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WWE Network Adding "Saturday Night's Main Event" Library to the Network on Monday


  1. Stranger In The Alps I assume the weather is nice where you are because BAYLESS STOLE YOUR THUNDER!

  2. I can't wait for WHO PAID FOR THE PLASTIC SURGERY BROTHER?!?!?!?!

  3. That was Main Event. Not Saturday Night's Main Event. You'll have to wait 8 months for the network to add each of the Main Event specials.

  4. Fuck! Seriously? I thought it was the same thing.

  5. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 1, 2014 at 10:08 PM

    Ok, that's one way to make me think about keeping my subscription.

  6. Main Event was in Prime Time. Saturday Night's Main Event was in the SNL slot. They will probably add it though.

  7. You are an obsession, I cannot speak...

  8. What are some of the best matches to check out once everything's posted?

  9. I meant the Bo Dallas joke at the beginning; plugs at the end are fine and aren't as likely to create, well, the current primary thread on your post.

    As for the grades, OK: this is the first time I've read one of your recaps (I don't usually pay attention to Main Event but did enjoy your review), so I know how to treat the grades going forward.

  10. If they put it up all at once, the July Scott Sez theme shall of course be obvious.

  11. Assuming replacement music instead of the classic '80's tunes used for the intro?

  12. "How does a D+, a F and a C+ main event = a C+ show?"
    Well, for example, Wrestlemania 30. Off the top of my head, I would rate HHH/Bryan **** 1/4, NAO vs. Shield 1/2*, The Battle Royal ** 1/2, Cena/Wyatt *** Taker/Lesnar **, the Divas match a DUD, and the main event **** If my math is correct that would average about to be 2.3-ish. That would technically mean it's a sub-par show. Yet it's far from it.
    The importance of the match matters. HHH/Bryan, the main event, Taker/Lesnar, and Bray/Wyatt were far more important than the Battle Royal, NAO vs. Shield and Divas match, so they should be weighed more. The time given to something matters as well. After all, there's a difference between a 1/2* 3 minute match as opposed to a 20 minute *1/2 match. And I believe memorable moments that you'll never forget have a heavy influence over show's merit. There were a lot of WM moments at WM 30. Taker losing, whether you agree with the decision or not, was a history-in-the-making moment. So was Bryan overcoming every obstacle the Authority threw at him in his quest to fulfill his journey. Needless to say, but they made him look like the most emphatic/courageous babyface alive.
    I could go on, but I'll stop. Of course, comparing WM to a random Main Event is like comparing apples to oranges. But I'm using it as an example to illustrate that final grades sometimes have more to do than just the quality of the matches.

  13. Main Event airs live on The Network!

  14. Eh, the same lineage of shows, yes.

  15. Thing is, Imperial, if one of us suggests that Sheamus is the greatest living wrestler alive or that Bo Dallas should be demoted to cleaning the ring, or I mention my girlfriend or say, "It was warm out today", I get bashed by somebody, somewhere, for some THING.

    It really doesn't matter much. jobber123 put it best: everyone is up their own ass when it comes to characters. So if it's said here or anywhere else, everyone just needs to chill. None of these guys is sacred.

  16. He was? I know Caliber threatened to ban him but that was Caliber being a baby.

  17. Stars and grades and how they're used are like the Turkey Pan story.

  18. July 90 has 3 awesome title matches: Rude/Warrior, Demolition/Rockers, and Tito/Perfect. Bret/Savage (11/87), Demolition/Brain Busters (5/89 and 7/89), and Rockers/Brain Busters (11/89) stand out off top of my head.

  19. I like that the news title at f4w teases an actual return of the program, and not just adding content to the Network. Funny swerve.

  20. Hogan/Bossman cage match from 89

  21. I miss the Obsession theme song. I liked the second theme too, but that synthesizer was flippin' awesome.

  22. Hogan-Orndorff cage match! "Hulk Hogan would not be champion of the world if Mr. Wonderful was bald!"

  23. Total Divas Netcop Rants, duh.

  24. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 1, 2014 at 10:28 PM

    Post-WCW revival of the Great American Bash?

  25. Right, that's where that happened, been wanting to see that one for a while now.

  26. Too busy celebrating Canurrica Day or whatever else it is called

  27. Rockers vs. Brainbusters

  28. Santana/Hennig IC title match from 90.
    Bret/Savage from 87.
    Demos/Brainbusters from 89.

  29. Yes! A 10 year old joedust was in the crowd in Hershey!!!!

  30. If they don't add the main events with the SNMEs then someone's gonna get it.

  31. Elite choice

  32. The show before Wrestlemania IV had a hogan/race match that effectively ended Harley's career and a DiBiase/Savage match that are both pretty good.

  33. Warrior/DiBiase from the Novmeber 90 "Main event" show was pretty good.

  34. Wow, they teased the final before the tournament? Or was that such a shock at the time no one figured it as such?

  35. Rockers/Busters from March 89 was better.

  36. Both were ***1/2-**** territory, so I say watch both of them. :P

  37. Virgil's Gimmick TableJuly 1, 2014 at 10:37 PM

    Savage and Bret had a match right after Macho turned face and it was awesome. Bret works the leg like a sadistic bastard and Macho does an amazing job of selling it with a tear in his eye.

  38. Beats me. Maybe when it was taped they were still going with DiBiase winning? (The "original" bracket didn't have thr possibility of a savage/DiBiase finale).

  39. Virgil's Gimmick TableJuly 1, 2014 at 10:38 PM

    Did you ask Daniel Bryan for his autograph?

  40. Original bracket?!? (mind explodes) I just remember hearing everyone pretty much penciled in a Savage-Steamboat rematch.

  41. WWF Magazine already went to press at this point and listed Savage as WWF Champion. One of those rare "Whoops" moments usually JCP/WCW was known for.

  42. Saw it on prime time wrestling when it was on classics on demand, yup.

  43. I never understood the rematch idea: Savage is getting pushed to the title as the new #1 babyface... so why threaten his reaction by pairing him with a popular face he has history with? Makes zero sense booking wise. Of course, the shitty crowd sat on their hands on all night, so maybe it wouldn't have mattered.

  44. I'm glad no one is recommending "1990 Match of the Year" Harts and Rockers cause that is overrated.

  45. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 1, 2014 at 10:41 PM

    Ugh, keep the couple-y stuff on facebook, good review otherwise.

  46. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 1, 2014 at 10:45 PM

    Not a bad review but you guys need to keep the cutsey couple nonsense away from here.

  47. It has the Power Couple Seal of Approval!

  48. Look at Bayless, MacGyvering the news for us with little more than some chewed bubble gum and a crumpled up copy of the Bagpipe Report!

  49. All I can remember is JBL opening up the final SNME by ripping off a fake mustache and going, "My name is NOT Earl!"

  50. [Rocks back and forth in bunk at John Cena Summer Camp]

    AWA is coming...
    AWA is coming...
    AWA is coming...
    AWA is coming...

  51. I had May '89 to Apr '90 on VHS back in the day. Would love to see the shows prior to it. Yes, I have the SNME dvd, but that's specific matches.

  52. A pissed off Hogan is fun to watch. Beefcake/Savage from May '89 is a really good match. Not great, but really good with a hot crowd. That show also had the Brainbusters dethroning Demolition.

  53. Gonna be hard for me to not blow off everything and marathon snme on Monday.

  54. Santana/Hennig was a sweet match. Would have to rewatch it, but I remember that crowd being super hot.

  55. I would consider renewing my subscription to The Network if they show the first The Main Event show, and it includes the conclusion of the Hart Foundation vs Strike Force match.

  56. Piper/Orndorff when Orndorff had the bounty on his head by Heenan, is a crazy brawl for about 5-7 minutes.

  57. I watched them all in order on YouTube like two years ago but this is soooooooo much better. I'm ecstatic.

  58. Warrior/LOD vs Demos. Not a great match, but the promo before the match is something else.


  59. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 1, 2014 at 11:20 PM

    I'll cut Mr. Bayless some slack because of his traumatizing experience recently.

  60. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 1, 2014 at 11:21 PM

    Celebration begins July 2 and ends July 3. Of course, it's not cleared by my employer, so I'll be working on my own holiday.

  61. Savage/Dibiase. Hell, I love Hogan/Race.

  62. Did the Savage-Steamboat match where he crushed his throat to set up WM3 happen on SNME or on one of the syndicated shows?

  63. Or at least respond in your designated threads more, with little to no responses in your significant other's threads.

  64. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 1, 2014 at 11:23 PM

    Superstars of Wrestling.

  65. Now that's what they could be doing on the WWE Network, make new SNME episodes.

  66. Jesse: "...and you can't win the titles on a disqualifiCATIONNNNN" .. Made me want to punch him through my tv.

  67. Damn, I really wanted to see that. Oh, well.

  68. Haha, I was super into the Hart Foundation so I loved it.

  69. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJuly 1, 2014 at 11:38 PM

    Yo Gabba Gabba?

  70. How would that be different from making new Main Event episodes?

  71. A yank of the hair...ANOTHER yank of the hair...

  72. Well that sucks

  73. Pre-Wrestlemania III Battle Royale

    Ricky Steamboat IC title defense against Hercules (for Vince and Jesse's stereo "WHAT IS THIS!?" comment)

    Hulk Hogan vs The Genius

  74. Once the Network goes international, they could substitute SNME for a few pay-per-views. Instead of Payback they could've just done an SNME. Of course, this would lose any existing buyers of their PPV's.

  75. They would forget all about that by the time Demolition vs Brain Busters rolled around.

  76. I don't see the couple cutesy stuff people are referencing? I actually like this dudes reviews, I just loathe letter grades. I'm a star rating loyalist but I'd rather read a review that has letter grades than see some shit like in the raw reviews where the guy gives every 10 minute match 4 stars. I guess if you don't know what to do with star don't use em. Me, I could accurately star rate a match to the quarter star without any problems. So well that Meltzer could use my scores. But I probably couldn't write a review for shit.

    I actually wish we could get this guy to do the raw recaps here but I guess we get the other dude. Probably what we deserve for being such a bunch of shit heads anyways.

  77. No one is going to hold me down

  78. Well maybe one guy...

  79. A live wrestling show on a Saturday would have a special novelty feel to it and that's rare in wrestling these days.

  80. The week the tournament was announced, the brackets had Jake/Rude and DiBiase/Duggan switched, so that DiBiase and Savage would have met in the semis and presumably Hulk would have been in the finals.

  81. I'm cautiously optimistic that the Main Events will be included--they had Main Event matches on the Best of SNME set. Also, in addition to the Plastic Surgery promo the world needs to see Hogan's absurd acting in the medical area with Elizabeth.

  82. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 2, 2014 at 12:32 AM

    Is Cena IN your bunk?

  83. Hogan/Warrior vs Perfect/Genius. Just for the idea of seeing Hogan and Warrior tag. It was like WrestleFest or the Superstars arcade game come to life.

  84. Was in San Francisco last week. Went to Walgreens and was looking at the cereal aisle, and there was Fruity Pebbles with Cena on the front representing "Team Fruity". Fantastic.

  85. Forever a favourite of mine. 11 year old me thought for sure Santana would FINALLY regain the IC title. Everything about this match is fantastic. The crowd, the drama, Perfect's selling, Tito's fire.

  86. The red bump too, and Tito getting a 2.999999 count on Perfect. Even I was like "Come onnnnnnn, Tito!"

  87. This. Jesse was so brilliant!

  88. That's romanticist feeling. It wouldn't feel any different than a live wrestling show on a Tuesday.

  89. Kinda owes the kid that much after the whole broken leg deal.

  90. I love Hogan/Funk. Funk is wild and Ventura is at his best. Funk throws a chair into the ring at hogan: "that's Texas sportsmanship!"

  91. Virgil's Gimmick TableJuly 2, 2014 at 2:00 AM

    Try reading this out loud.

  92. We hated Cuuch and he was eventually driven insane.

  93. Virgil's Gimmick TableJuly 2, 2014 at 2:03 AM

    Is that the match where Hogan wears Christmas colors?

  94. I don't especially care, I just want to know what qualifications you need to get a column. If we're trolling for content, can we have an open casting call? Because I hate to drop the N-word, but this seems an awful lot like nepotism.

  95. Attention Scott Keith, we have a spammer alert!

  96. The Main Event theme was the greatest. Nothing got me amped up for a show like that.

  97. I believe it was on SNME when DiBiase and Virgil busted open Dustin and Dusty just sat there coddling Dustin and crying. That shit was hard to watch as a kid.

  98. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 2, 2014 at 4:14 AM

    poor jonathan coachman. i guess his gig at espn isn't working out too well

  99. I love that match, Hennig at his absolute best.

  100. They need to get into the late 95' ECW Hardcore TV with Austin and Extreme Lucha Libre. That was my favorite era of ECW.

  101. Orndorff vs. Hogan in the cage or GTFO.

  102. If you had a better grasp on ratings, I'd be at the top the list advocating that you take over the Raw recap. I like th our writing, but those ratings are wack.

    And you already know this...but if she's going to write here, she has to bring her A game or people get nasty. That Bo/Bray post was not her A game, and she was rightfully criticized. The cutesy barbs at the BoD in her defense make you look childish, and frankly, pussywhipped.

  103. Saw Hogan and Bossman do that spot at MSG aboiut two months before it aired on SNME. I thought Hogan killed the both of them from my vantage point in the cheap seats.

    Love that match.

  104. The only thing that makes it unfortunate. I loved the SNME opening, and the Phil Collins song to end the show.

  105. Where's ABeyAnce to welcome it to the BoD?

  106. Do you assume this will be the one SNME they won't add?

  107. Yep, same here about Youtube. But I don't really care if it's blurry or HD, so I'm not as excited as you are.

  108. And Vince, with sheer DISGUST... followed by acceptance, admitted that Jesse was right.

  109. I hope he defeats Buck Zumhofe to save Team Pebbles.

  110. No, but Buck Zumhofe has been creeping around.

  111. Just being on a major metwork from time to time matters. It's considered a bigger deal because it's outside the typical WWE broadcast.

  112. Maybe an updated Prime Time. It can't cost that much to take a couple cameras to house shows and do some commentary from Stamford over it. have Michael Hayes and Renee do it or something.

  113. It already a quarter as many words typed as Abeyance does

  114. That was my way of recommending the match. I thought that would've been obvious but evidently not.

  115. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 2, 2014 at 6:17 AM

    Ah it was that post that peeps are talking (writing comments) about. I liked her Total Divas report but that Young Rotundos tag team post wasnt as good. Also comments for some reason dont always show up at work so this is the first I've heard of such controversy.

  116. That is the match where Hogan choked him out with a string or something right?

  117. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 2, 2014 at 6:22 AM

    That is the first match that came to mind because I love Funks short 80's WWF run.

  118. Geez, Thunder, a guy can't make a joke?

  119. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 2, 2014 at 6:23 AM

    no gotta go at least Phineas and Ferb so that he can have fun watching it too.

  120. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 2, 2014 at 6:24 AM

    for the Mega Powers EXPLODE!!! episode of The Main Event they should have closed with "In Your Eyes"

  121. I think you are thinking to highly of that show. It's Gorilla and Bobby or nothing. Heyman and....someone good as a straight man like gorilla..who I can't think of any examples of.. could maybe work.

  122. I wouldn't call it a controversy insomuch as people being a little down on the "hey, we are a couple!" thing. I mean, that's cool and all, but it doesn't make you immune to criticism on a well written, but poorly thought out article.

  123. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 2, 2014 at 6:27 AM

    Or him arguing that since Orndorff's legs were perfectly straight and Hogans knees were bent that meant that Mr Wonderful must have won.

  124. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 2, 2014 at 6:27 AM

    Nobodys going to break your stride either.

  125. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 2, 2014 at 6:29 AM

    I looked for them all (and found most) but there were certain ones I couldnt find anywhere. Also the newer ones (from the 2000's) I couldnt find anywhere. Most wouldnt mind that but Im obsessive so . . .

  126. I like Matt's recaps. But if other writers can't take criticism don't write here. Come on you know how the commenters are.

  127. You have an unhealthy obsession with Cuuch and taking him down. Did he cheat on you or something?

  128. Oh, I can take criticism all day and night. I've been used to it for months. I'm just confused...I don't really see any cutesy stuff in the review or in the comments except for people flaming me over confusion in the intro.

  129. I have an issue with nationalistic homophobes and people on the internet that can't react in a constructive way to legitimate criticism.


  131. Because oxygen is used to create ATP, which is used for cells to do things.

    The bigger question is why are you such a thin-skinned jackass who spends his time getting into metaphorical shouting matches with anonymous internet commentators.

  132. It's good to know that we're on the level of responding to things with memes, it shows an intellectual creativity that we need from writers.

  133. Answer:

    Because you're a thin-skinned jackass who spends his time getting into metaphorical shouting matches with anonymous internet commentators.

    Ok, let me put the mirror down now...


  135. You're a troll, dude. You don't add anything to the conversation except:

    - I hate Cuuch
    - You're like Cuuch because comments
    - Stop being Cuuch
    - Cuuch was an ass
    - You can't write because Cuuch
    - You hate criticism because Cuuch

    We get it, dude. Cuuch was a moron who you hate who raped and killed your dog or something. Get over it.

    I can take criticism all day and all night. I get it. You hate what I write. What the fuck else is new?

    Thanks for the negative feedback. Now go kiss and make up with Cuuch.

  136. Oh I didn't mean you, just other writers who freak out over a few comments.

  137. And you're a narcissist who can't articulate their opinions and your girlfriend is writing Bleacher Report level fantasy booking.

  138. Oh shit, I'm rubber your glue! You're a fucking genius with the written word, look out Hemingway, Matt Perri is on the prowl.

  139. Come on, man! Is that all you got?

    My 6-year-old god-daughter slings me better shit than that.

  140. *YAWN*...dude, Phred, you said your piece. You don't like what I write. You said that my first day here. Now, you're just saying this shit because you're upset that you're unable to reduce either of us to tear or something.

    You're a guy that yells on the internet. It's kinda pathetic that you're exactly what you're claiming me to be.

  141. Ah, wait. Got him mixed up with Stennick. Nevermind. My apologies.

  142. Thumbs down, for a writer you're not very witty or insulting. I want a "Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?" or a "If you were my wife, I'd drink it."

    Instead I get comparisons to a six year-old and being called some variety of unpleasant, odorous monster. Disappointing.

  143. Look at ya', Phred! You're still here just spewing more bullshit! This is stream of consciousness're just inserting words into a reply and hitting "POST". Phred...Phred, honey, stop. Put the keyboard down.

    Time to stop posting. Seriously, you made your point MONTHS ago. You hate me and my writing, you hate my girlfriend, you hate fantasy booking, you hate Cucch, you hate everything.

    What else is left to say? And do you honestly think it's going to keep me or anyone else from writing again?

    You've surpassed critiquing and you're just being an asshole now.

  144. Hi there, Wow, not sure if you mean me or not. If so, please note that I wrote "Thank you to everyone who has taken time to comment. I appreciate your feedback which will help me grow as a writer." as one of the first comments to my story. I reviewed what I wrote as comments twice now and as far as I can tell the only person I was snarky too was the person who spelled my name wrong (and in that case it wasn't that I couldn't take his criticism per se, it was just that I think if you're going to criticize someone you should have the courtesy to spell their name correctly). Matt's jokes above don't relate to me freaking out in real life over comments, in fact, while this is certainly not modest, I think for the most part my responses on my thread were quite classy.

  145. Are you really going to put me on blast because I'm being "mean"?

    Have you seen your responses when somebody asks for clarification? You're an insecure mess who can't just explain their points in a civilized and professional manner. That's my problem with you.

    Yet again, why do you think Tamina is a good worker?

    P.S. The lamest people in the world insult people about their perceived living situation over the internet, I stick to known quantities, your hacky writing, inability to take criticism, and the sudden appearance of your girlfriend on this blog writing a crappy, fanfiction-esque article.

  146. Phred, you're done.

    We accept your "criticism". We just don't care because you just don't stop when you should. You go above and beyond that to...I have no idea, actually. I guess you want to make us give up and leave.

    Not happening. Oh well, move on.

    I've explained my opinions. Just because you don't agree with them doesn't mean I haven't articulated to you.

    Lastly, I owe you nothing.

    Get over it, Phred, and move on.


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