The SmarK Rant for WWE Tables Ladders Chairs and Stairs 2014
And the Slammy for stupidest PPV name of the year goes to…this show!
Live from Cleveland, OH
Your hosts are Michael Cole, JBL & Jerry Lawler
Intercontinental title: Luke Harper v. Dolph Ziggler
Dolph is introduced from Cleveland tonight instead of his usual Hollywood Florida, which doesn’t necessarily mean good things for him. I am curious if they can book a DQ finish in a ladder match given Harper’s record leading up to this. Harper tosses Dolph into some ladders at ringside and makes the first climb, but Dolph saves. Back to the floor and Harper puts him down with a Bossman slam out there, but he is again unable to climb. Here’s what I don’t get: What was the storyline advantage to splitting up the Wyatt Family if they’re all basically doing the same thing, but apart? No one got repackaged in any significant way and Harper could have just as easily won the title in his previous position. Harper beats on Ziggler with a ladder in the corner, and dropkicks him to the floor to block a comeback attempt, then throws a ladder at his face on the floor. Well, Dolph’s deal is selling, that’s for sure. Harper tries a suicide dive, but accidentally launches himself into a ladder in a nasty spot, and that probably hurt. Back in, Dolph climbs but gets shoved off, and Harper tries a powerbomb onto the ladder before Dolph escapes. He tries the fameasser, but Harper gets that powerbomb on the ladder to block. A goofy catapult spot on the ropes results in Dolph getting busted open hardway, so we stop the match for medical attention while Harper climbs. Dolph slugs him off and they take an awkward bump, but Dolph reverses a powerbomb to come back. Harper puts a ladder on his head for some reason and gets superkicked and then knocked off the apron, landing on a conveniently placed ladder at ringside. Dolph makes another climb and gets knocked off. They’re really having trouble telling any kind of story here, although the crowd chants “This is awesome.” I can’t really agree with that assessment. They fight up the ladder again and Dolph superkicks him off and wins the title back at 16:40. This didn’t really play very well to Harper’s strengths as a brawler and had way too much downtime with ladders getting set up and such. ***
WWE tag titles: The Miz & Damien Mizdow v. The Usos
Mizdow carrying around a replica Slammy is another funny touch. Miz and Jey trade rollups and the crowd already wants Mizdow. Jimmy comes in and slugs away on Miz, and we get a delayed suplex spot so that Mizdow can do his headstand in the corner. The Mizzes hit the floor and Jey dives on them, but Miz gets a DDT for two in the ring. Miz teases a tag to Mizdow and then goes to a chinlock while the announcers have a typically inane conversation, basically equating John Cena’s acting career with the Rock’s. Uh, OK then. Jimmy comes in with the butt splash on Miz in the corner, but Miz boots him down for two. Miz tries a figure-four and Jimmy rolls through into a half-crab, but Miz makes the ropes. Jimmy superkicks him and tries for the splash, but the champs decide to walk and Miz hits an Uso with the Slammy for the DQ at 7:30 for good measure. Jesus, they managed to pack TWO shitty finishes into the same match? This was kind of a mess with no heat segment and Miz just basically working the whole match. *1/2 I also love that they were selling this show on being “WWE’s version of a demolition derby” and the second match ends with some guy getting DQ’d for using a lame weapon.
Stairs match: Big Show v. Erick Rowan
Cole notes that in fact many are calling him “The Big Traitor”. Who exactly is calling him that? So I guess that stairs are legal here? They fight to the floor and Show tosses Rowan around, but takes stairs to the head. So then Rowan stops to pile up some stairs into a wall for some reason, but can’t use it. They continue their thrilling battle on the floor with Rowan bumping all over, and back in for more abuse from Big Show. The crowd is really bored but at least they don’t turn on the match completely yet. Rowan comes back with a slam on the stairs, but misses his attempt to crush Show’s skull between two sets of stairs. Yeah, having his head get spattered would have made for a hell of a finish, sure, but the cleanup would have taken forever. So they go to the floor and now we get the payoff for that wall of stairs, as Show spears Rowan through it in a spot that I must apologize if my description sounded in any way interesting or cool. Not my intention to mislead there. Back in, Show chokeslams him on the stairs and knocks him out at 11:12 to really heat up that babyface push. Yes, it’s a match filled with about 20 sets of steel stairs as weapons, and the finish was Show punching him in the head. -* Rowan was basically squashed here.
Tables match: John Cena v. Seth Rollins
Weird to have this placed way down the card, as I thought it would main event. Seth chokes him down in the corner, but Cena comes out with a clothesline and tries for a table. Sadly, Noble and Mercury prevent that from happening, but Cena fights them off on a second attempt, only to have them run in and break up a powerbomb. Rollins sets up a table as Cole notes “It would be sort of ironic if Seth went through a table that he set up.” Yes. Yes it would, Captain Obvious. Cena comes back with the usual as the male half of the crowd is just chanting for Rollins outright now. J&J comes in for the beatdown, but Cena fights off all three guys and they head up to the entrance where Cena suplexes Rollins on a railing, but the 3-on-1 battle commences at ringside again. Cena of course fights off the forces of evil, but Rollins sends him into the railing and sets up more tables at ringside. Back in, Rollins gets his sliced bread move, but Cena dumps him to the floor. So Rollins uses his briefcase for a beatdown, because SOMEONE might as well get some use out of it, but Cena comes back and the ref is bumped. Cena with the FU through the table, but there’s no ref to see it and J&J come back in for another beatdown and clear out the broken table. So Cena fights back AGAIN and puts the stooges through a different table, and then both go through a table on the floor at the same time at 18:25 while the ref revives. Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? Who is booking this shit tonight? So the match MUST CONTINUE. And then Cena immediately FU’s Rollins onto the announce table, which fails to break. And now, hey, another run-in, with Big Show coming out to beat on Cena. However, Roman Reigns returns to wake up the crowd and spears Show through a table, allowing Cena to finish Rollins at 23:32. Match was OK, but it was just horribly overbooked with no real chance for Rollins to shine. **1/2
Divas title: Nikki Bella v. AJ Lee
AJ fights off both Bellas, but walks into a spinebuster. The pre-match interview with the Bellas reveals that the reasoning behind their reconciliation is a Russo favorite: Blood is thicker than water. That one’s right up there with “You didn’t read the fine print” and “I don’t owe you people an explanation.” Nikki wraps AJ around the post and goes to a surfboard, and a slam gets two. Chinlock time! AJ comes back with a rollup for two and they clothesline each other and AJ makes the comeback. Neckbreaker gets two. Tornado DDT gets two. Nikki comes back with an enzuigiri for two, but AJ gets a bulldog for two. Shining Wizard gets two, but Nikki maces AJ and finishes with the Rack Attack at 7:35. This was seriously a finish they paid someone to come up with? We’ve already had a parade of bad finishes tonight. *1/2
Chairs match: Kane v. Ryback
Oh god, I totally forgot this turd was still upcoming. Usually painful diarrhea gives you cramps as a warning first. Ryback whips him into a chair in the corner and pounds away on the mat, then follows with a splash from the middle rope, not once, not twice, but THRICE. He pounds away with a chair as I have no idea why they even dislike each other, much less why they need to hit each other with chairs to settle it. And they don’t even do a video package to remind us. And isn’t Kane supposed to be selling merchandise in the stands or something? Kane drops Ryback on a chair in the corner and they fight over a suplex, which leads to Kane getting a DDT on the chair for two. And now the crowd has no problem turning on the match, loudly so. Kane boots Ryback down for two and then beats him down with the chair as this feels like the third hour of RAW, but on PPV. Kane tosses a bunch of chairs in, but Ryback uses one of them to hit Kane a bunch of times. How ironic. Kane blocks the clothesline by hitting him with a chair, and the chokeslam gets two. That was ridiculous because they had to shoot the camera angle tight to Ryback’s face the whole time so as not to give away Kane standing there with a chair! Ryback escapes the tombstone and thankfully finishes this crap with the Shellshock at 10:00. WHO BOOKED RYBACK TO GO TEN MINUTES!? -**
US title: Rusev v. Jack Swagger
Swagger attacks and goes after the leg right away, but misses the pump splash. Rusev’s superkick is reversed into the anklelock and Rusev reverses that into the Accolade, but Swagger makes the ropes. A second try works, however, and Swagger powers out while the crowd gets distracted by a fight or something. Swagger reverses to the anklelock, but walks into a superkick and gets Accoladed at 4:47. What the fuck was the point of THAT? So they cycled Swagger into a second time and then squashed him again? *1/2
Royal Rumble: It’s the EPIC FINAL BATTLE between Brock and Cena! Who can even write copy like that with a straight face?
TLC match: Dean Ambrose v. Bray Wyatt
So I guess this is the main event? From what I can piece together in the video package, the issue is that Dean is mad because Wyatt holographically projected himself into a match, and Ambrose broke Wyatt’s favorite rocking chair in retaliation. So, you know, TLC follows. They immediately brawl on the floor and into the crowd, and Dean gains control with some chairshots at ringside. Into the ring as Ambrose grabs a kendo stick and beats on Bray with that, then follows with a flying chair off the middle rope. He goes up, but gets knocked through a table on the floor. Back in Wyatt runs Dean into a kendo stick and tries to impale him via eyeball, but luckily that misses. Boy would THAT have been embarrassing! Bray with a senton on the ladder for two. Bray runs him into ladders in the corner a couple of times, but Ambrose goes up with the flying elbow press for two. Dean with a legdrop onto the chair for two. Wyatt catches him with a lariat and they head to the floor again, where Ambrose drops an elbow off a ladder and puts Wyatt through a table. And then he goes up a bigger ladder and puts him through another table. But they head back in and Wyatt suddenly catches him with Sister Abigail for two. Really? He just got put through two tables in succession and he just pops up like a horror movie villain? Ambrose comes back with Dirty Deeds for two. So he grabs a TV from under the ring, which somehow inspires him to grab an even bigger ladder and put Wyatt through the Spanish announce table. However, he grabs the TV for the big finish, only to miscalculate the length of the power cord and have it explode in his face. Sister Abigail finishes at 26:30. Remind me not to buy a TV from the manufacturer of that one. So they do a 27 minute match as the main event of the show, and the finish is the babyface slipping on a banana peel like a moron and getting pinned? This right here was an abject lesson in how to get absolutely no one over. ***1/2 for the stunt show stuff, but really it was all meaningless anyway. Why even have ladders if you win by pinfall?
The Pulse
I think we can comfortably call this one the worst PPV of the year for WWE and a total embarrassment given that everyone was supposedly so motivated to show up the NXT guys. It wasn’t even bad enough to offend, it was just boring and burned me out on all the dumb weapons shots three matches in. Big thumbs down.
This leads me to two possible occurrences.
ReplyDelete1) In spite of the galvanized roster that didn't want NXT showing them up, WWE booked the show the way they had intended to book it from the start, without deviating from the 'important' plan.
2) WWE felt weapons, weapons, and more weapons, and the fuck finishes, were how they could trump NXT. This one is fairly illogical, since the matches were booked before NXT blew everyone away. If there's any truth in this one, it only underscores even more how much WWE has lost touch with the core audience.
Still, my cash is on the former.
*** for Ziggler v. Harper and **1/2 for Cena v. Rollins? Strongly disagree on both
ReplyDeleteJust another note: at this rate, I hope Zayn, Owens, Neville, Balor, Charlotte, and Itami stay in NXT, assuming the modes of booking and presentation don't change for some time.
ReplyDeleteOh well.
ReplyDeleteYou seem cut up by that.
ReplyDeleteI'd go higher for the ladder match (***3/4, thereabouts), while Cena/Rollins seems about right for how convoluted it ended up being (far below both men's standards). As a small nitpick, I'd say Ambrose/Wyatt was worth about ***, but not much more. Ending really kills it.
ReplyDeleteGeez man, it was only a few months ago when Shield and the Wyatts looked so fucking strong and set to main event in the future. Just the way wwe can just kill anyone's momentum in such a short time is almost awe inspiring.
ReplyDeleteThis recap is 10X better than Matt's.
ReplyDeleteIt should be studied.
ReplyDeleteI gave the IC ***1/2 and Cena/Rollins ***1/4
ReplyDeleteI really should stop drinking Black and Tans and Makers Mark
ReplyDeleteBut that thread man.
ReplyDeleteThe thread turned into gold
ReplyDeleteIt was just first thread up. People were ready to pounce.
ReplyDeleteIt had everything, sadness, laughter, then just fun stupidity.
ReplyDeleteI've heard makers mark is pretty good, but not being a huge fan of alcohol burn, I'm hesitant to move up to the harder stuff.
ReplyDeleteI hope I don't cause you to quit :-(
ReplyDeleteZiggler v. Harper was a fun brawl that really played up to Ziggler's strengths as the heroic babyface fighting from underneath and wanting to win back the belt in his hometown. They really have played up how Ziggler just doesn't quit.
Plus, it had some fun spots (Harper's arm, ouch!), a great ending and they even let the blood flow.
A terrific way to open up the PPV
Rollins v. Cena was a fun Attitude era car crash brawl. Great way to bring back Reigns and instantly get the crowd behind him
People should visit that tread for the novelty of it.
ReplyDeleteSo the T in TLC actually stands for television. Swerve!
ReplyDeleteAmbrose v. Wyatt didn't do anything outside of stuff we've seen for two hours and then Ambrose jobbed to a monitor after jobbing to a hologram
ReplyDeleteIt is pretty'll put hair on your chest
ReplyDeleteRusso booked this show the whole time!
ReplyDeleteScott Keith meltdown imminent...
ReplyDeleteBut how many stars for each?
ReplyDeleteStairs match deserved more HPITA than the chairs match. It was comically boring
ReplyDeleteI'm pissed no heel used the money gesture for cheap, easy heat
ReplyDeleteBayless will finally take over.
ReplyDelete"So he grabs a TV from under the ring, which somehow inspires him to grab an even bigger ladder and put Wyatt through the Spanish announce table. However, he grabs the TV for the big finish, only to miscalculate the length of the power cord and have it explode in his face. Sister Abigail finishes at 26:30" some of our fantasy booking joke scenarios were less ridiculous than this.
ReplyDeleteThe wrestlers know you don't just go out there and produce fan reactions that aren't wwe approved.
ReplyDelete4 for IC ***1/2 for Rollins Cena?
ReplyDeleteBelee that!
ReplyDeleteThose dunderheads from elsewhere are just talking to themselves in the other thread now, lol.
ReplyDeleteI would say that I don't want to start a debate, but I sort of do here.....
ReplyDeleteHow can people be giving Rollins/Cena ***+ stars? Match was an overbooked mess, helped no one, told a terrible story, and wasn't even that well constructed spot wise. I am at a loss how it ever breaks **. I know that star ratings are subjective, but someone help me here.
It's pretty goddamn funny.
ReplyDeleteThey're having fun, we're having fun.
ReplyDelete"WHO BOOKED RYBACK TO GO TEN MINUTES?!" The same people that thought exploding a monitor in some guys face with a self inflicted injury was a good way to close a wrestling show.
ReplyDeleteFar be it from me to toot our own horn, but we basically saved Ambrose's career and WWE's future in Perri's review's comments section. You should check it out as we booked the territory.
ReplyDeleteVince Jordan?
ReplyDeleteYou know, I do feel SOME of the talent stepped it up tonight. I liked how brutal Ziggler/Harper was, Rollins/Cena was overbooked to hell and back but still fun, and Ambrose/Wyatt WOULD have been **** if not for that shit stain of a finish. But, they stuck with their goofy ass booking and that ruined it all in the end. As usual.
ReplyDeleteI'm really curious what the deal with Ryback is. Like, nobody can think giving him these 10+ minute matches is a good idea, right
ReplyDeleteThe Monitor was the true winner of that match.
ReplyDeleteI'm late watching... just about to start the main event, and I gotta say so far this has been a pretty okay episode of RAW. Oh, it was a PPV...
ReplyDeleteAmbrose/Wyatt would have to hit ***** to rate this show above R-Evolution. I gave Ziggler/Harper *** 1/2, with everything else well below that.
Nope. People from some site less popular than even 411. scaaaaaary
ReplyDeleteWell, here they come.
ReplyDeleteOh, Inside Pulse then.
ReplyDeleteLower, keep going.
ReplyDeleteStart from oldest first.
ReplyDeleteOnline Onslaught?
ReplyDeleteI'm aware of them at least. Keep going.
ReplyDeleteKeep guessing.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what's going on
ReplyDeleteThis PPV was Epic!! So much PG,So Much awesome. Rowan vs Show was the match of the night with the most PG ending ever. It's a shame that the Bunny wasn't there.
ReplyDeleteWho the fuck are those guys? That one dude is just writing novels in there.
ReplyDeleteGeez. This show really stunk!
ReplyDeleteYou will definitely be shocked by the ending.
ReplyDeletedailywrestlingnews? My anti-virus system blocks them so I can't imagine too many people being on that site.
ReplyDeleteLove your avatar.
ReplyDeleteIt fits his trolling personality.
ReplyDeleteGuy is over there in the other thread writing literally thousands of words that no one will ever read, it's tremendous.
ReplyDeleteWho would have thought that a tv monitor would main event a PPV and win it.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that's probably best
ReplyDelete:Cult of Personality hits:
ReplyDeleteLook at the face
What do you see
The trolling personality
I feel bad that you had to read it. Giving that guy attention that he doesn't deserve.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the best part of the night, in a night with a legendary thread, was Abey actually teaching that guy how to troll.
ReplyDeleteThanks Matt.
ReplyDeleteOh I didn't, I just scrolled through, like a Meekin post, just counting paragraphs.
ReplyDeleteThat's fair.
ReplyDeleteSomebody had to.
ReplyDeleteOh, just give it a few months, it'll be jobbing to Cena soon enough.
ReplyDeleteRspwfags ran away from the WAW superstar
ReplyDeleteThat TV monitor turned heel and joined the Wyatt Family lol
ReplyDeleteThat alone had to be tedious, can't imagine reading it.
ReplyDeleteOh, he's tired of talking to himself for 14 posts in a row, lmao
ReplyDeleteFuck off moron...the only thing you could teach anyone is how to take it up the ass and moan like a bitch
ReplyDeleteThey just said the name at the top post.
ReplyDeleteVinny's having a meltdown reviewing this show and it's tremendously hilarious.
My posts are the most educational pieces this moronic site has ever had
ReplyDeleteGoing gay immediately, that's no indication of anything.
ReplyDeleteYou can't teach that stuff, you're just born with it.
ReplyDeleteVinny takes it up the ass..wearewrestlingdotnet rules
ReplyDeleteYou don't even use punctuation, sir.
ReplyDeleteI was so happy that the PG goat John Cena beat that TV 14 Nirvana reject jobber Seth Rollins.
ReplyDeleteWhat's WAW?
ReplyDeletePunctuation? Is that some kind of queer lingo
ReplyDeleteVinny from F4W, not this site, you fucking dumbass.
ReplyDeleteHey troll. Cresto warned me about you.
ReplyDeleteNo one knows.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy because today I've found my friend...
ReplyDeleteHa! Nirvana reject.
ReplyDeleteSome gay porn site, I think.
ReplyDeleteWas there some reason Rusev vs Swagger couldn't be on Raw?
ReplyDeleteNot feeling this match at all. You can use tables, ladders, chairs & stairs... so he busts out a kendo stick? 5 gimmick matches on one card is too many.
ReplyDeleteYeah, just read it. That site probably has even worse malware than dailywrestlingnews. fuck them I'm not giving them a link.
ReplyDeletePPV was a boring mess. Almost none of the matches really told any kind of story, and instead were just spot/rest/spot festivals tied together by some kicky punchy. Based on the shitty finishes alone, several of the matches had no point in happening and served no narrative purpose either (Swagger/Rusev, Lee/Bella and Show/Rowan) and Rollins/Cena was overbooked all the way into hell.
ReplyDeleteThis event was so thrilling I managed to fall asleep during the main event only to be glad I did when I found out a TV exploded into Ambrose's face. What is this, King of the Ring 1993?
Hahaha, literally thousands of words in that other review, gone like that.
ReplyDeletePeople are weird.
Natural selection took the week off, I see.
ReplyDeleteThat troll makes me wish we had downvotes again.
ReplyDeleteYou will recognize my cheap excuse for a pun fairly soon. I respect you so much as a writer, but I couldn't help myself
ReplyDeleteWhen I spend 2 to 3 minutes laughing my ass off when your show is over that's a sign you truly booked Wrestlecrap.
ReplyDeleteTroll went to all of that trouble and got himself banned already? Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI thought they were calling Show "The Big Traylor"?
ReplyDeleteWhat's the deal? I am insanely lost.
ReplyDeleteYou missed a lot.
ReplyDeleteJust finished the replay after putting up Christmas lights(which was a horrendous mistake because I feel awful)
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts pretty much line up with Scott's. Ziggler vs. Harper was good. Was a bit disappointed because I thought they could have a great match but can't complain with what they did. Rollins vs. Cena was pretty crappy and everything I was worried about when they put them in a tables match. Ambrose and Wyatt was match of the night. Had it at ***1/2 like Scott. Both guys took some nasty bumps and had a fun match. Ambrose and Wyatt can't seem to buy a good finish to their matches though. Shocked they main evented over a Cena win with a surprise Reigns appearance(notably Reigns got a pretty good reaction)
Tag Title match was there. Sandow seems like a bit of an asshole basically making Miz wrestle the whole match while he rolls around like a turtle.
Can't comment on the Show/other Wyatt or Kane/Ryback matches because I've instituted a very strict no watching Kane or Big Show matches policy. Also, I missed Swagger/Rusev because I fastforwarded too far through Kane/Ryback and didn't wanna rewind.
In a vacuum this show is a thumbs down. As a bored wrestling fan who essentially watched this show for free(since I feel the NXT show was already worth around $10) and wasn't expecting a lot....Wyatt/Ambrose and Ziggler/Harper were good so I guess the show was alright.
WWE needs to let go of Kevin Owens he looks like a typical TV 14 IWC Smark. They should rehire PG greats like The Great Khali.
ReplyDeleteKevin Owens should be on Man vs Food
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! Enjoy your several second stay!
ReplyDeleteGreat another moron thinking his review of TLC means anything to us....keep the essays to yourself
ReplyDeleteNow, this, you see this people, this is how you troll.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that this site accepts my trolling because on WINC I used to troll but then stopped and they banned me for going off topic.
ReplyDeleteThat's why this site > WINC
Television Tables Ladders Chairs Stairs Slammys Mace and Big Show's Skillet of a Hand
ReplyDeleteEven Kevin Sullivan's saying, "Whoa, brother. You might've overbooked this one a bit."
Rusev is a future star theyre building up
ReplyDeleteLove how the troll's username is Feed Me Morons - Rejects.
ReplyDeleteEvidently that name means he wants to eat himself.
Fuck crest im a Colgate guy
ReplyDeleteAmbrose logically moves on to feud with Zap Shocker, the evil electrician who used a power grid so volatile that it somehow caused a breached power cord to explode. Zap is - of course - a repackaged Prince Devitt. But he can only use moves an electrician can use, like showing up late to things and flipping a breaker off and on.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get Internet AIDs.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me!! But that's not PG!! You should embrace PG sir!!
ReplyDeleteHey, I thought the essay was great.
ReplyDeleteYou've always been a big supporter of my freelance essay writing.
ReplyDeleteFuck you and your trolling standards
ReplyDeleteLast time I checked, trolling's not PG either so get out of here.
ReplyDeleteHe wants to eat rejects like you
ReplyDeleteWhy? I'm not harassing people. If you want me to stop then I'll stop.
ReplyDeleteYeah but if you're just gonna squash the same geek you already squashed months ago except in even faster time you may as well do it on Raw.
ReplyDeleteI love chocolate eclair
ReplyDeleteI hope you got that cock out of your ass
ReplyDeleteHey, congrats to you, you just graduated the NXT trolling academy. Your first other of business will be to try and put troll Vince Jordan.
ReplyDeleteOk bye :(
ReplyDeleteAsscrack has to show too
ReplyDeleteFuck you, I like ChocolateDipped!
I hope you one day come to accept the fact that there's nothing wrong with that, if that's what I enjoy.
ReplyDeleteChocolate cellar makes we want to vomit. ..just like all the queers at rspwfags make me want to do
ReplyDeleteSo Dean's going to definitely be in the final two of the Rumble.
ReplyDeleteReigns wins the Rumble after Dean slips on the cobra sock left by surprise entrant Santino.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy getting banned.....again.
ReplyDeleteTrolling in and of itself is not inherently non-PC. See Hornswaggle.
ReplyDeleteJust finished it and yeah... not a great show. First match was the best and that--despite their hype--was by no means a classic (wasn't even Ziggler's best match this year). Crowd was good. Commentary wasn't (though one positive was JBL actually putting over guys' work tonight instead of heeling on the babyfaces as usual). Just too many gimmick matches, while the non-gimmick matches were pure RAW caliber. And that main event...
ReplyDeleteYou must enjoy wanltching cyberfights because its for queers like you
ReplyDeleteAmbrose goes to wearewrestling. Sister Abigails himself. Wyatt wins.
ReplyDeleteWearewrestling dot net rules
ReplyDeleteSimon Dean deserves a push
ReplyDeleteI accept you for who you are. It's okay. You don't have to be so angry all the time.
ReplyDeleteRules so much, you take time out of your busy day to act like a double-ended dildo here?
ReplyDeleteMakes as much sense as the finishes on TLC
Hey man, go to your thread, you'll laugh for an hour.
ReplyDeleteI watched the first and last match and the Cena match. I felt those 3 matches were so disappointing I just skipped all the other matches
ReplyDeleteWhat ia it with all you morons posting mini reviews. Nobody gives a shit
ReplyDeleteHow does NXT prepare anyone for a career in WWE?
ReplyDeleteI dont see why...your a horrible writer
ReplyDeleteMojo Rawley rules
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't, it gives them the career they should have.
ReplyDeleteRoman Reigns winning the Superstar Of The Year was a great move by the WWE. Roman Reigns tore the house down all year with fantastic matches and he has NEVER lost a one on one match cleanly. I think this is going to be the first of at least 5 Superstar Of The Year awards for Reigns because the Roman Empire will reign supreme in the WWE for years to come.
ReplyDeleteDespite the finish I enjoyed the main event. It was fun watching both guys hit each other with everything they could find and Dean jumping off higher and higher ladders. The shock thing was weak. I agree with that.
ReplyDeletePunk is soooooo humble..SMH...hes a legend in his own mind and no one else's..He claims its because of him Bryan became Champion and said he created the Shield..... .SMH..He always seems to get upset when his friends, who are just as talentless as Punk, dont get pushed..Chris Hero in The Shield? Punk is crazy, its bad enough they put that cyberfights queer Rollins in the Shield put Hero would've flopped for sure..
ReplyDeleteCM Punk: 'It isnt about the money.'...6 months later hes calling Brock a motherf'r and complaining about not being able to have sponsors and claims he deserved to be paid more than Taker, Rock, and HHH..
So does Bull Dempsey!
ReplyDeletethink Luke Harper attacking Dolph Ziggler is great move..Ziggler has been a horrible IC Champion and only gets cheered because he is booked as a lovable loser ala Zack Ryder....Luke Harper would immediately restore the prestige it had when a world class athlete like The Miz was champion....Ziggler is only on Cenas team because someone on his team has to lose...I hope the WWE sends Dolph home once he loses at Survivor Series and then drops the IC Title to Harper because Dolph Ziggler just doesn't have anything to offer the WWE...Ziggler flops everytime the WWE gives him a shot and that promo last week with HHH was more proof of his inability to succeed, instead he just continues to suck.....
ReplyDeleteDidn't we hear this same line already?
ReplyDeleteAmbrose can deal with the loss...I think Dean is on the Cesaro/Ziggler level because he can afford to lose on a regular basis and it won't effect business. Its not like Ambrose is anywhere near ready to get the WWE Title. I think Reigns, Wyatt, and Rusev all have a much better chance at reaching that level...
ReplyDeleteWAW,This site,and TNA Mecca rule!! WINC sucks!!
ReplyDeleteAt a 2005 indy show in South Texas i yelled, "Where's Miss Elizabeth?", at Lex Luger. He gave me a mean look but just ignored me after that (even though i started a steroids chant that caught on with the crowd)..Everyone around me was like holy shit i cant believe you said that...LMAO good times
ReplyDeleteI agree. We should hang out some time? Are you on Facebook? Let's AIM!
ReplyDeleteIt slowly but surely starts watering them down. This prepares them for their WWE main roster matches
ReplyDeleteReposting? Come on, that's just lazy.
ReplyDeletealso think Ambrose putting over Bray Wyatt is a great idea and hopefully Roman Reigns can come back so Rollins can put Reigns over..Fans should be happy that the WWE are building up 2 future WM maineventers, Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns.
ReplyDeleteI dont blame the WWE for not trusting Roman Reigns's lackeys Ambrose and Rollins with a real main event match..Orton and Cena tore the house down with the MOTN that was pure wrestling. Ambrose and Rollins worked a horrible main event ANGLE, it wasnt event a real match. The good part is that guy who benefits most from what happened in the main event is Bray Wyatt and he wasnt even involved in the angle that built up the match....I cant wait for Roman Reigns to come back so Ambrose and Rollins can go back to working opening matches like those 2 other losers, Cesaro and Ziggler, who also failed to deliver the great performance all the smarks swore they would..
ReplyDeleteThis is a good day to sort the comments by "Best"
ReplyDeleteI honestly would rather they just stay in NXT than get called up if this is what awaits them.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Abeyance likes supporting horrible stuff.
ReplyDeleteIt won't be long before the Bellas are fueding for the Divas Title because Nikki and Brie out worked and out performed Aj and Paige...Aj and Paiges match was very dull and the crowd didnt care about the match at all. But when Brie Bella got the Yes Lock on, the crowd EXPLODED!!! I know that for the next month the best tv segments on WWE tv are going to be the interactions between Nikki and Brie because both of them are great actresses and more importantly, they are emotionally invested in the storyline, just like the fans are...
ReplyDeleteThis thread is starting to turn into Matt's thread.
ReplyDeleteTotally, dude. I don't think you've heard this, but you're pretty swell. We should be friends. Let's exchange numbers, okay?
ReplyDeleteTNA Mecca does have nice folks over there, I can tell you that.
ReplyDeleteI thought the Brooklyn crowd was very disrespectful during the Matadores/SlaterGator match. The fans should appreciate the WWE for going out of their way to provide us with a variety of entertainment.......Besides that, I appreciate Brooklyn for not chanting CM Punk during a Divas match, but the WWE is killing the Divas division by not pulling the trigger on that Rosa Mendes push....AJ and Paige just aren't getting over with the live crowds even though the WWE pushes them so hard.. Rosa on the other hand, is the most over Diva in the company who puts on great matches with anyone they put her in there with..I say toss the Total Divas rule out the window and put the Divas Title on Rosa Mendes......
ReplyDeleteHe's like the kid who wears floaters to the pool and keeps saying, "Mommy! MOMMY!!! Watch me dive! Watch me! WATCH ME!!! Please! Mommmy! Watch my dive into the pool!"
ReplyDeleteHI dont know what show you were watching but that Ambrose segment was horrible. The only reason the crowd popped was because they were happy to see John Cena get some help against the heels.... I think the Ambrose vs Rollins fued has lost a lot of steam and now the WWE fans want to see John Cena get revenge on that disgusting Seth Rollins for costing him the WWE Title...The only guys that boo John Cena are the guys who are jealous of him because their girlfriends love him.... Real fans love and respect John Cena and either way he gets a reaction..All I heard were the usual dueling Lets go Cena/Cena sux chants....Not once did I hear a we want Ambrose chant...
Why is Cesaro getting ANOTHER title shot? He has proven time and time again that he just doesnt have what it takes to be anything more than a jobber to the stars. The worst part about this is that Ziggler is the IC Champion and we all know Cesaro vs Ziggler will be nothing but a botchfest...In fact, i wouldnt doubt it if the person who sent in these results got confused with with Cesaro vs Ziggler and the Divas Tag Team match between Layla/Summer vs Natalya/Rosa Mendes because we all know Cesaro/Ziggler is going to be a bad match with a lot of botches while the Divas will put on a fantastic match.
ReplyDeleteWWF1987's cool if nothing else.
ReplyDeleteYou're a pretty smart guy. Can we be friends?
ReplyDeleteStop with the re-posting now man. It's getting old
ReplyDeleteIts a shame Daniel Bryan got hurt because watching Brock Lesnar destroy him wouldve made sitting through his horrible YES movement worth while....Either way i am glad that for once the WWE is going in the RIGHT direction by building towards a fantastic WM 31 mainevent in Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns. There is no doubt that Roman Reigns is the future of the WWE and having him beat Brock at WM would be HUGE, so kudos to the WWE for giving us what we REALLY want. Daniel Bryan can sit at home and milk his injuries so he can make his Total Divas money but the WWE is thriving without him.
ReplyDeleteFuck off rspwfag
ReplyDeleteIn both threads.
ReplyDeleteWhat brought the trolls out tonight?
ReplyDeleteI don't think you understand me. We're going to be friends.
ReplyDeleteTotally LOL! Brock's sooo cool. Are we friends yet?
ReplyDeleteThats what I tell myself everytime I visit rspwfags
ReplyDeleteI guess boredom
ReplyDeleteYou keep your queering to yourself
ReplyDeleteBy the way, don't know if I said this to you before, but since this is the first time I remember seeing you.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the BoD.
Why can't we share it?
ReplyDeleteAbeyance sticks cucumbers up his ass
ReplyDeleteMan, Scott is going to be so busy getting rid of 90% of the comments on this thread.
ReplyDeleteSo, I take it Dougie and his NPP cronies got bored?
ReplyDeleteYeah, it'll be down to like 100 less.
ReplyDeleteAre you offering there, pal?
ReplyDeleteYou can talk shit about any of us you want, you can call us rspwfags, you can insult my ability to write essays but you do not fucking talk shit about Abeyance you motherfucker.