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warrior as the black scorpion

Ok, if Warrior was to be the black scorpion where would this have left Flair? Would the doom feud have continued and would he have been in the starcade street fight?

Also it never made sense to me that they never ran a Sting/Flair rematch on a clash or something and just seemed to keep them apart.

​Wait, what?  Warrior was never going to be the Black Scorpion, that was just the implication they were going for.  After September they literally had no idea who the Scorpion was going to be.  Flair and Anderson were going to win the World tag titles from Doom at Starrcade and they would have done the Doom breakup from there, presumably.  ​


  1. I dunno, i find it hard to believe the WWF World champ wasn't going to show up at Starrcade.

  2. Maybe they did have talks with Hellwig at one point before he either turned them down or they realized he couldn't get out of his contract.

    Jim Ross has said that WCW had talks with plenty of big name WWF talent during his tenure i don't think that it's outside the realm of possibility that the Warrior may have been one of those guys (Although his post Summerslam'91 or Survivor Series'92 periods are more likely)

    Everything else just doesn't make any sense, even Ole couldn't have seriously considered the Angel Of Death could he?

  3. Yeah, I could see WCW making a phone call or two, just to check on his availability. God, how I hated that who angle.

  4. In the WCW dvd, Flair talked a little bit about it. He said they had someone under contract to do it but said that the guy and didn't want to do business (whatever that meant) and was so unprofessional that it wasn't worth mentioning his name.

  5. LOL at Warrior narrating himself doing Black Scorpion magic tricks.

  6. Black Scorpion was originally planned to be Al Perez.

  7. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 10, 2014 at 7:19 AM


  8. He was the WWF champion when they started and ended the angle. There's no way WCW thought, even for a minute, that they would lure the champion of the biggest national wrestling company in the world away to be the Black fucking Scorpion.

    Yeah, they hinted at it being Warrior, but even 10-year-old me never in a million years thought that would happen.

  9. Looking back as a fan it still baffles me too that they waited so long to pull the trigger on Sting. Well, not really, knowing the politics after the fact. He was SO over with the fans. It always felt like WCW was trying to make Luger The Guy, and while the fans liked him, they liked Sting more. Of course his injury f-ed things up, but you go back and look at the period--hell, just watch the first dozen or so Clashes--and you see time and again where they could have put him on top and run heel after heel at him and gotten as close to having The Next Hulk Hogan as they were ever going to.

  10. No, they just wanted him as the guy to play him in the ring. Once it became clear that it was going to be the big angle for Starrcade they literally had no idea who was going to be under the mask.

  11. ^^ This. From Ole's mouth and just about everyone else. I have no idda what the hell Flair is talking about

  12. Total stab here but I wonder if Flair was talking about Eddie Gilbert (assuming his story is even close to accurate, which is iffy). He'd have been an anticlimax but he fit the background clues, could play the devious mastermind, and given a chance to cut loose on the mic could sell/explain almost anything. That said, he of course constantly butted heads with his bosses and was probably a bigger headache than what it was worth.

  13. Never heard a rumor about Gilbert, it was either Al Perez or Angel of Death from everything I've read. That said, Gilbert would've been an interesting choice and would've been logical as he did kayfabe bring Sting into the sport as part of Hot Stuff Inc. Flair's account of being the Black Scorpion twice, "once that night in the ring and once in the bar after" is hilarious b/c I can picture Flair in that get-up strutting around the bar and ordering shots in the Scorpion voice.

  14. They had it set up perfectly for Wrestlewar, and then the injury just sent everything to hell.

  15. In my alternate dream universe, the Scorpion is a bitter, resentful, revenge-minded Ricky Steamboat. Seriously.

  16. Hey now, "that Who angle" was one of Jim Neidhart's finest hours.

  17. How about California in 86.

    It was a great angle - it should have been Paul Orndorff.

  18. Don Murraco would have worked. He is from the beach.


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