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Have you ever noticed how Eric Rowan is both

A) big


B) has red hair?

Surely the WWE braintrust can find some way to exploit this for profit?

​"If you don't chew Big Red, FUCK YOU!"​

Talladega Nights really is an underappreciated classic.  


  1. I still see the cash in happening at the Raw the night after Wrestlemania and Rollins winning the title. And then Reigns and Rollins feuding for a bit, they have never resolved their Shield history so at least there is motivation beyond just the title.

  2. Did you guys know Big Show is big and traitorous? They should call him the Big Traitor. I know I do. #branding

  3. Ziggler's cash-in was probably the best moment of his career. It was the follow-up and the injury afterwards that cooled him off. Sandow's poor booking ruined him well before the cash in. Meanwhile, Punk, Edge, Bryan, and RVD all had pretty interesting and varyingly successful cash-in stories.

    Unfortunately, I can see the scenario you described happening. That would be about the worst case scenario for Rollins. I'm not sure it would help Reigns all that much either.

  4. Did you know that Eric Rowan is

    C. slower than a 3 legged dog on tranquilizers?

    Surely the WWE braintrust can find some way to exploit this for profit?

  5. They will drop the briefcase stipulation without explanation next month. Sources will then report that the whole thing was a rib on Rollins to make air travel difficult for him due to the previously mentioned Ice Pack Incident.

  6. I think if Jericho had it during his No Country for Old Men period it would've been cool. If Wyatt ever wins it, it might be cool, but yeah aside from Edge everyone has looked stupid with it.

  7. On the surface, Reigns beating the hell out of Rollins after beating Brock is a good idea, but then who does he feud with? Best move IMO is to have Reigns beat Brock, get his moment and then Rollins' music hits, he comes out and Reigns has an annoyed look on his face. Rollins then says he's cashing month ala RVD. It makes their clash seem bigger and gives Reigns a feud rather than treating Rollins like a total jobber.

  8. D. Inexplicably split off from Bray Wyatt for no reason.

  9. Even though I like him, I'm pretty sure Sandow had no aura even with the case.

  10. Talladega Nights was filmed in and around my neighborhood. The neighborhood his mother lives in was a mill village in McAdenville for Pharr Yarns, less than four minutes from my house (they tore it and the old mill down after they finished filming). They had renamed it West End in the movie, and they had a huge-ass mural on the side of the mill with Will Farrell's face as Ricky Bobby. The gas station at the start of the movie when young Ricky Bobby starts driving is owned by Asians who don't speak good English, but are very nice people. The highway patrol chase Ricky down N.C. 16, near Riverbend Steam Station and McGuire Nuclear.

  11. I really don't see their big coronation of Reigns only lasting a day though. This is definitely a time where two World titles would have been useful to have around.

  12. They should call him "Reverse Sheamus"

  13. Ziggler's cash-in was definitely the highlight of his career, but it was such a huge peak that they had no idea how to follow it up, injury or no. Putting him in an immediate rematch feud with ADR was not the way to go to maintain momentum.

  14. His cash-in was easily one of my favorites. "RISE ABOVE THIS!"

  15. Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with Miz and Ziggler on this front. Ziggler was super-over cashing-in, and would've done well had he not gotten injured immediately after. Miz cashing in was a pretty big moment for him and gave him the spark that he needed to run as a top heel. He just didn't have the talent to make it work in the long haul, but I don't think the actual cash-in is what did him in.

  16. Cena beats Brock at the Rumble, Rollins cashes in and wins the title and Reigns vs. Rollins headlines Wrestlemania. #boom I did like the idea that someone brought up of Rollins cashing it in on the Divas title. It would be a total waste and potentially bury Rollins, but it would be funny at least.

  17. True. Might be best to have Ambrose cost Rollins his cash in and restart their feud

  18. I like it, but John Cena would scream bloody murder on TV about being robbed of his 16th Title, so you'd probably see him thrown into a three-way... Holy Hell, that's not a bad idea though. If you let Cena into the main with Rollins and Reigns, then let Brock Lesnar and Randy Orton dance, you'd need someone for Rusev, right? How about Daniel Bryan in the underdog storyline?

  19. Nothing can top the surprise of Edge cashing in on John Cena and becoming the scummiest heel ever with the hottest, sluttiest mess of a woman by his side.

  20. Ziggler's moment was the definition of epic. WE WANT ZIGGLER~! The only thing I would have changed was Ziggler cashing in at Mania and the be first person to do that. A welcomed mercy killing of ADR's HEATLESS world title feud with Swagger. Has there ever been a colder world title feud that ADR vs. Swagger?

  21. I'd like to offer you a job with WWE creative, but your idea does not you don't qualify.

  22. I like that. It gives it the big fight atmosphere. To get there, though, Rollins has to start winning clean for his challenge to mean anything.

  23. I like Miz's three belts and a briefcase phase. I'm also a mark for wrestlers lugging shit around.

  24. I'm hoping that Cole will channel his inner JR and call Rowan "Booger Red".

  25. He never had a chance though because he immediately got concussed. He wasn't cooled off by the cash-in, he was cooled off by Swagger beaning him in the head.

    With Miz, the cash-in didn't hurt him, it was the fact that his first match was against Jerry Lawler and he needed help to win that.

  26. They missed the boat by not having him cash-in at Mania and really making that moment even more epic.

    The crowd was dying for it too

  27. And then promptly get yelled at by Vince and dropping the nickname ASAP.

    Although my favorite wacky JR-ism is from the Mania 28 cage match between Taker and Hunter when Taker was punching Hunter with "those carcinogenic right hands!"

  28. Do you know that Roman Reigns is The Man They Call The Juggernaut"?

    And that Sting is known as "The Vigilante"?

  29. I feel like they should also mention how he has large hands and that you need to see him in person to appreciate how big he really is

  30. I like it! You need a job in WWE's marketing department.

  31. Maybe if he dipped them in his tobacco spit first?

  32. In terms of a World Championship match at WrestleMania? You're probably right...I'd put it at the bottom alongside Luger vs. Yoko.

  33. You know what's weird? I was in an airport talking to some friends, and we got into a big argument because I was saying that the Big Dog was my favorite, but they were saying that the Juggernaut was THEIR favorite. And it wasn't until two of us had been shanked with broken glass shards that we realized it was all a wacky misunderstanding and they were both the same guy!

    And then Dean Ambrose was going through security, got spooked by the metal detector, tripped and caught his head in the x-ray machine, only to walk into a Sister Abigail and Bray Wyatt got the pin.

    I'm still not sure why I was even at the airport, to be honest.

  34. Were you around a water cooler as well?

  35. It's been a good five years since I've seen that movie, but it always felt like Jericho was going for Max Cady (from Cape Fear). What character from NCFOM was the Jericho inspiration, in your opinion?

  36. Did you see any wrestlers walking through the airport? If you didn't, it's because they were probably too small and you didn't notice them.

  37. Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me Allah! Help me Tom
    Cruise! Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft on me to get the fire off me!

  38. I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party.

  39. Sheamus and Rowan should tag team, and their in ring pose would be Sheamus gently resting his head on top of Rowan's.

  40. Yeah, I really don't get why The Miz's most heated rival during his WWE Championship run was *Jerry Fucking Lawler*, of all people.
    I mean, it was nice that Lawler finally got a WWE Championship match on PPV and all, but Miz had to realize that this feud was killing his title reign, right?

  41. See, if IRS won Money in the Bank, it'd look totally natural.

  42. The Love-Matic Grampa!December 16, 2014 at 9:05 AM

    I still think Rollins needs to cash-in at the Rumble on Lesnar and then drop the belt to Reigns at Mania. It pays off the Shield breakup, gives us fresh faces in the main event and allows you to do Cena/Lesnar as a non-title blowoff match where Cena goes over strong and sends Lesnar packing to pay off all the beatings he's taken. Then you've got Reigns/Rollins for the spring and a possible Reigns/Cena match at Summerslam.

  43. Nothing fires up a push quite like being repeatedly jobbed out to the inconsequential Big Show!

  44. I'm getting kind of sick of the sneaky quick cash in. Somebody needs to use it to get a meaningful title match like RVD did.

    What if Rollins lost at the Royal Rumble, but then said it doesn't matter because he has the briefcase and is cashing it in for the Main Event at Wrestlemania? This maybe isn't the year since everything is bulding to a Reigns coronation...but somebody should do that at some point.

  45. Only issue with this is that they've already billed this as "Last Time Ever" between Lesnar and Cena, so those guys having a blowoff at WrestleMania 31 probably won't happen. It's probably more likely that Cena faces Rusev.

  46. I don't think you understand - he has really big hands!

  47. And then The Rock came and basically killed all his heat. I remember they had a few RAWs where Miz was beating down John Cena forever...and no one bought it.

    I think with The Miz, people liked him as an upper midcard heel, but when he became the man, it was like: Wait...what? And WWE didn't help that perception.

  48. The Love-Matic Grampa!December 16, 2014 at 9:12 AM

    I wouldn't put too much stock in how WWE bills this match. I mean, Rock/Cena was supposed to be "Once In A Lifetime".

  49. He claims it was Javier Bardem in his book

  50. The Love-Matic Grampa!December 16, 2014 at 9:13 AM

    Miz should have been a sneaky, clever heel, not a faux tough guy. Killed him right out of the gate, because no one bought him as any sort of threat.

  51. Ambrose really strikes me as someone who's on edge all the time (meaning, edge of sanity... meaning he's on the fringe, suffering from some type of lunacy, meaning he's not stable, mentally). If only they could find some way to capitalize on this with some kind of succinct marketing angle to help him get over the slump he's been in lately. Maybe... maybe he could form a "stable" with "Edge"?! Maybe Eugene could be in it, and reveal himself to be Dean's best buddy -- that could help explain some of Dean "Eccentric Peripheral" (!) Ambrose's mental errors lately and get him back on track.

  52. Taker v. Sid is the only other one I can think of.

  53. Yeah title matches at Mania. I mean I literally didn't see anyone care about that match or really that feud at all really. ADR's babyface run was as hot as Antarctica. Watching the crowd itself go from dead silent for ADR/Swagger and going INSANE~! for Zigger was a sight to behold all by itself.

  54. Rollins cashing in SUCCESSFULLY would be an epic Wrestlemania moment.

  55. It's Rowan. Who really gives a shit?

  56. Del Rio was getting over as a face but immediately launching Swagger into the feud just killed both guys dead. No one wants immigration debates at Wrestlemania.

    Mark Henry should've won the chamber match, destroyed Del Rio and just fucked people up all summer

  57. I was cooking pancakes in a frying pan this morning, and for some reason I started thinking of Big Show and how big his hands were. I was trying to put the two together, and for the life of me I just couldn't figure it out.

  58. True. But I'm thinking of a truly meaningful match, like a Mania main event. Not a title match "NEXT WEEK ON RAW!"

  59. Must have been the same airport that Bobby Heenan always hangs out in.

  60. Yeah, but unfortunately he can't talk to anyone in the airports now, as he no longer has the ability to speak. :(

  61. As said below, Jericho claims the Anton character inspired him to have the ultra serious killer persona. I don't think he really nailed it though. It came across more as a pissed off Jericho seeing that playing the funny guy didn't do anything for him so he became serious.

  62. Thanks for that sad reminder. :(

  63. Someone might give a shit about him if they don't book him to look like a loser.

  64. It's because you need Michael cole there to explain painfully obvious things to you.

  65. True but also it's a stip match that lends itself to a screwy finish where Rowan could've won. I don't think anyone cares about him but with show you know what you have - a guy that should put over new monsters. Plus he has really big hands

  66. Red hair?! Why has no one informed?!

  67. Walking around with two briefcases?

    You're a damn Einstein.

  68. The potential names for this tag team might re-break CM Punk's already broken internet.


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