some clotheslines set up the running apron dropkick and Barrett is in trouble. The Superman Punch connects but 3MB breaks up the spear for the DQ at 8:25.

Rating: C. The match was pretty much exactly what it was supposed to be and the ending makes perfect sense. It's also going to lead to a fitting final night for Mahal and McIntyre as they're about to be destroyed by Reigns. Also, see how easy it is to protect a champion and avoid an unnecessary loss? Why can't they do that more often?

Mahal is thrown over the table, McIntyre is speared and Slater is speared out of the air so Reigns can stand tall.

Erick Rowan vs. Jey Uso

This is the second round of singles matches after Jimmy beat Harper on Main Event. Rowan charges to start but is quickly sent to the floor for the big dive. Back in and Jey avoids a splash and hammers away but is easily thrown off the middle rope. A modified side slam (basically a Rock Bottom with the arm around Jey's waist) gets the pin for Rowan out of nowhere at 1:40.

Bo Dallas vs. R-Truth

Bo dances to Truth's music for a funny visual. Truth does the pelvic thrust to start and Bo isn't sure what to make of it. Bo gets thrown down again and is a bit flustered for the first time. He nails a right hand and defends it by saying Truth attacked him. Some knees to the face get two for Bo and it's off to a cravate. Truth makes a quick comeback with the gordbuster for two but Bo avoids the ax kick. The Bodog makes Bo 7-0 at 2:57, which the announcers treat as something that matters.

Cesaro and Heyman say that Cesaro will be fighting tonight and win by technical knockout when the referee has to stop the match.

Sheamus vs. Cesaro

Non-title. Cesaro takes him into the corner to start but Sheamus fights back with right hands of his own. A kick to the face staggers Sheamus and Cesaro keeps pounding away in the corner. Sheamus blocks a suplex into one of his own though and the Irishman takes over. More big right hands have Sheamus in trouble but he gets belly to backed to change momentum again. Sheamus nails a Cactus Clothesline and we take a break.

Back with Cesaro nailing another knee to the head, only to be sent to the apron for the ten forearms. He's able to fight out though, so Sheamus just hits him in the face to send it back to the floor. That's fine with Cesaro as he pulls Sheamus off the apron and down onto the floor. Back in again and Cesaro hits some double stomps for two before bending Sheamus' back around the ropes. More right hands have Sheamus in trouble but he says bring it on. Cesoar keeps hammering but gets sent back out to the floor.

Back in again and Sheamus hits his running knee lift to set up the ten forearms and the Irish Curse for two. White Noise is countered into Swiss Death for two but Sheamus still says bring it on. Cesaro hits him with every strike he can, only to get ax handled to the face and caught by the rolling fireman's carry. Cesaro grabs the ropes to avoid the powerslam and counters into a small package with the tights for the pin at 14:40. That's the same finish (minus the tights) from Payback.

Rating: B-. This was the usual good match between these two but I'm getting a bit tired of seeing them together. I do like the finish carrying over from the last match for the sake of continuity and the lack of a last second Brogue Kick is always a plus. It was entertaining too so it's hard to really complain about this one.

After look back at the opening segment, Bray Wyatt talks about dreaming of glory as a child. He dreamed of a nice house on a hill with a white picket fence. He dreamed of happiness. Then he woke up and realized he was still stuck in this rotten world just like the rest of it. Abigail heard and told him that he would achieve everything he dreamed of and more. They will chant his name and bow down to him, and that's the predicament he's in now. Above that ladder lies his happy anding and his power. Unfortunately for Dean Ambrose, he stands in Bray's way and will burn. Follow the buzzards.

On Main Event, Layla poured kitty litter and milk on Summer Rae to even the score from Monday.

Adam Rose vs. Fandango

Rose avoids a jump in the corner and gives Fandango a spank. The dancer takes him down and gets two off a suplex, only to have Rose roll away before Fandango can try the guillotine legdrop. Party Foul gets the pin at 1:45.

Post match Rose's chicken gets in the ring and removes it's beak to reveal Summer Rae. The catfight is on until Fandango saves his chick. Summer is actually working in this role.

Jack Swagger vs. Big E.

Swagger quickly sends Big E. out to the floor and takes his head off with a clothesline. Back in and Swagger pounds away but gets backdropped over the top and out to the floor. Big E. hits his clotheslines and the belly to belly followed by the Warrior Splash. Lana comes out for a distraction before the Big Ending, allowing Swagger to boot Big E.'s head off. Colter yells at Lana to get rid of her, but the Vader Bomb is countered with the Big Ending for the pin at 2:57. Colter yelling at Lana could lead to something, but so much for the ANGRY Swagger push.

Aksana vs. Alicia Fox

Aksana slaps her and nails some clotheslines to start before a snap suplex gets two. The release spinebuster gets two more but Fox comes back with her northern lights suplex. We hit the chinlock on Aksana followed by something like a snap Fameasser to a kneeling Aksana for the pin at 2:25.

The Raw ReBound looks at Rollins' explanation.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose

It's a brawl to start until Dean hits a cross body for two. He rakes Bray's eyes across the ropes and hits his dropkick against the ropes to knock Bray outside. Ambrose dives over the top rope but gets caught in a release Rock Bottom against the apron. Back from a break with Bray working over the arm.

Ambrose escapes the suplex slam though and hits a DDT to get a breather. The bad arm is sent into the post though and Bray gets two off some headbutts. Off to a nerve hold but Bray misses the running backsplash. Dean goes to the apron but sends Bray into the buckle with one good arm. After fighting off a superplex attempt, Dean jumps into the release Rock Bottom but elbows his way out again.

Bray knocks him into the ropes but Dean bounces off the ropes with a clothesline for two. Ambrose says bring it on and charges at Wyatt in the corner. Bray goes outside but gets taken down by a running suicide dive. Back in and Dean hits his missile dropkick for two but the bulldog driver is easily broken up. Wyatt hits his running cross body but the suplex slam is countered into a small package. Now the bulldog driver connects but Seth Rollins is on the announcers' table. Dean goes after him but Seth goes into the ring, sending Dean into Sister Abigail for the pin at 14:22.

Rating: B. This was getting good but it never hit that top level. I'm not wild on Bray wanting to be World Champion as he comes off more like a 1992 Cactus Jack, where he should only care about causing chaos rather than being champion. It's an interesting idea though and Bray being champion wouldn't be a stretch at this point.

Overall Rating: C+. This was your run of the mill Smackdown: the long matches were good enough, nothing was too terrible and there's absolutely nothing that you need to see here at all. If you have nothing else to do, Smackdown isn't the worst way to spend two hours, but you'd be better off throwing on an old show on the Network. That could be the same reaction to the show every week anymore.

Roman Reigns b. Bad News Barrett via DQ when 3MB interfered
Erick Rowan b. Jey Uso – Side slam
Bo Dallas b. R-Truth – Bodog
Cesaro b. Sheamus – Small package
Adam Rose b. Fandango – Party Foul
Big E. b. Jack Swagger – Big Ending
Alicia Fox b. Aksana – Fameasser
Bray Wyatt b. Dean Ambrose – Sister Abigail

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  1. I bet the WWE writers watch this show on a loop with the finishes that were booked.

  2. I loved Hollywood Hogan.

  3. What happened to Farva?

  4. Shame WWE never signed Tim Tebow, he could have been paired with Bo for Team TeBO.

  5. Glacier did actually appear for a little while in the fall (maybe a month), but he must have gotten injured again. Hence the looooooong buildup for the guy.

  6. The last time Hogan hulked up or no sold until Superbrawl 1999. Ironically Flair was the last hulk up in 1996 and was the first shortly before Hogan turned face again.

  7. I was sad Hogan didn't keep the hulk up and became a Memphis coward.

  8. "This was the usual good match between these two but I'm getting a bit tired of seeing them together."

    Speak for yourself, I could watch those two wrestle all the time.

  9. Hog Wild denim jacket for $90....and people claim merchandise is expensive today, that makes the allegedly overpriced ROH merchandise look like a dollar store bargain.

  10. Glacier appeared the next month

  11. Yeah and then disappeared again for months.

  12. Am I missing something or did Farva actually die?

  13. He was at Fall Brawl on the night after, then yeah they didn't do anything with him until Blood Runs Cold in like March.

  14. Unfortunately it's true.

  15. Seems like whoever booked Turning Point 2011 really loved this show considering both shows had rollup finishes in nearly every match.

  16. Yeah at the time it as cool, but looking back in hindsight and everything we know about Hogan and how insecure he is, it's pretty amazing how much ass he was willing to show in his heel days.

  17. I still maintain DDP should have beaten Hulk. He was on FIRE during this period. Even just a quick Dusty reign to give the face side hope.

  18. Hogan suddenly getting cheers after turning into an exciting heel is EXACTLY what would happen with John Cena.

  19. Yup, the only difference being the "Let's Go Cena!" chants get several octaves lower.

  20. He probably thought it was OK since he wasn't playing his face character.

  21. The Hogan cheers stopped once he started doing his chicken punk Memphis tactics. Seriously, they should of just had him wrestle like a face - he wrestled better than a face. Sadly, the best Hollywood Hogan matches was the three he did with DDP - although one of them was Hogan transgressing back into facedom.

  22. The Hogan - Flair match was bad but I remember Hogan just killing it with his new heel character. Good times. nWo 4 Life.

  23. After a while it was sad that we never had a Hogan vs. Nash match in like 1997. That could still been money then. They hinted it a few times, but by 1999 when they did do it - it was too late. They had the chance to do boatloads of dream matches and egos killed it.

  24. I think all of his heel-nWo matches were bad as Hogan was more interested getting his heel character over.

  25. Even in 98 it was still a money feud, but you're right, come '99 I don't know what happened, but Hogan-Nash became the opposite of a money feud.

  26. Got half way through this before I remembered this was a Clash show. Nitros, clashes, and ppv's just ran together at this point.

  27. What? Ric Flair in the Main Event? But he was misused! I'll have to go read the recap to see how badly Hogan buried him...What? Flair won by DQ! He didn't mention that in his book!

  28. Everything was the opposite of money in 1999 WCW. Well, except for the first few months I guess.

  29. Did I miss a thread or something? What happened?

  30. Apparently a few of the regulars here discovered through Facebook that he died today. I'm just as in the dark as you about this, I just finished work and started finding all these comments about Farva's death, it's pretty surreal.

  31. I don't know. Hogan joined up with two cool guys in a rebel faction and changed his character immediately.

    I think if you keep Cena the same cheesy character only position him as a bad guy he'd still get booed.

  32. Tommy: As someone who has spent a lot of time in writing workshops, I am very familiar with the concept of the nickel jar to break someone of their bad writing habits. For every "at all" you cut, add a nickel. I promise you'll have enough nickels for something nice within a week.

  33. Read threw the BOD daily update thread

  34. Holy crap

  35. People only boo him because Cena as a babyface is a hypocrite, whereas as a heel, being a hypocrite is a perfectly acceptable trait and people would cheer.

  36. It's like watching an e-fed come to life.

  37. I'm just thankful those guys aren't located in Georgia. My home state actually has many good indy feds and workers.

  38. Is Zombie Rick Rude still working in Georgia?

  39. I honestly don't know. Probably.

  40. I get that he's Kane but why isn't Kane in the ladder match? Are we seriously getting Cena/Kane Embrace the Hate Deux?

  41. What the actual fuck?

  42. I've been to many podunk hick southern indy feds and I'm pretty sure that's the most egregious thing I've seen. If those guys came out during a show I attend I'm asking for a refund.

  43. Anyone else concerned that Reigns is getting rejected Cena lines, with tonight's "permanent vacation" and "ass of the company" from Raw? "Baby girl" to Renee Young a while back was equally horrid but for different reasons.

  44. There are still two more MitB slots open.

  45. Reigns has said some questionable stuff to the opposite gender before. Just seems to be the way he is.

  46. the best one I can think of is the title loss to Goldberg

  47. :clap:
    Well done.

  48. So my idea for the Rock n Roll Ex-Prezes will work. Now I need two guys and rubber masks. Ricky Nixon! Obama Gibson!

  49. According to Hall, hogan really enjoyed playing the pussy heel.

  50. I thought it was cool that once Hogan turned heel, the other heels didn't all of a sudden love him, they were all like "we told you he was an asshole!". I only wish Jesse Ventura had been around.

  51. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 13, 2014 at 11:37 PM

    I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.

  52. They waited too long. Their connection was the nWo, and by 1999 it was played out/dead. Nash's character was all over the place, turning face, then turning heel, and back to face within months...and Hogan threw on the yellow underwear like it was 1988.

  53. Hogan was incapable of working like a face. Even in his WWF heyday, he still worked like a heel.

  54. It was the mother of all chokeslams. The elevation he gets on Benoit (he was really close to heaven there...) is outright awesome! And you write "chokeslam" like it's a shitty Big Show one...what's that all aboot?

  55. One last Hogan post: the dude really should have wrestled and won some matches during this time -- heel or not. This is his last match until the Savage one. He then waits two months and jobs to Piper in a non-title. Goes no contest with the Giant -- which was starting to get old. He could beat the giant before, but now he can't? Then you had the flaky Piper title match where Hogan clearly jobbed -- but they booked a Savage heel turn and pulled Hogan's feet under the ropes -- ugh. Hogan then takes part of a challenge match and then vanishes for two months. Then Hogan jobs to Luger in a non-title. Then jobs to Luger yet again at BATB 97. Then he drops the title to Luger on Nitro -- only to wrestle a boring match and win it back. I forgot to mention the infamous Robin Hood match months earlier. Hogan takes another break before jobbing to Piper in a non-title cage match -- which was so ugly - Hogan wrestled DDP in his first good match in a long time - sadly, it was the typical nWo run-in ending. Hogan shows up as a surprise entrant during the last half of world war 3. Hogan destroys Sting via politics, but Sting still beats Hogan. Then they draw on NyQuil. Then two months later Hogan jobs to Sting. Then he no contests Savage in a cage match - uh, what? Then the next month he beats Savage for the title he had won the night before. I should mention months earlier Hogan jobbed cleanly to the Giant on Nitro or Thunder in Jan 1998 during the time Hogan wasn't champ. Maybe as appeasement for Giant jobbing to Nash the following week at Souled Out. Then Hogan jobbed to Goldberg, but then finally got a pinfall on DDP in a tag match. Oh and then Eric Bischoff jobbed to Jay Leno in a tag match featuring Hogan. Another DDP match was around here, same run-in joke. Then the Warrior feud where Hogan flees during modified war games and then the rematch of the century occurs with Hogan winning. Whoop-eee. Then Hogan runs for president and retires - only for it to be a ruse and hogan finger-pokes Kevin Nash to destruction. Hogan stays heel and takes a month off, outside of beating David Flair. Superbrawl 9 makes it Hoga's first time in three years to hulk up. Then hogan turns face after a tremendous heel promo two weeks earlier // and jobs to Flair in a weird first blood without blood match. Then Hogan finally pins both DDP cleanly and Brutus Beefcake/Disciple in the following weeks. Hogan's face turn marked the end of bad heel matches.

  56. Yeah he probably could have stood to won a few more matches or re-worked his gimmick to have at last more energetic matches (because a lot of those were dogs), although you look at that list and of those -- almost all of them drew decent to great buyrates/ratings and several of them among the best WCW ever did.

    Maybe people just liked watching him lose after all of those years of winning all the time.

  57. Yeah it's a CRAZY spot, he just drills him with that thing and Benoit sells it like a champ.

  58. Well if he called guys "poopy" or something, then I might imagine him becoming a truly hated heel. Cena as Corporate Douchebag might work. But I have a sense that a LOT of the fans (especially smarks) would suddenly go "oh now he's a heel, it's safe to cheer for him!"

  59. the Clash set review you gave the tag match ***1/4, but here it gets *1/2, with no love for Lex & Rick "throwing each other around". I guess there's something to be said for isolating a match from an overall bad show increasing it's individual merits of enjoyment.

  60. To be fair to Scott, knowing what we know now, kinda hard to be excited about how great Benoit takes a major bump.

  61. Scott was clearly tired and just wanting to get this rant done...see the tag match discrepancy above.

  62. I remember in WCW's magazine, Heenan does a whole column of "I told you all for years, did you listen to me?"

  63. I think Hogan was just lazy and didn't want to wrestle too often. Though it`s odd that he jobbed or had shitty wins so often, since most fans recall him DOMINATING this era. Well, I suppose he WAS the Champ and tended to look strong on every Nitro...

  64. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 1:09 AM

    for as much shit as family guy gets, "ROADHOUSE" never gets old

  65. Reigns is pure Man, he's allowed to be a knuckle-dragging misogynist.

  66. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 1:17 AM

    Unfunny garbage like that is why Family Guy gets so much hate.

  67. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 14, 2014 at 2:25 AM

    I still say Glacier would have gotten over if he had used "Ice to meet you" as a catchphrase.

  68. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 14, 2014 at 2:35 AM

    Hogan sucks.

  69. Haven't the shield only beaten the wyatt in any match one time? This seems like the biggest non rivalry ever yet everyone gets hyped about it. Good matches sure but the wyatt ALWAYS win or best I can tell atleast

  70. Cerebral Assassin HHH should have had Reigns and Ambrose fight each other for one MITB spot, if his goal is still to end The Shield. I'm also not sure about Bray being interested in the WWE title; it seems out of character for him.
    I would've liked to see Bray vs. Ambrose at the PPV, with Reigns and Rollins in the MITB ladder match (Reigns, Rollins, Del Rio, Cesaro, Orton, Sheamus, Cena), and Harper/Rowan getting a tag title shot against the Usos.

  71. It would be super easy to give Bray a motive for the title. He could just say that he wants to keep those that desire the power and prestige away from that power to see the chaos ensue or some other Bray Wyatty type shit.

  72. How about "Have an Ice day"? Foley style.

  73. How did the Internet (young as it was) not completely implode after The Giant beat Benoit in less than half a minute?

  74. Clearly that was the closest to Heaven Benoit ever got.

  75. I don't know, Bray being champ will cause a shit load of chaos.

  76. he dominated the era with boring promos while Bischoff verbally blew him (and with the bowing right near his junk, sometimes look like he was physically about ot blow him too)

  77. Uh, Wyatt is the only smart choice to make champion. Another Orton reign would bomb as bad as the last one. No one wants Cena as champ and literally no one else is ready.

  78. Ambrose bouncing off the ropes never gets old.

  79. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 14, 2014 at 7:29 AM

    I've grown to hate Peter.

  80. Tebow certainly fits the delusional douchebag character of Bo; I dunno if he'd go for it, though.

  81. Yeah, I always wondered why the Internet didn't make more of a big deal out of that too. My guess was that the Internet liked Giant back then and we believed Giant had good potential to become a big money drawing star.

  82. I seem to remember everyone being in awe about how great the chockslam looked and kind of ignored the result.

  83. ...I like Family Guy.

    Am I still allowed here?

  84. To be fair, there was a TON of potential in The Giant, he just stopped giving a shit really quickly because WCW.

  85. Yeah, I brought into the Giant hype too at the time. Giant in 96 was like Brock in 2002.

  86. And he eventually learned to be a pretty good worker/actor. You can just tell that he figured out pretty quickly he wasn't going anywhere with Nash/Hogan/Hall protecting their spots and figured he might as well just show up and get paid.

  87. Cesaro could work as champ.

  88. I thought Hogan was booked really well up until at least Starrcade 1996, with the (mostly unannounced) non-title cocktease loss to Piper. But even that I could kind of excuse as the Bischoff turn was still sort of fresh, and then they did okay with him again through the early part of 1997. After that, though, you couid tell they didn't really know what to do until Starrcade, but still managed to do some good business with the Rodman match at BATB and the Luger quickie title win on Nitro. Once Starrcade 97 rolled around though it was ALL shit.

  89. Oh man would they really try the RA out as faces? Against Rusev they'd get face heat but that's taking a very big risk PR wise.

  90. I find the newer episodes to be unwatchable.

  91. He got to win by DQ on some random show. And then his team lost and got curb stomped in his backyard at the next ppv. Yay!

  92. I popped like nuts because he went to college in my town. That Really Huge Guy I Saw Around Town a Few Times kicking ass on TV was pretty awesome.

  93. Looking back, minus the results and booking, on paper you can argue that this is a Dream Card. DDP vs Eddie Guerrero, Malenko vs Mysterio, Giant vs Benoit, Hogan vs Flair and a dope triple threat with Harlem Heat vs Steiners vs Sting/Luger. On paper this is a pretty incredible card. Even top international stars Konnan vs Ultimo.
    It's just too bad WCW had no clue what they were doing concerning new stars. Everybody they neglected to push so the old guard could stay on top became big successful stars in the WWF.
    This roster is so gross, almost unfair, to have so much talent and name value. WCW should still be alive and well today if only they had someone like Vince. Its criminal what happened to this organization considering all the talent and names they had, all the financial backing by Turner, and all the prime time exposure they had. Because WCW.

  94. On every WCW dvd he just can't shut up about how much Nash and Hall got paid. It probably bothers him to this day.

  95. I'm sure he was fine with showing ass so long as he kept holding the title and staying on top while doing so.

  96. That was the joke....

  97. Cesaro's not quite there yey

  98. This is the first I'm hearing of Farva. Sad news. RIP

  99. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 10:16 AM

    I am not the one that makes those decisions.

  100. It was pretty funny at times! TEN YEARS ago.

    Its golden age wasn't half the length nor quality of The Simpsons. It should have been mercy killed a long, long time ago.

  101. And the whole 'hating Brian' thing has turned Quagmire into an unlikable dick, as well.

  102. Despite the strong recommendation to avoid, I may check this out for the novelty of early

  103. We needed a Glacier vs Ice Train feud.

  104. Oh it's an absolute perfect fit. They could do vignettes of Bo training Tebow for the ring, it would be awesome.

  105. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 14, 2014 at 11:33 AM

    Couldn't the same be said for Austin vs. Rock?

  106. Well he went from fighting heel as a face to chicken heel as a heel. I can't understand why the guys couldn't trade back and forth some wins. Let Hogan cleanly beat Sting by a roll up at Starrcade -- but then job to him cleanly at souled out to setup Hogan's victory and face turn at SuperBrawl.

  107. One of my favorite scenes from FG is when Quagmire tells Brian why he hates him so much because I have been saying that stuff for years.

  108. If he was used to transition to a Brock title win it could work.

  109. My favorite seen in the show period.

  110. But than you run the risk of damaging him with that first reign like what happened to Rey, Punk or Swagger. Than instead of the six months til he's ready timetable they'd have to spend a couple years rebuilding him.

  111. Losing to Brock in a competitive match won't kill anyone's credibility.

  112. No but a one month title reign and than getting backburnered will.

  113. CruelConnectionNumber2June 14, 2014 at 1:49 PM

    Glacier showed up in early September '96.

  114. As long as you don't really backburner them. Give them the title for a month, lose it to Brock but stay in/near the main event. No "rebuilding" necessary. Kane had the title for 1 day and didn't need a rebuilding period.

  115. So they should have had the nWo lose War Games two months after the angle started because it was in Ric Flair's backyard? Flair was on the other end of the curb stomps back when it was about him - he had his fun in the sun and by 1996 it wasn't about him any more.

  116. Uh, starting out a sentence with "Uh," like your personal opinion is infallible, dogmatic law makes you sound like a real dipshit.

  117. I'm not sure if you forgot this, but wrestling matches are scripted. The reason everyone likes the "rivalry" between them is that it's really entertaining.


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