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Tag Tourney Round One: Blocks AO-AV


  1. For some of these teams, I have a hard time remembering when they were champs. For example: rock/taker

  2. That's my big takeaway from this. I missed a lot of wrestling in the '00's. And from the names paired, I didn't miss that much

  3. Rockertaker's epic reign was one day in December of 2000, winning it from E&C on RAW and then dropping it back on Smackdown.

  4. Don't you assholes dare vote RKO over Bulldog and Owen.

  5. That was a toughie because I liked both teams, but I liked Bulldog/Owen just that little bit more.

  6. This tournament shows why the brand split creating two sets of tag champions was a bad idea. I barely even remember ANY of these teams post-2002.

  7. When were Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels tag team champs? Was that one of those "Tag Teams Who Hate Each Other" type deals?

  8. In doubt, always pick the old school team, even if they sucked.

  9. Bulldog and Owen were together long enough that they felt like a real tag team. Like, they actually used teamwork and had some chemistry together in the ring. RKO was a good foil for DX, but they never felt like more than two singles guys thrown together because Teddy Long 'just had an idea'.

  10. Mid 1997; Michaels left so they lost the tag titles and Dude Love was "picked as austin's partner

  11. It was *the* greatest tag teams who hate each other.

  12. Well, RKO were more than just two singles guys as Edge and Orton did take the team seriously and did attempt to get over as a team, but of course Bulldog and Owen have that special place in my heart where it's really hard to vote against them.

  13. And they actually lifted the belts from The Hart Dynasty, because why let those guys benefit from the push they got with Bret Hart's return. Of course, just as Cody and Drew began to develop some cohesion they were promptly split.

  14. I agree they took the team seriously, but their ring-work always felt very isolated to me. Actually, they were a lot like Michaels and Triple H where they gelled in promos but as a team they were just two singles guys taking turns in the ring. This makes sense as Orton and Triple H lack the tag experience of their partners.

  15. They had a real good match at King of the Ring '97 you should check out. As far as I know, it was the first time reigning tag champs wrestled each other.

  16. Hard to really argue against that but I think I'd go with Owen and Bulldog when they were at odds over the European Title earlier that year. Austin and Shawn tagged up over mutual hate for the Harts. But Owen and Bulldog were an established team that let a title come between them.

  17. I thought this tournament was only for WWE tag champs? John Cena and Shawn Michaels were the World Tag Team Champions.

  18. The Raw tag team titles were the WWE tag titles. The Smackdown ones were fake.

  19. Yeah, it's a real good hidden classic.

  20. Bulldog and Owen were doing well...but then came the RKO from outta nowhere.


  22. When in the hell was Rhodes and McIntyre tag champs? Or even partners?

  23. As epic as "John Cena and Shawn Michaels" might sound, fuck that. Natural Disasters drop them in 15 seconds to double avalanches or some shit.

  24. I want to see Cena try that "Double AA" on the Disasters. Can he do 800 lbs?

  25. Bulldog & Owen were a good team... but kinda just felt "Thrown together" because they weren't doing anything else at the time. And their key opponents were always weak teams or underpushed duos (Furnas/LaFon). Rated RKO felt like the two most evil dicks in the universe joining together, if just for a moment.

  26. Drew McIntyre's whole legacy seems to be.. appearing on WWE All-Stars, completely out of place. Cody might have been there if he hadn't completely found his groove in a tag team with his brother.

  27. He could do it now. Tenta has wasted away to nothing.

  28. I hear Cena can carry two fat chicks when he makes love as he lets one ride him cowgirl and the other one face sits him so I'm sure Cena can get the Natural Disasters up for the double AA.

  29. This reminds me of that interview where he said he slept with 6 women at one time. I know far more about John Cena's sex life than I care to know.

  30. There's no way Drew was in All-Stars.

    I refuse to believe this filth flarn filth.

  31. Ok, just looked up the roster.

    What the fuck is wrong with this game?

    Although in kayfabe, Drew probably deserves a spot over guys like Kofi. Kofi was never something meaningful, like WHC or Vince's "chosen one," whatever the fuck that meant.

    Although I'm sure The New Day will garner him a spot in the HoF sooner rather than later.

  32. Rock and Undertaker was actually a damn fun tag team.

  33. Extant1979 - Mr. Cable AccessJanuary 2, 2015 at 5:13 AM

    Disasters win when Jimmy Hart hits HBK with the megaphone, causing a count out.

  34. Wow such a tough choice in NAO vs The Rated R Entourage....

  35. That Howard Stern interview is still gold nearly a decade later. They were still pg 13 so he let it all out.

  36. I remember Rockertaker but RVD and Mysterio doesn't even ring a bell.

  37. as far as I can tell its using both.

  38. 2004. The year they could have pushed either RVD or Rey as main eventers but we got JBL instead and RVD and Rey were left to the midcard because WWE.

  39. Best Wrestling game in forever. It's designed by the same guy who did Wrestlemania Arcade Game / In Your House way back when. Exceptionally fun to play.

  40. Shhhh he's a role model.

  41. Hey they were cutting edge when it came to the Internet and social media even back then!

  42. Thanks! I got my first job around that time, my parents were using the VCR, and the internet was still a year away. I only got to see a Raw a month if I was lucky.

  43. It's a tough call for me for the reasons cited here. Owen and Bulldog were the better team, but RRKO was the bigger act. I like when major heels occasionally show some sense and pool their resources like that, too. But still gotta give it to Owen and Bulldog. They were part of a better Survivor Series team anyway.

    The easiest choice for me in the tournament is Owen and Yoko, though. They had the best dynamic, and I wish there had been some real competition for them in the tag division. That era really needed a super-prettyboy team like the Rockers or Hardys to chase the titles.

  44. Thanks, that'll be my week-end watching!

  45. Funny thing about this tournament is that I don't remember some of the tag teams. I honestly don't remember the Rock and the Undertaker being tag team champs.


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