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The Top 55 Matches.. of the first half.. of 2014 (# 15-6)

Numbers 6 through 15, as we're getting instant classic after instant classic at this point. A couple more Wyatt matches, a couple more Ricochet matches, and Ibushi tears the house down twice.


  1. It's Vermont, you were expecting 3000 people there?

  2. Of course he was/is. he's the CH-CH-CH-CHOSEN ONE!

  3. so are you suggesting Nicki Minaj sign with TNA to freshen up the Knockouts division?

  4. ... just back then?

  5. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 12, 2014 at 6:35 AM

    "When our WWF Superstars need to get rid of their bacne they use STRIDEX"

  6. don't forget that you still got stuff like the "ppv reports" with short promos etc. - so even if technically someone like Bret Hart might not have been "on" Superstars for weeks, you still saw him doing promos to hype the upcoming big match.

  7. I still can't believe my dad agreed to drive two hours to take me to this show. I'm sure I enjoyed it, and I vaguely remember my dad getting a kick out of crazy Mr. Buckland, but still.

  8. The Backlund storyline was amazing stuff for me as a kid during that time. I'll never forget watching Survivor Series that year (one of the first, if that *the* first, PPVs my parents let me order) and seeing him upset Bret for the title. I was beside myself in disbelief, totally dumbfounded and devastated that he was the champ. I can even remember Fink announcing his name at the end and Bob's face as he celebrated.

    God I wish I could believe to that degree again. Being 12 was so awesome.

  9. Mother took my car keys away from me for talking to a woman on the phone. She was right to do it.

  10. Mr. Backlund was the shit. I don't think anyone disputes this. It always seemed like Vince would interact more with Vince Sr. guys than the ones he created. I don't think he'd do that banter he had with Backlund with any of his guys. It's like he saw those guys as his peers and would let that come across on tv.

  11. TJ: WWE has officially signed Kenta. Kinda interesting to see them making a big deal out of it and how they keep using his Kenta name. Maybe he is keeping it?

  12. Remember they did do a similar hype for mystico....that turned out well.

  13. There's a great moment during the 10/31/94 Luger and Backlund match. Vince and Macho Man are discussing Backlund and Macho Man says, "what if Backlund doesn't have a plan? What if he's not from this planet? What if he doesn't exist and were watching Luger against himself?" Vince responds with, "uhhhhhhh... How much candy did you eat before we started?" Hilarious moment. I rewinded it at least 10 times and I plan to start asking those same questions randomly in casual conversation.

  14. What do you want to be that Savage had at some point eaten Marijuana?

  15. I doubt he will. but it would be a nice change. God, can you imagine Cole trying to explain why he only has one name, and it's in all caps?

  16. I was thinking nose candy was the more likely suspect. If you've got the Network it is worth seeking out. Absolutely hilarious.

  17. He'll be Ken Ta going forward.

  18. Are there 3000 people in Vermont to begin with?

  19. Bret says the hold was legit painful, but Bret says a lot of things.

  20. "Babyfaces should not have disgusting greasy mops like that."
    Like the company's champion? :)
    And yeah, CRAZY BOB was totally keeping the show afloat then. The Sadistic Gym Teacher Who Has Finally Lost It character really needs to make a comeback.

  21. The difference: KENTA doesn't suck and can work American style.

  22. There are but its all hippies who probably don't watch wrestling.

  23. And he's going directly to NXT. Has there been a wrestler who's been spared developmental since Sin Cara, or did he wreck it for everyone?

  24. Yeah KENTA needs some time in NXT.

  25. Doinks gear as Bourne was to notch. The 94 version looks like an Indy ripoff of himself.

  26. Was that Macho's last episode?

  27. Raw was basically the equivalent to Main Event back then. It was all about the House Shows and Superstars at that time, while Raw was just a cable experiment.

    It wasn't until late '95, when the dwindling attendance, collapse of the general syndication market thanks to cable and media consolidation (the '96 telecommunications act was basically the nail in the coffin), and Nitro forced WWF to restructure their entire company around cable TV, that Raw actually became important and featured all of the major stars every week.

  28. Has the network put up either Superstars or Challenge up?

  29. Bob deserved the belt at that point, but they had him be a transitional champion. Not saying that shouldn't have tried Nash at the time, because man could pull of that laid back cool babyface back then -- but with hindsight -- Backlund as a heel champion for a couple of months -- even weeks would have been a good idea.

  30. I am still wondering why some promotion hasn't done an angle where babyface wrestler is challenged by manager, who has recruited the future self of babyface wrestler. I mean -- for example John Cena has beaten everyone on the planet -- and he jokes he could even beat himself -- our comes a new manager -- who has invented a time machine and brought back evil, heel John Cena from the future. Find a guy that looks like Cena and train him and then for promo spots - Cena can do both roles and then the double can work the matches. Then evil twin heel clone from the future Cena beats super Cena....

  31. Movie Character - "Now...Go!"
    *Stands there with confused and constipated look*
    MST3K - "No...not that kind of go!"

    Still kills me to this day

  32. I just recently noticed them. Im glad they are up and need to watch them as for years I havent seen the show due to the DVD releases costing like 60$

  33. I can't either...I love these guys. Did you see when they had the Turkey Day special streaming online last year on Thanksgiving for some old MST3K eps? Badass stuff.

  34. The best one I saw was Birdemic. Everything was spot-on. Sharknado was awesome, too.


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