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Hawkeye finally cancelled. :(

I know Fraction has been insanely delayed on Hawkeye, and frankly who knows if it'll ever even get to the finale, but I'm really sad that the plug has officially been pulled.  Especially when every other new launch seems to be Avengers or X-Men at this point.  Also, I think Iron Man is done, which is weird and sad because it's been pretty great as of late.  


  1. My patience with Marvel is being severely tested. I'm not a big fan of the Original Sin event. Avengers is a time-traveling Jonathan Hickman nightmare. Mighty Avengers and Avengers Undercover have been pretty good but they'll be kneecapped soon, I'm sure.

    The only X title I give a rip about is X-Force while my previous favorite X-title, All New X-Men, is beginning to run out of steam.

    Thor has been pretty great but even that dynamic is going to be strained. Daredevil seems to be in a good place, at the very least. Rick Remender seems intent on shitting all over Captain America.

    Oh, and DC. Outside of the Batman titles, fuck it.

    But Saga is back!

  2. So... Archie died today. That happened.

  3. All New is weird because there doesn't seem to be any endgame for the original mutants. They're just there now. The title really serves no purpose with Uncanny and Amazing covering the same ground.

  4. If "X-Men: No More Humans" taught me anything it's that the series is pretty much ready to shift the team back to a united front. Also, Mike Carey deserves the keys to the car. He's been in the passenger seat too long.

    I'd like to see a resolution to the schism and the young X-Men, followed by Carey getting a big artist and a clearly-defined "A" book with a small team. Cyclops, Frost, Storm, Nightcrawler, Psylocke, Beast and Mystique (movie tie-in!) would be great. This should be the series where they confront Magneto, and the series with Wolverine's eventual resurrection.

  5. "But Saga is back!"

    Chew, Invincible, and Walking Dead are still being churned out too. My monthly list is almost entirely Image at this point.

  6. AXIS seems to be a non-shit version of Fear Itself.

  7. Yeah, I think the cancellation was inevitable with all the delays. Shame, because it was a fantastic comic. I get the feeling Fraction is focusing more of his energies on his Image creator-owned comic, Sex Criminals. Which is fantastic, if you haven't read it or heard of it.

    I've also started reading Hckman's East and West, which is a lot of fun, though light on any deep characters or character development. It basically rolls hard with the concept alone, which is a futuristic setting and the Four Horsemen control civilization in order to move them towards the apocalypse. It's like sci-fi western in some ways.

    Really - and I've said this before - the best stuff in comics today isn't even remotely coming from DC or Marvel. With some very, very few exceptions like Hawkeye and Daredevil. There's too much good stuff going on at Image, Dark Horse, and other companies to even give a crap about the event-driven superhero crap.

  8. Captain America has been pretty good actually.

  9. I'll read anything by Hickman, Remender, and Aaron though, superhero or not.

  10. Battle if the Atom really should have been it for the originals.

  11. I wonder if they'll now replace him with four Archies: Cyborg Archie, Black Archie, Hip Teen Archie, and Violent Vigilante Archie.

  12. I've kind of been enjoying the bizarre Life With Archie comics lately.

  13. I liked it up until the Iron Nail arc. The whole Dimension Z arc was fine.

  14. I would like to read Chew. I need to do that.

  15. Right? They've all just accepted it as normal and no longer have any problem with fucking up the timeline. Doc Brown would be losing his mind if he stumbled into the X-Verse.

  16. I'm also tired of New York being destroyed every issue of every Marvel book I read. The whole "Fantastic Four being sued" thing is bugging me because, if anything, New York should just be used to it by now.

  17. As I understand it, Fracton always had an end in mind for Hawkguy. I'm a little surprised it is this early but not shocked it is ending.

    As for Iron Man, the writer on it has publicly stated it only ended so he could switch to a different (presumably higher profile) gig at Marlve and Marvel has said a new writer is incoming soon. My assumption there is said new book will be a spring event series and that is where Iron Man will return.

  18. CruelConnectionNumber2July 16, 2014 at 9:04 AM

    Purchasing comics for $4-5 --- LMAO

  19. CruelConnectionNumber2July 16, 2014 at 9:07 AM

    Alternate universe Archie died.

  20. CruelConnectionNumber2July 16, 2014 at 9:07 AM

    Every X-Men story after Grant Morrison's run has sucked aside from Uncanny X-Force, I urge you to stay clear.

  21. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 16, 2014 at 9:22 AM

    Marvel can kiss my ass just on the cancellation of Superior Spiderman.

  22. Single issue prices have gotten out of hand for sure which is one of the many reasons to buy image books which are all around $3.

    I buy marvel digital codes on eBay for $1-$2 and read most of my books that way since there's no way I could rationalize spending $4 each on all the books I read.

  23. It's coming back in August for spiderverse though!

  24. My pull is over half image too. WD, Invincible, Saga, Sex Crims, East of West, Wicked and Divine are all the shit. Also picking up the deadly class trade today.

  25. I loved Hawkeye but it's been so long since an issue came out that I kind of forgot about it. It's going to be hard to miss it when it feels like it's already gone.

  26. Mister_E_KindaBuzzedAllBecauseJuly 16, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    Oddly I always sort of liked Hawkeye. Normally I like my super heroes to have super powers.

  27. I can't count how many times I've corrected people who have come to me with a comment about this. Fucking mainstream media.

  28. Anyone reading the two weeklies DC is churning out - Batman Eternal and Future's End?

    A bunch of stuff seems to be building to a Crisis 30th anniversary event in the Spring. Should be a fucking mess. But I'm looking forward to it.

    Purchased Digitally today:
    Batman Eternal 15
    Future's End 11
    Teen Titans 1
    Robin Rises Omega 1
    WWE Superstars 6

    The WWE title is a bit of a shitshow, but I've been entertained by it so far. CM Punk has been featured front and center. I'm wondering when they'll get around to having him turn his back on everyone and just walk away.

  29. Ignoring characterization in favor of "concept" is Hickman 101, judging by his superhero stuff. The dude just plows forward with big ideas, never explaining anything except in piecemeal bits

  30. Mystique is a bit TOO evil these days, and rather difficult to reform. I mean, she's arguably the most evil foe left, with Apocalypse dead/reborn and Magneto on Cyclops' side (at worst they're anti-heroes).

  31. You know that's EXACTLY what Archie Comics is counting on. Fans went apeshit and the sales will be huge... for the final two issues of an alternate universe comic.


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