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Saturday Night’s Main Event Countdown: #3

The SmarK Retro Rant for Saturday Night's Main Event #3 (11/2/85)

- I skipped over this one when I was doing my massive SNME run last time because the video quality was pretty bad, but since I'm a completist at heart and I've got an hour to kill, I figured I'd give it a go anyway. The sound is pretty low on the DVD so I'll have to extrapolate from the picture only, like for instance the opening montage of the wrestlers in costumes only slightly gaudier than their regular outfits, which suggests a Halloween show. See, this is easy!  (I am nothing if not the consummate professional.) 

- Your hosts are Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura.

Opening match: Terry Funk v. Junkyard Dog

This is the result of Funk beating up a ringboy, possibly to send a message about testifying against Terry Garvin and the consequences thereof, and then moving his aggression to JYD because that's what they do in the south. Or so the liberal media has taught me. I mean, we all know that the Funks vote Republican. Terry bails and comes back in with a slam, but misses an elbow, and Dog tosses him again, expressing the rage of black men and ringboys everywhere! Who says Vince doesn't understand the black viewer? Headbutts and Funk bails again as this is going nowhere, much like my agonizingly forced running gag, and Funk slugs him down for two. Oh man, two punches, he's in trouble now. Sleeper, but JYD makes the ropes and comes back with his own. Funk, once the sleeper, is now the sleepee, and Jimmy Hart runs interference, allowing Funk to hit Dog with the megaphone and pin him. Luckily, he's unable to follow up and brand him, because that would be too racist even for the 80s.

(Terry Funk d. Junkyard Dog, megaphone -- pin, 4:28, 1/2*)

- Meanwhile, Mean Gene hosts a pie-eating contest, which gives us Sheik and Volkoff dressed as Batman and Robin, thus making this worth the price of admission alone. The participants are a toga-wearing Lou Albano and Abraham Bundy. Hulk Hogan standing behind Captain Lou dressed as a gladiator makes me wonder just what kind of sick Halloween party this was, anyway.

- And now, it's Piper's Pit time, with special guests George Bush and his cabinet. No, sorry, it's actually the Hillbilly family. See, I was going for some Red State humor there. Anyway, I can't hear the conversation so I miss the fascinating details, but it draws out Jesse Ventura from the announce booth and sets up a six-man tag on the next show. The Hillbillies stomp on Jesse's hat to REALLY show they mean business.  (That’s like 0.5 Brock Lesnar on the hat destruction scale.) 

- Meanwhile, it's bobbing for pumpkins with JYD and Macho Tarzan seconding Bobby Heenan and Cousin Luke. Liz playing Jane? I'm there. Bobby wins a clean match, surprisingly.

- Hulk Hogan & Andre The Giant v. Big John Studd & King Kong Bundy

When they hyped "The Dream Team" before the break, I was hoping to see a tag title defense by Valentine & Beefcake, and then they went and shattered my dreams with this. Hogan loses a shoving match to Bundy, but slugs him down and tries a slam in retribution. Man, he just can't take any loss well, can he? Corner clothesline and Andre comes in and chokes Bundy out, wrestling essentially the same way he would as a heel later on. Hogan goes all aerial with a flying axehandle, although even Haystacks Calhoun would look like an X-division worker next to the other three. Studd tries to take over, but Hogan gets an atomic drop and the "Dream Team" works him over in the corner. Sadly, the ref is bumped, and it's a big brawl as the faces clean house and we take a break.

Back with Andre locking the bearhug on Studd and then whipping him into Hogan's boot from the apron, as they show the kind of sportsmanship that all kids can learn from. Andre adds his own boot and it's another big brawl, leaving Andre tied up in the ropes as per usual while Bundy beats on Hogan. But fear not, because he makes the comeback and the heels run away and all is right with the world again.

(Hogan & Andre d. Studd & Bundy, countout, 5:43, DUD) I know they couldn't give away the house show main event on free TV, but that was barely even a match. Hogan's entire heat segment consisted of him getting splashed by Bundy while Andre was tied up in the ropes.

- And now I'm really sad that the sound is bad on this DVD, because we get the video for Land of a Thousand Dances with all the cheesy adlibs by the singing wrestlers. I wonder how many takes they needed for their "spontaneous" lyrics? And poor Bret Hart doesn't even get a wacky line, as he's forced to look vacantly at the camera while Jim Neidhart gets to ham it up. Of course, it's likely that 70% of my audience demographic wasn't even born when this came out and thus has no idea what the fuck I'm talking about, but that's the chance I take every day.

Intercontinental title: Tito Santana v. Randy Savage

Oh, cool. Savage escapes a couple of lockup attempts before taking him down with a cheapshot out of the corner, but Santana comes back with a hiptoss. Savage pops up and goes up with a double axehandle for two, however, before hitting the chinlock. At 1:30? Suck it up, Macho Man. Tito is sadly unable to loose himself from the power of Savage's vice-like grip, and Macho slams him and goes up again, but this time gets caught coming down. Tito fires back and goes for the flying forearm, but Savage wisely runs away and they brawl on the floor until the bell rings.

(Tito Santana draw Randy Savage, double countout, 4:10, 1/2*) This has not been a banner night for wrestling action, I'll tell you that much. Luckily, Savage would go on to win the belt in a much longer and better match in February 86.

- And now, a classic bit of stupidity, as Roddy Piper teaches us how to properly enjoy Halloween, like wrapping bowling bowls up as candy apples and disguising bricks as chocolate bars. Sure, it's cartoonishly evil, but that's the charm of it. Now, he's just a cartoon, and that's much sadder. This of course leads to a payoff of Piper abusing a kid dressed as Hulk Hogan and stealing his candy.

- We conclude with the "Kung Fu Challenge," as Mr. Fuji and Ricky Steamboat engage in the closest thing to mixed martial arts that the WWF would ever see. Steamboat gets a series of kicks into an enzuigiri, but Fuji comes back with his headbutt to the groin. Steamboat chops him down again, but Fuji uses a biel by the jaw before Steamboat reverses a suplex and goes up to finish with the missile dropkick, a staple of all kung fu exhibitions. Shockingly, Magnificent Muraco attacks afterwards and they fuck him up good.

The Pulse:

The Halloween stuff is pretty funny, but the in-ring stuff is less amusing. Take a pass.


  1. TM CooltrainerBretJuly 11, 2014 at 6:10 PM

    You slayed it with this review. ****1/2, deducting 1/2 for the chinlocks in the middle.

  2. Hey, the stupid network cut out the land of 1000 dances vid! Is this music rights related or more cutting of the network budget? would they have to actually compensate every wrestler who had a line in the song?

  3. Land of 1000 Dances was pretty awesome, in a cheesy 80's sort of way. Freddie Blassie will rap you with his cane, you pencil-necked geek.

  4. Don't forget seeing an awkward little Stephanie during the piper skit. She takes off her mask at the end to laugh (just like today, always getting her heat back).

  5. Liz was so fucking hot in her costume.

    Also, I actually thought this was a good show and liked the tag match. It was entertaining with no dull spots

  6. Def the music rights is the issue

  7. "Hulk Hogan standing behind Captain Lou dressed as a gladiator makes me
    wonder just what kind of sick Halloween party this was, anyway."

    Took me a few minutes to regain my composure as this had me laughing pretty hard...

  8. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 11, 2014 at 7:20 PM

    Liz was so fucking hot anytime.

  9. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 11, 2014 at 7:21 PM

    Was Randy Saving lurking in the background?

  10. The Network sucks Paul Meekin's flabby half-erect "manhood".

  11. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 11, 2014 at 7:24 PM

    That seemed unprovoked.

  12. In this dress with the camera man focusing on her ass, it was glorious

  13. I still think Gina Carano is better looking Gladiator ;)

  14. Yeah I'm hoping that was sarcasm.

  15. ...............CALGARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 11, 2014 at 7:33 PM

    Ohhh....I bet Macho didn't like that too much

  17. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 11, 2014 at 7:35 PM

    Hey now we all love making fun of Meekin but at least wait until he does something to deserve it...believe me it shouldn't take long.

  18. Im shocked Liz was allowed to participate in the Halloween stuff...

  19. So will we get a Meekin On Manhood column soon?

  20. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 11, 2014 at 7:39 PM

    You know I can't even picture Randy and Elizabeth having sex....It would be like a werewolf attacking a beautiful flower.

  21. It was a botched shoot.

  22. is this the worst snme

  23. Snapping into it like a Slim Jim

  24. Sounds like the people who overrate Orton matches.

  25. Something tells me Liz was no saint in the bedroom...

  26. Was just recently watching either GAB 96 or BashBeach 96 when she and Women accompanied Flair and her fucking rack was pushed up and popping out of her dress. Absolutely killed me.

  27. I think I am in the minority but I preferred the way she looked in the WWF especially around when she was first introduced...

  28. It gets a pass for nostalgia

  29. Hogan dressed up as Hercules. Not Hernandez, but the Greek god Hercules. Then again Hogan later played Zeus in a movie and before that he killed a guy named Zeus in a movie before merely beating him in a few cage matches in the wrestling world. Hogan admitted on MTV he was the god of wrestling and even I called him that when I met him in Memphis in 2007 prior to me being saved in 2011. I keep hoping Hogan doesn't have a theology of where he thinks he's god - but this is the same guy that said Andre farted on him with a straight face and said Wrestlemania 3 was a unplanned work before admitting he wrote the whole match down - but had to keep it from Andre - in another interview. He leans toward the pluralistic teachings of Joel Olsteen but also knows what the true gospel is too.

  30. It was Hercules -- the Greek god version which made me ponder above about Hogan's god complex.

  31. Forget Stephanie - the best line in that skit is oooooggga booooga okay giraffe HA!!!! Or the infamous -- you got the same sized arms as Hogan.

  32. Alberta .....

    Austin: Boring. Boring.

  33. November 1988. sucky matches galore. Warrior vs. "Super Ninja", Duggan vs. Zhukov, Hercules vs. Virgil, and an awful WWF Title Match with Savage and Andre. Rougeau vs. (I think) the Young Stallions is the only match above 1 star (barely).

  34. That was the first SNME I ever saw, taped it and watched it the next morning and must have watched it a million times after that so I'll always have a soft spot for it. :)

  35. Makes Randy's protectiveness completely understandable, if that's the case.

  36. GOD, that Nitro where she showed up with the leather chaps over the jeans... FUCK.

  37. I still love the story about Liz popping out of her dress on a later SNME, and Honky's description of Ebersol at the time: "Stay on her! Stay on her!"

  38. I'd give it another -1/2 for Scott missing the end of the Piper skit, where the kids' candy he stole was apparently doped with hot peppers.

  39. Not at all

    This show advanced a lot of the hot angles and featured big starts throughout the show.

  40. SummerSlam SweatHogJuly 12, 2014 at 8:09 AM

    Wow. Savage vs Santana seems like an automatic ***+. That's the best they could do for TV?

  41. SummerSlam SweatHogJuly 12, 2014 at 8:12 AM

    Kung Fu challenge...

  42. Me too, just for the post-match Andre interview where he bellows, "I'MNOTAFRAIDOFSNAKE!" aka this:

  43. Lol, so good! I watched some of these SNME's so much I used to be able to recite entire interviews or match commentaries to friends while walking to school.

  44. The Ghost of Faffner HallJuly 12, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    Not if I'm around, ya blind little MONKEEEEEYYYYY!

  45. Speaking of Music Videos - years ago I found an edit of just Captain Lou singing the Captain Lou song -- and I thought this would be a great song for an oddities type stable. Captain Lou Captain Lou Albino.


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