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The Cure to Boredom - Less Wrestling...?

Evening all.

So after reading comments over the past year(s?) or so about giving away main event matches on free tv (or at least 'superstar' vs 'superstar' bouts), it got me thinking of the alternatives.

Sure, one that's been mentioned many-a-time by us BoD'ers is the concept of bringing back the jobbers. I have my reservations about this one. Perhaps you could slowly reintegrate it, but I just can't see it being the answer. I think the fans have become far too conditioned to seeing stars vs. stars (i'm even talking about guys like 3MB. They are at the very least seen as WWE Superstars).

So here's one for you:

How about going back to less wrestling?

Bear with me here...

I started watching TNA in 2008 when Russo had the book. I recall being really in to Impact throughout 2008-2009. What I really enjoyed was the segments and characters (it's a pretty talented roster at this point. Steiner was entertaining enough by himself, but along with the Mafia, I really thought they were pretty great. I thoroughly enjoyed the angle they did with Sting, but I think they really blew the Morgan angle), with a smattering of good matches.

It was a 2 hour show that was heavy on segments and storyline development (no sniggering, please), and left the big-time, big-fight matches for the PPV's, more often than not.

Sure, you'd still have some rare treats as the main events on Impact, but you knew for fact you'd see the guys get more time on the PPV's, and therefore have a better quality and more 'main event' feel match on them, too.

It's also worth noting that Russo said (stop with the sniggering at the back!) segments tend to draw better than the matches themselves. Worth mentioning, I guess.

But this isn't to say that WWE could pull this off. I mean let's face it - we're all pretty sick of the heavily scripted segments, all shot against a fake office with weird red/blue lighting (i've never quite understood that..). What TNA did at least was add some variety and take the angles around the arena, to different areas, to outside, to bars, to wherever the fuck. It freshened things up, and enabled the talent to work in different scenarios where they can adapt to their surroundings and have a bit of fun with it, something WWE could really do with right about now.

What's your thoughts? Total bullshit? Agree? Have an alternative? Let's hear it!


  1. There's a good medium to everything. The year 2000 proved that.

  2. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 7, 2014 at 1:15 PM


    I think shaving off the third hour would help level shit out, for sure.. But we know that's not going to happen.

    I just think, right, here's an example:

    I don't want to see Show Vs. Orton for the millionth time, after Big Show snarls at Evolution for selling out (even ignoring the lack of logic/pure hypocrisy of that angle) in a quick segment on the SAME SHOW.

    How about instead you have Orton/Show at the PPV, so for 4 weeks, we have Orton tormenting the shit out of Show, going to his house and vandalising it, doing everything he can to make his life a living hell. Trips can 'handcuff' (y'know, in storyline, not physically) Show and threaten to fire him if he lays a finger on Orton etc etc. Then, y'know, they have a big match at the PPV?

    All I know is, i'd take the latter over the former.

  3. Why would anyone want jobber matches back? That shit was the worst.

  4. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 7, 2014 at 1:19 PM

    To make PPV matches seem much more important.

    But the problem is kind of like the technology argument:

    "You can't unlearn what you've already learnt"

  5. The least interesting aspect of wrestling programming to me is the actual wrestling, but I might be a minority on this board. (This is based on fast forwarding through interminable replay segments however.)

  6. Not only did PPV matches seem more important, but any match involving two guys you'd "heard of". It's not like the world was clamoring for Dangerous Danny Davis vs Brutus Beefcake, but I ate that shit up when I was a kid and stayed up late for Saturday Night's Main Event. It meant more when you were used to seeing Koko B Ware vs. David King every week and then get surprised with a Tag Team Championship match once in a while.

    David King may not actually exist.

  7. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 7, 2014 at 1:28 PM

    To me, TV shows are for character development, good segments that lead to feuds/character building, and ultimate make you want to see the big fights on the PPV.

    Impact 2009, by and large, was a pretty decent example of this, in my opinion. I had fun with it.

  8. For me it would be for making every match mean something similar to the bound for glory series. When wwe had the #1 ic tournament, every match was important obviously.
    Why not say that rusev has just beaten the last ic champ (big e) so he demands a title shot at Barrett? Barrett doesn't need to lose a non-title match; rusev has a valid reason for a title shot.

  9. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 7, 2014 at 1:30 PM


    So I think the modern day version would be packing it out with bigger stars vs. mid/low carders, using some younger talent, cruisers, and have lots of segments that build PPV matches.

    I just can't see jobber matches working anymore. The fans are far too conditioned to star vs. star.

  10. We have jobber matches now. Rusev has beaten a bunch of jobbers over the last month.
    3mb, truth, matadors, Ryder are all jobbers. I don't need to see the match because I know automatically who would win.

  11. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 7, 2014 at 1:32 PM

    Good point.

    I'm all for 'divisions'. It doesn't have to be openly referred to all the time, but it was something that WCW did quite well.

    You could name a handful of talent who were after the TV title, the Cruiser title, the US title.

    Now, it's just a giant cluster. You have one #1 contender that gets shot after shot, then they're dropped, and replaced with another. All at the same time as making your champ look weak.

    Wow. Fun stuff.

    SURELY having pockets of guys who are all after different gold would give you more options for your TV, and make the PPV matches more interesting and rewarding? It also gives you more promo/segment material.

    Pah, what do I know... I'm no writer.

  12. TNA is running with the "less wrestling" idea. As a result, we get 9 segments invloving MVP in some shape or form, monopolizing 3/4 of a 2 hour show. Unless I'm completely missing something, how is that "better"?

  13. I think part of it might be that there ARE jobbers, we just like them better than the "stars". I'm thinking Ziggler, Ryder, Kofi...

  14. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 7, 2014 at 1:34 PM

    Then that's an issue with who WWE perceives as stars, I guess.

  15. I 100% agree. It was a big deal to see someone switch divisions like booker or Benoit moving from tv title to world title.

  16. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 7, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    Exactly that.

    I say drop the US title, bring back the hardcore title.

    I LOVED seeing Taker switch over to some hardcore matches.

    It just saves people from being left in nomansland, too. Say Barrett loses his IC title. Rather than seeing 20 rematches for no reason (that's another thing I hate... the MANDATORY REMATCH. Just, no), Barrett can say "I'm an angry, angry man... That belt meant the world to me. But y'know something? I'm afraid i've got some BAD NEWS... I take solice in knowing that whoever carries that gold next will never follow in the footsteps of Wade Barrett. He'll never defend that title with such style and aggression, and he'll never be half the man I am...

    And d'ya want a second helping of some BAD NEWS...?

    As if these two weapons weren't enough *holds up fists*, just you wait til you see me swing a chair.... Hardcore division - watch your back!"

    DONE. Still over, put over his reign, and has now told us his next conquest.

  17. One way to make rusev more interesting is to say why he is only fighting black wrestlers. Everyone can obviously tell he only fights them. A couple simple interviews for 30 seconds on tv would explain this a lot and help build more hatred for the guy.
    Once he gets his butt kicked in ppv by a black guy he can't beat, it would make his streak a lot more interesting.

  18. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 7, 2014 at 1:39 PM

    Dunno if the advertisers would be cool with that, but I totally take your point.

  19. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 7, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    "But this isn't to say that WWE could pull this off. I mean let's face it - we're all pretty sick of the heavily scripted segments, all shot against a fake office with weird red/blue lighting (i've never quite understood that..). What TNA did at least was add some variety and take the angles around the arena, to different areas, to outside, to bars, to wherever the fuck. It freshened things up, and enabled the talent to work in different scenarios where they can adapt to their surroundings and have a bit of fun with it, something WWE could really do with right about now."

  20. You should write for wwe; that's more interesting than 90% than what they write

  21. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 7, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    Thanks a lot.

    It's not hard man. It's just transparent and keeps people over and busy.

  22. Every non-Bret match would me a "meh, 4 out of 10".

  23. My Iconic Video Games:

    - Ninja Gaiden (tecmo games in general)

    - Mega Man series ( I will still run through Mega Man 2 once every year or 2)

    - Goldeneye

    - AKI Wrestling Series

    - The Madden Series / NCAA Football - actually brought me back to being an NFL fan after several years of not watching.

    - Grand Theft Auto PS2 Triology

    Music would need a whole new thread, and movies have been well covered by everyone else. I'll throw in Con Air and the original Fast and Furious for fun.

  24. The 2000's sucked balls compared to the 90's, especially the late 90's.

  25. Armageddon in a way defined the decade with both the cast and how over the top it was. Con Air is a good comparison. Don't get it twisted I don't think they are 4 star movies.

  26. I saw American Pie 3 or 4 times at the theater.

  27. That pretty much covers it, Vince buying WCW was the biggest thing that ever happened.

  28. I've been on a huge Pantera kick lately.

  29. I tend to agree with Russo on using tv with segments to build up paper view matches up..I still remember the build up to undertaker kane wm14 even if it was corny hoping undertaker would destroy kane..that's one thing tht I love about that era where even lower card matches would have pre match vids explaining the fued..

  30. I think the key here would be for WWE to write/book from big event to big event instead of from Raw to Raw.

    What I mean is, it used to seem like WWE would lay out their upcoming PPV card and then use the TV to build to said event. Now it's as though they emphasize Raw so much that they're just happy to get through a week of TV. Even when Russo was at his worst in the WWF in 1999, while a lot of the stuff was clearly on the fly, the TV was still mainly positioned as a vehicle to setup the upcoming PPV. It made for a more well rounded product.

    If we look at TV show seasons and consider that WWE's season is technically never ending, but really, it starts from the Raw after WrestleMania and for 12 months builds to the next WrestleMania, all the other PPV's should almost be the equivalent of when a regular TV show has a mid-season finale. With certain shows that are 22-25 episodes a season, they often have either a mid-season finale and then a break, or a couple of non-season finale episodes that are bigger than a typical show. It's not a direct comparison because TV shows don't have to deal with injury risks and the fans not responding to something by design on a weekly basis like WWE has to deal with, but I do believe WWE would be better served by more advanced booking and using the TV as a means to get to an end. I think it would actually make for less of a grind in the writing process and would also greatly help more wrestlers, matches and angles have more meaning on Raw.

  31. I think Joe getting the Umaga character would have been pretty cool. I thought Joe didn't sign with the WWE because they wanted to turn him into Rikishi 2.0.

  32. It's amazing how people on the internet do their damndest to make fun of TNA. It's like the IWC, blog of doom, 411wrestling and wrestling inc readers and followers are the biggest bunch of loser I have ever seen. All this haye and dislike for a company they clearly don't care about but just want to ridicule at a moment's notice. THAT I find much sadder.

  33. If you're World Champion but no one watches the show, does it really matter?

  34. The problem is that the company is very sensitive to short term events because of their TV deal. They likely need to get a certain minimum rating to guarantee to advertisers that they are a product worth investing in. So if the company gets a sudden 2.6, its a huge problem and Raw needs to be rewritten five times, scuttling any long term plan.

    They don't realize that part of the reason they got a 2.6 is more due to previous fuckups that need to be avoided in the future than what actually went on on the show. This has been used as some evidence by anti-smarks that Daniel Bryan and CM Punk aren't draws: ignoring the tons of fans that give the wrong kind of heat to their heroes coming up short, the company's clear 18-30 demo and them wanting more wrestling and less crappy sports entertainment, etc.

    Three hours is a significant part of the problem, but the company has done some stuff before where they've had appallingly bad two hour shows by any standard, so the impetus as always relies on the company actually figuring out what their demos want and delivering it as opposed to missing the point completely or doing stuff to amuse the owner.

  35. TNA is a super polarizing subject. I feel like some people want them to do well as wrestling is outside of WWE is dying a slow death and it is important to have a strong number 2. I feel another bunch of us have seen TNA make stupid decision after stupid decision and just find there whole existence laughable. I'm somewhere in the middle. Hard to imagine 15 years ago you could have gotten 300 people to show for backyard wrestling matches and now a national promotion barely gets that. Is TNA a product of its own doing? Or is TNA more of a statement on what pro wrestling has become in the United States?

  36. I don't blame them. Spike has no plans to cancel them anytime soon.

  37. I think that has also changed because of several "indy stars" having great success in the WWE.

    if I was a popular indepedent worker and saw Claudio Castagnoli, "Tyler Black" or "Jon Moxley" all becoming big stars within the span of two years* I would assume that there is a good chance I could make it as well.

    * obviously not even mentioning CM Punk and Daniel Bryan turning into absolute top stars.

  38. It worked for Christian.

  39. only at that point TNA was a lot "hotter" than it is now.

  40. why would anyone even book something like this? because

    300 people in a place that has room for 500 people: still looks okay*
    300 people in a place that has room for 10000 people (literally!): looks horrible.

    * and I guess also doesn't feel as frustrating for the workers on the show.

  41. Didn't he say something along the lines of "we were staying in a hotel across the street from the venue, and the employees had no idea a show was even going on"

    Even if TNA put on the best show on the planet, if you don't advertise, you don't get crowds.

  42. I was one of your first example of fans that turned into your second example. It is TNA. They make a shit product and nobody cares. I think there is this sleeper cell of wrestling fans who just aren't into WWE but might get into something else if it was offered.

  43. To compare, CHIKARA just drew 1200.

  44. I don't think anyone should count NXT as a different brand. It's idiotic. Without the WWE name, it isn't like they'd be drawing. (I like the product, but it wouldn't even be Chikara-sized without the WWE backing)

  45. Oh this is gonna be fun to read.

  46. I feel bad for the guys, but have ZERO sympathy for Carter and everyone in charge. At this point, I'm hoping they die and someone else gets a chance.

  47. Wait.....I think I remember seeing this fed. Wasn't their world title feud Tito Santana v. Bob Orton?

  48. Jesus, I totally forgot about Davey and Eddie going there.

  49. "Dante's Peak", "Volcano", "Twister" ... all came out some time before "Armageddon". it was part of that new wave of disaster movies (the last time before that those kind of movies were popular was back in the seventies) and certainly wasn't the movie that brought the conceptof "Destruction Movie Blockbuster" back.

  50. Or an issue with who we perceive as stars.

  51. * Sanada retained the X Division Title over DJ Z
    * Angelina Love over Gail Kim for the Women’s Title
    * Ethan Carter III pinned Gunner with help from Rockstar Spud.
    * The Wolves over Bram and Magnus for the Tag Team Titles
    * Bobby Lashley over Samoa Joe
    * Mr. Anderson over James Storm

    Even Eric Young doesn't want any part of this shit!

    The Carters must be the biggest money marks in the history of the biz. Spike TV, please pull the plug on these hosers once and for all.

  52. "Con Air" is actually the best movie ever. Simon Pegg explained this perfectly:

  53. are we supposed to react to a company that puts on terrible TV despite a cushy deal, makes stupid decisions on a daily basis, and treats their employees like crap?

  54. Hoodslam drew around the same last night, and do every month.

  55. It was good for making new guys look like stars. Plus, some of the jobbers became stars later on.

  56. I absolutely want TNA to do well. I just have zero faith that they ever will. I, along with everyone else, desperately want a major second wrestling promotion in the United States. TNA has not shown they can be that company.

  57. I think starting this list with "Pulp Fiction" was a bit lazy. it's like starting an "iconic nineties music" list with Eminem and Nirvana.

  58. technically Armageddon 1999 is the Armageddon of the 90s.

  59. Titanic sucks a dick, but it's iconic; Great list.

  60. another take on the "nineties movie list":

    Fallen Angels (1995)
    Big Lebowski (1998)
    Dazed and Confused (1993)
    Lost Highway (1997)

  61. Is it lack of advertising? Promotion? Are they running the wrong markets? I just don't seen how their attendance could be THAT bad.

  62. Yeah, I mentioned a couple months ago that we probably would have gotten a heel Jannetty challenging HBK in '96. I wonder which opponent wouldn't have gotten a main event with Shawn, though. Foley, at Mind Games? If I'm remembering correctly, Bulldog wrestled Shawn at two PPv's, so maybe one of those matches gets bumped.

  63. The product was hot, but nobody was still watching.

  64. I think they signed a deal with a group that operates most if not all minor league baseball stadiums in the area. I think it was promoted fine but what fun would it be to watch wrestling behind a foul net that far away.

  65. That would be hilarious.

  66. That's actually kind of a solid show.

    Then again I'm completely assuming the Wolves and Joe were able to get something out of their opponents.

  67. The "Who is this in the Impact Zone?!?" joke will never get old.

  68. But TNA was a good alternative product then.

  69. The thing about Joe though, he is just so good. They could give him The Ringmaster and he's find a way to turn it into Stone Cold.

  70. It will be interesting to see the crowd for Aberdeen 40 miles north of there, tonight.

  71. that's also instead of just booking two or three "major storylines" and not having anything of significance to do for the mid- and undercarders they should try to give as much of their guys something to do as they can.

    because that way if a "main event program" doesn't turn out to be as succesful as they intended they can easily "elevate" a hot midcard feud by putting more focus on it.

  72. it's really not that hard: the easiest way to make matches seem more important is... making them more important.

    if wins and losses matter, the matches matter.

  73. It seemed like only yesterday Dixie was giving her loyal employees a condescending speech about how bringing in Hulk Hogan was going to take the company to new heights.

    TNA's had a lot of problems but one of them is trying to be an alternative to WWE while copying WWE. I liked the simple, reality based storylines, guys wrestling because they're wrestlers and they want to win wrestling matches. But inevitably there would be battles for control of the company, evil figure heads, Aces & Eights, etc...

    They also had a shit-load of exciting talent that they let get away, but Mike Knox, him they hold onto.

  74. Yeah, it has to be IYH because I don't see WWF risking one of their A-PPV's with an untested midcarder like Marty. You had to do HBK/Diesel at April's IYH, but I can see May/July's IYH's main events not being that important that Marty could have challenged for the belt there.

    Plus they could have done a storyline like this: New Rockers are the top babyface tag team in the WWF, they're the tag champs but recently they've been having problems and it all boils over where Al Snow attacks Marty. Shawn makes the save and later on that night you do Shawn/Marty one night reunion vs Al Snow & tag partner of choice (probably a guy Shawn's feuding with at the time, say Bulldog). Anyways, the tag match is all just a ruse as Marty finally turns heel and all 3 guys beat the ever loving crap out of Shawn.

  75. 1 - You yourself have not watched the show in years to call it terrible.
    2 - How those decisions affect you as a non-fan is beyond me.
    3 - I truly doubt you know anyone that works for TNA to say that they are being treated poorly. And don't give me Jesse Sorenson because he has been lying about his injury situation for the past year.

    I don't mean to he condescending to you Scott, it's your blog and I respect that but I just think people are purposely being unfair. That's all.

  76. How about sports examples? First one off the top of my head: KG and Marbury.

  77. Snickering.

  78. You should go to the show. You could probably sit right by the ring.

  79. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 7, 2014 at 4:45 PM

    Depends on how you look at it. The the NBADL wouldn't draw shit without the NBA backing it (for all I know they might not be drawing shit with the NBA backing it), but it's still a separate league. Or I suppose a better comparison would be like calling WWE the Nascar Sprint Cup series and NXT the Nationwide series. Promoted by the same people and there's even a bit of talent exchanged, but still not quite the same thing.

  80. Its funny how bad they suck. No two ways about it.

  81. 1-I saw the one where Bubba Ray did magic tricks with a coffin...TNA still sucks
    2-It makes us laugh
    3-How do you know Jesse Sorenson is lying?

  82. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 7, 2014 at 4:51 PM

    Maybe a lot of people are sick of supporting this company because the fuck up pretty much everything? Even when they do something right it's always one step forward, 2 steps back. My question is not how they are still in business (Spike), but why? Sell the fucking company to someone who knows (or will hire someone that knows) how to fucking run a wrestling company, Dixie. Give it up.

  83. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 7, 2014 at 4:52 PM

    To be fair, most non-wrestling companies treat their employees like crap too.

  84. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 7, 2014 at 4:53 PM

    Did you see those pics? If it's in another baseball stadium the nearest seat will be about 50 feet away from the ring.

  85. Awesome! This needs to happen

  86. Give it a test run and see how it goes. If you have the network watch Great American Bash '90, just cause it's random.

  87. Not like they picked the wrong horse to get behind but you have a point.

  88. Using jobbers, or even C level "superstars," can still work. Ryback is a recent example. I never really cared for his act, but his squashing of a nobodies - or two at a time - got him over. You can argue about whether he or creative then screwed it up, but it got him to a certain level.

    Working the stick well can get guys over. Look at Bray Wyatt. His first match with Kane was mediocre at best, and many on the blog said he sucked, would always suck, and that Rowan and Harper were pretty much the same. These days, even if you don't like their gimmick, I think it's clear that all three guys have gotten much better in the ring.

    Skits can work, but they may be the most difficult to pull off. The most recent example that comes to mind is Bryan / Kane. I still don't really understand how those two made that horrible fucking garbage work, but they did. Even the guy who played the shrink was solid. But, in my opinion, this is an exception, not a rule.

    Considering how hard it seems to be to build a truly top-level tier guy, and to have him maintain that for any length of time, I'm starting to believe that it really is harder than most of us here on the BoD seem to think. Every wrestling company I can think of has only produced a handful of guys that have had a lasting impact, and that's no different than any form of entertainment or sport. For every 1 guitarist that makes a decent living playing original music, I can promise you that there are at least 1,000 guys like me who try and fail...and that number may be significantly higher. And, for every 1,000 guys who make a living with some form of original music, we get 1 Eric Clapton or similar artist. How many wrestlers did the WWF go through before they found Austin, the next big thing after Hogan? And how many guys never even made it to a WWF ring?

    But, that's just my opinion. I have been known to be wrong.

  89. If you go to 3 shows they'll make you champion.

  90. I really wish during one of Dixie's condescending speeches that the talent would have enough and stand up and walk out while saying 'it's not worth this'.

  91. I agree, seems like an okay houseshow. There's a lot of things wrong with TNA, but lack of wrestling talent isn't one of them.

  92. Alrighty Then!

    -Ace Venture 2
    One was great, but two features one of my fav bits of all time

    -Blues Brothers

    I often just feel like four fried chickens.
    And to drink? A coke please.

    -American Graffiti

    The look of that movie, those cars, the soundtrack..It's part of the reason why I want my own jukebox. Dat chrome!

    That really stuck with me for years and years after I saw it.


    Dudes, it's SCARFACE.


    Days of the New - Weapon and the Wound

    Will always remind me of dark summer nights.

    Genesis - Fading Lights

    This one is for when the sun is setting.

    Queen - Fat Bottomed Girls

    Love that harmony at the beginning - feels like a beginning of summer song.

    Eagles - Hotel California

    Every time I hear it, I think back to when I first heard it. Summer, BBQ time, on vinyl! With the opening case, the picture in the middle of the Eagles in the middle of the hotel, DAMN, that's something that is iconic.

    That will do for me.

  93. Who would he have gone over in KotR?

  94. And he was on his own.

  95. A list of iconic 90's movies and not one mention of Wild Things? You people disappoint.

  96. It fit his character.

  97. I was telling a guy at work last night that if we put together a show with 6-8 matches of random guys, told everyone at work who are wrestling fans, told our friends and families, and hung fliers in libraries and such, we could at least get 100 people to show up.

  98. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 7, 2014 at 5:16 PM

    I thought I was the only one left who remembered that! Those were the days...

  99. For writing.

  100. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 7, 2014 at 6:33 PM

    We tend to say 'snigger' here in UK, but I did contemplate that.

  101. Your insistence on this point would be admirable, if it weren't so absurdly wrong. On imdb, actors have four movies listed as their "known for" movies. One of Ben Affleck's movies is Good Will Hunting. Armageddon...not there. He won a fucking Academy Award for it and it grossed ~$140 million in the US. Calling Armageddon his "mainstream debut" isn't an opinion, it's factually incorrect. No one gives a fuck about Armageddon. Good Will Hunting is on cable about 25X more often. You might need to look up the word "iconic," Meekin.

  102. richard householderJune 7, 2014 at 7:17 PM

    HHH HBK Summerslam 02
    Vader Flair Starrcade 93
    Hogan Warrior WM7
    92 Royal Rumble
    Sting Flair GAB 1990: Favorite match and one of the highlights of my childhood

    TV Shows:
    Unsolved Mysteries
    Married...with Children
    Quantum Leap
    Cheers: Best writing and best characters ever

    Daydream Believer, The Monkees
    Beast of Burden, Rolling Stones
    Oh What a Night, Four Seasons
    Be My Lover, Alice Cooper
    The Long Run, Eagles: 'Who can go the distance? We'll find out in the long run'

    Wayne's World
    Cast Away
    Wizard of Oz
    Casablanca: best written, best story, best characters, best lines, best final scene and best final line of any movie, ever.
    Back to the Future: I wish I could see it again for the first time.

  103. richard householderJune 7, 2014 at 7:18 PM

    Dammit, I typed up this large ass post, with everything from the 30s to now and then realized it was for the 90s.

  104. And don't forget, Heat! With a weekly main event featuring Test!

  105. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 7, 2014 at 8:31 PM

    Yeah, Marty pretty much ruined it for himself. His '93 run with Michaels should have culminated in a Wrestlemania 9 blow-off. Then he could have been a solid mid-card dude in either WWF or WCW for years.

  106. "Operation Human Shield - my ass" is one of my all time favorite quotes...

  107. Mankind was such a godsend for the Undertaker's career...

  108. I have a soft spot for Babe (talking pig movie)... One of the best G movies ever...

  109. Hogan/Andre at WM III was the most iconic wrestling event ever.

    Flair/ Dusty feud was number 2.

    Hogan joins nWo was huge.
    HBK/ Austin at WM 14 was huge.

    Austin/Rock too.

  110. AverageJoeEverymanJune 7, 2014 at 10:03 PM

    Wow, "you've seen better days" guy and pedo guy are one in the same. What drives some people?

  111. I liked Blown Away because it had the chick from Charles in Charge naked in it...

  112. Actually compared to 98 or 99 the current roster is much better. Back then the roster was much more limited, but Russo made the matches during the week much shorter so that Rock vs Shamrock on RAW was only an appetizer to the PPV match.

    WCW on the other side, had often the same ppv quality matches on Nitro and Thunder - just like WWE today. And they had lower Ratings and lower PPV Buyrates compared to the WWF back then.

    The most important thing is to just make a difference between the weekly shows and the special events. You can make it with only jobber matches on RAW or you can make it with shorter matches or you can make it with a much bigger roster, so that you can mix up the thing.

  113. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 8, 2014 at 6:34 AM

    You could always count on Sean for level headed commentary, free from inexplicably intense emotion.

  114. I remember Cena on Austin's podcast talking about how much more of the show is in-ring because of all the foreign non-English speaking markets they are trying to reach with their shows. Some of the backstage stuff just doesn't translate. They must be pretty committed, because Cena said they are having him spend hours a day learning Mandarin Chinese.

  115. She also was already on the cusp of mainstream success with the film "Stealing Beauty" from 1996 with its ICONIC scene of her washing cars.

  116. I'm more confused by the question asking for top 5 lists, giving us... Top four lists.

  117. Orton and Batista weren't really a tag team (and since HHH loves both of them, there's extenuating circumstances).

    Edge did far better than Christian, which is really all that being the Shawn to someone's Marty is.

    Most teams, when they break up, do a feud between the former friends (because it's only natural) and one guy, the Shawn, goes over and gets the big push while the Marty goes off and does whatever, is successful in his own right, maybe gets a big push down the line, but is hardly seen as the big, bright star his Shawn is. That's the way the industry works.

  118. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 8, 2014 at 9:01 AM

    Michaels vs Tito wasnt bad, but a Rockers battle at 8 would have been great

  119. The bar fight was a perfectly solid idea, but like all TNA things, it came off as embarrassingly low-rent and shitty because they cannot visually produce a segment for shit.

  120. I don't appreciate you saying things that I agree with

  121. Still pissed that he had to give that bitch the whole piece of wood

  122. There were 2 movies that very summer, Armageddon and Deep Impact, that were almost identical.

  123. WWF buying WCW wasn't in the 1990's

  124. Kelly Rowland did alright for herself.

  125. If you want proof that Meekin is under 30 with scant knowledge of film history then look no further than saying that Armageddon got the disaster blockbuster off the ground.

  126. You are wrong about Godfather and Goodfellas. Like you're wrong about Armageddon being iconic.

  127. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    Adrian Dantley and Isiah Thomas.

  128. Nice. How about Magic and Norm Nixon?


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