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WWE Announces a "Show us Your Superstar" Contest .

STAMFORD, CONN. AND MINNEAPOLIS, MN, June 10, 2014 – WWE (NYSE:WWE) and Totino’s™ BOLD have partnered to offer one lucky fan the ultimate WWE experience – a chance to create their own WWE Superstar. The “Show Us Your Superstar” contest will allow fans to submit their best WWE Superstar characters in a short video online at

The winner will travel to WWE’s biggest event of the summer, SummerSlam®, on Sunday, August 17 in Los Angeles where the journey will be showcased to a sold-out crowd at Staples Center and millions watching around the world. Totino’s BOLD, a General Mills brand, will be the presenting sponsor of SummerSlam and the “Show Us Your Superstar” contest.

Fans can submit videos no longer than three minutes showcasing their ultimate WWE persona and one lucky winner will be selected and sent to WWE’s Performance Center in Orlando, Florida, where just like an aspiring WWE Superstar, their journey will begin and the winner’s character will be developed.

At the Performance Center, WWE will follow the winner’s journey from average fan to ‘spotlight ready’ and capture content for a series of digital videos. The videos will be released beginning Monday, July 21 and lead up to SummerSlam, when the entire experience will be revealed for the first time.

“Totino’s BOLD is excited to continue our relationship with WWE through this fan contest, and the sponsorship of SummerSlam 2014,” said Brad Hiranaga, Associate Marketing Director for Totino’s. “We are launching two new flavors to our BOLD product line this summer and together with WWE we are bringing both flavors and fan experiences to the next level.”

“WWE has the most passionate fans in the world and we’re thrilled to partner with Totino’s BOLD to offer a once in-a-lifetime chance for fans to create their own WWE Superstar,” said Michelle Wilson, Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer, WWE.  “We’re excited to leverage WWE’s expansive TV, digital and social media platforms to help Totino’s BOLD Launch its new products.”


  1. I was expecting this, but first comment?

  2. "Like he was grabbing breakfast at the Dungeon of Donuts next door and happened to see some shit going down or something.". HILARIOUS

  3. I don't really get it.

    I would just enter wrestling ideas from childhood. I was "Dog Man", a wrestler who would only communicate through barking and wore a collar, and one of my cousins was "The Big Dick", a precursor to the Val Venis character who would come out with two women who were always grabbing at his crotch.

  4. Todd Lorenz better submit the Hoss as a character

  5. If I was a judge, "The Big Dick" would be my pick. Hell of a character with a lot of depth.

  6. No, but to me, WCW died with the Fingerpoke, and when they got the stupid new logo and Nitro set. I always though Starrcade '98 was the last "official" WCW PPV


    *Gary Michael Capetta goes back to his room and gets drunk, wondering where his life went wrong.*

  8. I just can't see Shawn being denied. Can you honestly see a scenario where Shawn didn't get the title at Mania? In my opinion, there were too many sharks for Big Show to survive in that era

  9. Meekin should enter this dressed as an otter.

  10. I googled his name, praying he wasn't dead.

    And he's not! Teaching Spanish in Jersey at Christian Brothers Academy.

  11. Most famous wrestler and biggest draw of all time is Stone Cold Steve Austin. No one will most likley touch him. Not even Hogan.

  12. Hogan was a guy that paid his dues when getting into the wrestling business and he respected it so I imagine Hogan knew what was good for business back in the 80's. I think eventually Hulk suffered from Vince Russo syndrome where he eventually believed everything he shit out was gold.

  13. That's not true at all.

    Hogan vs Flair at Mania was even announced on air before they pulled the plug when it was clear that Hulk wasn't going to do the job/they didn't want Flair losing/Vince getting cold feet about it drawing.

  14. Ric Flair may be a legend but he was nowhere near Hogan level. I agree with you 100%.

  15. I'm having a little trouble parsing that sentence, but Hogan did a countout job to Ric Flair in their Clash match in 1994.

    And Hogan did countout jobs in the 80s all the time. He lost to Orndorff and Savage by countout just off the top of my head.


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