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BREAKING NEWS: TNA Impact Moving to Wednesday Nights

The move is permanent and will start next week. Still no word on whether or not TNA has signed a new deal with Spike TV.


  1. As a fan, that feud was a drag, but it did well financially, so they probably view it as having been the right move.

  2. I would think when Brock beat Triple H and Hunter tried to get the "feel bad for Triple H" moment and instead got "fuck you Triple H" it should have been a hint to drop the Triple H feud.

  3. Wednesday is a better night for them anyway.

  4. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 14, 2014 at 4:40 PM

    i thought his name was warren

  5. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 14, 2014 at 4:40 PM

    26, i'd guess

  6. And? You have to be willing to ride out the storm if you want to beat the WWE.

  7. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 14, 2014 at 4:41 PM

    *piledrive that t-shirt

  8. They never had a big enough boat.

  9. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 14, 2014 at 4:42 PM

    they're gonna need a bigger boat

  10. They weren't going to ride out any storm. They're not competition.

  11. Does anyone else remember WWF With Authority? I played the hell out of that.

  12. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 14, 2014 at 4:42 PM

    you're assuming they could beat them


  14. Great. Now I can avoid watching the show earlier in the week.

  15. #TNAisgonnadie.

  16. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 14, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    in honor of cult saying that tna should have stayed on monday in order to right the storm out against wwe, i offer the official theme song:

  17. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 14, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    huh huh huh


  18. Vince should just know we are thinking of moving Raw to Wednesdays just to see Spike move it to fridays at 1135 AM

  19. Oldie rock costumes are one helluva drug.

  20. And when you said "thank you sir, may I have another?" he'd drive right back to that warehouse and get you another t-shirt.

  21. Serious question, how many shows does TNA have in the can including tonight?

  22. Weirder things have happened in wrestling.

  23. They canceled their september house shows to do tapings in NY.

  24. Statements that are true about both WCW and WWE at various points in the 90s.

  25. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 14, 2014 at 4:47 PM

    what's a battle?

  26. whats a diarama

  27. Something that a kat does.

  28. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 14, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    i bent my wookie

  29. I'm wearing a bathrobe, and I'm not even sick!

  30. They could just show Dixie going through a table on a loop for two hours.

  31. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 14, 2014 at 4:50 PM

    i wash muhself with a rag

  32. They had TV deals infinitely better than TNA's

  33. It was a science project started in 2002 that no one bothered to tell got a participation award 12 years ago and hasn't YET been found to still be growing mold up in the attic and thrown in the dumpster.

  34. Thunder moved to Wednesday too.

  35. Is there a day of the week TNA hasn't tried yet? Blursday?

  36. Cooler_Than_GuntherAugust 14, 2014 at 4:53 PM

    tastes like burning!

  37. Wednesday Night Thunder sounds better.

  38. (the most appropriate one for TNA) "IT'S STILL GOOD IT'S STILL GOOD!!!!"

  39. Virgil's Gimmick TableAugust 14, 2014 at 5:05 PM

    Bar none. It would show that WWE has finally, unquestionably lost touch with how to make wrestling.

  40. Ryder has needed a heel turn for ages and has more motive than almost anyone.

  41. He absolutely won't be worth it if they can't use his built-in spike to hook new or lapsed fans with the rest of the product. Right now I very highly doubt they're doing that.

  42. I don't think so. What's the value in the Streak continuing ad infinitum? He can't wrestle forever and, as others have said, there really wasn't anyone else that would benefit the bottom line by going over.

  43. I didn't see much 100% Brock merch down in NO for WM weekend. There were tons of "Beast VS Streak" shirts, but not much for just Brock.

    Hell, I picked up a Brock shirt on clearance on wweshop for about $5... so it's hard to tell. Plus, some of the merch is just godawful.

  44. So did I. He should have about 4.5. years left to go.

  45. But HHH had to show up the MMA fighter to show superiority!

  46. More wins in a row than Ziggler can manage.

  47. It's nice to know that they jobbed out a guy they extended for more money to another part-time guy on the biggest show of the year. And this is the wrestling company that won the war!

  48. Ok, this stupid game is strangely addictive.

  49. There's a Del Rio joke somewhere in here...

  50. That's the American Dream, baby.

  51. Oh, the "the Kennedys were BLOOD, the Earps were BLOOD, the Rhodes are BLOOD...let me be ya' pahtnah, baby!" promo. Very good.

  52. When I see the name Justice Gray my first thought is "Justice Pain...ugggghghhh..."

  53. Everybody hates the HHH series (I must be the only person on earth who actually liked their Mania match. I thought it was fine, and while he should have pinned and not submitted him, HHH winning was so foregone that there was no point getting mad about it), but to me, nothing was dumber, more outright ri-god-damn-diculous than Cena beating Brock in his first match back. Even if things were booked exactly the same since, it just deflated everything so quickly that I'm sure had he won and been a monster at least all summer, all these numbers would be a lot higher.

  54. MaffewOfBotchamaniaAugust 14, 2014 at 6:11 PM

    ''I don't need a handshake, I just need a hug and a kiss to seal the deal, baby''.

    Just awesome.

  55. The first Brock/Trips match was unquestionably a draw, but the second match drew silence from the live crowd, and the third match at "Extreme Rules" didn't draw as well as the previous year's "Extreme Rules".

    Although, to be fair, it'd be tough to imagine ANYTHING that could have been done at "Extreme Rules, 2013" that would have outdone the previous year's event.

  56. Tricky, but there was just no legitimacy to the threat of Shawn Michaels ending the streak after losing the first time.

  57. There never is any legitimacy to ending it.

  58. What if Cena, fresh off three consecutive World or WWE title WM wins (two in main events against HHH and HBK), faces Taker at WM 24? Would there be some legitimacy in that hypothetical situation?

  59. Maybe if he'd gotten the respect ovation he was seeking, he wouldn't have felt the need to get his win back so quickly. I actually liked the WM match, but definitely not a good result for Brock.

  60. I didn't have a problem with the actual Brock/Trips matches, I thought they were decent, but it was obvious that nobody liked the story-line and that Brock could have been put to FAR better use elsewhere.

    Totally agree on Cena, though, and the 1% of fans that actually support the decision are just completely wrong.

  61. I also liked the WM match.

    If they absolutely couldn't bring themselves to put Brock over at ER then they probably should have just fed someone more expendable to him, maybe Kane or Orton. That way, at least he debuts with a victory.

  62. The thing with Brock is that he easily COULD have been worth $15M, but they completely bungled it. He lost his first match back, he lost his first "WM" match back, he required a million chair-shots to beat The Big Jobber, he got beat-up in pretty much 99% of ALL of the build-up for all of his matches, and by the time they decided to pull the trigger and actually DO something with him (ending the Streak), he was "just another guy".

    It's like Vince put a large amount of money into a CD, and then decided to withdraw it the next day - penalties be damned - just to show the bankers how much money he has.

  63. the wyatt feud is why I laugh whenever i read cena marks on here crying how their guy moves the most merchandise and thus deserves all the time at the top. The reason they have no other to go to guy anymore is because he buries every guy he feuds with. If he beats lesnar somehow I don't care if freaking rollins cashes in after Lesnar beats up cena in retalitation they will have destroyed the guy who ended the streak and can't get over the hump against cena

  64. you mean the stupid match where Cena brought Harper in and Rowan almost got in and cena still was going to win before said demon child showed up Everyone has tried to froget that

  65. Holy shit you weren't kidding about it being addictive. So far I'm 25-4. My lineup is a rare HBK, rare Brock, and green versions of Bryan, Yoko, and Summer Rae. Does anyone know if your able to get the top level cards without paying money?

  66. Pssh, I'm common as fuck.

  67. No one will ever match the streak since few wrestlers will ever compete in 20+ WrestleMania matches much less be undefeated, but had Undertaker retired undefeated The Streak would have stood forever. WWE has been able to crank out new DVDs every few years recapping the streak. Now that its done there is only one more DVD possible, but would fans rather have bought a DVD of the streak intact, or of it coming to a sad end?

  68. There's already a streak DVD tho. Personally I really wouldn't want to see a broken down old man beating a big name every year into the 2020's. I absolutely respect the accomplishment but I think they ended it the best way they could.

  69. Him getting boos there was glorious.

  70. Yeah, there's a progress bar that shows how you're progressing from rare to super-rare cards and so on. I got a super rare Swagger tonight.

  71. Awwww yeah baby!! Finally hit the big time!!

    I told Brian that the part at 2:52 or so when Dusty raises his hand...holy cow. That's a master of the audience.

  72. Holy SHIT. Why have I never seen this before? It's a masterpiece. It's up there with all the other classics, maybe even surpasses them.

  73. Virgil's Gimmick TableAugust 14, 2014 at 9:57 PM

    Maybe I'm over thinking it, and I do like Triple H in more ways than not, but one man holding the crowd hostage for three matches just because he didn't get the reaction he wanted in the first match is shitty.

  74. Virgil's Gimmick TableAugust 14, 2014 at 10:01 PM

    Brock (since his return at least) is an anomaly in that he is not a merchandse mover, but that's okay. Brock is not meant to sell t-shirts like a Cena or Punk. He's there to rip people to pieces in big time matches that only happen like twice a year. People pay more than enough money to see him. Not to buy his merchandise.

  75. I've been pimping this promo for awhile on here. Glad to see it get it's due.

  76. No one does a heartfelt, vulnerable hero promo like Dusty. Holy crap.

  77. I look at him as a poor man's Jake Roberts/Raven.

  78. Downloaded it on my lunch break and it's actually a really great way to kill some time on the phone. My team is Hogan, Warrior, Daniel Bryan, Bray Wyatt and Eva Marie.

  79. It's funny, because I always hated Dusty legit as a kid, and as an adult, could never understand why people liked him. I mean, his matches were just aimless brawls, I could never understand a fucking word he said, and he looked like someone's out-of-shape grandpa. By all rights, he should never have been a star.

    Of course, it's because I grew up a WWF kid, he was a stupid polka-dot wearing idiot feuding with a de-pushed Macho Man (my favorite wrestler ever), and thus never saw his great NWA promos.

  80. Agreed. Son of a plumber. American Dream. Every blue collar worker, past and present could listen to Dusty and relate.

    His "Hard Times" promo is still my favorite. "They give ya a gold watch, kick ya in the butt, and say a computer took your job, daddy!".

  81. The Rock had more charisma, but Rhodes had better WORDS.

  82. It's takes forever to get to a new level. I got a super rare Orton and I'm almost to the 3rd level. But are people already cheating this thing? I played a dude who was 144-0 and beat him, saw 5 minutes later on the list and he was still undefeated.

  83. 3m guaranteed plus PPV cheques/merchandise.

  84. Yep, I watched the show at the theater, and that moment alone was well worth the $30. I will never forget the immediate feeling, of "Wait, the ref counted 3? Wait, THIS IS WRESTLEMANIA????"

  85. I started watching WCW during the buildup to Fall Brawl '94. Dusty had be buying in to WarGames instantly with this promo.

  86. Good. I've been looking for something like this that wasn't based on comic books or fantasy RPG style stuff.

  87. Smarks complain about everything until 3-5 years after the fact. Then they pine for every damned thing they complained about previously. Was reading reactions to angles debut and shit from rock and Austin's time, and damn was there a LOT of bitterness and hate for everything in the wwe.

  88. I played this last night WAY past my normal bedtime. Anybody know why the KOTR tournaments take whats seems like days to complete?

  89. I love Dusty's commentary. His banter with Heenan and Schiavone was tremendously entertaining.

  90. There's been several streak DVDs. No one says Undertaker had to keep wrestling and winning. He could have retired with The Streak intact, and they could have done yet another bluray of the entire streak. The fans weren't rooting for The Streak to end. No one in the business really felt the Undertaker had to "do the right thing" and end it. It's just Undertaker himself felt he should, and while on some level I respect him for that it would have been nice to have let The Streak live forever. He could have lost his retirement match at a SummerSlam, Survivor Series or Royal Rumble. We don't even know if he'll wrestle again. If he doesn't then we will have never gotten that buildup to his last match, and what turned out to be his last will go down as not just the end of The Streak, but the match that showed him as a broken-down old man. Nobody wanted that, especially fans who spent the last decade rooting for The Streak to continue. He should have announced last year that win or lose, his match against Punk would be his last. He could have then changed his mind if he really felt he had another one in him. I guess what I'm saying is The Streak wasn't just about the Undertaker, it was about his fans too, and why take something away from them that they likely can't ever repeat?

  91. They are paying that fucker 15 million??????

  92. I read Flair saying Dusty never gets the respect he deserves as a worker ("You really think I did 200 60-minute matches all by myself?") but this shows that, as a promo guy, Dusty could hold a crowd like few others and why he was such a huge star for so long.

  93. I don't totally disagree, but the IMO idea was to use Brock ending the streak to attract viewers that might have drifted away from the product over the years. Having an event as big as 'Taker loses at WM' by all rights should draw interest from even casual fans. They totally fucked it up after that, but that's another story. That's my take on it.

    That or Taker fucked Steph.

  94. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieAugust 15, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    This....Is really fun

  95. Is that the infamous dinner promo.

  96. Dusty was also a more 'real' character in a more 'real' setting.

    ...Is it 'more real' or 'realer'?

  97. Thanks for introducing us to this as I have been playing a ton since yesterday. It is not perfect, but it is super fun. I enjoy these type of mindless build games (Like Marvel Avengers Alliance). I just wish the good cards were not so random. As I said I have been playing a lot and still have a green card in my lineup (mind you, it is a trained to the max green card)- my hands down MVP has been a Super Rare Eva Marie - most people have gray or green Divas, so she is almost a guaranteed win. I have yet to lose a Divas match since I got her...
    That is how addictive the game is- I hope for Divas matachs


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