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WWE Week In Review Plug!

Hi Scott!

You've graciously allowed me to plug my column, Theater of the Absurd, in the past - can I get another? It's been on hiatus for a bit and is returning this weekend. Thanks!


  1. u suck Bayless

  2. I often compare the Miz to Pauly Shore and Rob Schneider, but to each their own.

  3. If you want to be Facebook friends, all you have to do is ask

  4. "WWE's resident movie star"

    Man, i miss pro wrestling.

  5. Great. Miz with another egotist gimmick. That has really gotten him over in the past.

  6. Knuckleberry PinnJune 9, 2014 at 8:06 AM

    I remember when Triple H returned in 2002, I was all pissy about it. And someone said, "Why?" And I said, "Well, Triple H did return and all, but Kevin Nash didn't return with him". And the person said, "Uh, yeah, he wasn't advertised to return, it was a grain-of-salt rumour on 411 wrestling. But Triple H did return, got a huge pop, and had a hot segment with Kurt Angle where he showed he was good to go. So you're gonna whine about the WWE completely delivering on what they promised?"

    And I was all, "....damn."

  7. Shouldn't he have listed steven seagal and other direct to video people

  8. It actually did, quite a while ago. It was his ridiculous face run where he was pandering to the fans and throwing wise cracks at heels that really killed his cred if you ask me.

  9. Miz isn't even qualified to shine Seagal's shoes.

  10. Seagal can't even see his own shoes these days.

  11. Agreed but ever more so clooney. Mentioning big stars just make their low rent movie studio seem even more low rent

  12. The guy who played Cody from "Step by Step" is a good Miz acting comp

  13. By the way, if the WWE's ratings are low lately, it is clearly Bo Dallas's fault.

    Because you see, His inspirational speeches have talked America into getting off of their couches, and going to climb mountains and saving the whales and hugging puppies. NO TIME FOR TV ON MONDAY OR FRIDAY NIGHTS JUST BO-LIEVE!!!! :D

  14. The alternative is him as a face with Flair as his manager. That is way worse

  15. I as going to say michael dudikoff but Cody works

  16. Phantom down voter striking in this thread? Why must we hate?

  17. What was Miz off filming this time? Let me guess. Marine 92: Another Fucking Marine Movie.

  18. The Miz returned to action Friday night at the house show in Detroit,
    losing to Sheamus. Before the match, Miz cut a promo calling himself the
    "WWE's resident movie star" and compared himself to George Clooney and
    Christian Bale.

    What the fuck?

  19. Miz as a heel was Miz at this best. His whole baby face run just had me thinking "Are people supposed to be cheering for the freaking Miz?" Remember DEMON GIRL~! ? Heel Miz gets those reactions.

    I will say the highlight of Miz baby face run was Brock Lesnar invading Miz TV destroying the set and beating him within an inch of his life. If RAW was the 3 hours of Miz getting beat up I'd watch all of it.

  20. Now I'm going find that redub of the beating.

    Just outstanding.

  21. The resident movie star....because, you know, the rest left.

  22. Knuckleberry PinnJune 9, 2014 at 8:26 AM

    You can hate Miz now. But he won't stop now.

  23. I bet George Clooney and Christian Bale have literally never heard of Miz.

  24. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 9, 2014 at 8:33 AM

    Polishing a turd.

    Fuck the Miz, man. I just can't be arsed with that shit no more.

  25. AverageJoeEverymanJune 9, 2014 at 8:34 AM

    OMG they should totally do vignettes of him hanging around his "Hollywood Buddies" Those 2 and Screech and Urkel and Joey Lawrence and all the lower level Sandler buddies, etc.

  26. Can you really call yourself a movie star if you're only in movies the WWE has made?

  27. A lot of you don't seem to understand the point of being a heel. They lie.

  28. AverageJoeEverymanJune 9, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    If only so that we can feel love more powerfully.

  29. AverageJoeEverymanJune 9, 2014 at 8:36 AM

    Catching up with the Big Butt Boner Bangs series

  30. The Miz has probably the greatest life of any current WWE wrestler. Former WWE Champion & Mania main eventer, movie "star", AND he gets to pound Maryse eveyr night. AND he barely wrestles anymore.

  31. I'm more of a Junk In The Trunk fan, loving the classics.

  32. Do they also cheat and steal?

    (And for the record, Heel Miz >>>...>>>...>>>...>>>... [I could go on for pages]... >>> Face Miz. I don't think anyone disagrees with that. It's just that even heel Miz is still weaker than a LOT of other options.)

  33. TJ: WWE casting for "orchestra members" wearing Sting facepaint and a Sting "body double" for next week.

  34. Cena, Orton, Kane, Show, HHH, fuck, there are too many of them to remember them all.

  35. There are lies, then there's Miz comparing himself to A-listers.

  36. "YOU CAN DO IT!"

    (Brock kills Miz again, for shits and giggles.)

    "YOU... can't... do it?"

    (Brock kills that guy, for the benefit of mankind.)

  37. Bigger the lie, bigger the heel. (Also, stupider the heel, but who's counting?)

  38. Could just be for his DVD they are releasing. IIRC, it was reported that he's doing an indy show in a couple months. Not sure if it is just a signing.

  39. They made movies? I missed them all.

    Trust me, if "The Chaperone" made $100 Million....Vince and Steph would be the Authority today.

  40. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 8:51 AM

    What about the now Sting. Is he still around?

  41. Who is this Miz person?

  42. It's time for Miz's yearly push I take it.

  43. Oh, I missed them too. But sadly, I still know of their existence.

  44. This GAB 1990 show has been bad so far. Pillman beat Landell in the first match, Captain Mike Rotunda beat Iron Sheik in the 2nd match, now I am on Furnas vs. Dutch.

  45. You must not have been a fan of Ric flair.

  46. Hell, I miss the original sports entertainment!

  47. With the current small and limited roster, if you don't think there's a spot for Miz, I don't know what to tell you.

  48. But who's side is he on?!

  49. The Miz cuts a heel promo...then loses.

    Seems right to me.

  50. Lots of Miz talk and speculation based on a HOUSE SHOW MATCH. Just saying.

  51. And the full version for those of us that need more than 20 seconds of the Miz getting his ass kicked.

  52. Here's a question: what's the best match you've ever seen live in the arena/stadium/high school gym?

    Mine is IYH Breakdown, the triple threat steel cage match between Rock, Mankind and Ken Shamrock.

  53. Probably Undertaker vs. Batista and HBK vs. Cena from WM 23.

  54. Thanks man. Started KH II on Saturday. I'm on day 6 of the start of the game. Finished up the 7 mysteries thing.

  55. Miz is the perfect guy for a chickenshit, long-reigning IC champ.

  56. Flair could back his shit-talking up. Miz is THE definition of being vanilla.

  57. They're married, I doubt he gets to pound it every night.

  58. I saw Cena vs Edge in a street fight at a house show in Syracuse NY. I'm partial to the match because Cena threw Edge into me.

  59. Flair's kid.

  60. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 9, 2014 at 9:26 AM

    It does make one wonder how this is going to play out on TV, because if the narrative is "Miz is a delusional idiot" then what does that say about:

    1. The level of WWE "stardom" vs. mainstream stardom? Because the mantra has always been that the WWE Superstars are just that, superstars.

    2. The quality (or lack thereof) of WWE Films? Because if Miz thinking he's an A-List based on his film work makes him a goof, that doesn't say much for the film division.

  61. You have just set the bar for not getting it.

  62. Best moments (not match quality): Hogan/Rock at WM 18, Austin/Bischoff at No Way Out 2013, and La Resistance winning the tag titles cleanly over Edge/Benoit.

  63. I like how they stress how heavily muscled they need the Sting double to be... they must only know Sting from the WWE Network.


  65. Undertaker had a cameo in Hogan's "Suburban Commando"

  66. *You're a dead man Ramsey...*

    *No wonder you guys never talk...*

  67. You're not nearly as clever as you seem to think you are.

  68. I guess this year at Mania. I liked the triple threat better than Bryan v. HHH.

  69. The best match I've seen live is Punk vs Bryan from Over the Limit in Raleigh. Not only was the match awesome, but the atmosphere was great because the crowd was going absolutely nuts for both guys.

  70. I'm still partial to that gif of Cesaro giving Miz the Giant Swing on the floor into the barricade relentlessly.

  71. My fave five are prob...

    Benoit/Michaels/H at WM20
    Punk/Taker at WM29
    Foley/Rock 12/29/98 Raw taping
    Michaels/Austin at KOTR97
    Harts/Quebecers at RR94

    Hidden choice...Benoit/MVP from a SD taping in April 07... awesome match

  72. Live in the arena? No question - a 1987 steel cage match between The Midnight Rockers and Rose & Somers for the AWA World tag team title. All four were bleeding buckets by the end. Awesome.

  73. Damn, you must have Nikolai Volkoff's 1994 travel agent (aka, showing up at every single show)

  74. They need to start adding the date the movie comes out the title so the writers remember when to turn Miz face again.

  75. I'm sure it was Angle/Benoit at a house show in 2000 or 2001.

  76. Do you really think that wwe films think they're equivalent to dreamworks?

  77. Ha, right place, right time on most of them!

  78. Fans we are out of time! Find out this Thursday on Thunder!

  79. Judging by Dougie's comment, are people actually taking Miz's comment at face value? Oh sweet lord....when Dougie's the voice of reason we have issues.

  80. I neglected ROH in Providence last summer... saw a couple of awesome matches there... the Champions/Contenders eight man and the fantastic Hooligans/Red Dragon title change

  81. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 9, 2014 at 9:49 AM

    Probably not, but are they willing to admit that publicly? Twenty years from now, sure, but in the present day with new films still waiting to be released?

  82. Based on some intel I heard, looks like SNME is on the way for the Network.

  83. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 9:52 AM

    "I'm the MIZ...and I'M ADEQUATE!!!!!"

  84. Chalk it up to either a lack of heels or a desire to hate the MIz.

    Six in one, 1/2 a dozen in the other.

  85. I interpreted the Miz thing as is a house show and the fans might not know who to cheer or boo, so have Miz cut a heel promo so the crowd boos him. Nothing more.

  86. So.....Miz does something to make the crowd boo him, because they're unsure if they'll cheer Sheamoose without being prompted.

    I'm.....going to say there's a lot wrong here.

  87. Last we saw Miz on TV, he was a face. He needed a heel promo to get the crowd to boo him. They do it on TV all the time during commercials.

  88. Gerweck put out an update a few minutes ago saying it will most likely be used in a Sting Documentary DVD and B-Roll for later use.

  89. Reading LOLTNA.

    -They paid $350,000 for Johnn Fairplay.
    -SEX wasn't the worst idea in the world if it had been a heel stable that got squashed by guys like AJ who defended pure wrestling.

  90. Mike Mizanin was just your ordinary MTV reality star... until one day! Now he's wrestling his way into our hearts. Mike Mizanin is... A Wrestler! Rated PG-13!

  91. HAAAAA. Fucking Hogan tweets "Maybe the Shield needs Hollywoods help."

    For what? So he can get them cast in Thunder In Paradise: The Next Generation?

  92. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    I thought he was dead?

  93. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    She might be getting pounded every night while he's on the road.

  94. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:09 AM

    Too bad Brock didn't F5 the couch on top of Miz.

  95. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 9, 2014 at 10:10 AM

    I was there for the ladder match between HBK and Jericho at No Mercy in Portland. You never realize how crazy ladder matches really are until you see them in person. That match was amazing.

  96. Another miz gimmick that won't get over

  97. Man a lot of people had their last appearances in TNA. Hennig, Candido, Savage.

  98. Definitely not a coincidence. As hiring people past their primes that nobody else wants anymore is their "Thing".

  99. The Miz has been around for too long that he is at the point where re-inventing himself is most likely not going to work.

  100. Miz is fine so long as he's a douchebag heel. A Hollywood wannabe gimmick fits him. But I'll admit I've liked him more than most here and thinks he can be a good hand.

  101. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    Maybe they should have him manage.

  102. Tie between the Do Fixer/Blood Generation match that Meltzer gave 5 stars too and Jimmy Jacobs/BJ Whitmer Steel Cage match

    Both at ROH Supercard of Honor 2 in 2007

    I went to Bound for Glory 2006 and the Styles/Daniels vs. LAX cage match was pretty great as well

    I went to ALOT of WWF mid 90's and WCW late 90's where you didnt really have classic type of matches displayed, or atleast that I can remember (In Your House 3, World War III 1998, and alot of house shows)

  103. Is this like Bobby Heenan hanging out at airports and conventions where everyone is only talking about WCW and whatever they're pushing that week?

  104. Hennig's TNA run was awful to say the least. He was a bloated mess

  105. That's too damn awesome

  106. Miz is better suited to do this as a heel than as a face. He's never going to get back to his 2011 level. At the very best, it's extremely unlikely.

  107. Douchebag heel is his best thing but it's been almost ten years of that

  108. Remember when he work a bandana and a fedora?

  109. Hogan squashes Rollins with the big boot (and that's it since he can't do the leg drop anymore). Then Reigns and Ambrose turn on the Hulkster in order to align with HHH.
    This is all settled the next week. While all three members of the Shield beat down Hogan, he hulks up, throws all of them out of the ring, and ends the Shield once and for all.
    That's a shoot, brother.

  110. Well, when I was at the watercooler today at work, we were all talking about Kevin Nash.

  111. Your new avatar has gotta be late '95 or very early '96. Notice that his brown roots are starting to show.

  112. He wasn't in that great of shape during his last WWE run either. When he was the guest host at WWE New York for a PPV (No Way Out '02 I believe) he was completely bombed.

  113. Don't you dare besmirch the name of my American Ninja.

  114. I saw his return at the 99? Rumble and he looked great and got a huge reaction for Perfect Plexing Angle.

  115. WWE should sign David Arquette and have him be Miz's "Hollywood buddy". Instant heat. Hell, have a match with Bryan where Arquette starts playing around with the World Title during the match.

  116. Hang on, my flight is leaving

  117. I had heard July before... just can confirm that they are popping up on their servers... I believe the Clashes started showing up about a week ahead...

  118. "When CM Punk became the hottest thing in the mainstream wrestling industry after his worked shoot prior to Money in the Bank, TNA made all five of Punk's TNA matches (from 2003) available on their On-Demand service"

    Nothing says minor leagues and desperate for attention than this right here.

  119. John Cena vs CM Punk, SummerSham

  120. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    "The B Listers"

  121. Close, 2002. (ok, not that close)

  122. I thought that too. I know its a slow morning so far but for a guy no one supposedly likes he sure is getting a lot of talk.

  123. Legit didn't realize Miz hasn't been around.

  124. What is with all the stupid gimmick posters as of late?

  125. That's being generous...

  126. That'll put butts in seats.

  127. Wyatts vs. Shield at Elimination Chamber. To be fair, besides that I've only ever been to a random Smackdown in 08 and a house show when I was a kid back in the 80s.

  128. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 10:48 AM

    '02 rumble... you and i sat right next to each, and krusty was a few rows up

  129. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 10:50 AM

    southern boys vs. whoever is good, iirc

  130. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 10:51 AM, we shouldnt believe you, then...

  131. From Mike Johnson:

    "Casting agencies released breakdowns today seeking Sting lookalikes for a WWE production.

    The breakdown included a listing for a Sting body double, age 38-50, who is, "6'2, 250lb of pure muscle. Prefer a guy with wrestling experience, very fit. HEAVILY muscular. Slightly longer dark hair. Will have a full face of make up on. paying a higher rate as we need a GREAT double for this."

    The breakdown also sought "Orchestra musicians with own instruments" aged 18 to 70 to portray a playing orchestra that would be made up in Sting's trademark facepaint.

    In asking around, I am told the scenes were being shot for a new WWE videogame, which likely means Sting will be included in a major way in the WWE 2K15 videogame, his debut in a WWE-branded game. It would appear Sting will be in a role similar to Ultimate Warrior, Mike Tyson and Brock Lesnar in recent years as the major "unique" name that is used to help brand and market the game.

    The footage will shoot on 6/16 with Tom Haines Directing and Tom Martin Producing for Street Gang Films.

    Thanks to everyone in the acting community who sent that along."
    So, looks like Sting will be the selling point of WWE2K15

  132. He was on death's door by the time he got to TNA

  133. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 10:52 AM

    huh? i've always been here

  134. *throws money*

    Down the toilet.

  135. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    Where's now Sting?

  136. I barely play video games but if I did, this would have no impact at all on my decision in whether or not to get this game.

  137. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:58 AM

    Our alphabet only has 26 letters.

  138. Mike Johnson reported a few weeks ago that it was going to be on the network in July.

  139. Oh yeah, that's right. It was 99 Armaggedon I also saw.

  140. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 11:00 AM

    I guess "the place where careers go to die" is an understatement.

  141. Especially since they could have had him on their roster with that Fairplay money. And if he didn't hate AJ.

  142. They're never gonna come out with a 3rd...

  143. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    yeah. i grew up in b'ham and went to college in atlanta, but by fall of '99 i'd already moved to pittsburgh and wasn't able to get away for the b'ham armageddon show. was able to get away for the rumble since my friend who got me into wrestling (who also posts here every now and then) was visiting atlanta, so i cleared some time and we made the rumble

  144. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    rspw sure went down the shitter fast

  145. Good riddance. It was awesome in the mid 90's before it became the "Chad Bryant and Trolls" show.

  146. Yah I had seen that... basically confirming he was right (or sooner) since they are starting to put them into the server.

  147. Me either. That's the surest sign that someone isn't over.

  148. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 11:10 AM

    i came onboard sometime in '99, maybe right around when owen died. it was fun even after that for a while till "officer farva' (no relation to our farva, from what i can tell) posted ad nausem pointless links and polls. the chad/john henry/krusty stuff was amusing every now and then

    it had fun people: funkym, stoneco, double t, hitman333, c the shocker, milhouse, calzone, poot... but we all slowly left one by one. i don't even remember when i left - '03 or '04 maybe? i could google but i really can't be bothered

    i still feel the urge to use "ppor" from time to time here ("post proof or retract")

  149. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 11:10 AM

    he died on the way back to his home planet

    he got hit with the chadziguri spinkick (rspw inside joke)

  150. I don't understand this for the same reason I didn't understand Foley taking a stand on the game payout, they're video games, you can create any of these guys if you want to play as them anyway.

  151. I had no idea what RSPW was until a few years ago. I just was curious because that's a name that's always brought up.

  152. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 11:12 AM

    " just was curious"

    no, *I*... am curious

    (scotty will understand that)

  153. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 11:14 AM

    in all seriousness, though, it was a hotspot in the very mid 90's - scott can speak more to that since he was a big part of it.

    during the infancy of the internet on a wide scale, tons of ecw wrestlers were part of it. stevie richards is even wearing an "rspw sucks" shirt at i believe november to remember '95

    and francine would post to rspw, i think

  154. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 11:15 AM

    More like Mean Gene schilling the 900 Hotline.

  155. Marc Mero also posted a few times and wrote "RSPW" on a frisbee when he was doing the Leapin' Lanny gimmick in WCW.

  156. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 11:16 AM

    yeah, he was another name that stuck out for some reason


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