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The SmarK Rant for WWE Payback 2014

The SmarK Rant for WWE Payback 2014

Live from Chicago, IL

Your hosts are Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler & JBL

Oddly I had to fast forward through an hour of NXT Takeover before the archived version of the show started, but that might just be weirdness on the Roku. Once again, the Network is amazing because I was working tonight, but I just get home and go to the PPV section and there this show is for me to watch at my leisure.

US title: Sheamus v. Cesaro

Sheamus comes out swinging and hits a high kneelift, but Cesaro powers him over with a throw. Sheamus fires back with forearms, but misses an elbow and Cesaro throws forearms in the corner. Sheamus dumps him and hits the forearms on the apron, as this match seems to be built on the tenets of real men hitting each other really hard. About goddamn time. Back in, Sheamus tries a slingshot shoulderblock and gets forearmed to the floor as a result. Back in with the deadlift superplex for two. Cesaro with the double-stomp for two and he throws forearms, but runs into the backbreaker for two. Sheamus drops knees off the middle rope and gets two. This is some hard-hitting shit. Cesaro comes flying back with a forearm for two. Cesaro misses a blind charge and Sheamus goes up, but lands on the SWISS DEATH forearm for two. Cesaro slaps him around, but Sheamus hits a backbreaker for two. Sheamus goes for the kick, but Cesaro blocks with a german suplex for two, and Sheamus escapes into the White Noise for two. Cesaro fights off the cloverleaf and comes off the top, but Sheamus catches him with the cloverleaf on the second try. Cesaro quickly powers to the ropes and gets a backbreaker slam for two. Giant Swing has the crowd going nuts, but Sheamus recovers with a small package to retain at 11:42. What a cowardly way to win. I will fight through my disgust at the non-manly way that Sheamus retained and still award this match a good rating because people hitting each other in the face is awesome when done right. ***1/2

Rybaxel v. Cody Rhodes & Goldust

The Rhodes’ work Axel over in the corner as the crowd chants for the Hawks. Well, it’s a night of disappointments for them, I guess. Goldust comes in and gets caught in the heel corner as the announcers are now going back to the story that the Rhodes are in a slump, although that seems to change weekly. The heels take turns coming off the middle rope onto Goldust and Ryback works the arm. Really, these two goofs are trying to bring tag wrestling back? RYBAXEL? Ryback with a hammerlock slam, but Goldust cradles for two. Hot tag Cody and he hits the heels with dropkicks and a sloppy moonsault that gets two on Ryback. Ryback catches him on the disaster kick and tosses him into Goldust, and the lariat gets two. Cody cradles Ryback for two and the Crossroads gets two. Another kick is reversed into the Shellshock for the pin at 7:42. So Rybaxel is once again in the hunt for the tag team title shot! Call your friends! Everyone worked hard here. **1/2 Afterwards, Cody walks out on Goldust because he needs a better partner. Too bad Dusty doesn’t have any more sons.

Yay, Mountain Dew commercials on a PPV. Not only that, but DIET Dew, which all the announcers and panel members have to display prominently in every shot in place of water.

Rusev v. Big E

So if Rusev is supposed to be Russian now, isn’t it a bit on-the-nose to have him be named “Rusev”? Big E is now a patriotic flag-waver, which is among the cheapest of cheap heat for someone who was never defined as that before. Big E charges in and slugs away, but Rusev throws him and follows with a corner splash. The announcers bring up Rusev’s sambo background, which reminds me of the greatest MMA shirt I ever saw a fighter wear: “If sambo was easy, they’d call it jiu jitsu”. That’s the kind of shirt that would get you murdered in Brazil. Big E comes back with his crazy spear through the ropes, but it only gets two. Rusev puts him down with a superkick to block the splash, and RUSEV CRUSH at 3:35. It’s slowly getting over. *1/2 This was what it was supposed to be.

Kofi Kingston v. Bo Dallas

No match, as Kane comes out and beats up Kofi while Bo runs away. Bo gives him an inspirational peptalk after the beating. Total RAW segment.

Intercontinental title: Wade Barrett v. Rob Van Dam

I’m saddened that Barrett lost the linear World title to Sheamus last week and feel like we haven’t talked about it enough on the blog. They slug it out to start and Rob gets a spinkick for two as the crowd is torn on who to cheer for. Rob with a springboard kick for two and a leg lariat into the corner to put BNB on the floor for the brawl. Back in, Rob with a legdrop for two, but Barrett boots him out of the corner to take over. Chinlock, but Rob fights out and gets a spinkick to make the comeback, and Rolling Thunder sets up the frog splash. Sadly, it misses, but he recovers with a rollup for two. Barrett with the sideslam for two. Rob retreats to the floor and Barrett accidentally bullhammers the post, allowing Rob to hit a DDT for two. Moonsault hits knee, however, and the bullhammer finishes at 9:27. I’m starting to feel like Barrett should yell THIS IS SPARTA before hitting that move, given his beard. Match was a whole lot of nothing leading up to a good finish. **1/2

Daniel Bryan and Stephanie are out for the latest way to stall the World title angle, as Stephanie notes that the fans want Bryan to quit “just like CM Punk did”, but Bryan isn’t going for it and calls Steph a narcissistic bitch. Stephanie as the insufferable boss is just fantastic, and Brie decides to “do the right thing” and quit so that Steph doesn’t have the threat of firing her hanging over. Steph gives an obnoxious little condescending laugh and Brie slaps the shit out of her. That was a surprisingly strong booking of the babyfaces.

Last Man Standing: John Cena v. Bray Wyatt

Cena brings out the Usos as backup and puts Bray down with a bulldog and clothesline. Bray quickly takes over with a corner splash and leads him in a dance, but Cena puts him down for the five knuckle shuffle. Bray comes back with a gutbuster and gets a 4 count before stomping him down again. Bray escapes the STF and puts Cena down with a uranage for 7, but Cena fights off Sister Abigail. Legdrop from the top, but Wyatt catches him with Sister Abigail and that gets 8 before Cena rises above countout. Cena fights back with the FU, but everyone runs in and the Usos dump the Wyatt Family and hit them with dives. Bray puts Cena down with a chair, but he’s up at 6. He retaliates with the chair, hero to millions that he is, and pounds Bray down, but sets up a table and gets suplexed through it. He gets up from that, so Bray brings the stairs in and puts Cena down with them, then leads the crowd in a singalong for some reason. Heels shouldn’t really stop to pander to the masses. Cena fights back and dumps Bray, then HURLS the stairs at him in a crazy stupid spot. How do you even do that safely? Cena dives after him, and Bray catches him with Sister Abigail on the floor, but Cena whips him into the post as Bray is bleeding from his elbow like crazy. Cena tries a piledriver on the stairs and gets backdropped onto them in another dangerous bump, and Bray follows with a senton off them to put Cena down for 5. Geez, did Natalya v. Charlotte drawing all that praise hit a nerve with these guys or something? Well, good for the fanbase, I guess. The Wyatt Family charges in to help Bray up and beat on Cena, since it’s no-DQ anyway. The Usos also join them and it’s another trainwreck with people hurtling through tables and killing each other, and Cena goes crashing through the barricade with Bray as they brawl into the crowd for the big finale. Bray tosses Cena into the control panel and accidentally triggers some pyro, but Cena gives him the FU through a conveniently placed box before burying him under ANOTHER box to trap him for the win at 24:14. Spoiler: Cena wins again. Hell of a deal, but I’m just so sick of this feud and I’m glad it’s presumably done with. Plus I’ve never liked the Last Man Standing match in general, so while it was pretty great for the match type, it’s nothing I’d want to watch again. ****

Divas Title: Paige v. Alicia Fox

Meltzer keeps going on about how…whatever this Alicia deal is…is getting her over, but I literally don’t hear anyone else talking about her. Paige gets control and Alicia bails, so Paige runs her into the railing, but gets snapmared off the stairs. Back in, Fox throws a tantrum and pounds away. Northern Lights suplex gets two. Backbreaker gets two and Fox tosses her, but as usual Paige comes back after getting beat up all match and finishes with the crosslock. And then Alicia throws another tantrum, because that’s her deal now. *

Elimination match: Evolution v. The Shield

Batista’s new beard and bald-spot look makes him look like the swarthy owner of a disreputable donair restaurant in the downtown core. But then those are always the best places to get food at 2am when you’re on a bender. Of course, for me that went out with the Attitude era, but it’s fun to reminisce. Big brawl to start and Reigns starts the match proper in the ring by beating on Smurftista, but Rollins gets whipped into the corner for two. Evolution triple-teams him in their corner, but Orton gets worked over back in the Shield side. Batista comes in and Reigns drops an elbow on him, but he comes back with a spinebuster on Ambrose for two. Next up, we get Reigns v HHH in a preview of the rumored Summerslam match, as Reigns catches him with a backdrop and clothesline, and the Shield goes to work on him, including rolling suplexes from Rollins that get two. Ambrose with a rolling senton into the corner for two, but he goes up and lands on HHH’s foot. This has been very subdued for a no holds barred match thus far. Ambrose gets caught in the heel corner and Batista runs him into the railing and gets two back in the ring. Ambrose as face-in-peril is a really interesting dynamic, as he’s the least sympathetic character you can imagine but somehow pulls it off. HHH drops knees for two and cuts off a tag with a facecrusher, but Ambrose hits him with a drunken master clothesline and it’s hot tag Reigns. I presume it’s time for all hell to break loose now. Reigns beats the shit out of Bluetista and follows with the apron kick, and the Superman Punch gets two. It’s BREAKING LOOSE IN TULSA as everyone pairs off and brawls on the floor. Rollins dives at HHH and gets nailed with a pair of metal, leaving Reigns alone with Evolution at ringside. And that results in him going through a table via triple powerbomb. They make the fatal error of stopping to mock the Shield, and Ambrose comes FLYING out of nowhere with a dive onto them. They regroup on the other side of the ring and then Rollins also appears like magic with a dive, and everyone brawls up the entrance. Orton drops Ambrose back-first onto a chair in a sick bump, and HHH Pedigrees Rollins onto a chair as well. This leaves Reigns alone in the ring 3-on-1, although the reason why Evolution wouldn’t just pin the dead members of the Shield first eludes me. Hubris, perhaps, which never works out well for heels in wrestling in good-booked circumstances. So they put Reigns on the stairs and take turns beating him with canes, just like that other long-haired bearded guy who was all about positivity. You know, Daniel Bryan. So after viciously beating him with a chair and chasing him to the floor, they continue to where Ambrose was lying in wait with another attack. That goes badly for him and Orton hits him with a draping DDT off a prop, but again chooses not to pin him. However, now Rollins comes diving off the Titantron as part of the subset of “Seth Rollins dives off crazy places”, and this allows the Shield to make the comeback. In the ring, Rollins fighs back on Batista but gets speared. Powerbomb is reversed, and Reigns spears Batista to give Rollins the pin at 27:35. Orton hits Rollins with the RKO for two, but Ambrose waffles him with a chair and finishes him with the headlock DDT at 28:38. And that leaves HHH alone, so he goes low on Ambrose, but takes the Superman Punch before Batista sneaks back in and saves. HHH gets his trusty sledgehammer and knocks Ambrose out, but Rollins dives in again and Reigns finishes with the spear at 31:00. The Shield are turning out to be spectacular main event babyfaces. It took a while to really kick into the stipulations, but the Shield somehow successfully switching from bullying heels to plucky underdog babyfaces is a thing of beauty to watch. There was something really elegant about the finish, with HHH clutching his hammer in desperation, only to see the next generation overpower him due to his own pride. Clearly, snark aside, he gets what is best for business as of late. ****

The Pulse

Well this show really overachieved, probably thanks to competition from NXT, and delivered two great matches and a really good opener, and that’s an easy thumbs up, even if I had ordered it on regular PPV.


  1. Guess I will have to rewatch Cena Wyatt again.

  2. Have Dusty and Dustin ever teamed up since Survivor Series 1990?

  3. Cool show. It'd be great for NXT to continue to push the main roster to step up their game.

  4. Yes, I just reviewed a Clash from 94 where they did.

  5. The Shield has really been an awesome surprise over these last few years. I never thought they'd top their debut match(they've come real close several times)and I certainly never thought that 2 years later they'd be the top babyfaces going but you never can predict these things.

    It is pretty remarkable how easily they've switched over without having to change a whole lot. Here's hoping they just let them ride this thing out for a good long while.

  6. LMS match was good. I hated the finish. This is the second time John Cena has competed in a LMS match that had a cheesy finish. The last one was with Batista when he used to the duck tape. It just renders the moot. The concept is to knock your opponent down for 10 seconds, not find a clever way to keep your opponent down for 10 seconds.

  7. The whole Drinking Dew Instead of Water thing reminds me of Idiocracy: "Brawndo has Electrolytes and things that plants love!"

  8. I'm still working my way through Clashes. Watched IX last night.

    Ric Flair vs Terry Funk Clash IX = Best Non-Title one-on-one match with the world champ of all time?

  9. That match is the best of all time in a lot of ways.

  10. Yeah, I first started watching wrestling again just before the last SummerSlam, and I was sick of these guys within two weeks because I thought they were overdone, generic and forgettable. But they basically improved every week, started having epic tag & 6-Man matches, then turned into mega-stars in less than a year.

  11. That match was Non-Title?

  12. If he was well enough to walk into the ring he was well enough to DO THE FUCKING JOB. I would have had Kane work the neck, then put him away to win the belt. Have Kane feud with Ziggler or RVD or somebody, then put Cena over at SummerSlam, then have Bryan return. Instead it's a SUPER SHOW where you find out IF the World Champion is going to wrestle. Even WCW never did anything like that on a PPV or Clash. WILL the World Champion defend his title? But the show to find out! Oh, and fuck the Shield.

  13. Missed the show. Wish I didn't lol.

  14. Sorry, didn't read the Blog, but what's the story on the "Linear World Title"? Just a quick recap please.

  15. I just realized something funny: Randy Orton never received his rematch clause for his title. The title that he only lost because Batista tapped out.

  16. They're telling stories.

  17. Thought this was a GREAT pay per view.

  18. Shhhhh, they were too busy trying to permanently kill Bryan's heat with that awful Kane feud. Not that Bryan/Orton is anything new either.

  19. Working while hurt probably helped most wrestlers gain the horrible injuries they've been plagued with for years. Bryan working with the neck (ESPECIALLY Kane working on it) would have been stupid.

  20. You have stupid opinions and terrible taste in wrestling. I'm honestly baffled by all the weird sentences you wrote. It all reads like a bad 411 parody. Stuff like fuck the shield makes me think it's a just a troll job but you thinking that Bryan defending his title was a question going into this show makes me you are a man child with a neck beard.

  21. Shocked they put over Shield that strong. Even though WWE is a wasteland creatively right now, they have a ton of options on where to go next with some of these guys. I'm sure they'll botch it though.

  22. Didn't they team up at Rumble 91 or a SNME around that time? WarGames too if that counts.

  23. I think they teamed up on one of the last WCW ppvs.

  24. If NXT continues to dazzle like this and WWE continues to feel the need to one up them, i guess we should really look foward to the WWE ppv's which follow the NXT ones.

  25. Where can the Shield go after this, though?

  26. The Ghost of Faffner HallJune 2, 2014 at 2:36 AM

    I don't think they did team at the Series that year--perhaps you're thinking of the 1991 Rumble.

  27. Finally blow off the Wyatts?

  28. You can't have "stupid opinions", moron. You can however be a stupid asshole, which is what you are. Also your last sentence makes no sense. ''Stuff like fuck the shield makes me think it's a just a troll job but you thinking that Bryan defending his title was a question going into this show makes me you are a man child with a neck beard.'' And you have the gall to criticize anyone else's post? WWE advertised the show with Bryan-Kane, then with "Will he get stripped?" Instead it was just a stupid talking sequence that really accomplished nothing. Much like your stupid posts.

    Oh, and WWE can strap rockets to the Shield's asses, but there's a difference between getting the Jesus Push, and actually deserving it and being over.

  29. You do realize that it's a work?

  30. They'd have to buildup the Wyatt's to their level again since Cena damaged their credibility.

  31. Not really because the Wyatts have been the only guys who have had their number. They already can use that to jump start it. Have them beat the Shield again at MITB, then Shield finally puts them away at SummerSlam.

  32. I barely watch Raw anymore but even I knew that all they advertised with Bryan was will he or won't he give up the title, he didn't, they delivered on what they promised.

    Thinking that Kane and RVD should feud for the world title in 2014 is a stupid opinion.

    and all the lulz thinking that the Shield isn't over. The "deserving" part is hysterical too.

  33. Wait, you think the neck injury was a work? Ok, now your posts make sense.

  34. Those were just hypothetical names. I would prefer certain other guys(like Ziggler who I named, but WWE seems determined to bury anyone who isn't Cena or a member of the Shield). And those guys haven't been TOTALLY buried yet.

  35. No, wrestling is a work. You can make it look like you are beating the shit out of a guy, when you aren't really. This must come as a major shock to you, but it is true.

  36. Dude just had neck surgery and you want him to take bumps? Do you realize how awful that would look? Or do you have some weird fetish that wrestling has to be as terrible as it can be for you to enjoy it?

  37. So just to clarify, guys like Ziggler, RVD, and Kane should be fighting for the World title but no the Shield? I mean, they are only the hottest act in wrestling.

  38. I really don't think that one has anything to do with the other. Maybe it was just a coincidence? Really this is the first time that a WWE ppv has followed a NXT event so I think its a bit foolish to start even attempting to draw parallels between the two. Cena/Wyatt was great and so was Evolution/Shield but its not like the rest of the roster was putting on MOTYC. It was a good show but I seriously doubt anyone said "man we gotta out do those NXT guys".

  39. Please, just try and use whatever is inside your skull. Nobody is saying he had to take bumps, come off the top rope, go through a table, or fall on light bulbs.

    All you have to do is build up Bryan's neck injury, have Stephanie say either he forfeits the title or defends it, and do a quick match where no actual contact is made(yes really!) where it LOOKS LIKE Kane is punching/elbowing/kicking his neck. Bryan refuses to quit, but Kane LOOKS LIKE he puts on a deadly neckhold. And Bryan passes out, ref stops it. Stephanie and Kane gloat, you really play up how heartless they are, and how even injured Bryan refused to quit. But here's the thing....he never actually gets physically assaulted on his neck, because it's all a work.

  40. I'm not sure why you would bother even posting let alone admitting that you watch a "wasteland" of creativity and if that wasn't embarrassing enough you then say "I'm sure they'll botch it though". So why even waste your time posting about an entertainment field that is a wasteland of creativity and then in that post be so confident that they'll botch whatever isn't a wasteland. I would think you would you know....find something else to post about.

  41. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 2, 2014 at 2:54 AM

    And I thought I got off on the wrong foot with a veteran member here.

  42. Yeah, the official new way to win a Last Man Standing is "just bury him under some heavy shit."

  43. So a match where no contact is made and no bumps are taken. Sounds awesome.

  44. Isn't that what we've been hearing all weekend though? Sure...I get it, "dirtsheets" and all, but it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that they wouldn't want to be overshadowed by an NXT ppv.

  45. I suspect that the Shield will start to break apart now. I think they'll do Reigns/Triple H at Summerslam and have that be the jumping off point for Reigns title push for WM31. I'm sure everyone is going to say "he's not ready yet" or "don't split them apart yet" however honestly part of me thinks people say that because they know once they start pushing Reigns there is going to be no stopping the push. Which means that there is a good chance Bryan would get knocked down to number 3 face status in the companies internal rankings. But yeah I think that Reigns faces Triple H at Summerslam and that sparks a push towards Wrestlemania 31 where he gets his first title. Against who? I have no idea

  46. I barely watch Raw and didn't watch the show tonight. So your fears about me wasting my time can rest easy.

  47. Thanks Rock/Foley!

  48. Just fuck off. That's not what i said, and you are either trolling or just really REALLY stupid. Maybe both.

  49. So your an idiot who doesn't know history? Hogan had promo time on Halloween havoc saying he wasn't going to defend his title. Hell he would Go MONTHS without defending it in 94/95. Also do you have a reason to dislike the shield or is it some sort blind ignorance?

  50. I don't agree with this but I do think they should take the title off of him if he's going to miss any more time. If he's not reaady to come back by the next ppv they need to kill this thing dead. They can't drag this out till Summerslam or later with no WWE Champion especially now that the Shield/Evolution program is over. Although again part of me thinks that if this wasn't Bryan holding the title and it was someone we all liked less that people would be echoing these very sentiments expressing how they need to take the title off of the guy. It does suck that so far Bryan has had an all time bad title reign. He wins the title, leaves two weeks later for a honey moon, his dad sadly passes away so he takes more time off for that, does several stretcher jobs, then gets hurt. Seriously this guy used up every bit of mojo he had to win the title. Very sad to see.

  51. "quick match where no actual contact is made"

    Then I said: "So a match where no contact is made and no bumps are taken. Sounds awesome."

    Then..."That's not what i said"

  52. The ducktape one was stupid but I didn't mind this one.

  53. So then you're just voicing your opinion on something that you admittedly have little first hand knowledge of? Right on...

  54. First, it's "you're" not "your". Second, which Halloween Havoc are you talking about? Third, while Hogan rarely defended the belt, they didn't book a PPV with a title match advertised, and then not deliver. Fourth, why is it "blind ignorance" not to drink the Shield Kool Aid. They aren't BAD wrestlers, they're just nowhere near talented or over enough for the push they're getting.

  55. There is NO reason Byran or the wwe would be stupid enough to put a man who just had surgery in the ring. Yes they aren't really trying to hurt each other. But the moves still hurt, being slammed still hurts. When you are healing especially with a neck injury. If Anything goes wrong it could be a far worse or even life threatening.

  56. The "no actual contact" was to clarify that it's a fucking work. Again, you're too stupid to realize that it LOOKS LIKE much contact is made, but because wrestling is not a real sport, they can make it LOOK bad without it actually hurting the guy at all.

    You can't possibly be this stupid, and must therefore be a troll.

  57. Yeah exactly dirtsheets and all. I haven't heard it a single time. I heard that the show got massive praise but I didn't hear "Wyatt/Cena are preparing crazy shit to show up NXT". Like I said I think most of the show fell flat on the whole "showing up NXT" the only two really awesome matches were LMS and the Main Event. Its not like the entire show saw these guys pulling out all the stops. And as I noted earlier I think that the two matches that were balls to the wall insane would have been with or without NXT event. I'm not saying its not possible but seriously how much shit do the dirt sheets get wrong? I mean The Sheamus heel turn stuff got to stupid levels with Meltz reporting "its coming any day now" and then saying "oh they consider that the heel turn". So yeah as far as I'm concerned I never take them seriously because I would never take any third and fourth hand information seriously.

  58. Yeah, lets stop watching the WWE in June 2011 and miss the sudden good part!

  59. How would watching this show change my opinion on anything after how bad Raw has been these past few months?

  60. They didn't advertise a Bryan title match. They advertised that he either give up the title or his wife would be fired. His wife quit.

  61. You do realize wrestlers make contact 99.9% of time right? Literally the only thing they could've done was a fucking nerve hold on his shoulder.

    You want WWE's top babyface to drop the title to a nerve hold. If Yokozuna was still alive I could see but...

  62. So what makes you think your qualified to say they aren't over enough? Or talented enough for the pushes they are getting? Just because you don't like them doesn't mean you speak for the masses.

    You should say I don't think they're talented or over enough for the push they're getting.

  63. My apologies for not being clear. I'm smirking at the thought of you caring enough to read results and post opinions on a show you consider a wasteland and are certain will botch any creative standouts. You're perfectly free to do this all you want but it makes me laugh when I see this on the internet. "Oh the WWE is so bad and I'm certain they'll fuck up everything" and then when they air a show those same people are discussing a product that is supposedly embarrassingly bad and they are certain anything that isn't bad will ultimately get screwed up. I just wouldn't waste my time even commenting on something that I felt that negativity about.

  64. But according to Cult this isn't a good part. Its a wasteland and anything this is good will quickly get fucked up. Also thats how they get you. Would you stay in a miserable relationship with someone for three years with just the hope that things will improve? Of course not. We're all fans and its the digital age. You leave when it gets bad and when things get good there will be buzz about it. LIke Punk's pipebomb. Even if you're late to the party its incredibly easy and more so with the network to catch right back up. The days of "I can't stop watching I'll miss something good" is so Monday Night Wars.

  65. I've been reading Scott for years so I always check out his reviews and I like coming here to talk about wrestling. Are you not aware of how websites work?

  66. In either words neither of the things they advertised. And they DUD advertise a possible title match.

  67. Yes I mean did, but what they delivered was a dud.

  68. I mean, I'm not wrong about how they'll fuck it up. I kinda got precedent on my side on this one.

  69. You do realize the company regularly changes direction every week right? As in, multiple interviews with ex-creative guys have confirmed that Vince rewrites the Raw scripts just before the show, thus preventing any long term or even medium turn plans from taking shape, right?

    I don't trust some of Meltzer's inside info but that pertains more to the company is doing x. The company has done x info is generally fairly accurate.

  70. Why would you risk it?

  71. To get the title on RVD obviously.

  72. And yet I never even said "put the title on RVD". i said RVD COULD BE a possible idea to feud with a heel World Champion while Bryan's neck heals. So, you're talking about something you never watch, and making comments about posts you never even read properly.

  73. lol no they didn't. At all.

  74. Could be if we somehow time traveled to 2001. And I watched Raw last week, where they didn't advertise Bryan defending the title.

  75. Byran can't take any offense until he necks heals unless you want to risk being crippled.

  76. You can keep downvoting all you want, they still never advertised a title match.

  77. How could I be so blind.

  78. Had you watched, you would have seen that they did.

  79. Maybe they advertised this match in the weird alternate dimension that you live in where Kane vs RVD for the world title in 2014 is a good idea.

    However, the Raw that I watched had no title match advertised.

  80. Didn't you just say that you barely watch RAW?

  81. Well you're wrong and you're right. Michael Cole said that both Kane and Bryan would be at Payback, but it would be for the "world turtle". And he said it really fast so that people wouldn't catch it.

  82. Yes, but I caught the Bryan/Steph segments.

  83. solo program (or one singles and one tag team program), the Horsemen route so to speak. keep them together but don't put them into 3 vs. 3 feuds (until there is a reason to do another one of those).

  84. why would they? they are getting the "mega push" that several other workers have gotten before. the difference: most of the time "we" didn't like the ones they picked for those spots.

  85. This is the same company that just tried to break them up a few months ago.

  86. Your clearly incorrect in this case. I suggest bowing out.

  87. Brie quit in order to save Bryan's title. So basically, Brie is out of a job. Which was one of the possibilities they alluded to.

  88. "Your"? "Your"?! "You're"!

    In any case, I'm clearly not incorrect, you are cultstatus are.

  89. I wouldn't be criticizing someone's grammar as you again left out a word. Counter this point. Why on earth should byran take any kind of move with a fragile neck?

  90. Anytime you can risk further injury to your top babyface and make him go out there when he isn't cleared so you can get to RVD vs Kane, you gotta do it.

  91. I would hazard a guess that with the World title merged with the WWE title, the IC title is resuming its role as the secondary championship in the company.

  92. Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon.

    No matter how good you are, the bird is just going to knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and then strut around like it won anyway.

  93. Thanks, and a Big Hello to Phantom Downvoter cultstatus.

  94. Teased it is different from trying.


  96. Ambrose gave an interview to the magazine that they forgot to edit out, he called them his former partners.

  97. That is hilarious coming for you after you downvoted every post that disagreed with you.

  98. One or two people said it on here and a friend suggested it, but I would like to see the Shield go the Horsemen route of splitting off but not breaking up. They could easily maintain a loose-knit relationship while working in their own spheres, and I think it would continue to help all of them move up the ladder by giving each the rub from one another.

    The thing I'm a bit worried about atm is that tonight blew off (I guess?) two big heel factions, leaving me unsure where the faces go. Does John Cena fight Rusev now? The remnants of Evolution? And what about the Shield, do they just go back to feuding with the Wyatts? Is Brock working SummerSlam? That's without even bothering to mention that the Usos have very few credible challengers.

    There's really a lack of non-midcard or comedy heels right now.

  99. Clearly fantasy booking RVD vs Kane and a match with no contact involving a dude with an injured neck is the equivalent to playing chess.

  100. Yeah what he said.

  101. As much as I'm loving what they are doing with the Shield right now, what's next for them? Clearly Reigns is the first one primed for a world title, and i assume they like him enough to let him do the whole royal rumble/wm thing. So what do they do between now and WM?

  102. Seth wins MITB, Dean wins the title in the fall, Reigns wins Royal Rumble. Triple Threat at 31.

  103. While im certain both Ambrose and Rollins are getting the title eventually I don't see them getting there before Reigns. Unless one of them is turning heel.

  104. Only to drop it to Reigns at 31. Dean would be fine as a transitional guy.

  105. No shit, Sherlock. That doesn't make putting someone recovering from neck surgery into a situation where a huge guy is grabbing at his neck any less fucking stupid, regardless of how light they're working.

  106. Goddamn so being super over and being a lock for a four star match = not deserving a push. Got it, we need RVD as champ 8 years to late. There shouldn't be such a thing as stupid opinions but hey you proved me wrong.

  107. awful fantasy book, Dean Ambrose as champ????

  108. Don't tell me you are going try to argue that all 3 guys fighting each other isn't $$$$$$$$

  109. 2 of them should turn heel and add a new member.

  110. I think we are way beyond that being a good idea at this point. People like seeing the 3 together too much.

  111. calls you a liar.

  112. cultstatus...he truly IS that fucking stupid.

  113. Water? Like from the toilet?


  115. You know what is really dumb about the Bray Cena feud? I would have been fine with Cena going over last night if they would have let Bray win at Mania. Bray is young and Cena is the company so if you aren't willing to let the new guy go over that big to begin fine but it should have gone: Bray wins mania and now Cena has to take him serious. Bray does his crazy shit and wins the cage match and now its Cenas last chance for redemption and whatever and Cena is driven to do the more extreme stuff he did last night to finally beat Bray. It must be Vince/Cena because obviously HHH, based on last night and NXT, seems to realize the new guys need to be getting over.

    Where does Bray go from here? I am fine with Winning not being everything to the guy but he needs to be able to back up some of the rhetoric and when he says he will be the last man standing or no one will ever stand again.....he probably needs to go over because that will be a tough promise to follow up on.

  116. Well, they couldn't be that much worse.
    Also, virtually nobody is subscribing to the Network to watch the current "Special Events". It's for the Classic WWE/F, WCW and ECW PPV's.

  117. Hey @rskva sweet outfit bro.

  118. They should make their stated goal to get back what was taken from them - go after the tag titles and the US Title/IC Title before moving forward to do something else. Gives them a few months of matches and rematches. They'd probably have to get the straps off the Usos first...

  119. Excellent show. I'm now excited about the possibilities of the Blue Meanie coming back with Stevie Richards and reforming the bWo with Bluetista.

  120. "Forgot to edit out" is probably a bit harsh. The magazine probably went to the printer a while ago.

  121. Barrett/Sheamus/Cesaro form a trio to keep their titles away from them.

  122. Yeah but you know what I mean.

  123. It's a fair point, though. It's proof that they had a direction they were planning and then they changed their minds. WWE/WWF Magazine was always the place to look to see what was planned before they changed their minds.

    I think that for all the bashing WWE gets for planning to break the Shield up, they should get some credit for seeing it was a bad idea and keeping the band together a bit longer. Same with the shit they get over the "original" plans for D-Bry. Doesn't matter what they were thinking of doing. What they DID DO is what's important.

  124. I wondered if they are slowly transitioning Batista into Adrian Adonis

  125. When did they advertise anything close to a WWE World title match?

  126. They had a LMS that involved burial? I only remember the Halftime Heat match when Foley won the WWF title back, but he did it by pinfall with the forklift/pallet combo.

  127. Wait a second: Is your complaint supposed to be that they booked Bryan-Kane *before* Bryan had surgery and then didn't deliver?

  128. You're right, I thought that Halftime Heat was a LMS.

  129. Depends really on crowd responses for each individual guy I guess.

    Iv said it before, but I fear the Shield triple threat would come off like the Legacy triple threat at Mania 26, in a heatless match with Reigns dominating and winning (Orton) and Ambrose and Rollins left wondering what to do afterwards after getting buried (Dibiase and Rhodes)

    This was my thought process during the beginning of the year when the Shield triple threat rumors for Mania30 were popping up. But I still feel the same way

  130. "Doesn't matter what they were thinking of doing. What they DID DO is what's important."


  131. I'm starting to think I may know you from're evisceration of stupidity reminds me someone...

  132. They are WAY more over than they were at the beginning of the year. C'mon dude, that Legacy comparison is insanity.

  133. Cultstatus is prepared to fight anyone who even hints at remotely enjoying WWE.

  134. I spent like 95% of this thread defending them but believe what you want fanboy.

  135. This might have been said before, but this reminds me of when HHH lost to Batista three PPVs in a row. HHH the booker knows how to really put people over when he wants to.

  136. Yep, plus it was brilliant to have it be elimination rules, so they really did 3 clean jobs in 1 match. Shield survived the incredible onslaught, then they just picked them off. Very well done.

  137. Must have missed that part, I just saw like 10 posts of yours saying that you don't watch, yet still hate every detail about them.

  138. I also saw lots of complaints about the way Cena won yesterday. If he had to win, isn't this kind of a good way that sort of protects Wyatt? Isn't it better than him just taking the AA, and laying down for the count of 10?

  139. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 2, 2014 at 6:19 AM

    Jericho vs Kane at Armageddon was the initial use of the burying a guy to keep him down. All over spilt coffee lol

  140. If cagematch had an affiliate program you would be a wealthy man

  141. I doubt it. I don't really commentate at any other sites.

  142. My concern is what they do with them now... there aren't any more credible heels for them to beat as a team so do they just fight HHH/Orton in singles matches or what?

  143. I watched 2 hours of Raw last week, it was god awful.

  144. He is actually complaining that they did not job out Daniel Bryan to Kane.... *mind blown*

  145. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:29 AM

    I was hoping Sheamus vs. Cesaro would be the Regal vs. Finlay of our generation in terms of stiff moves. They are definitely on their way.


  147. The same thing that makes him think he is qualified to know what a safe match for a guy who just had neck surgery would be like.

  148. I don't see Dean Ambrose as a World Champion.

  149. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:35 AM

    I had no problem with him winning. I had a problem with his on again, off again selling.

  150. It's ok to just be happy for them now. No need to worry about fantasy booking for the next 10 months. Just sit back and enjoy the clean main event win over HHH/Orton/Batista.

  151. You must have hated Hulk Hogan and the Warrior as a kid.

  152. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:37 AM


  153. really impressed with the booking for the main event.

    For all the shit we've piled onto HHH, he's been able to eat a shit sandwich or two during this feud. The whole Shield have been made to look fucking awesome - it's not just coming down to HHH v. Reigns with Ambrose/Rollins being marginalized, as I had feared earlier.

  154. EvoBLUEtion is a blueberry!

  155. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:38 AM

    As I got older, yeah. It bother me that after struggling to get up from a 10 count and staggering around he goes back to running full speed and lifting heavy objects. But that's just me.

  156. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:39 AM

    I was looking for you last night. I was gonna send you the final pics of all of the BoD belts.

  157. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:40 AM

    They could redo the Wyatt feud. I actually wouldn't mind that. Or maybe a faction can form to go against them. I'm happy with the win they got last night.

  158. Bret also did that, taking a beating for 20 minutes, then dodging 1 move, resting for 15 seconds, then making his super comeback. Also, HBK kept getting beaten within an inch of his life, then the "reviving flying forearm/nip up", and he's suddenly fresh again. It's just a "top face" thing, not a Cena thing.

  159. GoT+baseball > Payback. I tried to pop in the live thread for updates but got scolded by parallax for it.

  160. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:42 AM

    I complained about that as well. There was no excuse for him to get hit with the first Superkick in overtime and almost get back to his feet before HBK.
    I don't like that in general. It has nothing to do with Cena.

  161. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:43 AM're the CHAMP.
    GoT had a Russo vibe to the ending, BTW.

  162. Is this the same Bret Hart that sold an injury in 3 different matches all throughout the same show?

  163. Undertaker was really bad for a time in that department.

  164. Russo? How so?

  165. Hogan as a kid was annoying. Especially in WCW.

  166. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:45 AM

    Yeah, the same Bret that talked about selling an injury for a fan when he was signing an autograph.

  167. Man this place is 411tastic today

  168. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:47 AM

    I can almost understand the "adrenaline rush" part of no selling but If you get your ass kicked or some works on a body part and the wrestler stops selling it annoys me

  169. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:47 AM

    Swerve with the "hero" standing in and it still didn't go as planned.

  170. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:48 AM

    *Top 5 handshake*

  171. The only time they advertised a title match would have been BEFORE he had neck surgery. After the surgery, they shifted to the Steph/Bryan/Brie ultimatum angle, and made no attempt to advertise an official match. Plans changed and TV reflected that. You misinterpreted TV if you thought that tonight's PPV was built on "Bryan must wrestle Kane or his wife is fired."

    They did not do your proposed scenario for a multitude of reasons:

    1. Neck injuries are not just something you work around. Especially in today's WWE. This is not Austin in 1997-1998 where the WWE goes out of business if he stays off TV. Too many eyes are on the product and everyone is better educated on how dangerous stuff like that is.

    2. Its FUCKING KANE. Even if WWE/Bryan felt like they HAD to risk further injury, they aren't going to take that risk on enhancing FUCKING KANE. Its 2014. He's 0-2 since Mania on PPVs/Events. He's a fine support player to fill out a card in the doldrums months, but that's it.

    3. Your plan would be to Main Event Summerslam 2014 with John Cena vs FUCKING KANE.

    4. MITB is right around the corner. If they decide that they want the title off of Bryan, it gives him at least a month to heal to take those minimal sorts of bumps you are wanting him to take, with the added benefit of not having to have him lose to FUCKING KANE. It also gives them a chance to do something somewhat interesting with the MITB case. Maybe the winner cashes in while Bryan is at home nursing the injury, and Steph/Hunter/Vince finally uses that as an excuse to "strip" Bryan of the title. Maybe get an actual unified title belt made during this time. Proceed however you want from there, and then have Bryan return carrying both his belts to set up his next program.

    Or maybe they figure out his return date and announce well in advance of that that the MITB Winner will challenge Bryan in his return match. Give the MITB winner a few weeks to defend his brief case, etc. There's a lot of directions they can go.


  172. Yeah that was my thought last night.

  173. Mitch, The GodfatherJune 2, 2014 at 6:50 AM

    So are you the pigeon?

  174. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:50 AM

    Ambrose goes to get his US Title and the other two members get the tag belts is a start.

  175. Bret and Shawn always sold, even during their comebacks. Cena straight up looks fresh as a daisy when he makes his.

  176. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 6:51 AM

    That is a gross visual before breakfast.

  177. If you thought that was a serve, you haven't been paying attention as the tagline says.

  178. Did this strike a professional nerve for you?

  179. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but perhaps being obligated by insane public demand to have Bryan win the title at Mania led to HHH eating a bit of humble pie. Or, perhaps he figures that he's basically bullet proof at this point and jobbing to up and comers doesn't really hurt him.

  180. Seems to me like they just shrugged off the 20 minute beating, and just did their usual comeback spots.

  181. Or, indeed, he's waiting out before winning the title from Bryan at Summerslam, or some shit.

  182. Listening to Vince trying to cover for that is pretty awkward, but he just about decides. "He didn't get all of it!" etc.

  183. Wasn't the story that Shawn just partially hit a desperate superkick? Then he really got him good the 2nd time? That actually worked for me.

  184. Literally every single Shawn match, he is selling during his comeback.

  185. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 7:01 AM

    HBK hits the kick, Bret starts to get up and falls down. The second time he gets up he gets hit with the second Superkick. Why get up that fast the first time? Even the announcers made mention of it.

  186. Generally, the first one he hit was from a defensive/counter position and the second one was from an offensive position

  187. AverageJoeEverymanJune 2, 2014 at 7:02 AM

    Also at Fall Brawl 94 in Wargames.

  188. so he limps a bit, or holds his injured body part here and there. he still does the exact same spots as if he's superman anyway.

  189. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 7:03 AM

    At least he does that much, unlike Cena.


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