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Finally saw X-Men last night because apparently dealing with a toddler's broken leg is more important to my wife than going to the movies for some crazy reason.  Some people are so selfish.  Anyway, despite being 7 movies into the series now, this is definitely my second-favorite after X2.  Strong plot, high stakes, and Michael Fassbender is BADASS as Magneto, really capturing the effortless amount of power that the character displays in the comics.  Well, not in the comics at this moment, but traditionally.  Also, how hilarious is it that X3 was so terrible that they had to send Wolverine 50 years into the past to stop Brett Ratner from making it?  Fare thee well, old X-Men cast!  Uh, not you, Hugh Jackman, you've still got 15 more movies on your contract.  Also, I'm glad that Fox is at least making worthwhile movies while staving off the Marvel Studios juggernaut's attempts to get the characters back, unlike Amazing Spider-Man 2 which literally had no reason to exist.  Also, a whole movie about Quicksilver would have been tremendous.


  1. Being "not bad" on the mic is good enough to be a upper midcarder - but not a long term main eventer. Literally the only exception to this rule (outside of big men) I can think of is Bret Hart (and even he got really good on the mic in 1997). Seth is still young and may improve later though. Daniel Bryan has really improved in the last few years for example.

  2. Rule does not apply to hosses (GoldBerg, Brock Lesnar, Batista, etc)

  3. I've been looking forward to that one since I saw the preview for it at ASM 2.

  4. I honestly haven't seen a movie in the theater in years, but like to reward some original ideas. In a sea of remakes, comic books, etc., this was a nice change of pace and thought it worthy of my money. Wasn't disappointed. It's sad to see it will finish #2 on the domestic box office this week, but I hope it gets stronger numbers in the weeks following due to good word of mouth. It did well internationally,though, which is a good thing.

  5. Cruise has become so underrated because of the Scientology silliness. Dude is a legit great actor.

  6. Well, I think it's time for you to join in the fun then.

  7. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 8, 2014 at 1:42 PM

    That would of been fantastic.

  8. Yeah, I enjoyed the Knight and Day film he was in.

  9. Why am I not surprised you would pick the most recent shitty Cruise film?

  10. This e-mail is a perfect example of a "fan" setting up absurd expectations, which will guarantee disappointment. I'm sure in his mind, if this specific scenario does not happen, then the Rollins push/character will be deemed "Ruined".

  11. Hey, I'll admit Diaz was annoying in it.

  12. Then we will have an internet meltdown as to Rollins being booked like a cowardly bitch, and is buried and terrible.

  13. OK. Sounds like a good story (although 6 months doesn't get you to Rumble, let alone Mania, but I understand the point) and could work. But...

    1- What stops Reigns (and Ambrose) from ambushing Rollins at any point (e.g. when he tries to win the title)? You could say that about every wrestling story, but the Shield in particular have a history of attacking people before, during, and after other matches (e.g. attacking the Rhodes Bros during their match with the NAO). A "if you touch Rollins, you're fired" line from HHH would make Reigns not look very bad ass (if WWE wants him to be its next big star) if he followed it for 10 months, and not very smart if he can't come up with a plan to attack him in that time.

    2- Is Rollins a compelling enough heel for that to work? The story you developed is good, but would people hate Rollins enough for it to work, or would the grand prize really seem to be HHH (much like how, in my opinion, Bryan's big WM match was against HHH, not against Orton for the title)?

  14. Because that's what I do Cult.

  15. I dunno. I think people like the good ones so much they overlook the poor ones. Iron Man 2 and Thor 2 were dreadful. Cap 1 and Thor 1 were meh. No one ever seems to include the Edward Norton Hulk.

    I'm not saying this to bash the Marvel movies, just that people seem to view them with rose glasses.

  16. Thor 2 was great, so was Cap 1.

  17. You could possibly surround Rollins with with a security team. Having Triple H say that as a way to protect the company's investment and how Rollins is best for business... could just be 1 guy even, like a Diesel type. Hired gun. Eventually he gets distracted and then Reigns ambushes to an enormous pop.

    The key is to have Rollins be the deserved champion.

    Rollins can feud with Bryan over the title and have strong matches, where he doesn't look cowardly, he looks like a fighting champ who wins what ever it takes. Then have Ambrose get a shot and then Cena possibly.

    The point would be to make Rollins more of the Rock style corporate champion. Where he's good, and knows it, and uses it to make money. Triple H acts as the greedy promoter protecting his investment, to the brink of throwing himself in front of the ONE challenger that they know they cannot stop.

  18. You're insane.

  19. "X3(Not really that bad, if they cut out the Phoenix story and don't kill everyone, it is pretty good)"

    Probably the worst opinion you have ever had... which is saying a lot.

  20. Let me fix this for you:

    "Go fuck yourself cult you angry worthless prick"

  21. Everyone's main complaints with that movie is that they butchered the Phoenix Saga and killed everyone off.

  22. "You're insane."

    You're totally right.


  23. I didn't get why they were so ... quick... to send Quicksilver home... you just saw what he was capable of... don't you think that might be handy in the upcoming struggle?

  24. What are they gonna do, kidnap him?

  25. Which was essentially the entire movie. There was almost nothing redeeming about that film aside from Frasier as Beast.

  26. The Cure storyline could have easily carried that film.

  27. "Hey you're pretty handy to have around, want to come with us?"

    I can see why that approach wouldn't be something you would think of though.

  28. Abeyance would break that up over 75 different posts.

  29. Is it just me or does he seem to make the same sci fi action movie every year now?

  30. Dude was a teenager that only helped them for the thrill of breaking into the pentagon. He gave zero fucks about them.

  31. Yeah, you're totally not a gimmick poster.

    How many times do you have to type the same shit? Make up an argument, argue against hardcore/smark fan tendencies (while being a bloody smark at the same time), and then act like you're the one being positive while tearing others down. You and Dougie, smh.

  32. And there would be nothing thrilling for a guy like him in what they had to do after that?

  33. Jamie Foxx sucked as Electro until near the end. Also felt that the Goblin was shoehorned in. Shoulda stuck with Harry.

  34. Yeah man, the Elfman scores weren't his best but were miles ahead of that one.

  35. He is a thief. How would stopping a mutant he doesn't know from killing someone else he doesn't know be thrilling to him?

  36. I gotta back cult here.

  37. In-movie logic or Hollywood logic? Didn't they hear Whedon was eyeballing Quicksilver for Avengers 2 and shoehorned him in last minute?

  38. I'm glad they went with Quicksilver, the Juggernaut from the third movie was awful.

  39. Fox definitely only included him to piss off Marvel. But kudos to Singer for pulling it off.

  40. ASM 2 was TERRIBLE.

    If the Dark Knight did to the Joker what this movie did to Norman Osborn, and the concept of the Green Goblin in general, fans would have rioted.

  41. I don't get the near-universal love for it. Trailers hooked me into viewing but thought it was bad. Hated the ending. Thought Cruise was Cruise. I've liked him in a lot of stuff but this not so much. If they ended it 5-10 minutes earlier (trying not to spoil but before the ending), I'd think it passable but that frigging ending just irked me to now end.

  42. "With great power comes great responsibility".


  43. Stranger in the AlpsJune 8, 2014 at 2:35 PM

    Threadjack: Just added to the Network vault is an episode of Smackdown from 4/20/00. It's the episode after the Jericho "title win" against Triple H. The main event is a lumberjack match between Jericho and The Rock. Also notable for the appearance by Tazz, wearing the ECW championship belt and getting beaten by Triple H.

  44. Oh, yeah, was my favorite part of the flick, just wasn't sure where Para was coming from.

  45. They nailed nothing about the Green Goblin.

  46. AverageJoeEverymanJune 8, 2014 at 2:37 PM

    The scenes where Colossus goes through Kitty to protect her and the one where Wolverine smells the sex on them are great.

  47. Peter Parker is a dick who isn't even smart.

    Seriously, he needed Gwen Stacy to help him beat a jobber like Electro.

  48. I agree, and I'm guilty of it. Liked his interview on Nerdist, just really hard for me to separate him from Xenu at this point.

  49. Hillbilly Jim taught him well.

  50. Thinking (and hoping) CruelConnection was fucking around and said it to counter the complaint about complainers. I don't even think Garfield would be that over the top about ASM2. Actor or cat.

  51. TJ: Gonna do a 16 man Fire Pro tourney later in the day. I've got a good mix of participants that impressed in last nights tourneys and some new guise. Tell me what you think.....

    MATCH A: My personal CAW vs AJ Styles
    MATCH B: Kenta Kobashi vs Mitsuharu Misawa
    MATCH C: Rampage Jackson vs Terry Funk
    MATCH D: Eddie Guerrero (as Black Tiger) vs Alberto Del Rio (as Dos Caras Jr)
    MATCH E: Rikidozan vs Royce Gracie
    MATCH F: Antonio Inoki vs Bob Sapp
    MATCH G: Bart Gunn(as Mike Barton) vs Dr. Death
    MATCH H: Yoshihiro Takayama vs Don Frye

    A good mix of IRL and in-game grudges. Inoki lost two tournament finals, one to Rikidozan and one to Royce Gracie, and Inoki had a very difficult match against Bob Sapp, who is a Fire Pro beast. Rampage Jackson and Terry Funk were semifinalists ina previous tourney and did very well, and AJ Styles is the only man to beat my CAW since I downloaded the game.

  52. Already a main eventer. Too late.

  53. He's already a considerably better promo than Daniel Bryan, so there goes that theory.

  54. That above scenario really isn't that implausible.

  55. Yeah, because I was *WAY* out of line with this line of thinking... that scenario is just totally out there, eh?

  56. Quicksilver's cool moment was awesome, but also a total ripoff of the bit in Futurama where Fry drinks his 100th cup of coffee, imo :)

  57. You talk about a sellout, you talk about a Benedict Arnold...

  58. Just watched that show yesterday. The HHH/Taz match wasn't as good as I remembered but was still really neat to see the WWF and ECW Champions wrestling on WWF television.

    I forgot if it was this episode or the one after where they had a really long video package showing the McMahon-Helmsley's regime's 'really bad night' and although it was long, it was a really effective piece of storytelling.

  59. My initial thought was that when Reigns gets his big career making win they'll want it to be against one of the usuals - Batista, HHH, Orton - but seeing as how he's supposed to face the two of those guys remaining in the next two months, maybe they are positioning Rollins to be the guy he wins the title from. They desperately need some fresh faces on the heel side, which right now would be Orton, HHH and Kane?

  60. Yeah, I could see it happening. If they're aligning Rollins with HHH they must like him, and Reigns will probably be though Orton/HHH after Summerslam.

  61. Is that a new favicon?

  62. Out of the many bad things they did with Wolverine Origins, the worst by far was how much they fucked up Deadpool. I'd really like to see them nail Deadpool in a movie.

  63. Just call Scott adkins as a stunt and let Nolan North Dub it

  64. I love that instead of rebooting the x franchise with no explanation like Amazing Spider-Man, they wrote a great film that erased all the dumb shit previously in a way that makes sense.

  65. I couldn't possibly agree more. Joe made a name as the fat guy who stiffed people half his size.

  66. However, they have to use a different actor to play quicksilver in the next avengers film

  67. I always thought Clive Owen would be great. But I think he'll be too old when Craig gives it up. Fassbender would be TITS, however.

  68. Andrew Garfield is horrible.

  69. The Quicksilver scene had my entire theater breaking into applause.
    Your move, Whedon.

  70. Did it finally go through? It's still not working on my end.

  71. I actually hated that scene because it seemed that was all the adjustment time needed for him to realize all of his powers. Everything came too easily to him, IMO

  72. He was consistently having the best matches every week in his second WWE run. He might be a spot monkey, but he knows how to work.

  73. Then maybe they should stop making their shitty reboot movies and just let Marvel take control of the character and do right by it.

  74. I rewatched it a couple weeks ago and was astounded at how bad it is, having nothing to do with the plot choices made. The acting from second-tier characters is dreadful, the cinematography is shit, and the effects are sub-par. I liked it even less than I did when I watched it in the theater.

    Oh, and they killed cyclops.

  75. Yeah, but everyone is now so dismissive of X3 that even Xavier basically just waves off his own resurrection.

  76. If it's supposed to be blue with BOD on it in barely distinguishable red then yep. Looks good in a Doink vs Crush WMIX kinda way.

  77. That's exactly his problem. He's "Tom Cruise" and not his character. He is a good actor, but I'm with you.

  78. TheOriginalDonaldJune 8, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    Let me guess-you work at the Miscavige Institute For The Criminally Insane.

  79. CruelConnectionNumber2June 8, 2014 at 4:36 PM

    Far superior Harry to the original films and the fight scene was great. Plus the tear-jerker ending. He looked a little odd after transforming, though, I'll admit.

  80. Oh good, I wasn't sure if I was making sense. Like, I can see Michael Fassbender as Magneto and Michael Fassbender as David from Prometheus and see two different characters. However, Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible, Jerry McGuire, Edge of Tomorrow, War of the Worlds, etc. are all the same guy.

  81. Harry became the Green Goblin because the shadow of his father loomed over him constantly and the history of his father and Peter becomes too much for him and he snaps, twisting the events of in his mind. Even Raimi's Harry gets this right for the most part.

    This version of Harry is dying, so he takes some venom that mutates him, and jumps into a flight suit that happens to be standing right next to him... because it heals injuries or something.

    The fight scene and resulting tear jerker ending were a total waste.

    He looked like Warwick Davis' Leprechaun.

    Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. As Randy Orton would say.

  82. I'd have reigns turn heel actually: go the rock corporate champion route. Have Bryan win their first title match, gives reigns a rematch and then have the shield reunute to give reigns the win.

  83. Iron Man 2 holds up better when you watch it in sequence with all the other films. By itself it's problematic because it's obviously a huge stepping stone to the Avengers.

    I'll defend Iron Man 3 to the grave. It did so much right, and the Mandarin was amazing.

  84. Seth Rollins has been around less than Diesel was when he suddenly got the rocket ship strapped to his ass.

  85. Use your imagination!

    One example: press slam into the speakers!

  86. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 8, 2014 at 5:26 PM

    I believe Deadpool is now under Marvel Studios.

  87. That makes perfect sense. He's an hell of actor, but with all the weird stories about him, Tom Cruise the actor overshadows any character he may play.

  88. The cure storyline would have made for an awesome movie.

  89. I'm all for him getting the title. Don't even have him cash in MITB; if Bryan is forced to surrender, then have HHH just give Rollins the belt. It would justify his turn/selling out totally.

  90. Everything that people like, I think sucks. It's why I'm so interesting.

  91. It's partially TNA's fault, it's partially the venue's fault. Like, really, you can't move the damn speakers?

  92. Austin Aries banged his head in the opener, Jeff Hardy main evented without ever ascending to the top rope. The "good" wrestler said "they don't pay me enough for this shit."

  93. If I can be in on the joke while lookin' at shakin' booties, I'm all for it.

  94. Chikara should be on ADult Swim, it'd go over like gangbusters.

  95. HE'S NOT EVEN THAT BIG! He's just a lumpy short guy!

  96. "For real Spidey fans like myself, this series has been great."

    Then you're not a real Spidey fan.

  97. The worst thing about the new Spider-Man series is the "mysterious man" that was seen talking to the Lizard and Harry. His reveal is going to let out a giant "Who?" from every single fan in existence.

    Because he's a nobody.

  98. It's never actually established that he DOES have the metal claws back in the future. Sure, it's probably a safe assumption (since it's such a major character trait, should they ever want to make another movie in the present day), but we never see him with his metal claws after he reboots the timeline.

  99. LOVED the film. One thing that doesn't get the proper attention (in my view) is the highly superior X-Men costumes (ditching the leather outfits for more appropriate battle gear/armor). I especially liked Wolverine's, which incorporated the yellow and blue from his comics uniform. Good stuff.

  100. Ha! Rollins as champ? What, did literally every other person on the roster suddenly die? Dude is TINY.

  101. Still have no reason to see the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies. I still prefer the Sam Raimi trilogy.

  102. Honestly, Amazing Spider-Man 2 makes Spider-Man 3 look like the Godfather.

    The only thing that movie does right is the first Spidey action scene.

  103. You're right Cult.

  104. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 8, 2014 at 8:05 PM

    I think Lesnar vs. Reigns for the title at Mania 31 could be a worthwhile goal

  105. I really don't know why they rebooted the series so soon.

  106. I hope they keep Ryan Reynolds on as Deadpool, at least. From all the interviews and comments about the character, he GETS him more than anyone else. He even gets that Deadpool's supposed to be a fourth-wall talker. As long as the studios and writers understand, too, then it'd be great.

  107. To retain the rights.

  108. I'm sorry, but no. As good as DoFP was and as much as I enjoyed it, it has no place above First Class. DoFP has way too many story problems. To list a few:

    -Kitty Pryde's inexplicable new powers.
    -Anything involving the time travel makes little sense (which, to be fair, is par for the course for most time travel movies). Especially anything that changed continuity (like why Trask is suddenly a midget and not a bald black guy like in X3).
    -After Quicksilver's hiccup of an appearance, while fun as hell, he's never used again. He's literally there so Fox and Marvel can continue their Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch pissing contest.
    -Off-screen killing off of nearly everyone from First Class (basically anyone who wasn't a Bryan Singer creation in the first place).
    -Magneto using an entire stadium to surround the White House when he had flipping Sentinels to guard it, anyway (even though that whole bit was awesome).

  109. If you were a real Spider-Man fan, you would know there's a hyphen in his name.

  110. It was Juggernaut in the original script, then they forced Quicksilver in when they heard he was going to be in Avengers.

  111. I still want to see Brett Ratner get squashed by a Sentinal for absolutely ruining the first X-men trilogy (juggernaut not being CGI and the pointless Angel scene being to examples of many)

  112. To be honest, I find the Raimi films haven't aged well. But then again, I never liked McGuire and HATED whatsherface in it. But the effects and hokiness of the films haven't aged well, either.

  113. You kidding? I'm glad Juggernaut wasn't CGI. I don't want CGI characters when a big (and by big, I mean actual physical size) actor works just as well.

    It's largely why I'm terrified of the new Fantastic Four movie because - while the other two have their faults - Michael Chiklis as The Thing was perfect casting and looked great.

  114. I agree the Juggernaut should not have even been in the movie especially if you are not doing the Professor X brother backstory and I felt if you are using that character get the guy who plays the Mountain at least since Vinnie Jones didn't exactly look like this impossible to stop behemoth that he is in the comics... I think that is what bugged me the most...

  115. I'm not affiliated with them so don't think I'm trying to come here and pimp them out (I was a little more than drunk when I typed my above post). The shows are a lot of fun.

  116. Can you take Ellen Page with him? Something just rubs me the wrong way about her portrayal of Kitty.

  117. I know but he pops them while in the future.

  118. Try ALL the Spidey scenes. At least they got his sense of comedy from the comics.

  119. This. Oddly, It reminds me of 2008 when we were all awaiting The Dark Knight...then a little Marvel film about some guy in an armor suit that mentioned some super team afterwards stole the show.

  120. 1. Maybe their not new?
    2. I can't think of anything that didn't make sense with the time travel stuff. The Trask from X3 and the Trask from DOFP are two different people.
    3. I explained that above, basically, why would Quicksilver go with them?
    4. If those character don't die, there is no movie because Mystique has no reason to kill Trask.
    5. With the barrier, it's easier for the Sentinels to pick people off and it prevents anyone from sneaking past them.

  121. It's surprisingly difficult to make anything worthwhile in a 100x100 icon. Plus I just wanted to try it and see if it would work. So yay!

  122. Can't be. They didn't even start development until 2011, so it would be well within the grace period where Marvel can't get him back. They'd have to go until something like 2016 with no work on the movie before Marvel would get him back.

  123. Why does he need to win MITB? He's HHH's boy. That gets him a title shot automatically. Save MITB for the next Ziggler, guy who jobs to better wrestlers.

  124. Is he wrong? People wanted Bryan to have a months long first title reign, and kept on with the 'he'll never main event again' stuff. Then he wins the title at WM 30, beating HHH/Orton and Batista in the same night, on WWE's biggest night of the year.

    Sometimes, SOMETIMES, WWE knows how to do this better than a bunch of people sat at a keyboard.

  125. Marvel wouldn't even want to do that. They make money off all spider-man movies without having to put any effort in. Also if Marvel did get the character back. Lesser known characters like Dr Strange or Black Panther. Wouldn't get a chance to become films.

  126. Him being short means?

  127. ^^^^ my boy. Facts are MEAN.

  128. No, that was Saturday. I attended a Wrestling Universe store signing in queens on Sunday

  129. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 6:26 AM

    This 1000 times.

  130. Agreed 100%. I liked them well enough in theaters, but find them borderline unwatchable now.

  131. X3 wasn't as terrible as Origins I'll say that much.

  132. No, it's the house PA -- it's part of the building's sound setup. It's possible of course, but would be kind of a pain in the ass to do so. Since 99% of the events at the place are concerts or comedy shows, there's no reason to move the ceiling speakers because some third-class wrestling organization wants to use the building for a night. This photo will give you an idea of how big of a job it would be:

    As Ary Rosenbaum can also attest, it really just isn't the right venue for a wrestling show, especially in area that has so many other better venues. It's built for concerts and comedy shows, not sporting events.

  133. B-but how would we get "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!" to be an ascended meme?????

  134. When that was the only positive that came from that movie, you can understand my disapointment...


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